ISSN 1820-4589 THE CULTURE OF POLIS, vol. XVII (2020), special edition a journal for nurturing democratic political culture THE CULTURE OF POLIS a journal for nurturing democratic political culture Publishers: Culture – Polis Novi Sad, www.kpolisa.com; Institute of European studies Belgrade, www.ies.rs Editorial board: dr Srbobran Branković, dr Mirko Miletić, dr Aleksandar M. Petrović, dr Slaviša Orlović, dr Veljko Delibašić, dr Đorđe Stojanović, dr Milan Subotić, dr Aleksandar Gajić, dr Nebojša Petrović, dr Darko Gavrilović, dr Miloš Savin, dr Aleksandra Šuvaković, dr Milan Igrutinović. Main and accountable editor: dr Ljubiša Despotović Deputy of the main and accountable editor: dr Zoran Jevtović Assistant of the main and accountable editor: dr Željko Bjelajac Secretary of the editorial board: dr Aleksandar Matković Foreign members of the editorial board: dr Vasilis Petsinis (Grčka), dr Pol Mojzes (SAD), dr Pavel Bojko (Ruska Federacija), dr Marko Atila Hoare (Velika Britanija), dr Tatjana Tapavički - Duronjić (RS-BiH), dr Davor Pauković (Hrvatska), dr Eugen Strautiu (Rumunija) dr Daniela Blaževska (Severna Makedonija) dr Dejan Mihailović (Meksiko) Text editor: Milan Karanović Journal council: dr Živojin Đurić, predsednik; dr Vukašin Pavlović, dr Ilija Vujačić, dr Srđan Šljukić, dr Dragan Lakićević, dr Jelisaveta Todorović, dr Radoslav Gaćinović, dr Zoran Aracki, dr Nedeljko Prdić, dr Zoran Avramović, dr Srđan Milašinović, dr Joko Dragojlović, dr Marija Đorić, dr Boro Merdović, dr Aleksandar M. Filipović, dr Goran Ivančević. Printing: NS Mala knjiga + Circulation: 400. UDC 316.334.56:008 CIP – Cataloging in publication Library of Matica srpska, Novi Sad 3 КУЛТУРА полиса : часопис за неговање демократске политичке културе / главни и одговорни уредник Љубиша Деспотовић. – Год. 1, бр. 1 (2004) – . – Нови Сад : Удружење за политичке науке СЦГ Огранак у Новом Саду; Stylos, 2004-.- 21 cm Повремено ISSN 1820-4589 COBISS.SR-ID 199568391 PEDOPHILIA Causes and consequences Edited by: Željko Đ. Bjelajac Aleksandar M. Filipović TABLE OF CONTENTS: FOREWORD . 7-9 Željko Bjelajac, Phenomenological and etiological attributes of pedophilia . 11-28 Željko Đ. Bjelajac / Aleksandar M. Filipović, The internet and social networks as unlimited space for concentration and multiplied presence of pedophiles . 29-40 Aleksandar M. Filipović, Video games as a mean of fostering of the interactive relationship between pedophiles and children . 41-52 Veljko M. Delibašić, Criminal protection of children from sexual abuse . 53-68 Boro Merdović, Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse: parental and social involvement . 69-90 Marina M. Kovačević Lepojević / Nikoleta M. Gutvajn, Changes in social reaction to child sexual abuse: Towards situational control in educational setting . 91-102 Jelena Matijašević Obradović / Joko Dragojlović, Criminological analysis of pedophilia and a review of the penal treatment of sexual offenders . 103-114 Vladimir V. Kozar / Nenad D. Stefanović, Compensation of non-pecuniary damages in the criminal proceedings to children victims of sexual violence . 115-130 САДРЖАЈ: ПРЕДГОВОР . 7-9 Жељко Бјелајац, Феноменолошка и етиолошка обележја педофилије . 11-28 Жељко Ђ. Бјелајац / Александар М. Филиповић, Интернет и друштвене мреже као неограничени простор за концентрацију и мултиплицирано присуство педофила . 29-40 Александар М. Филиповић, Видео игре као средство за подстицање интерактивног односа између педофила и деце . 41-52 Вељко М. Делибашић, Кривичноправна заштита деце од сексуалних злоупотреба . 53-68 Боро Мердовић, Превенција сексуалног злостављања деце: ангажовање родитеља и социјалне средине . 69-90 Марина М. Ковачевић Лепојевић / Николета М. Гутвајн, Промене у друштвеној реакцији на сексуалну злоупотребу деце: ка успостављању ситуационе контроле у образовноваспитним установама . 91-102 Јелена Матијашевић Обрадовић / Јоко Драгојловић, Криминолошка анализа педофилије и осврт на пенални третман сексуалних преступника . 103-114 Владимир В. Козар / Ненад Д. Стефановић, Накнада нематеријалне штете у кривичном поступку деци, жртвама сексуалног насиља . 