THE UNIVERSITY OF DELHI. CALENDAR· ( 1927·28. 1928·29 &: 1929·30.) UNIVERSITY OI'EICE. 1930. C opiu of lhe UnivuMly Publications can be had of .- 1. The Imperial Book o.p..~ Chandni Chowk, DELHI. 2. 'The Universal Book and Stationery House. K~~hmere Gal· DELHI. 3. S. Chand & Bros .• Chan~ni Chowk, Delhi~ CONTENTS. CALENDAR !lOR 1930 FOB 1931 LisT Oil'" HoLIDAYs IMPORTANT DATES UNIVERSITY TERMS AND VACATIONS LisT Oil' 0FFICERR AND AVTIIonmEs .. i Officers ..• i l\[eru hers ol the Court iii , Executive Council ix " ,. Academic Council x " ,. Faculty of Arta • • :rii " ,. Faculty of Science xiii " .. ,. Faculty of Law .. xiv ,. Committee of Courses and Studies in the Faculty of " Arts •• xiv , Committee of Courses and Studies in the Faculty " of Science xvi .. , Committee of Courses and Studies in the Faculty of Law xvii ,. Board of Co-ordination •. xv:ii " .. ,. Residence, Health and Discipline Board . xvii , Finance Committee xv:iii " , Committee of Selection xviii " ., Lihrsry Committee :rix " ,. Admission Committee n " i:iL'CC'ESSION LIST OIP 01'1'ICERS J[J[ TEACHING STAFP- Faeulty of Arts nii Faculty of Scienc• J[J[V Faculty of Law nvi HEPRESE!\'TATI\'ES OF THE l'NIV!>RSITY ON OTHER BODIEO xxv:i !ItsronY oF THE EsunLISHMEXT Oli' THB Ul!m'ERSrrY 1 Tn& DELHI Ul!nvEnsrrY AoT ~tntem•nt of Ohj~ets and R~usons atteche<l to t!te Delhi University Bill 11 Ut•port "I the Joint Select C"mmittee on tho Dt>lhi University Bill • • 12 il PAGES. Tn11 AcT 21 ~ection 1. Short title and commencement 21 2. Definitions •• " 21 " 3. The University 22 4. Powers of the University " n .. 5. Territorial exercise of powers 23 " 6. University open to all classes, castes and creeds 23 7. 23 " Teaching of the University 8. Officers of the University " 21 9. The Chancellor 2! " 10. The Pro-Chancellor 25 " 11. The Vice-Chancellor " 25 " 12. Powers and duties of the Vice-Chancellor 2~ ., 13 . The Rector 2:; 14. The Treasurer 2~ " " Ui. The Registrar 26 16. " Other officers 26 " 17. Authorities of the University 26 " 18. The Court •• 26 19. " Meetings of the Court .• 27 20. Powers and duties of the Court " 2i " 21. The Executive Council 2S " 22. Powers and duties of the Executive Council 28 " 23. The Academic Council 28 24. The Faculties 29 " 25. Other authorities of the University 29 " 26. Universit,y Boards . 29 " .. 27. Constitution, etc., of Boards to be prescribed by Ordinance• 29 " 28. Statutes 29 " 29. Statutes how made " 30 30. Ordinances " 31 31. Ordinances how made •• 31 " 32. Regulations 3~ " -33, Residence 32 " 34. Colleges 32 " 35. Halls 33 " 36. Admission to University Courses 33 " 37. Examinations 3:1 " 38. Annual Report 34 " 39. Annual Accounts 34 " ·!0, Removal of names of Registered Grad nate. " 3! iii PAGES. Section 41. Disputes as to constitution of University authorities and bodies 34 4 ., Con•titution of Committees 34 " -· ... .. 4:l . Filling of casual vacancies 34 .. H . Proceetlings of University authorities and bodies not in- validated by vacancies 34 4:i. Tribunal of Arbitration 35 " .. 41i • Pension and Provident Funds 35 47. Removal of difficulties 35 " 41\. Completion of Courses for students at Delhi Colleges 35 " TuE iicnEDULE.-The Fir.t Statutes ojtlte University 35 ChtUHC I. Definitions •• 35 • .. 2. Constitution of the Court 36 3. Constitution of the Executive Council 36 .. 4. Powers of the Executive Council 37 ;,, The Academic Council 38 " 6. Powers of the Academic Council 38 " .. 7. The Faculties 39 8. Powers of the Faculties 39 " 9 Board of Co-ordination 4.0 " 40 " 10. The Dean .. .. 11. Halls 40 .. 12 . Attachment to Colleges and Halls 40 .. 13. Withdraw•! of Degrees and Diplomas 40 14. Honorary Degrees 40 " 15. Regi•tered Graduates •. 40 " .. 16 . Other Officers 41 .. 17. Committe-es of Selection 41 Additional Statute• 42 IS. Recognition of Colleges 42 " .. 1~ . The Fncultics 42 .. :!0. Tho Universit,y Teachers 43 :!I. Uegistration of Graduates " -43 2'' Ad Eu11Jcm Degrees a " 23.-· Term of Ollice of Vice-Chancellor .• 4! " .. 2t. Fellowship of Eronomics H :,!.). University Scholarships 41 :!tL (I) En<lowed Soholnrshit>• 45 " (2) Endowed M<'dnl• 45 27. l~eetor~s Prize 4G " .. :!~ . (I) Unh·er.ity J,uw Hall 46 (2) WurJen, I.aw Hall .• 46 .. ~9 . Ll<w rrise .. .6 iv PAGES. Clause 30. The Provident (Permanent Appointments) Fund 46 ,. 31. Annual Report 48 ,. 32. Annual Accounts _ 48 ., 33. The Provident (Temporary Appointments) Fund 48 "fHE UNIVERSITY CoDE _ 51 Chapter I. The University •• 51 The powers of the University 51 Territ<Jrial exercises of powers 5ll University open t<J all classes, castes and creeds 52 II. The Officers· of the University 53 " Other Officers 53 Powers of other officers 53 III. The Chancellor • . 54 " Removal of names of registered graduates 54 Disputes as to constitution of University autho- rities and bodies 54 .. IV. The Pro-Chancellor 55 V. The Vice-Chancellor 55 " Appointment of the Vice-Chancellor 55 Term of office of Vice-Chancellor •• 55 Powers and duties of the Vice-Chancellor 55 .. VI. The Rector 56 Appointment of the Rector - 56 Powers and the duties of the Rector 56 VII. The Treasurer •. " 57 Appointment t nties.etc., of Treasurer ,. 57 Powers and duties of the Treasurer 58 .. Vlll. The Registrar •• 58 Powers and duties of the Registrar 59 IX. The Deans 59 " .. X. The Proctor 60 Powers and duties 60 XI. The Librarian •• 60 " .. XII. The Warden 60 Warden, Law Hall 61 XIII. 61 " Tho Teaching of the University University Teaching by Recognized ~l'eachers 62 University Lectures 62 Uirect University Teaching 62 .. XIV. The Teachers of the University 63 Definition of Teachers of the U nivernity 63 Definition of Teachers •• 63 The Universit.y Teachers 63 ., PAGES. Chapter XV. Appointed Teachers of the Uirlversity •• 63 Appointment of teachers 63 Readers in Physics an<l Chembtry 64 Reader in Economics .. 64 Form of Agreement of Service . 65 .. XVI . Hecognised Teachers of the University 68 XVII. The Authorities of the University 68 " Regulations of Authorities 68 Disputes as to constitution of University autho- rities and bodies 69 Constitution of committees .. 69 Filling of casual vacancies 69 Proceedings of University authorities and bodies not invalidated hy vacancies 70 xvm. The Court 70 Constitution of the Court 70 Meetings of the Court .