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+ w-~II - ~11-RU-1111 - KII - IIII-IIII - WII - IUI - YII - ~111 - 11;1 - IIII - IIII - 1111 - IIII -llll-llll-llll- llll -llll-lltl-l+ i = i ~ j THIS ISSUE CONTAINS ! i- !I ! YOUR OFFICIAL NOTICE I I . i AND INVITATION i i ! I TO THE 1 i= .I = I f Tenth Anniversary I i 1 i Celebration 1 i ! 1 1i and Reunion 1 i 1 1 of the l • ! I = t 80th DIVISION 1 i= .I f In Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania i j .A..ugust 31 to September 4, 1927 1 • ! ! i + l..,-. t lll- llll -liN-nll- 1111 -hll.-.llll-.--1111-llii-1111-II~-~I!-IMI-IIII-IIit-IHl-thl--iiii........_Uti-QII-ItW-IIII-N+ +·-~~~~-llll-llll-llll-1111-lllt-1111-llll-llll-llll-1111-llll-llu-IIII-UII-MU-IUI-IIu-IIII-IIU-IUI-1111-IW-IIII-A~-1111-IIII-IIIl-1UI- IIW - IIII -IIII-Illl-llll-lill-liii-IIII-IW-Iill-ll-·-·-··+ I I I i I i Professional and Business Directory i i of the Members of the~80th i SUBSCRIBED TO IN THE SPIRIT OF CO-OPERATION RATHER THAN ADVERTISING .I LET YOUR BUDDIES KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING 1 ·l 11-IIU-IIII- IIII-IIIl-IUI-1111-IIII-IUI-•IIII-IIU- IIII-Ilii-IIU-Uli-!III-II II-III I-IIII-1Lil-lii1-IP-1-MII-IIII-IIII-~11•-IIll-IUI-IIII-UU-Ili-IIII- IIIII -•-•-•- • -•-•-•-IIII-MI-·- i ! ATTORNEYS CIGARS AND CIGARETTES INSURAXCE j l Cella, Carlo D., 141 Broadway, New Wells, Howard, Hotel Petersburg,. Madden, J. J., Repr esentati\-e of Met- j l York City. Petersburg, Va. £f~~i~3Ydg~i~itt~bu'r g~~ ·Pa~e s t End j Johnson, Louis A., 1002-1011 Union • Bank Bldg., Clarksburg, W. Va. DRUGGIST REAL EST_\TE ,1 Wm. L. Fleming, Bakewell Building, 1 Peterson, A. R., 10 S. LaSalle St., McKee, Mayne W., Cor. East and Pittsburgh, Pa. Cour 0522. Rent- 1l Chicago, Ill. Royal Sts., N. S., Pittsburgh, Pa. ing Agent for New Plaza Building, 1 McFall, Wm. B., St. Nicholas Bldg., Fifth and Sixth Avenue. Ready for I Pittsburgh, Pa. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Occupancy NovembeT 1, 1927. j Shulgold, Jacob, 965 Union Trust Kramer, Christ. Star Electric and REAL ESTATE AND IXSL'R_\....'\ CE j Bldg. Atlantic 3896. Construction Co., 4917 Second Ave., Lichtenthaler, H. P., FTeehold Real 1 Pittsburgh, Pa. Hazel 3464. Estate Co., 311 Fourth A...-e., Pi ts- ! S burgh, Pa. Court 5800. ! 0 CHAIN HOTEL OPERATION FL RI T Schaffer, Elmer F ., Schaffer Realty 1 Clark, B. C., Bakewell Building. Court Dave Hill Floral Co., Fifth and Wood Company, 7301 Hamilton _\...-e . j 5437. Grenoble Hotels, Inc. Sts., Pittsburgh, Pa. Franklin 3242. 1 n-wu-IIII-IIII-IIW-IIU-IAI-IIU-uA-1111-MU-1111-IIII-1111-IIII-1111-IIM-IItl-1111-llll-llll-llil-•-uu-tUJ-IIIt-~u-IIII-IIII-1111-IIII-•-MM-.a-llll-llll-llll-llll-•-•-•---- I I To many, this issue of "Service Magazine" will be received with both interest and surprise. In other I years a small folder announcing the National Reunion of the Division was mailed to those members of the Division for whom a good address was had. This year in view of the special character of the 80th's Tenth Anniversary Celebration, it was felt that the Division's members-both active and inactive, would welcome a copy of "Service," telling all about the biggest event that the Divi.sion Association has planned since the establishment of National Headquarters in Pittsburgh in 1919. Once a member of the 8'n'th-always a member. It is rather late to get a transfer even if one desired it, and we don't know of any of the Buddies who are exactly ashamed of their old outfit and would like : o call themselves anything else than True Blue Ridgers. Eight years ago we returned to our homes and ten years has elapsed since the grand old Division wa" formed. This is worthy of taking about five days off from our work to consider and give thought. Many things have happened in this period. Comrades have passed to the Great Beyond-young comrades haye been born and are growing up-new friendships, new duties, and new experiences in life have been the lot of all of us, but that dreamlike experience of 1917 and 1918 has not effaced itself from our memories, al­ though it may be hazy in spots-they were sad days and glad days, but the glad ones overshadow all others. At least life is more pleasant if this really does apply. The 80th is one of the very few, and we believe from what we have learned, the ONLY National Army ' Division which came out of the War with a Veteran's Association, organized in France, which has actively functioned from that time to this, maintaining a business office or headquarters for the service of its mem­ bers and publishing a clean, interesting and helpful magazine carrying news of its veterans. The maga­ zine was first issued in October, 1919, and has been published continuously since that date to the present time, maintaining a non-sectarian and non-political policy, endeavoring to uphold the ideals once fought for by the men it represents. Its copies will be found in the reference rooms of the Congressional Librar y, Carnegie Libraries, Historical Societies, etc.