WESTFIELD LEADER Thm Leading And Mott Widely Circulated Weekly Tiew$paper In Union County (-EIGHTH YEAfi—No. 20 Entered &a Second Clu* Matter Publlahad Poet Ofnce, WeatfiaU. X.t. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 1958 •very Thurii 32P«g«»—lOCraU ited Fund To Hold Beware Speeders! YMCA To Hold Annual ' Radar Is Here Dinner To Honor A radar unit to cmtrol •st Annual Meeting •peedinf ana1 otter mliiu Open House Saturday violations suck M corotoa* and rackleia driving has been School Board Public The Westfleld YMCA will hold The Gra-Y Hellcat Club will purchased by tho Polica De- Mayor, Council ontributors its annual open house program conduct a movie-swim night from partment, it was announced Hearing Is Tuesday Saturday in recognition of Na- 7 to 9 p.m. While the eighth grade today by Del. Lieut. John tional YMCA. Week. The program Junior Hi-Y "Clubs will sponsor a Duelks, acting police chief. d to Vote, will consist of only regularly canteen program for all eighth TH. Beard of Education The unit will be pieced in Events Set For Dr.CleeWill scheduled activities. grade boys and girls from. 7:30 operation early next week. will koU . public luuni o. All club programs, gymnasium to 10:80 p.m. The program will in- Duolks warned residents to er Reports Me KSt-59 buJ|.t Tue.«V periods, recreational and instruc- clude movies, swimming, game Brotherhood Speak at Annual ional swimming classes will be room, bowling and dancing. "be careful and observe the •t S ..•. i. the Elm Street open for observation along with speed lawi, especially on quiet Jlrst annual meeting of the Sckeol auditorium. Tk« hu4. The following is the schedule residential streets." He said Id United Fund will be the activities in the lobbies and that will be followed Saturday: Observance Affair Feb. 3 t*t. which aatouaU U »3,- game rooms. it was from such areas that [the Wateunk Room in the 9:15 a.m., Trailblazer A, gym; most complaints originate. I Municipal Building 51*,7S1, reflecU • 20-poiiit The bowling alleys will be avail- Trailblazer B, club; 10 a.m., Dr. Lester H. CIce, former state able for adult and student bowline Speeders are easily appre- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who _ay at 8 p.m., according to •ckool T«K rat* increaie. Trailblazer A, .swim; Trailblazer hended with radar, Duelks will speak at the jWestfleJd Senior senator, one-time gubernatorial H. Baumer, president of at member rates. Scheduled for B, gym; Trailblazer C, club. candidate and currently a member 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. in the annual warned. The unit will be op- High on Thursday evening, Feb- ird of Trustees. The main 10:45 a.m., Trailblazer A, club; erated under the supervision ruary 6 under the auspices of the of the State Board of Parole, will ' the meeting will be to boys department swimming cham- Trailblazer B, swim; Trailblazer be the principal speaker »t the Name Aides To —Paul ScarB pionships. Events will be open to of S|{t. Thomas Catalon Jr., Westfield Brotherhood Committee, I Board of Trustees of C. gym; Gra-Y, club; 11:80 a.m., safety officer. has received more than 40 awards dinner honoring Westfleld'i Mayor lie, to hear reports on the LINDA KEHRLI all members according to age Trailblazer C, swim; Rancher, for his leadership of the Mont- and Town Council Monday, Feb. complisbments and trans- Study Fund Use groups and awards will be given club; Gra-Y, gym. gomery Improvement Association, 3, at the Chi-Am Chateau, Moun- other business as may to the first six places. These will 12 noon, Royals vs. Raiders (at tainside. 1 be presented at the annual sports the organization which guided and the meeting , Baumer Rainbow Girls Roosevelt Junior High School); Plan Series On directed the bus protest in Mont- Toastmaster for the annual non- nyone who contributed to recognitldn program. 12:15, Rancher, gym; Gra-Y, gomery, Ala. This was pointed out Lycan, Tighter Head Following the swimming cham- partisan tribute to the mayor and Btfleld United Fund last swim; 1 p.m., Rancher, swim; Foreign Policy by Dr. J. L. McCorison Jr., pastor council will be Donald H. Bagger, . member of the fund or- UF Sub-Committees Hold Installation pionships the father and son swim Jokers vs.Tigcrs (at R, J. H. S.); of the First Congregational and entitled to vote, will be open to family groups as former member of tho Westfield 1 Eagles vs. Blue Devils. Church, who is consultant and pre- Town Council. pointed out, ,Dr. William Lycan of 26 Fair Miss Linda Kehrli guests of the YMCA. All members 2 p.m., Warriors vs. Rangers; Registration Still siding officer of the local com- Hill road and vice president in are reminded that bathing suits ( The Invocation will be offered" Vestfleld