• 72 Powers and duties of the Court 72 Withdrawal of degrees nud diplomas 73 Election of Registered Graduates : . '13 Mode of election of Registered Graduat<>s 73 Election of Teachers '14 Mode of election of teachers 74 ll ules for election of Five Members of the Court to the Executive Council 75 ltegulations for the conduct of the Meetings of the Court .. •• .. 75 Annual Meeting ... '15 Notice of Meeting 76 Business for the Court 76 - President of the Court 76 Quorum 76 Notice of Resolution and amendments 76 Procedure •. 17 Committee .. 79 Reconsideration of previous decisions 79 Supply of minutes 80 Intcrpellations 80 .. XIX. T ha Executive Council 80 Powers and duties of the Executive Council 80 Powers of the Executive Council .. 81 Constitu!ion 8S R~gu)ations for the CUlHlud of the 1\Jeet.juga of the ~xe-cnti""c (\lUDC'il .. 83 vi pAGES~ Cbapter XIX :lleetings 83 Quorum 84 XX. The Academic Council " 85 Powers and duties tl-6 Constitution 87 Regulations for the Conduct of the lllcetings of the Academic Council 88 ~leetings .. 88 Quorum 88 XXI. The Faculties (General) 88 " Constitution 89 Powers 9ll The Dean .. ~0 ,. XXII: The Faculties of Arts '91 Regulations for the procedure to be observed at the meetings of the Faculty 91 XXIII. The Faculty of Science 91 " Regulations for the conduct of the Meetings of the Faculty of Science 92 .X.XlV. The Faculty of Law 92 " XXV. Committee of Selection .93 " Coll8titution 93 Regulations for the conduct of the Meetings of the Committee of Selection 9{ XXVI. l'omwittee of Courses and Studies (General) 94 " XXVII. Committee of Coursesand Studies in the Faculty of " Arts 94. Regulations Regarding Constitution and Meetings 94 xxvnl. Committee of Courses and Studies in the Faculty of " Science .. 95 Regulations Regarding Constitution aml :IIeetings 95 XXIX. Committee of Courses &IJd Studies in the Faculty of " Law 95 XXX. Admission Committee 95 " XXXI. Univ~rsity Boards 95 " XXXII. Residence, Health and Discipline Board 96 " .. XXXIII. The Board of Co-ordination 97 XXXIV. The Library Committee 97 " .. XXX\'. The Finance Committee 98 .. XXXIV. The Establishment Committee 99 .. XXXVII. The Sport.s Tournament. Committee 99 XXXVIII. Admission of St-ud<'nts to the Uuiver£;it-y 100 " A.-Qual(ficatiOH fol' Adm"-•sitm .. 101 )Iigration during Courde 102 vii PAGEs. Chapter XXXVIII. ~ligration after the con•J•lction of ConrF~ 102 Admission to Post Graduate Courses 102 JJ.-Jfetltoil of Atlmission 103 C.-Re·admiss•'vn of Student$ 10! XXXIX. Ordinances relating tc Examination• ani! Cour.c• of " · Study lOr. P<lGilfly of Arts. Intermediate Exuminntiuu (I.A.) 105 B. A. Examination lll D. A. Honours Conn<• 117 M.A. Examination 12.1 Ftsculty of Science. Intermediate Examination (I.Sc.) 121 B. Sc. Examination 130 Faculty of Law. Bachelor of Laws (J,L.B.) 1.32 Vompartmontal Examination in Law 136 )laster of Laws (LL.l\I.) 131 Doctor of Laws (LL.D.) 140 .. XL. Colleges and Hall• 141 Colleges 141 Recognized Colleges 141 Inspect.ion of Colleges 142 Halls 142 University Law Hall 143 XLI. Re•itlence, Health and Di"Ciplil}e of Students 143 Hesidence 143 Attachment to Colleges and Halls 143 .. XLII. Uegulntions for the u•e of the Library 145 .. XLIII. Examinations .. 146 (A) Gen~rnl Rules 141\ (ll) Rules regarding tlJe npJ•ointment and duties of F..xaminers and Examination eouunittee-s .
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