Time and Frequency Transmission Facilities

Time and Frequency Transmission Facilities

Time and Frequency Transmission Facilities ▲Ohtakadoya-yama LF Standard Time and Frequency Transmission Station Broadcasting accurate Japan Standard Time (JST)! ● Used in synchronization of radio clocks ● Used as a time standard for broadcasting and tele- phone time announcement services Providing highly precise frequency standards! ● Used as a frequency standard for measuring instruments ● Frequency synchronization of radio instruments ▲Hagane-yama LF Standard Time and Frequency Transmission Station National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Incorporated Administrative Agency Space-Time Standards Group Japan Standard Time Project he standard time and frequency signal are synchro- Low Frequency T nized with the national standard maintained by NICT. However, even when transmission is precise, the preci- sion of the received signal may be reduced by factors Standard Time and such as conditions in the ionosphere. Such effects are particularly enhanced in the HF region, causing the fre- Frequency quency precision of the received wave to deteriorate to nearly 1 × 10-8 (i.e., the frequency differs from the stan- Transmission dard frequency by 1/100,000,000). Therefore, low frequen- cies, which are not as susceptible to ionospheric condi- tions, are used for standard transmissions, allowing ational Institute of Information and Communications received signals to be used as more precise frequency NTechnology (NICT) is the only organization in Japan standards. The precision obtained in LF transmissions, responsible for the determination of the national frequency calculated as a 24-hour average of frequency comparison, standard, the transmission of the time and frequency is to 1 × 10-11 (i.e., the frequency differs from the standard standard, and the dissemination of Japan Standard frequency by 1/100,000,000,000). Descriptions of the Time. Ohtakadoya-yama and Hagane-yama LF Standard Time Japan Standard Time and Frequency generated by NICT and Frequency Transmission Stations are given on the are transmitted throughout Japan via standard radio last page. waves (JJY*). The master clocks of the time announce- Please note that although standard signals are continu- ment services provided by broadcasting stations or ously transmitted, they may be interrupted for maintenance through the telephone are synchronized to Japan Stan- and inspection of instruments and antennas or for thunder dard Time. Standard radio waves transmitted from low damage evasion. frequency (LF) stations contain time-coded information on time, which is superposed on a highly precise carrier For detailed information on the standard radio transmis- frequency signal. sion, please contact Japan Standard Time Project, Space-Time Standards Group of NICT * JJY is the call sign of the radio station and form a registered trade- Range of LF standard time and mark (T4355749) of NICT. frequency transmission £]xää {äHxä` 6É £]äää xäHÈä` 6É £]xää {ÎHxÎ` 6É xää Èä` 6É £]äää xää xÎHÈÎ` 6É xÎ` 6ÉÈÎ` 6É " Ì>>`Þ>Þ>> Ê-Ì>`>À`Ê/iÊ>`ÊÀiµÕiVÞ /À>ÃÃÃÊ-Ì>ÌÊ­{äÊâ® >}>iÞ>> Ê-Ì>`>À`Ê/iÊ>`ÊÀiµÕiVÞ }>iVÌÞ]Ê/Þ /À>ÃÃÃÊ-Ì>ÌÊ­ÈäÊâ® ÊÕiÀV>ÊÛ>ÕiÊLiÜÊi>V Ê `ÃÌ>ViÊ­®Êà ÜÃÊÌ iÊÛ>ÕiÊ LÞÊV>VÕ>Ì}ÊÌ iÀiÌV>ÞÊ >ÃÃÕi`Êvi`ÊÃÌÀi}Ì ° 1 National Institute of Information and