United Fund was Klansmen vs. Satellites (at R. J. mittee. Time magazine selected by the Rev. Richard J. Htrdman, charge of Research, Johnson and Is Worthy Advisor will be required throughout the H. S.); 2:30 p.m., "Y" junior Open for Course Dr. King as one of the most out- i last year in response to day. rector of St, Paul's Episcopal ard survey of Westfield Johnson, and Dr. Max Tishler of sivim team away vs.. Gariield; 3 standing personalities of the year, Tours through the YMCA build- Church. en 90 per cent of those re- 674 Shackamaxon drive, presi- Miss,Linda Kehrli of 941 Wy. p.m., Bombardos vs, Olympians An American Foreign Policy dis- and the Gallup Poll revealed that andotte trail was installed as wor ing will be made periodically with ussion group is being formed at Dr. Clee was pastor of the Sec- anted to combine the an- dent, Sharp and Dome Division (at R. J. 11. S.); 3:30 p.m., bas- he is one of the most admired re- ils of charitable and thy advisor of Atlas Assembly 44 members of the YMCA Board of ketball film showing; 4 pm., Wormi the Westfleld Adult School this ligious leaders in the world. Dr. ond Presbyterian Church In New- organisations into one of Merck A Co., have been, appoint- Order of the Rainbow for Girls i Directors serving as guides and spring. The scries of discussions McCorison added. ark from 1026 to 1950; chairman Campaign. In the campaign ed chairmen respectively, of sub- the Masonic Temple, Saturday. also hosts for the open house. (Please turn to page 2) will be inaugurated .Monday at 8 of the New Jersey Stfcte Mediation suited last October, • the committees on "Polio" and "Can- The installing: officers were San- p.m. The group' will meet every All residents of Westflold and Board from 1950 to 1951; presi- al was realized for the cer" by James R. McDonald an Monday evening thereafter for surrounding communities are in- dent of the New Jersey Civil Serv- dra Zastrow, installing worthy ad- WHS Seniors to Give ko Commission from 1951. to in ten years, for a total Charjes A. Butcher co-chairmen visor; Judy Clark, installing mar- two hours a night for 11 weeks. vited to the meeting. Tickets aro Club Groups Sets Shakespearean Play The group will meet ut Roosevelt available without charge at drug 1964, and has been a member of i than $225,000. Recogniz- of the United Fund special advis- shall; Gail Schrul, installing chap- Junior High School, 301 Clark and newspaper stores. the State Board of Parole elnca this was a townwide ac- ory committee. lain, recorder and soloist; Mrs. J all citizens, all donors S. Bell, installing mother advisor; Annual Musicale The senior class of Westfield street. Dr. King's address will highlight 1954. ' ' \fen the right to vote at the Other members of the commit- and Mrs. H. Evelyn Johnson, or- High School will present a Shake- This 11-week series," stated town-wide celebration of Brother- The speaker was associated with neeting. tee appointed to these two sub- ganist. spearean play, "Twelfth Night," Warren L. Zicgler, director of the hood Week by many Westfleld the late Chief Justice Arthur T. Program Benefits Friday and Saturday evenings, civic, service and religious organ- committees are, for "Cancer," Dr. The Rev.' Konald Suttnn of th( northern'Now Jersey world poli- Vanderbilt in pioneering th» persons will be nominated Feb, 14 and IB, at 8:30 p.m. in izations. The Presbyterian Church 'lean Government movement in trustees by a nominating Bradford N. Craver, 806 Moun- First Methodist Church was guos Scholarship Fund tics program, "offers participants tain avenue; Dr. Richard B. Ma* the high school auditorium. Tick- an opportunity to understand bet- In Westfield has listed Dr. King's Ssscx County during the 1030's. headed by Arthur C. speaker. ets, under the chairmanship of speech as one of the nigiits in its nan, of 1 Stanley oval. well Jr., BOS East Broad street: Other officers,are: Worthy as The music department of the ter our position in tihe world to- Dr. Cleo was speaker of thf Dr. Brewstcr S., Miller, 561 Hill Jay Picrson and Juily Wilson, will ilay." Sponsored throughout tho annual forum, and the Presby- New Jersey House of Assembly in (elude William H. Baumer, sociate advisor, Marion Desch Woman's Club of Wcstfie-lu will go on sato Jun. 29. A special tery is holding two institutes on a ; E.. Meder Jr., Louis J. crest avenue, and Mrs. Harry M. charity, Lynn Humphrey; hopi area by churches, synagoguesygg, li- 1935, and served in the Senate Montgomery, 2-40 Watohunp fork, hold its annual musical for the matinee for students will be given brark'S, world neighborhood basis with an of his state from 1036 to 1988, | David Schimmel, Mrs.
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