ISSN 0254-4725 FAO Globalization of food FOOD AND NUTRITION systems in developing PAPER countries: impact on food 83 security and nutrition FAO Globalization of food FOOD AND NUTRITION systems in developing PAPER countries: impact on food 83 security and nutrition FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS Rome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ª'"0 iii Contents Acknowledgements iv Foreword v Acronyms vi I Overview papers Globalization of food systems in developing countries: a synthesis of country case studies 1 Gina Kennedy, Guy Nantel and Prakash Shetty Features of urban food and nutrition security and considerations for successful urban programming 27 Marie Ruel and James Garrett Globalization, urbanization and nutritional change in the developing world 55 Michelle Mendez and Barry Popkin The growing global obesity problem: some policy options to address it 81 Josef Schmidhuber II Country case studies Impact of globalization on food consumption, health and nutrition in Nigeria 99 Kolawole Olayiwola, Adedoyin Soyibo and Tola Atinmo Globalization, urbanization and nutritional changes in South Africa 119 Mickey Chopra Impact of globalization on food consumption, health and nutrition in urban areas: a case study of Dar es Salaam, United Republic of Tanzania 135 Joyce Kinabo Trends in health and nutrition indicators in the urban slums of three cities in Bangladesh, compared to its rural areas 155 Martin Bloem, Regina Moench-Pfanner, Federico Graciano, Gudrun Stalkamp and Saskia de Pee Urbanization, income and the nutrition transition in China: a case study 169 Michelle Mendez, Shufa Du and Barry Popkin Globalization, urbanization and nutrition transition in a developing island country: a case study in Fiji 195 Jimaima Schultz Impact of globalization on the food consumption of urban India 215 Swarna Vepa Globalization, food consumption, health and nutrition in urban areas: a case study from the Philippines 231 Maria Regina Pedro, Corazon Barba and Luz Candelaria iv Impact of globalization on food consumption, health and nutrition in urban areas: a case study of Brazil 253 Ana Lydia Sawaya, Paula Andrea Martins and Vinicíus Jose Baccin Martins Nutrition transition in Chile: a case study 275 Fernando Vio and Cecilia Albala Impact of globalization on food consumption, health and nutrition in urban areas of Colombia 285 Luis Fajardo Acknowledgements Special thanks go to all of the authors whose papers appear in this publication. Additionally thanks are due to the following persons for their assistance in reviewing one or more of the papers in this volume; Ruth Charrondiere, Margarita Flores, Stuart Gillespie, Lawrence Haddad, Yasmeen Khwaja, Tim Lang, Christian Romer Lovendal, Philip McMichael, Carlos Monteiro, Mark Montgomery, Barry Popkin and Ricardo Uauy. Special note goes to Nicolas Lemery-Nantel for the cover design which was also used as the workshop logo. v Foreword The workshop “Globalization of food systems: impact on food security and nutrition” was held at the headquarters of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Rome, Italy from 8 to 10 October 2003. The workshop was convened to gain a better understanding of the influence of globalization and urbanization on food systems (food supply, marketing and distribution) in developing countries and to analyse the effects of these changes on smallholders and small firms, on food consumption patterns and on nutrition and health outcomes. The event was jointly organized by two divisions within FAO, representing two sectors: the Agricultural and Development Economics Division, examining key economic issues, and the Food and Nutrition Division, addressing health and nutrition outcomes. Thus, two parallel themes were explored: i) the transformation of food systems and its effect on small farmers in developing countries and ii) the impact of globalization, largely influenced by urbanization, on dietary patterns and the nutritional status of urban populations. The workshop was partially funded through the FAO- Netherlands Partnership Programme. This publication examines in detail the second theme, related to features of globalization, changes in dietary patterns and shifts in the burden of malnutrition and diet-related chronic diseases. It comprises a synthesis paper bringing together the salient features of the impact of the globalization process on nutrition and reflecting some of the discussions at the workshop, three overview papers and 11 country case studies that were presented at the workshop. The overview papers describe shifts in food availability, food consumption and food and nutrition security in the urban environment. The topics are further explored through a series of 11 country case studies from Africa (Nigeria, the United Republic of Tanzania and South Africa), Asia (Bangladesh, China, India, and the Philippines) and the Pacific (Fiji) and Latin America (Brazil, Chile and Colombia). Each case study presents unique insights on different aspects of globalization, including urbanization, access to services and technologies, evolution of the workforce and impact of government decentralization on dietary changes and alterations in population health and nutritional status. The compilation of the 11 case studies represents each individual author’s perspective using the best available national data to highlight those features thought to be most important to changes in food systems, nutrition and health in each country covered. Some case studies explore the issues from an economic perspective (India, Nigeria) while others are more focused on nutrition and health outcomes (Bangladesh, Chile). The purpose of this collection of papers is not to provide a value judgment of the differing forces related to globalization, but to contribute to the body of knowledge by documenting the pace and spread of change. The overview papers appearing in the first part of this publication will also be published in the electronic Journal of Agriculture and Development Economics, which can be found at www.fao.org/es/ESA/en/ejade.htm/. Dr Kraisid Tontisirin Director Food and Nutrition Division vi Acronyms AIDS acquired immunodeficiency syndrome APIN AIDS Prevention Initiatives in Nigeria ARMM Administrative Region of Muslim Mindanao ASFs animal source foods BMI body mass index CBN Central Bank of Nigeria CHD coronary heart disease CHNS China Health and Nutrition Survey CHS community health worker CREN Centro de Recuperação e Educação Nutritional (Centre for Nutritional Recovery and Education) (Brazil) DALYs disability-adjusted life years DES dietary energy supply DHS Demographic and Health Survey EBF exclusive breastfeeding FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FGN Federal Government of Nigeria FMoH Federal Ministry of Health (Nigeria) FOS Federal Office of Statistics (Nigeria) GDP gross domestic product GNP gross national product HIES Household Income and Expenditure Survey (Fiji) HIV human immunodeficiency virus HKI Helen Keller International vii HTN hypertension ICMR Indian Council of Medical Research ICT information and communication technologies IDA iron deficiency anaemia IDD iodine deficiency disorder IMR infant mortality rate IOTF International Obesity Task Force IPHN Institute of Public Health Nutrition (Bangladesh) LSMS Living Standards Measurement Study MDGs Millennium Development Goals NAFDAC National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control NCDs non-communicable diseases NCFN National Committee on Food and Nutrition (Nigeria) NGO non-governmental organization NPC National Planning Commission (Nigeria) NSP Nutrition Surveillance Project (Bangladesh) NSS National Sample Surveys (India) OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OFW overseas Filipino workers RDA recommended daily allowance (China)/recommended dietary allowance (Philippines and South Africa) SAP Structural Adjustment Programme SES socio-economic status STDs sexually transmitted diseases STIs sexually transmitted infections viii TTD type-2 diabetes UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund UWC University of the Western Cape (South Africa) VAD vitamin A deficiency VAT value-added tax WHO World Health Organization WTO World Trade Organization YLL years of life lost Globalization of food systems in developing countries: impact on food security and nutrition 1 Globalization of food systems in developing countries: a synthesis of country case studies Gina Kennedy1, Guy Nantel and Prakash Shetty INTRODUCTION The phenomenon of globalization is having a major impact on food systems around the world. Food systems are changing, resulting
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