It is a pleasure to acknowledge the courtesy of the Northern Pacific Railway Company in furnishing material for this art.ide.-EoiTOR. VER the Northwest following the histOric The Northern Pacific opened the Northwest to O footsteps of Lewis and Clark "where a civilization and settlement. It carried Custer to his woman led the way," Baldwin locomotives power Indian wars. It provided a direct route tOward the the Northern Pacific's North Coast Limited. Enter­ tea and spices of the Orient. Alaska, tOO, was ing its 41st year, this train is one of the few in the brought closer by the Northern Pacific. It was the world to have operated for so long a period under first railroad to connect the nation with its first the same name. national park, Yellowstone. ~ The Northern Pacific route is preeminent as the Nowadays the North Coast Limited provides "First of the Northern Transcontinentals." It was direct Pullman service to four Yellowstone gate­ that histOric system which in 1883 first spanned the ways-Gardiner, Cody, Bozeman and Red Lodge. glamorous plains and mountains of the Northwest Meanwhile the national park system in Northern .. • when Indians and buffalo had the run of the coun­ Pacific territOry has expanded until in addition to Y.I try. Names like Custer, Lewis and Clark, Sitting YellowstOne it includes Rainier National Park and c.::s Bull, Buffalo Bill, Calamity Jane, Jim Bridger, Kit Olympic National Park, both in the state of Wash­ Carson and many more frontier figures are asso­ 111gton. ~ :i!: ciated with the region. The woman who led the Baldwin Locomotives c:::::) 0 way was the 19-year-old Shoshone Indian mother The firSt Baldwin power on the North Coast c.:> who in 1805 guided the Lewis and Clark expedi­ Limited when that train began operation was a -I .... a= tion across the Northwest wilderness from the Mis­ Class E-3, 4-6-0 type locomotive built in the year 0 souri River to the headwaters of the Columbia. 1890, which pulled the train on the western end of Y.I She carried her papoose on her back during the the system. Its Baldwin construction number was :z: Q tOilsome journey and for her great service to the 11,228 and it originally carried Northern Pacific 0 American nation received exactly nothing, accord­ number 616. --I 0 ing to Eva Emory Dye, the Oregon historian. Her Starting in 1909, when they were built, a fleet :c husband, Charbonneau, however, was paid $500. of Class Q-3 Baldwin locomotives had the job of a= Memorials to the Indian girl, which today dot powering the Northern Pacific's crack train. These ..... ....... :i!: the route of the North Coast Limited across the were 4-6-2 Pacific type and their locomotive num­ Northwest, indicate that although she received no bers ranged from 2148 to 2170. ~ ~ 0 monetary acknowledgment, the present generation In 1934 ten Class A-2, 4-8-4 type, roller bearing appreciates fully the value of her accomplishment. locomotives were built for North Coast Limited ::liE ::e A few of the cities and towns which do her honor service by The Baldwin Locomotive Works. They :i!: are Bismarck, North Dakota; LivingstOn, Mon­ rank among the largest locomotives but in a few -....­ 0 tana; Three Forks, Montana; Pasco, Washington; respects are slightly surpassed by eight Class A-3 and Portland, Oregon. roller bearing locomotives built at the Baldwin 3 4 BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVES BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVES .~ Class A·2 Locomotive, One of a Lot of Ten Built by Baldwin in 1934 for the NOI\TH COAST LIMITED. Cylinders 28" x 31:: Grare area 115 sq. fr. \Vheel Base­ Weighr-On drivers. 294,400 lb. Dnvers, dwmerer 77 Warer hearing Driving . .. 20' 8" Taral engine .... 489,400 lb. Boiler, diamerer 88" surface 4,964 sq. fr. Rigid 13' 4" Toral render Sream pressure 260 lb. Superhearing sur­ Taral engine 48' 5" (% c. & w.). " 314,073 lb. Firebox, lengrh 162" face 2,174 sq. fr. Taral engine and Tank capaciry .20,000 U. S. gal. A Baldwin-Built Class E·3 Locomotive of the Type Used on the NOI\TH COAST LIMITED Firebox, widrh 102114" Tracrive force 69,800 lb. render 95' 3" Fuel capaciry 27 rons When It Began Operation Forty Years Ago. Cylinders 19" x 24" Sream pressure 140 lb. Drivers, diamerer 62" Weighr on drivers ... 