THE SARUM RITE. The Sarum Martirology in English with Additions. by Rychard Whytford Edited by William Renwick. HAMILTON ONTARIO . THE GREGORIAN INSTITUTE OF CANADA . MMXII. The Sarum Rite is published by The Gregorian Institute of Canada/L’Institut grégorien de Canada, Mercer Street, Dundas, Ontario, Canada LH N. The Gregorian Institute of Canada is affiliated with the School of the Arts, McMaster University. The Sarum Rite is distributed over the internet through .pdf files located at: www.sarum-chant.ca This document first published May , . Revised October . All rights reserved. This publication may be downloaded and stored on personal computers, and may be printed for purposes of research, study, education, and performance. No part of this publication may be uploaded, printed for sale or distribution, or otherwise transmitted or sold, without the prior permission in writing of the Gregorian Institute of Canada. The Gregorian Institute of Canada/L’Institut grégorien du Canada is a charitable organization registered by the Federal Government of Canada. www.gregorian.ca © The Gregorian Institute of Canada, . The Martiloge in Englysshe after the use of the Church of Salisbury, & as it is redde in Syon, with addicyons. Unto the devoute reders, Rychard Whytford preest and professed broder of Syon, in our Lorde God and moost swete Savyour Jesu salutacyon. Any devoute persones, specyally religyous, whan they done sende forthe werkes of theyr owne M makynge, theyr owne gaderynge, or translacyon, done use customably to reteyne (of mekenes) theyr names : whiche thynge I do not discomende, but rather do I prayse them therin : notwithstandynge I beseche you good devout reders, take none occasyon in me, though I do contrary, that is to saye, though I (knowyng that my poore labour and doynge in suche thynges, is no thynge worthy prayse : I also that myne own conscyence doth not requyre ony maner thanke prayse, or other temporall or worldly rewarde but onely doth desyre the spirytuall profyte of the reders or herers) though I saye, do set forthe my name unto every thynge that I sende forth, not (as I sayd for ambicyon, our Lorde unto wytnes) but rather to expowne and offre my selfe unto just correccyon : wher unto I do in moost humble maner submyt my selfe. And also an other cause why I do so set forth my name, is that I have herde of dyverse werkes that be founde in prynt as faderles childer without auctours, that ben not onely the lesse regarded bycause they ben without auctours, but also ben suspected, as not holdyng & kepyng the ryght path of Christianite. I wold therfore none other person iii shold be reproved ne blamed for my dede, but rather that I shold my selfe (as the commune proverbe sayth) drynke suche as I brue. Trustynge therfore in your charite, that ye wyll ascrybe applye, & take all thynge unto the best, we have sent forth this martiloge, whiche we dyd translate out of Latyn in to Englysshe, for the edificacyon of certayn religyous persones unlerned, that dayly dyd rede the same martiloge in Latyn, not understadynge what they redde. And the addicyons for theyr more edificacyon, we gadered out of the sanctiloge, legendaurea, catalogo sanctorum, the cronycles of Antonine, & of saynt Vincent, & other dyvers auctours. I beseche you of your Christyan favour & charitable prayer, I shall humbly beseche our Lorde that all you, accordynge unto the very purpose & effecte of our mynde may profyte in the redynge hereof. Valete. Our Lord God & moost swete Savyour Jesu sende us all his mercy & grace. Amen. The sayd wretche of Syon Rychard Whytford. January. The Martiloge was gadred & ordeyned to be redde by the holy doctour saynt Jerome, & is contynued in the chirche, that where all the sayntes may not (for theyr multytude) be syngulerly served with offyce, they sholde at the leest upon theyr dayes, knowen over even, have a memory, or breve remembraunce, wherby every persone moved in grace accordynge unto theyr devocyon may worshyp them. The maner of redynge foloweth. Here begynneth the Martyloge after the use of the chirche of Salysbury, and as it is redde in Syon, with addycyons. [ January] O morowe the fyrst day of January shall be the feest of the circumcysyon of our Lord & Savyour Chryst Jesu, wherin he fyrst T shed his precyous blode for our redempcyon. At Rome the feest of saynt Almache a martyr that prechynge unto the people, sayd unto them in this maner. This daye (sayd he) is the octave, or eyght daye of the byrth of our Savyour, wherfore ye people cease & put awaye your superstycyous, your false religyon, & your worshyppynge of ydolles, and leve also your unlawfull games. For the whiche wordes he was forthwith put to deth by the commaundement of the Mayre & chefe offycer. At Rome also the feest of lx. soudyours or