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From lll lrr I lhe Additional Chrefsecrekrl ro Corr. Haryana, Public Works (B&R) & Archtecture Departnent. To Lfhe',. Engiueer-in-Chiel Ser-d,(car^w-l <a-l'9 *o Public Work(B&R) Department, c-ECe) I cs(!!ce) t c-(k.c)/ Haryana, Chandigarh, +.\ qe: I rerj..l gos(€) Memo No.09/624l201 7-3B&R (W) VA ei;; {.r-,tr_ D,s Dated, Chardigarh, the A -[X- 2d17 XQ,Vd^/:8a L-(e) SubjectF ili].1^l*r*: approvar ror consrructiotr or u*"iou" .oulior ,n""* nffiof a 5054 (oDR) ror the vear 2017-r8 p"ur" r fi:rT.",ff:fl"'ll'lllfr "t ".u' i"inr Reference your U.O. No. fSf-R-lZlZAol79lRl dated onthe subiect noted above. 2. Governor ol Haryana is pleased to accord administrative approval amounting to Rs, 12833.33 Lakh (One Hundred Twerry Eight Crore Thirty Three Lakh and Thirty Three Thousand only) for executitrg lbe followinq worksr Sr. Name ofProject Cost of CM Ilead of Account Government No. Proj€ct Announcemetrt No. & date (Rs. in bearing Code vide lacs) No. 1 Rough cost estimate fol 851.41 CM "5054- R&B 9/563/2017- construction of road fiom Lalheri Announcement (Plan) -04-ODR- 3(B&RXw) to Bhannoli in Yamuna Nagar 331-98-99-5t-16 code no. 19946 oaleo Distt. Const. stg./ wdg. dated 2',7.1t.20t',7 & bye pass road 20.08.20t7 for state scheme" Rough cost estimate for 666.41 civi 50i4 ODR 9 /563 t201'7 - upgradation of road ftom Rakhi 3(B&RXW) Shahpur to Gulkani via Malikpur code no. 18599 dated providing by widening and dated 2'7.1t.2017 strengthening in km 0.00 to 9.95 09.07.2017 in Hisar Distt. Rough cost estimate for 99.91 CM 5054 (ODR) 916t512017- construction of new road from Announcement 3B&R(W) village Rodh to linl road of Dem Code No.20335 dated Balbi Singh to Assandh at dated, 14.t2.2017 Safidon in Jind Distt. 28.10.2017 Rough cost estinate for 166.21 CM 5054 (ODR) 9/6t5/20r7- construction of new road from Announcement 3B&R(W) village Paju Khurd to Rodh at Code No.20331 oatecl Safidon in Jind Distr. dated. 14.r2.201'7 28.t0.2017 Kough cost estimate for t29.4s C,M. 50s4 (oDR) 9/61512017- construction of road from Canal Announcement 3B&R(W) ?ath Lander Peer Village to code No. 20153 dated Manjhiia in Kaithal Distt t4.t2.20t7 6 Rough cost estirnate-G 9t.02 CM s054 (ODR) 9161st2017" construction of tew road ftom Announcement 3B&R(w) Yillage Ba$u Khurd Siwanalnal Code No ?0347 dated road to Diwanamal Sharnshan dated, 14.12.2017 Ghat at Safidon in Jind Distt. 27.10.2017 1 Rough cost esttmate for 129.41t C.M. 5054 (ODR) 9/615/2017- construction of road from 3B&R(W) Kangthali to Bhuna plot in code No. 20150 dated Kaithal Distt 14.12.2017 8 Rough cost estimate foi 171.86 CM s0s4 (oDR) 9/615t201',7 - conshuction of rcw road from Announcement 3B&R(W) village Sadabad to Rana Kheri at CodeNo.20345 dated Safidon in Jind Distt dated. \4.t2.201'7 27.10.201',7 9 Rougtr cost estimati for 325.54 CM 5054 (oDR) 9/6t5t20t7_ constuction of road from canal 3B&R(W) path cuhla to Chanchak) in Code No.20151 dated Kaithal Distt. dated. 14.t2.2017 10.10.2017 10 Rough cost estimate -di 269.55 C.M. s0s4 (oDR) 9/6t5/20t7- construction of road from village Announcement 3B&R(W) Ladana Chaku to Sair road in code No. 20157 dated Kaithal Distt t4.12.20t'.7 11 Rough cost estimate for 107.84 CM s054 (oDR) 9/615t20t7- construction pass of bye of Anrlouncement 3B&R(W) village Balbehra in Kaithal Distt. Code No.20291 dated dated. 14.12.2017 24,t0.2017 12 Rough cost estimate for 173.06 CM 5054 (ODR) 9/615t20t7- construction of new toad ftom Announcement 3B&R(W) village Retoli to Aalanjogi Khera CodeNo.20328 dated at Safidon in Jind Distt. dated. 14.12.2017 27.10.2011 l3 Rough cost estimate for 88.00 c.M. 5054 (ODR) 9/6t5t20t7- construction of road from Dera ADnouncement 3B&R(W) Dara Shgh to Shaheed Surender codeNo.20156 dated Shgh Chowk in Kaithal Distr dated 10.10.2017 14.12.20t',7 t4 Rough cost estimate f- 36',7.46 c.M. 5054 (ODR) 91615/201',7 - construction of road flom Village 3B&R(W) Sultania Kartarpur to Bhuna in codeNo.20149 dated Kaithal Distt dated 't4.12.2017 10.t0.2011 15 Rough cost estimate for 59.36 C.M. 5054 (ODR) 9161512017- upgadation of roads by providing Announcement 3B&R(W) widening & strengthening of code No. 20290 dated Tatiana- Badsui road to village dated t4.12.20t7 Klaral in Kaithal Distt. 