AWESTNGELUSTEXAS Serving the Diocese of San Angelo, Texas Volume XXXVIII, No. 2 FEBRUARY 2018 Parishioners at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish in Odessa attend the dedication Mass for their newly expanded church. Story, Page 2; photos, Page 24 photo by Alan Torre DIOCESE OF SAN ANGELO PO BOX 1829 NONPROFIT ORG. SAN ANGELO TX 76902-1829 US POSTAGE PAID Inside this issue: SAN ANGELO, TX PERMIT NO. 44 • Evangelization and Catechesis workshops, Pages 4–5 • Catholic Schools Week, Page 6 • Annual Financial Report, Pages 12–13 • Clergy Appreciation Dinner photos, Page 21 Page 2 FEBRUARY 2018 The Angelus The Inside Front Odessa parishioners celebrate dedication of new church After lengthy construction, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish has new altar, seating for 1,100 By Christopher Wilcox too.” Director of Music and Liturgy In the second reading, St. St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish Peter talked about living stones. Bishop Sis said that ODESSA — After one and a half years of worship- all of us are living stones: ing in a temporary space, not even temperatures in the “We are not dead and our 20s could keep the parishioners of St. Elizabeth Ann church is not dead. We are Seton from attending the dedication of their new church alive and we celebrate life and altar. On Sunday, Jan. 14, close to 1,500 filled the together here in his Church expanded church that now seats 1,100 to participate in where we meet Jesus Christ the dedication that was presided over by Bishop who is the source of life.” Michael J. Sis. Bishop Sis closed his homi- During the entrance procession, Fr. Rodney White, ly by asking those present dean of the Midland/Odessa deanery, carried in the what kind of stone they are relics of Saints Elizabeth Ann Seton, Vincent de Paul, going to be. A stone that is Pius X, and Teresa of Calcutta, which were placed thrown and used to hurt peo- beneath the new altar. In his opening remarks Bishop ple, a stone that is used to Sis told those present that they were witnessing history, build walls to keep people and that it’s not very often one is able to take part in away, or a stone that is used the rite of dedication of a church and blessing of a new to build bridges. He chal- altar. He congratulated the parishioners for building a lenged everyone to build Bishop Sis anoints the walls of the new church. (photo by Alan Torre / aptorre.com) beautiful house of God. bridges among people and In his homily, Bishop Sis said, “Together you’ve bridges between people and God, saying, “I know that demonstrated generosity in your life of stewardship as a you are very good builders and I look forward to many Related photos, cover and Page 24 community. Through careful planning you and your years of continuing to build the Kingdom of God with predecessors have built the most architecturally harmo- you who are living stones.” nious parish plant in the whole diocese of San Angelo. Following the Creed, the Litany of the Saints was These buildings give glory to God, and God is the chanted, and the bishop placed the relics of Saints deacons with a lighted candle saying “light of Christ, source of all beauty.” The bishop explained that the Elizabeth Ann Seton, Vincent de Paul, Pius X and shine forth in the Church and bring all nations to the buildings are important because of what takes place in Teresa of Calcutta beneath the altar. The bishop then fullness of truth.” The deacons then lit the altar candles, them, and that the liturgy is the summit toward which prayed the Prayer of Dedication and consecrated the Paschal candle and the candles in the twelve places the all the activity of the church is directed and the font new altar with Chrism. He was then joined by Father walls were anointed. from which all the life of the church flows. He spoke of Mark Woodruff, pastor of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, in At the conclusion of the two and a half hour liturgy, the growing parish and neighborhood and that the anointing the walls of the church. After the anointings a Father Mark Woodruff thanked all those who made the church expansion will allow more people to come and brazier was placed on the altar with twelve bricks of expansion possible. He also thanked Monsignor join us here in our faith, and in doing the most impor- charcoal. The bishop then poured incense into the bra- Bridges, who was the founding pastor of St. Elizabeth tant thing we do as Catholics: the Holy Mass. He con- zier saying, “Lord, may our prayer ascend as incense in Ann Seton, and thanked him for being present. The