,... ,- . cvtf/ec PEHMANENT MISSI.ON OF NlGEHIA TO THE UNITED NATIONS ~ 757 THIRD AVENUE NllW YOllK. N. Y. 10i.>l7 Tel~obone; HJ\uover 1·2610 ova aar... His Excellency U Thant, Secretary-General of the United Nations, United Nations Headquarters, New York, N.Y. 10017 Excellency, I have the honour to forwr~rd herewith a communication from the Chairman of the Ni~erian Institutr~ of International Affairs. Accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration. __....<) LG-Cl_ C" c ( c_ .. / (S. 0. Adebo) Permanent Representative C: NT G :J~RIAN . INSrfi'TU1~E 0 F IN1'El<.N i\.1'1 ON AL i\._ FFAIR~ f'ATRQN: KJ3 t::XCJ.~ lLt.N CY l"II C HI!.AD OP TIIH FEl.JllHAL • ~ u•lrUUC <.H' NIGE.KJA. rRUSTE:: s KOFO ABA YOMI ROAD. Slit Ail I 0 1\:Ul"DO AOEMOLt\, 1-\ .0.E., C . ll.R., P.C. , LL .D . (C/Jait nUJJ') ll.f. CJIILf S. O . A).)l:.BO, C.~t.G., O, A. , LL.B., LL.O . VICTORIA ISLAND, l' R0 F K . 0. Olfo.:. t::, Ph. u . , LL.l>. , O .SC. Ul<. It, ,\, U. l>l t\.KO, M.H.C.S., L. R .C , V,, O.O. N. SIK KASIIIM IUtl AHIM, G .C.O.N. , K.C ,M.O . G.P.O. BOX 1727, SIK LOUIS M DANI:.FO, C •.I:-' .R ., Kt. LAGOS, THE COUNCIL PROF S. 0 . DI OOAI-\U, C .M.G. M.A. , l'h.u . NIGERIA. C HiEF A , Y. liKE, M.A. , D.SC. UK. T. 0 . t: ll,\5, Q.C ., C.f.IC, D.A,, LL.M., Ph.D., LL,D. TELEPHONE: 28221 -28223 PROI' KALU I:ZERA, M.A . , l' h .u. PH. OF [. i':JOKU, O.A., M.~C. , J>h .O,, D.Sc. ( 3 Lines) AUIAJI M AIT AMA ::iULE. S. 0. W I: \', ESQ., O ,}',A., LL.D. TELEGRAMS } DIRECTOR-GENERAL AND & INTER :-.lATIONS, LAGO SEC RETARY TO COUNCIL CABLES OR, L. A. £1A8UNMJ No.NIIA-1/4/S.4D/3/55 12th July, 1967. His Excellency, The Secretary-General, United Nations Organiza~ion, U. "'llant, U . 1~. Headquarters, Ne v1 York , N •Y • Your Excellency, Formal Opening of the Headquarters of the Nigerian Institute of International ~fairs We received, with great pleasure and joy, Your Excellency's message of good-will and encouragement, conveyed in your letter of 30th May, 1967, on the occasion of' the formal opening of ou1.. Headquarters building. You will be interested to know that it was Chief Adebo, Nigeri~'s Permanent Represen tative to the United Nations, who read out your message at the ceremony, which was witnessed by observers from all the continents. The signi­ ficance of your message to the Institute, and indeed to Nigeria, was stressed by His Excellency, the Head of the Federal Military Government, Major-General Yakubu Gowon, in his own speech on the auspicious occasion. On behalf of the Council and Trustees of the Institute and myself, I thank Your Excellency for the great honour you have thus co~erred on the Institute in particular, and on Nigeria as a whole. 2. As stated in one of the two key speeches (enclosed herewith fo~ your general information), the Nigerian Institute of Inter­ national .A:rfairs "ho.I>es to work simultaneously on three levels - as a Nigerian Institute in Lagos, an J~rican Institute in Nigeria and a world Institute in Africa- providing a meeting ground for peo,l>le of all nations and a rich soil for the cross-fertilization of their minds." In this regard, we feel greatly encoura~ed and challenged by the faith you h ave reposed in our Institute s ability to make, even in a small way, a more positive contribu­ tion to the work of the United Nations f amily of organizations and to the building of a better world order. 3. Once again, thank you for the messace of congratulations and good wishes. We take this opportunity to re-a:f:firm our pledge and loyalty to the Charter of the United Nations, its pur,l>oses and objectives. With be st .P ersonal regar ds, Yours sinc.(i~y, t(~ )~ -~ -~'------"~- ( Si'rA.dctolcunbo Ademola), .· Chairman. .../2 • 2 Enclosures (il Programme of Pormal Opening of Headquarters c·.:: Description of buildings (llJ. Sp eeches by:- (a) Ht. Hon. Sir Adetokunbo Jldemola (b) Major-General Yakubu Gowon • • • CVN/cc +.M.... I te ,.aur u.iii...,J~IIUJ• .,118111r'd.UI« ~ -- aft.il.Ule to u !taut, • or Ana ... .a.~.-. 1 Fifth , Flaar ._Yock-. • •Y . ~ cc: .Mr. Baraai.mbaly Mr. Lemieux v NEW YORK UNIVERSITY W ashington Square College o f Arts and Science ON~ f iFTH A V ENUE, 5TH FLOO R, N EW YORK, N .Y. 10003 ARE /\ 212 777-2000 Schweitzer Program in the Humanities October 24, 1967 .u Tha.nt, Secretary-General United Nations United Nations Plaza New York, New York Dear Secretary-General, I thank you for your kind and informative let t er of 16 October. I know you will do everything in your power to bring the fight­ ing in Nigeria to an end and you are, of cour s e, the sole judge of how best your influence may be exerted in t he existing circumstances. ' I .May I take this opportunity of expressing t he admiration which I share with so many others throughout the wor ld for the courage and constancy you have shown in the d i scharge of your high respon~ibili.ties in the service of peace . With kind regards. You;;:ne:,~ Conor Cr~~e O~Brien . .