IN SIDE Winter break is just a month away. Check out our & list of films to i'o watch. •news press Volume 49 ·Issue 1 1 www.kapionewspress.com 11.15.10 Annual award Clubs gather in friendly competition expanding to students, faculty For the first time, YELTs will know that, but they're not the only ones excellent on campus;' he said. honor students and faculty "We want to recognize staff (like) in addition to instructors. janitors, maintenance workers (and) clerical workers. All those people are By Joie Nishimoto . a part of the campus, and we don't ED ITOR -IN-CH IEF get to see them. For the first time, Kapi'olani Com­ We only recog­ munity College's Excellence in Teach­ nize them when ing Awards (ETA) will be extending things don't get its recognition and appreciation to done, but these not just professors, but to students people actually and faculty as well. work hard:' Now called the Year of Excel- In addition lence in Learning, Teaching and Sup- Ford to faculty, the port (YELTS), this award identifies YELTS will begin accomplished individuals who were to recognize students. nominated by their peers. "That's most important;' Ford said. Staff members will have the chance "We're here for the students to learn. to be awarded beginning this year. Why is our faculty excellent? Because According to Shawn Ford, Faculty they have excellent students:' Student Relations Committee chair­ According to Ford, he wants to man, KCC does not have an award have awards for Chartered Student SEAN NAKAMURA/KAPI'O for excellent staff members, but said Organizations (CSO), such as for Students from the Radiology Technology team trek across the pavement in front of the 'Ohi'a cafeteria using that other campuses like UH-Manoa Board of Student Activities, Board paper plates as a "lily" to venture on top "lava," one of the few games that was played on Field Day. The Office of Student Activities hosts these games every semester where students from different departments compete. do. "We do have excellent faculty, we VEl TS: See page 8 UHM art exhibit to display 'Mystery and Alphabets' By Alika Pfaltzgraff hosted a panel discussion entitled tion to any one gender, even going so STAFF PHOTOGR APHER "Looking for Edward Gorey: life in far as labeling himself asexual when Cape Cod, the legacy of his museum, pressed for answers. Gorey was also The University of Hawai'i Art Gal­ a director's personal friendship, the infatuated with fur coats and boasted lery in collaboration with the Uni­ passion of a lifetime collector, and a lavish inventory at all times. It was versity of Hawai'i Library presents the interpretation of a scholar." The said that he died with 21 coats in his "Musings of Mystery and Alphabets of discourse featured Rick Jones, direc­ closet. His affection for fur waned Agony: The Work of Edward Gorey:' tor and curator of the Edward Gorey toward the end of his life, as his admi­ The exhibition commemorates the House; collector John A. Carollo; ration of his cats intensified. 1Oth anniversary of Gorey's death and and University of Hawai'i at Manoa The UH Art Gallery has been showcases the Edward Gorey Collec­ humanities scholar Dr. Joseph Stan­ arranged to highlight the themes tion from the Manoa Library's Special ton. The event was sponsored by Art Gorey is renowned for: murder, sur­ Research Collections, which contains and Art History, the College of Arts realism, odd creatures and objects. roughly 700 Edward Gorey books, and Humanities and the University of The display also doubles as a scaven­ ornate art books, original prints, clas­ Hawai'i Library, Manoa Campus. ger hunt based off his alphabet book sic posters, vintage note cards and Panel members regaled the audi­ "The Gashlycrumb Tinies;' featuring carefully handmade toys collected by ence with personal anecdotes and 26 children scattered about the display ALIKA PFALTZGRAFF/KAPI 'O John Carollo, Honolulu composer and obscure tidbits about the reclusive who've met their untimely demise. The Edward Gorey Display at the University of Hawai'i: Manoa Art Gallery committed Gorey collector for more author. Ironically, Gorey himself was Lisa Yoshihara, director of the art showcases a bevy of work by the late authorli' :~ s trator. than three decades. never particularly fond of kids, and gallery calls it "a once-in-a-lifetime Gorey gained prominence in the tones, yet never delving into the dis- early work, appealing to both adults moreover, less fond of people. He was opportunity to see such as vast range '60s with starkly snide illustrations tasteful. His children's books evoke and adolescents alike. also noted for being of ambiguous of Gorey's works:' The exhibit is sched­ containing decidedly macabre over- the manic stylings of Tim Burton's Last week, the Art Auditorium sexual orientation, denying attrac- uled to run until Dec. 10. INDEX Campus news 2 lEW 3 Harry Potter 4 3 5 Editorial 6 Lea rn more about va rious Halloween may be long Column 7 world cultures by attend­ gone, but t hat doesn't Top 10 7 ing International Educa­ mean you still can't enjoy tion Wee k. a good pumpkin dish . 