-a source of information for future historians of the Division. The maintenance of our Association and its Magazine has only been possible through the support of its active members-those who pay their dues and subscriptions-attend Annual Reunions and take an interest if in nothing more than keeping headquarters informed of their correct addresses. Have you done your share? It is not too late to re-enlist if you think the cause worthy. Indifference is deadly, but sincere constructive criticism and outspoken differences lead to improvement. •I This magazine may go from one obsolete address to another until it finally reaches you, but if it does I I you can co-operate by helping us correct our records-write in your barrage. I l •-~~~~-~~~-uu-IIII-1111-IIII-MU-IIII-1111-IIll-wu-IIII-•11-IW-ull-1111-llu-n~-uaa-•t~-nu-HII-uM-1111-IIII-uu-IIII-IIII-IIII-IIII-IIII-'1111-IIII-IIII-IIII-III:-WI-IIII-IIII-•-•-•- • · I I I I SERVICE MAGAZINE I I (The 80th Division Blue Ridge Communique) I 405 PENN A VENUE, PITTSBURGH, P A. I I I Enclosed please find ........................................................................... dollars covering the item I (i\ems) checked below: I ! 0 SERVICE MAGAZINE ..................... $2.00 per year I I D Dues in Association ................................. $1.00 per yelar I I 0 History of 80th ................................... -..... $5.00 per copy I I 0 Life Membership ............................................................ $25.00 1 Name I iI Street and N 0 ...................................................................................................................................... .. I I Town........................... ,................................................ .... .......... State....... ............................ ! 1 + ·-·-·---llll-llll-llll-1111-iiii-IIII-1111-1111-INI-UU-UU- ~ -IIII-1111-III'-IIII-INI-Itll-llll-llll•-u-IW-Nu-1111 - 11·-llll-----llll-·-----·-·-·-·-·-·-·-+ MAY-JUNE, 1927 THE SERVICE MAGAZINE 3 · ·- ~~~ -.. -lll-lll-1111-1111- llll - lll -·-·-lll-·-·-ll-lll-·-·l-llll-at-U~-1111-IIII-IIII-•- • -1111-IIII-1111-IIH-1111-IIII- MII -Im-11!1-llll-·-·---·-·-llll-llll-llll•+ i i• I The Official Bi-Monthly Communique of the 80th (Blue Ridge) Division, Veterans' Association, 405 Pen.n Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. M. J. Thomas, Managing Editor. Contributing Editors: Boyd B. Stutler, Russell L . Stultz, Fay A. Davis, Dwight H. Fee, Clarence F . Bushman, B. C. Clark, Bernard Ragner, care Chicago Tribune, Paris, France, Foreign Representative. Art Staff: Jack Berger, K. Philpott. .... Entered as second-class matter at the Post Office at Pittsburgh, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Vol. 8. No. 3. PRE-CONVENTION NUMBER Price: 20c a Copy, $2.00 Per Year OFFICERS 1926-27 Executive Council President "The 80th Division Always Moves Forward" Dr. Harry R. Seelinger 317th Infanry Capt. Carlo D . Cella Slogan: Princ.ess Anne Road Division Headquarters Norfolk, Va. 141 Broadway, New York City 15,000 New Active Members by November 1 Honorary Presidents Cpl. Christ Kramer Adelbert Cronkhite + w-1111-1111-IIII-1111-IIII-IIII-IMI-III-IMI-1111-IN-1111 -111-IIII-IIII-111-IIII-MH-MII-1111-1+ 318th Infanry Maj. Gen., U.S.A. Ret. 4911 Gertrude Street P. 0. Box 860, Baltimore, Md. Pittsburgh, Pa. The objects of this Association ar~: Patriotic, His­ Lloyd M. Brett torical and Fraternal, and to uphold the Constitution of Brig. Gen., U S.A. Ret. the United States of America, to foster and perpetuate 1301 Rhode Island Avenue true Americanism, to preserve and strengthen comrade­ Capt. Thomas W. Hooper Washington, D. C. 319th Infantry ship among its members, to assist worthy comrades and Culpepper, Va. to preserve the memories and incidents of our association Frank Schoble, Jr. First Lieut. 318th Inf. in the World War. Wyncote, Pa. Sergt. R. E . Daume 320th Infantry + --IIN-1111-IIII-U-111-.. ---1111 -IIII---· ---11-·---1111-11-1111-1111-IIII-II+ 236 Breading Avenu~ Vice Preshlents Ben Avon, Pa. Major S. A. Baltz Division Headquarters Uniontown, Pa. William Graham, Jr. TABLE OF CONTENTS 313th Field Artillery 812 W. Allegheny A v-enue Bugler Howard J . Wells Philadelphia, Pa. 318th Infantry Page Petersburg, Va. PIT'TSBURGH, THE CONVENTION CITY--- ------------- 4 Sol. Burke Sgt. Boyd B. Stutler 314th Field Artillery 314th Field Artillery GREETINGS FROM GEN. LLOYD M. BRETT____________ 4 Clarksburg, W. Va. Charleston, W. Va. Sergt. C. F . Bushman Chaplain HOTEL RESERVATIONS - ---- ------ ------ - --------- - -- 5 315th Field Artillery Father Edw. A. Wallace Care N .&W. Dispatcher 160th Brigade Bluefield, W .
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