( .. N A PEACE TAl~S ANIJ RELIEF ASSISTANCE The Consultative Committee of African Heads of State, appointed by the Organization of African Unity, concluded their last meeting in Niamey, Niger Republic, on Friday, 19th July, 1968. The committee consisted of: His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia, (Chairman); His Exce.llency William V. S. Tubman, President of Liberia; His ExceUency Ahmadou Ah idjo, President of Cameroun; His Excellency Hamani Diori, President of the Niger Republic; His Excel'lency Lieutenant-General J .A. Ankrah, Head of the State of Ghana; The Honourable Jean Umba-Di-Lutete, Deputy Foreign Minister of the Congo (representing His Excellency General Joseph Mobutu, President of the Democratic Republic of the Congo). In its conclusions, the Committee called on the secessionist faction in the Nigerian crisis "to co_-operate by accepting relief supplies of food, medicine and clothing, transported through the 11 mercy" corridor to the collecting points and to provide facilities to ensure the safety and free movement of the personnel of the international rei ief agencies ••••• 11 It also urged parties to the Nigerian dispute 11 to resume peace talks as soon as possible in order to achieve a final solution to the crisis prevailing in their country L with the object of preserving Nigeria•s terri­ torial integrity and guaranteeing the security of all its inhabitants." The full text of the communique issued by the O.A.U. Consultative Committee is as follows: "The Organization of African Unity Consultative Committee on Nigeria meeting in Niamey on Friday, 19th July, Having reviewed the present developments in the Nigerian civil war; Deeply concerned about sufferings of civil ions on both sides; Considering the urgent need for supplies of food, medicine and clothing to be sent qu.ickly to the affected areas; Considering further the efforts made by various governments and institutions to convey into the affected areas badly needed supplies of food, medicine and clothing; Confident that these governments and international institutions will continue to give assistance to the affected areas; Mindful of its mandate from the assembly of Heads of States and government of the Organization of African Unity held at Kinshasa; Taking note of the decision by the Federal Government of Nigeria to establish .. a corridor in the territory it controls to enable the dispatch of food, medical and clothing supplies to the affected regions, as well as of its decision to guarantee the security of members of international relief organizations entrusted with the task of trans­ porting and distributing these supplies; (i) Requests the Federal Government to imp 1lement without delay its decision to establish a "mercy" corridor with appropriate collecting points to facilitate the transportation ofesse~tial food and medical supplies to the affected areas; to guarantee the safety and freedom of movement of the agents of international relief organizations within federal controlled territory so as to ensure the distribution of these supplies to the needy civil ian popu lotion in the affected areas; and also to guarantee the safety and security of observers and representatives of international relief agencies who shall inspect supplies at such collecting points; (ii) Appeals to the secessionists to co-oeerate by accepting relief supplies of food, medicine and clothing transported througn the "mercy" corridor to the collection points and to provide facilities to ensure the safety and free movement of the personnel of the international relief agencies and guarantee effective distribution to the needy civil·ian population in the territory under their control; (iii) Thanks those governments and organizations which have so far given assistance for their sympathy and generosity in relieving the sufferings of the civilian population and appeals to these and other governments and organizations to assure the con­ tinuation of this humanitarian support; (iv) Urgently appeals to all member states of the 0 .A. U. to assist in this massive humani­ tarian relief efforts; (v) Urgently invites both parties, as a matter or urgency to resume peace talks as soon as possible in order to achieve a final solution to the crisis prevailing in their country, with the object of preserving Nigeria's territorial integrity and guaranteeing the security of all its inhabitants; (vi) Decides that the Organization of African United Consultative Committee shall remain at the disposal of both parties to help them in this direction.
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