24.r0.20t'7 16 Irougn cost estimate for 76.7 s CM 5054 (ODR) 9/61sn\n_ cotshuction of pucca road ffom Announgomgnl iffiR(II/) Mllllll lh*lJ.hu,oul to r,.r code No. 20304 Keorak road at village dated Teek in dated 14.r2.20n Pundri (ln Distt. Kaithal) 16.11.2011 17 Rough cost estimaie-- foi 2 | / .21 CM 50s4 (oDR) conshuotion 9 /615/20t'7 - of new road from Announcement village Muana 3B&R(W) to link of Dera CodeNo.203l7 Fattuwala dated to Assandh road at dated. Safidor in Jind 14.12.20t7 Distt 27.10.2017 18 r$ugh oost estimale for 19U.22 c.M. 5054 (ODR) construction of 9/6t5/20t7- road fiom Village Announcement Gobindpua to I(leri 3B&R(W) culam Ati oode No. 20155 road in Kaithal Distt dated dated t4.12.2017 10.10.2017 l9 cost est'mate for 219.62 ^ou8n CM 5054 (ODR) 9t615/2017- conshuction of new road fron Announcement 3B&R(W) village Rodh to Bandrala at Code No.20330 dated Safidon in Jind Distf. dated. t4.12.201'l 2'7.t0.2017 20 cost gsttmate lbr 76.46 ^uuB[ c.M. sos+ lonnl 9/615/2017- constouction of road ftom Village I Announcement 3B&R(w) Ardhali ro Behar Sahib upto l eodeNo.20154 dated Punjab Border in Kaithal Distt. | dated I t4.12.201'1 10.10.201? | cosl esttmate ibr ^uu8r 224.77 CM 5054 (ODR) 9/6t5/20I't- construction of road from village Announcement 3B&R(W) Deeg to Ramana Ramani in Disft. code No.20306 Kaithal oateo dated 14.t2.20t7 16.t1.2017 rougtr cost estlmate tor fbur 1502.00 CM 5054 (ODR) 9/615t2017- lanning of Kamal Ramba Indri Announcemgnt 3B&R(W) Ladwa road (ID 7169) frorn RD code No. 20100 dated 2.50 to 27.80 in KamalDistt. dated 14.12.2017 t3.09.2017 (A,/A approved with subject to condition after exprry ot uL-P period on 31.12,2018). Rough cost estimati -6 15q.11 UM 5054 (ODR.) 9/615/20t',7 - construction ofroad from Seewah Announcement 3B&R(W) (GT road) to Sewemge Treatment code No. 20143 dated plant upto Dadola panipat in dated t4.12.20r'l Distt. 06.10.20t7 24 Rough estimate-- cost for 63.26 CM 5054 (ODR) constuction 9/6t s/20r't - of widening and Alnlouncement 3B&R(W) strengthening pC with WI}M + code No, 20130 dated from RD i00 to 2350 on Kachwa dated t4.12.2017 to Dera Purbaiyan road (ID 7295) 13.09.20t7 (A/A in Kamal Disn. app.oved with relaxation an OVT rcad) t{ Kougn cost estimate for 109.2! CM 5054 (ODR) consnxc[on of road 9t615t2017. ftom Alnouncement 3B&R(\\') Kunjpura to Jharoli to Mugal code No. 19987 Majra km 0 ro 2.00 dated in Kamal dated Distt. 14.12.2017 24.10.2017 26 ro@-"*a- *C"t" -E; 437.15 CM 5054 (ODR.) coDstruction 9/615/201,t _ of road from Announcement Faizalpur Majra 3B&R(W) to Kutail High codeNo.20258 School km 0.00 to calecl 4.80 in Kamd alated Distt. 14.12.2017 24.10.20 t7 71 \uu6! uosa estmate tbr 524.'73 CM s0s4 (oDR) construction of 9/6t5/2017- road from Munak Announcement road (near 3B&R(W) village Staundi) to codeNo. Kharkali 20258 qaleo via Btna on dated augmentatton 14.12.2017 canal km 0 to 5.70 24.10.2017 in Kamal Distt. 28 --Ei Rough cost estimite 95.48 CM s0s4 (oDR) 9/6t5/2017- codstruction of road from Dera Announcement 3B&R(W) Garna to village I(randa Kheri codeNo.20030 dated km 0,00 to 2.00 in Kamal Distt. dated t4.12.20t7 24.10.20].7 Rough cost estimate for widdGg 60.81 UM 5054 (ODR) 9/615D017- and strengthening of Kamal AnnouDcement 3B&R(W) Kachwa Samli road to pundrak code No. 20135 dated (rD 7372). dated 14.t2,2017 13.09.2017 30 Rough cost estirnate foriGen-G! 51.95 UM s054 (oDR) 9/615n017- and strengthening of Shahpur to 3B&R(W) Kalainpur (ID 8894). code No. 20136 dated dated 14.t2.2017 13.09.201'1 Rough cost estimate for 64.64 CM 5054 (ODR) 9/615t201',7- strengthening KKSK road Announcement 3B&R(W) Zarifa Viran (ID 7371) code No. 20134 dated dated 14.t2.2017 13.09.20r7 32 Rough cost estimate for widening 1'71.05 CM s051(oDR) 9/615/2011- and sF€ngthening on Kurlan to 3B&R(W) Kabulpu.
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