80,000 lb. Weighr, roral engine 105,000 lb. Picturesque Northwest Fruit, nut and flower culture give rise to fruit Plateaus, prairies, mountains, desertS, river val­ and flower festivals generously held in Pacific leys, lake shores and seashores are all linked in the plant in 1938 and added to the Northern Pacific tained periods. By virtue of improved drafting Northwest communities from strawberry time in Northern Pacific system and with this variety of fleet. arrangements they have shown remarkable fuel the spring to English walnut harvest in the fall. topographical forms naturally goes an ever-chang- A distinguishing feature of these locomotives is performance. Of such is the famous Portland, Oregon, Rose 109 scenIC panorama. Roller bearings on the engine trucks, drivers, Festival, the Tacoma, WashingtOn, Daffodil Fes­ their large coal and water carrying capacities (27 Picturesque Northwest industries -livestOck trailers and tender axles have entirely eliminated tival and many Others. tons of coal and 20,000 gallons of water) which ranching, lumbering, fruit-growing and mining­ trouble from hot bearings. The ten Class A-2 loco­ Cattle ranching's chief recreational offspring is enable them to cover long distances without re­ and their accompanying surroundings furnish fas­ mOtives have made in excess of 4,000,000 miles the Dude Ranch vacation, originated near Medora, plenishing supplies. They are therefore adaptable cinating travel color. In fact, the recreations of without a hot bearing while the eight Class A-) North Dakota, by Eaton's Custer Trail Ranch in for long runs. the region are strikingly molded by the occupa­ locomotives have made nearly 1,500,000 miles 1876, with the result that Dude Ranches are now The A-2 and A-3 locomotives were designed to tions. One example is the rodeo celebrations, without a bearing failure. Northern Pacific burn a semi-bituminous Montana coal known as America's most exciting sport, held annually at scattered all along, not only the Smooth, silky starts are made possible by the Billings, Miles City, Livingston, Butte and Red system, but other railroad lines. "Rosebud," which is strip-mined about 35 miles new locomotives and their great power produces Lodge, Montana; LewistOn, Idaho, and Pendle­ south of Forsyth, MOntana. This coal COntains rapid acceleration. ton, Oregon. Another is the log rolleo of the lum• North Coast Limited about 8,750 B.T.U. per pound, 25 per cent mois­ In the course of their daily operation these loco­ berjacks held in the big timber country of Wash­ For 1,406 miles, the North Coast Limited fol• ture and 9 per cent ash. motives are obliged to meet all the natural condi­ ington and Oregon. Loggers and lumbermen com­ lows scenic rivers on its transcontinental run be• Their larger boiler capacity, resulting in ample tions encountered in the West-changes in alti­ pete at tree CUtting, tree tOpping, log-rolling, block tween Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Fargo, Bis• steaming margin, has made these locomotives cap­ tude, in weather, in grade of track and weight of turning, log jousting, canoe tilting, axe twirling marck, Billings, Butte, Missoula, Spokane, Seattle, able of delivering maximum horsepower for sus- load. and other dangerous and sensational feats. Tacoma and Portland. Rivers seen from the Lim- Class A-3 Locomotive, Eight of Which Were Built by Baldwin in 1938 and Added to the NOI\TH COAST LIMITED Fleet. CylJnders 28" x 31:: Grare area 115 sq. fr. Wheel Base- , " Weighr-On drivers 294,000 lb. Dnvers, dlamerer 77 Warer heaong Dnvlng 20 8 Taral engine .... 491,800 lb. One of Twenty-three Pacific Type Locomotives, Class Q-3, Built by Baldwin in 1909, and Boiler, diamerer 88" surface 4,746 sq. fr. Rigid 13' 4" Toral render Used on the NORTH CO.\ST LIMITED for Many Years Thereafter. Sream pressure 260 lb. Superhearing sur­ Toral engine 48' 7" (% c. & w.) ... 312,523 lb. Cylinders 22" x 26" Sream pressure 200 lb. Drivers, diamerer 69" Firebox, lengrh 162" face .2,026 sq. fr. Toral engine and Tank capaciry .. 20,000 U. S. gal. Weighr on drivers .. 142,500 [b. Weighr, roral engine. 219,000 lb. Firebox, widrh 102114" Tracrive force 69,800 lb. render 96' 11" Fuel capaciry 27 rons Vacation Bound Over the Transcontinental Lines of the Northern Pacific. Young Northern Pacific Passenger Tackles One of the g Baked Potatoes for Which the Great 'rthwest is Famous. A l'ellowstone Bear Cub ma Thoughtful In the Shadow of Mt. Rainier. Mood. Washington, Which Towers 14,408 Feet Above Sea Level. Sioux Indians from the :)trmding Rock GREAT AL.L.S F in the Grand Can· Rp.!\p.rvntinn fl., SP.PIl. !>v I.hp. NnrlJu,rn 8 BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVES BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVES 9 tOry; and rhe Columbia, rhe narion's grearesr power 1883, borh for rhe hauling of mear and rhe haul­ scream. ing of salmon from rhe Columbia River and Puger The firsr day our of Chicago leads across Minne­ Sound. His mear packing emerprise failed, be­ sora's "Land of Ten Thousand Lakes." For miles cause, ir is said, Easrerners of rhar period were beyond Sr. Paul and Minneapolis rhe crain follows wary of frozen mear and because his beef was rhe evergreen-deciduous cree boundary in (he land grass-fed. of Hiawarha and Minnehaha.
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