115-130 FOREWORD From a perspective of what the history of interpersonal relationships teac- hes us, it is not difficult to conclude that many societies experienced immense degrees of atrocities, which were the product of “alienation between men”. This sociopathological symptom became particularly expressed in the previous years, and the “modern alienation” began a specific transformation, so it is different from one from times before in form and volume. Today the alienation, despite civilization achievements, human rights and freedoms and democracy that “fe- eds” us immoderately, became much more intensive and abstract, and it latently transformed into the dominant social model of behavior. Scenes of sexual molestation of children, particularly on the Internet, sur- passed the critical point, and spread with very fast and dynamic tempo, partly because the technological platforms did not show usefulness that keeps pace with the problem, as they simply could not find an answer to the question: “What motivates people to sexual molestation of children?” Sexual molestation of children is one of the greatest atrocities because it relates to causing hard psychophysical consequences to this vulnerable social group. Children as the most endangered, innocent victims of this crime, live through terrible traumas, that are a result of physical and emotional abuse and neglect. Naturally, in the given context, various forms of exploitation of the ju- veniles shall be mentioned, such as child pornography or child trafficking for sexual exploitation... It is nonsensical that parents, people who are close to them, teachers, meaning those whose duty is the care and proper development of the children often become mapped as perpetrators or accomplices in this inhuman crime. Although violence against children is a frequent phenomenon, the level of reporting this crime is low, so the children as victims of this crime often remain invisible, not only in the domain of statistical reports and analytics of govern- ment agencies but in evaluating of efficiency estimations of current initiatives and strategies for combatting this sort of crime. What was said relates to the per- sons who are perpetrators of this crime – whom we call pedophiles, which makes phenomenology and etiology quite delicate. Pedophilia is a form of paraphilias, characterized by constant and intensive sexual fantasies, impulses and behavior that relate to children (usually under 13 years of age). This symptomatology is more expresses percentage-wise in males than in females, although it is observed that this deviancy is much more perfidi- ous and discrete in females. Pedophilia is present everywhere and can be found in all social classes, regardless of wealth, education, or religion. Some pedo- philes are attracted only by boys, other only by girls, and there is a third category Foreword of these persons who are attracted to both genders. Some pedophiles show a sub- tle affinity to certain physical attributes (age, build, face, hair, voice, etc.), while the others are less “picky”. These people, with personality structure disorder, are usually known to a child. They can be members of an immediate or wider family or persons with authority, like teachers and coaches. Some of them show inces- tuous tendencies and are attracted by children from their own families. This is a generally unspoken topic. Many family members avoid bringing that to the sur- face and try to handle the problem themselves because otherwise they will face public judgment and carry a social stigma. In that case, child-victim is exposed to additional risks for mental and physical health. Despite the statistics, the prevalence of pedophilia is debatable, as it is in- stinctively measured by the total number of registered pedophiles in the general population. Although sporadic pedophile impulses are more frequent than it is perceived, the long-term fixations and repetition of sexual fantasies that include children of that age are necessary for making a diagnosis by physicians. Natu- rally, estimations of physicians are made concerning special criteria, including being unable to control sexual impulses toward children, and the absence of proper functioning in business and family environment, or in interactions with friends. With a certain category of pedophiles, deviancy becomes a part of their personality. They became very susceptible and dedicated to it, and live by that. They are susceptible to get predatory attributes, and they are ready to use force or coercion for sexual exploitation of children. Many of them have antisocial personality disorder comorbid with some mental disorders. In time they can de- velop dependence from psychoactive substances, alcohol, and drugs. They were often sexually molested as children and come from dysfunctional families. On the other side, there is a group of pedophiles who are mildly aware of their auto- destructive sexual impulse, which makes them feel insecurity, anxiety, shame, and guilt. From all that was said, we can see all the complexity of this problem, which is very significant for the treatment perspective of the affected. The treatment is usually long-term and uncertain psychotherapy, with me- dications that affect sexual impulse and testosterone levels. The effects of treat- ment are limited. The best results are achieved when the individuals apply volun- tarily before they commit the incriminated offense. The treatment demanded
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