2lnews CAMPUS AND COMMUNITY BRIEFS of events around KCC Invest in your future career Contest to promote World AIDS Day By Remington Taum There have been a number of Some internships will stay within STAFF WRITER engineering firms and computer the state; positions on Maui or the In honor of Word AIDS Day on Dec. 1, KCC's Service-Learning For the first time, Kapi'olani Com­ modeling companies that have been Big Island will be available, but also program will be partnering with the Life Foundation to hold the Youth munity College's Science, Technol­ contacted to participate in this event. on the Mainland and internationally. Leadership Challenge .. The contest is open to all KCC students who ogy, Engineering and Mathematics Some of the companies that have Students who have decided to go out want to express the message, "Get Real, Get Tested:' (STEM) center will be holding an been asked to attend do ecological of state or internationally have been The deadline to submit all entries is Nov. 15. For more information, internship expo on November 30. and microbiological research and sent to Alaska, Washington D.C. and . visit the Service-Learning office in Iliahi 129 and pick up the challenge Though the STEM center has work with telescopes. even Costa Rica. packet. You can also visit worldaidsdayhawaii.org for background never held this internship expo "Because we have all these "We send our students all over the information on World AIDS Day. before, they have held undergradu­ resources and we've been working to world;' said Okui. ate research fairs that showcased stu­ connect students to internships and Students who have participated dents' work and a monthly pa'ina for we know it's important to their suc­ in internships have been offered jobs UH-Manoa College of Education those interested in the program and cess;' said Undergraduate Research with the company they trained with. advising comes to KCC campus those currently involved. Coordinator Nari Okui. A student participated in the Pacific From 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. in front of If students attending know what Internship Programs for Exploring Liberal arts students who plan to earn a bachelor's degree in educa­ Koki'o, students will find a variety they want to do for their career, they Science (PIPES) program with UH­ tion are recommended to make an appointment with Denise Nakaoka, of opportunities to learn about and should come prepared with resumes, Hilo and is currently working for UH-Manoa's College of Education adviser. Nakaoka will be on the KCC apply for internships. The internship though it is encouraged that students them. campus Tuesday, Nov. 16, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. event will be held in front of Koki'o who are undecided attend the expo. Eventually students who are To arrange an appointment, contact KCC Arts and Sciences Coun­ because it is where most science­ "The focus of this internship fair is employed by these companies will be selor Kristie Malterre at 734-9511 or at [email protected]. related courses take place and where so that students can see what's avail­ able to make contacts and continue to the STEM office is located. able to them here;' Okui said. move forward in their careers. The event welcomes all students Some of the internships will grant Okui also explained that some KCC to showcase three films on to apply for internships. students the chance to work with internships are funded. If the stu­ domestic violence and abuse awareness The internship will focus on professional researchers, those doing dent is involved with an internship STEM-related careers, and hopefully conservation work in Hawai'i and that doesn't pay, and they are doing On Monday, Nov. 22, from noon to 1:30 p.m., KCC's Violence Prevention will have at least 25 participating learn necessary skills to succeed in Taskforce and the Student Engagement Office will be screening three short organizations. these jobs in Hawai'i. STEM: See page 8 local films that revolve around domestic violence and abuse. Local film producers Misa Tupou ("Not I"), Genie Joseph ("Choices") and James Sereno ("Silent Years") will be in 'Ohi'a 118 to answer any ques­ tions about the films. Gobbles and grinds Don't have time to make turkey at home for Thanksgiving? Sign up in 'Iliahi 126 to eat some food, play games and win prizes.
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