tinued on saying, “as the years go by this beautiful your sight. As this building is filled with fragrance so bishop thanked both pastors for their dedication to the building will be a place where for generations, thou- may your Church fill the world with the fragrance of church and its people. St. Elizabeth has only had two sands of souls will come to see Jesus, and to know per- Christ.” pastors in its 36 years as a parish. sonally of his love. That day in the Gospel passage, After the bishop incensed the altar, deacons Gary St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish sits in northeast Jesus responded to Zacchaeus by going to stay at his Brooks and Salvador Primera incensed the people and Odessa and serves those living in the northeast part of house. And today Jesus comes to stay in this house the walls of the church. The bishop then presented the town. Students from the Diocese of San Angelo attended the Student Leadership Summit in Chicago, Jan. 2- 6, 2018. The summit, presented by the Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS), is a weeklong con- ference for aspiring discipleship lead- ers. The DOSA contingent included 27 students from the Angelo State University Catholic Newman Center and about 15 students from the Midland area. (photo courtesy ASU Newman Center) The Angelus FEBRUARY 2018 Page 3 From The Bishop’s Desk The Kingdom of God By Bishop Michael Sis rules – there is the Kingdom. Kingdom in his earthly ministry, Diocese of San Angelo We find references to the and it continues to grow, like the Kingdom of God in both the Old growth of a mustard seed. Right Jesus Christ preached about and New Testaments. This theme now, at our point in human history, many things during his earthly is especially frequent in the synop- we are in the phase of the gradual ministry. Of all the things he tic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, and growth of the Kingdom of God. taught, the cen- Luke), showing that God’s king- The Catechism of the Catholic tral topic in his dom is the central theme of Jesus’ Church states, “the renewal of the preaching was message. When he begins his pub- world is irrevocably underway” the Kingdom of lic ministry in Mark 1:14, his very (no. 670). The Kingdom of God is God. In some first words are these: “This is the already present among us, but it is passages it is time of fulfillment. The Kingdom not yet completely fulfilled. It will called the of God is at hand. Repent and be completely fulfilled at the end “Reign of God,” believe in the Gospel.” Later, of history, with the Second the “Kingdom of Jesus created many parables as Coming of Christ. Heaven,” or sim- teaching devices to explain the Is the Kingdom of God the Bishop Sis ply the Kingdom of God. same thing as the Church? Not “Kingdom.” St. Paul also writes about the exactly. The Church is at the serv- These are just different ways of Kingdom of God in some of his ice of the Kingdom. The Church saying the same thing. letters. For example, in Romans proclaims the Kingdom and works Since the Kingdom of God is 14:17, he offers a very helpful toward its establishment. The so predominant in the teaching of description: “The Kingdom of God Church encourages people to obey Jesus, we cannot really understand is … a matter of justice, peace, the will of God. And the more that him unless we have some idea of and joy in the Holy Spirit.” This happens, the more God reigns. what the Kingdom of God is. It is makes perfect sense when we In our prayer life as Christians, not a country. It does not issue think about the fact that, when we pray the Lord’s Prayer every passports. The Kingdom of God is people follow the will of God, it day. In that prayer, we are actually not a typical kingdom. The clear- brings about justice, peace, and praying for the coming of the est way to summarize the joy. Kingdom of God when we say, Kingdom of God is this: it is the Is the Kingdom of God some- “Thy Kingdom come; thy will be Parishioners gather at the blessing of the candles during the Mass of the Presentation of the Lord, sometimes also situation where God’s will is being thing already present now, or is it done.” known as Candlemas, Dec. 2, at Sacred Heart Cathedral in done. Wherever God reigns, where a future reality? It is actually San Angelo. (photo by Rose Pelzel) God calls the shots, where God both. Jesus inaugurated the (Please see BISHOP/22) The Prayer Square El Reino de Dios Obispo Michael Sis (Mateo, Marcos y Lucas), decidida de manera irrevocable” demostrando que el Reino de (#670).
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