Communications Technology Applications of Observations Standard time and frequency transmissions are used to LF standard time and record the times of astronomical observations (meteors, occultations, etc.) and for time synchronization of seis- frequency transmission mometers and meteorological observation instruments. Radio Clock Radio Clock Features A radio clock automatically corrects time through reception Radio clocks have an automatic time-correction function of the standard time and frequency transmission signal. to adjust time periodically (depending on the product). In Japan, time is synchronized to JST through reception The radio clock works as normal quartz until the next re- either of 40kHz transmission from Ohtakadoya-yama or ception opportunity. 60kHz transmission from Hagane-yama LF Standard Time The time may be synchronized with high precision with er- and Frequency Transmission Station of NICT. ror of only several milliseconds relative to JST. The radio clocks need to be placed where standard waves are easily High-Precision Frequency Calibration received so as surely to adjust time. (It takes about several minutes to receive the signal and adjust its time.) Using the received LF standard time and frequency trans- The automatic time-correction clocks do not work appro- mission signal and the data released by NICT, it is possible priately in radio noises (such as inside of buildings, in to calibrate the standard frequencies of radio instruments cars, near high-voltage power lines, and near electric ap- and measuring instruments with precision on the order of pliances or OA devices). 10-11. Application Fields for LF Standard Time and Frequency Transmissions *ÀÛ`}Ê } ÞÊ«ÀiVÃiÊvÀiµÕiVÞÊ>` ÌiÊÃÌ>`>À`à i«ViÌiÀ UÊvÀiµÕiVÞÊÃÌ>`>À`ÊvÀÊi>ÃÕÀ}ÊÃÌÀÕiÌà "LÃiÀÛ>ÌÊ«Ì UÊvÀiµÕiVÞÊÃÌ>`>À`ÊvÀÊÀ>`ÊÃÌ>Ì UÊÃÌ>`>À`ÊÌiÊvÀÊÕÌ`ÀÊVVà `i«Ì ÊvÊ Þ«ViÌiÀ `ÃÌ>ViÊvÀÊ Þ«ViÌiÀ ,>`Ê ÌÀi` Þ«ViÌiÀ Và UÊÜÀÃÌÜ>ÌV UÊÌ>LiÊVVà UÊÜ>ÊVVà "LÃiÀÛ>ÌÊÃÌÀÕiÌà UÊÕÌ`ÀÊVVà UÊ ÌÀÊÃÌ>`>À`ÊÌiÊvÀ ÊÊÊÃiÃ}À>« Ê>`ÊiÌiÀ}V> ÊÊÊLÃiÀÛ>ÌÊÃÌÀÕiÌà Ê-Ì>`>À`Ê/iÊ>` ÀiµÕiVÞÊ/À>ÃÃÃà iVÌÀV>Ê>««>Vià UÊÀ>`ÚVÌÀi`ÊV«ÕÌiÀÊVVà UÊÀ>`ÚVÌÀi`Ê iÊÕÃi`ÊiiVÌÀVà UÊÀ>`ÚVÌÀi`ÊÀ>`ÊV>ÃÃiÌi /À>ëÀÌÊ>` iiVÌÀVÊ«ÜiÀ UÊÕÌÊVÌÀÊvÊÃÌÀiiÌ>«ÊÉvv UÊ ÌÀÊvÊvÀiµÕiVÞÊ>`Ê« >Ãi ÊÊÊ>ÌÊiiVÌÀVÊ«ÜiÀÊÃÌ>Ìà /À>vvV UÊ ÌÀÊÃÌ>`>À`ÊÌiÊvÀÊÀ>Ü>ÞÊ`ÕÃÀÞ UÊ/À>ëÀÌ>ÌÊ­ÌÀ>vvVÊ} ÌÊVÌÀ® UÊ ÌÀÊÃÌ>`>À`ÊÌiÊvÀÊÌ>ÝÊVVà National Institute of Information and Communications Technology 2 Overview of LF Standard Time and Frequency Transmission Facilities he standard frequency and time signal is generated T by the high-performance cesium atomic clock oper- ated in the clock room. These signals are then amplified by the transmitter and impedance-matched to the antenna, and they are trans- mitted throughout Japan as the standard time and fre- ▲Top of the umbrella antenna quency transmission signal. NICT generates, maintains, and Disseminates Japan Standard Time. ▲Standard time and frequency transmission station Block diagram of the signal transmission system of the LF standard time and frequency transmission station / iÊ >Ì>ÊÃÌÌÕÌiÊvÊvÀ>ÌÊ>`Ê ÕV>ÌÃÊ/iV }Þ /iÊV«>ÀÃÊÕÃ}ÊVÕV>ÌÊ 1LÀi> Ìi> >«>Ê-Ì>`>À`Ê/i «ÕÌiÀ ÌÀ}ÊÃÌÀÕiÌ Ã>ÌiÌiÃÊÀÊ*-ÊÃ>ÌiÌiÃÊÃÊ>`«Ìi`ÊÀi}ÕÀ>ÀÞÊ ÌÊii«Ê>`ÊVÌÀÊÌ iÊiÝ>VÌÊÌiÊ>ÌÊÊ ÃÌ>`>À`ÊÌiÊ>`ÊvÀiµÕiVÞÊÌÀ>ÃÃÃÊ UÊ,iÌiÊÌÀ} UÊ,iÌiÊÌÀ} ÃÌ>Ìð UÊ/iÊ «>Àà Ê-Ì>`>À`Ê/iÊ>`ÊÀiµÕiVÞÊ/À>ÃÃÃÊ>VÌià ÃÌ>ÌÕà -Ì>ÌÕÃÊÉÊ ÌÀ i>ÃÕÀ} i>ÃÕÀ} /À>ÃÌÌiÀ ÃÌÀÕiÌ «ÕÌiÀ >`Ê ÌÀ £**- ÃÌÀÕiÌ iÃÕ ÌV ÕÞ >ÌV } } Ì} V >` Ý ÀÀiÃÌiÀ V /iÊ-}> xâ xâ ÀiµÕiVÞ xâ /À>ÃÌÌ} - vÌ -}> /À>ÃÌÌiÀ ÃÌÀÕiÌ £**- iiÀ>ÌÀ /À>ÃÌÌ}Ê-}> «i`>Vi *À>ÀÞÊ-Ì>`>À` /iÊ-}>Ê ÌÀÊ, /À>ÃÌÌiÀÊ, , >ÌV }Ê, / iÊÊÃÌ>`>À`ÊÌiÊ>`ÊvÀiµÕiVÞÊÌÀ>ÃÃÃÊÃÌ>ÌÃÊ>ÀiÊiµÕ««i`ÊÜÌ Ê>Ê«ÀÛ>ÌiÊiiVÌÀVÊ}iiÀ>ÌÀÊÌÊ«ÀÛ`iÊL>VÕ«Ê«ÜiÀÊ`ÕÀ}Ê«ÜiÀÊÕÌ>}ið 3 National Institute of Information and Communications Technology Clock Room Transmitter Room This room is specially designed to enable stable operation The room has two high-power transmitter systems (main/ of the high-performance cesium atomic clocks, and is back-up) to amplify the signals to 50 kW. During malfunc- equipped with precision temperature and humidity control tion of the instruments comprising the main system or in as well as electromagnetic-field shielding. These features the event of an emergency, the back-up system automati- completely isolate the atomic clocks from the effects of cally takes over. changes in the surrounding environment. Time Signal Control Room Impedance-Matching Room Here, the LF standard frequency signal and time code are A matching transformer is installed in this room to perform generated using the standard signal from the cesium impedance matching between the transmitter and the an- atomic clock. Automatic control, data collection, and im- tenna for efficient transmission. Since high power radio age-based monitoring of various instruments within the waves pass through this room, generating a strong elec- station are also performed in this room. tric field, the inside walls are all copper-shielded and are off-limits during transmission. National Institute of Information and Communications Technology 4 Time Codes Provided Determining and Reading Time Code 1 Information Contained in Time Code Hour, minute, annual date, year (the last two digits of the by LF Standard Time dominical year), day of the week, leap second, parity bits for hours and minutes, and notification on future transmis- and Frequency sion interruptions The hour, minute, annual date, year (the last two digits of Transmissions the dominical year), and day of the week are represented in binary terms [BCD (Binary Coded Decimal Notation) positive logic]. Time Codes of LF Standard Time and 2 Second Signal Frequency Transmissions The start of each second corresponds to the rising of the The time code of the LF standard time and frequency leading edge of the pulse signal. The point at which the transmission contains information on the hour, minute, pulse reaches 55% of its full amplitude (midpoint between annual date, year (the last two digits of the dominical 10% and 100% amplitude) is synchronous with the second year), day of the week, leap second, parity for hours and signal of standard time. minutes, and notification on future transmission interrup- tions. Time code is expressed by a pulse train that switches 3 Pulse Width between pulse signal output levels of 100% and 10%. The Marker (M) and position markers (P0–P5) : 0.2 s ± 5 ms transmission is designed for continual applicability as a Binary 0 : 0.8 s ± 5 ms frequency standard, with a continuous signal even during Binary 1 : 0.5 s ± 5 ms the low level pulse (10%). This time code is mainly used for synchronization of radio clocks.

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