men of warre, that for Chryst were put to deth by the emperour Diocleciane. At Rome also the feest of saynt Martyne a virgyn, that under the emperour Alexander was put to many dyverse turmentes, & at the last heded. At the cyte of Spolete, the feest of saynt Concorde a martyr, that in the tyme of Antonyne the emperour, was fyrst beten with staves, than hanged on a gybet, & after taken in to pryson a longe tyme fast fettred, & so pyned & nere famysshed, where notwithstandynge he was conforted by aungels, & at the last he ended his martyrdome slayne by the swerde. In Cesary the chefe cyte of Capadoce, the deposicyon of saynt Basyle a bysshop, whose chefe feest is kepte the xiiij. daye of June. In Affryke the feest of saynt Fulgence bysshop of the chirche of Ruspence, that for the fayth of Chryst, & for his noble doctryne, was exiled a longe tyme : but at the last he returned unto his chirche & there honourable in lyvyng, & diligent in prechynge he made a holy ende. In the terrytory or fraunchest of Lyons the feest of saynt Augend an abbot, whose lyfe full of vertue & myracles, was grete lyght and good example unto the 5 The Martiloge. people. In Alexander the feest of saynt Eufrosyne a virgyn. Addycyons. Gregorius. The feest also of another saynt Fulgence, that was bysshop of Utruculane, a man of grete holynes, that by myracle was delyvered from the cruelty of the kynge of Gotes. The feest also of saynt Odyle a holy abbot & of many myracles, moche liberal in almes, pyteous & mercyful in all correccyon, the whan he was chalenged & rebuked for prodygalite in expences, & as remysse & negligent in correccyon, he answered, sayenge, that yf he sholde be dampned, he had lever it were for mercy than for rygour. The feest also of many other holy sayntes, martyrs, confessours & virgyns. This last clause, of many other sayntes &c. must ever be redde last. To morowe. The seconde daye of January. At the cyte of Antioche the passyon of blessed saynt Ysidour a bysshop & martyr. In Thomis a cyte of Pont, the feest of saynt Arge saynt Marcesse & saynt Marcellyne, all thre breder & chylder of age, they were taken amonge soudyours that were under the capytayne & prynce Licyne, & bycause they were founde of Chrystes fayth, they were fyrst beten & turmented nere unto deth, & after taken in to pryson, & there almoost famysshed, & at the last they were drowned in the see. In the cyte of Thebaida the feest of saynt Machary an abbot. The feest also of saynt Syridion a bysshop, & the octave of saynt Steven, & the feest of saynt Barbarian a confessour. At the towne of Sylviake, the feest of saynt Odilion a holy abbot, that was a pyteous man and of hygh perfeccyon. Addycyons. The feest also of an other saynt Machary a preest of Egypt, of many myracles that amonge other restored a woman unto her owne fourme, & was wytched by nigromancy lyke unto a beest. The feest also of many other holy sayntes, martyrs, confessours, & virgyns. To morowe. The thyrde day of January. At Rome in Appia strete the feest of saynt Anthery the pope, that whan he had well ruled the chirche of Chryst xij. yeres, suffred deth & martyrdome under the emperour Maximyan, & was buryed in the cimitery of saynt Calixt. In the cyte of Aulane the feest of saynt Peter, that for Chryst January. folowynge his mayster suffred the deth of the crosse. At Ellespont the feest of saynt Ciryke, saynt Prime & saynt Theogene. At Paryse the feest of saynt Genofeve a virgyn of noble vertue, and consecrate by saynt Germayne. The octave also of saynt John the evangelyst. Addycyons. At Padwey the feest of saynt Daniel a deacon and martyr, whose holy body was there founde many yeres after his deth by revelacyon made unto a blynde woman that therby was restored to syght. The feest also of many other holy sayntes, martyrs, confessors, & virgins. To morowe. The fourth day of January, the feest of saynt Tyte discyple unto saynt Paule the Apostle, & of hym made preest & bysshop of Cretens, that faythfully fulfyllyng the office of prechynge, made a blessed ende, & was buryed in the same chirche. In Affryke the feest of saynt Aquilyne, saynt Gemyne, saynt Eugence, saynt Martiniane, saynt Quintyne, saynt Theodour, and saynt Tryphon all martyrs, whose noble actes & dedes ben wryten in theyr legendes. At Rome the feest of saynt Priske a preest, saynt Priscillyane a clerke, and saynt Benedicte a virgyn, that all togyder accomplisshed theyr martyrdome by the swerde in the tyme of the emperour Julyane. At Rome also the feest of saynt Dafrose, wyfe unto saynt Fabyane the martyr, after whose deth she was fyrst exiled, & after by the mayre called prynce heded. In Bonony the feest of saynt Hermete, saynt Aggey, & saynt Key martyrs, & the octave of the Innocentes.
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