Pahayagan ng Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas ANG Pinapatnubayan ng Marxismo-Leninismo-Maoismo English Edition Vol. L No. 22 November 21, 2019 www.cpp.ph EDITORIAL End martial law and NPA-Eastern plunder in Mindanao Samar ambushes 14th IB and the entire country THE NEW PEOPLE'S Army he people of Mindanao are tired of living under military rule and state (NPA)-Eastern Samar ambushed terrorism. For more than three years, they suffer everyday from a unit of the 14th IB at Sitio killings, arrest and detention, intimidation, surveillance and other Bangon, Barangay Pinanag-an, Tmilitary abuses. They are denied of their rights to express dissent or protest Borongan City on November 11, against the suffering and exploitation they experience. Anyone who speaks is 5 p.m. The said enemy troopers immediately tagged as a communist and is suppressed. were blasted with a command- detonated explosive. Defense Secretary Delfin Loren- To end the military rule in Min- Initial reports indicate that zana's statement that the Min- danao, the people demand to im- at least six soldiers were killed, danao martial law could already be plement the following democratic including three officials. Addi- lifted is plain hogwash. Lorenzana measures: tionally, at least 20 were only said this because he knows (a) allow the several thousands wounded during the blast. that even without martial law, the of Marawi City residents to returm The 14th IB is notorious for foundations and system they have to their homes and lands, and in- perpetrating human rights built for their military rule, not only demnify them over damages caused abuses, particularly against in Mindanao, but across the whole by the massive bombing of the city children. In 2011, two minors, country will continue to exist. in 2017; both children of peasants, who Without dismantling these, martial (b) withdraw all abusive military were on their way to their farm law will carry on in essence despite units camping in the middle of to gather copra were illegally being lifted explicity. "End...," continued on page 2 "NPA...," continued on page 3 "End...," from page 1 Executive Order 70 (EO 70) and his situation as they are tagged as NPA communities under the guise of so called “counter-insurgency” “supporters” or implicated in drug “peace and development;” program to end the armed revolu- syndicates. (c) dismantle all CAFGU units tion in the country. These are on top Military rule is worst in farms and paramilitary groups along with of the Memorandum Order 32 (MO and mountains as the direct pres- their detachments in and around 32) which placed Samar, Negros and ence of fascist military troops in barrios; Bicol under military rule. barrios and communities are main- (d) stop the arbitrary tagging of Through EO 70, Duterte placed tained. Barangay officials are co- civilians as “rebels” to force them to the whole Philippines under the erced to serve as their subordi- “surrender” even though no cases control of the so called National nates; those who refuse to follow are filed against them; Task Force (NTF) which is led by are harassed or suppressed. Many (e) stop aerial bombing and Duterte and dominated by his mili- were killed. In Mindanao, several strafing which endangers the lives of tary officials. The NTF has regional bogus leaders were appointed by residents in farms and mountains; and provincial offices which sub- the AFP as “datu” (cheiftain) to (g) end “Red tagging” or the sumed various agencies of the civil- deceive and divide the Lumad practice of declaring organizations ian bureaucracy to serve its masses. and activists as “communist fronts” “counter-insurgency” interest. At least 549 AFP and CAFGU or “NPA recruiters" which is being The AFP interferes and sets the troops are currently operating in used to subject them to military programs of all government agencies. various barrios across four Min- surveillance and other repressive It also encroaches in economic pro- danao regions: 217 in Southern measures; grams and social services which ac- Mindanao (in 2018), 139 in North (h) release all political prisoners tually are not military-related. Newly Central Mindanao (including 105 and end the scheme of filing of elected local government officials are CAFGU detachments), more than trumped up criminal charges and rendered powerless because of AFP 100 in Northeast Mindanao (exclud- planting of evidences. surveillance. The congress and sen- ing SCAA detachments put up by Beyond Mindanao, Duterte's ate are but ornamental. Those who mining companies); and 93 in Far martial law and tyranny is imple- do not abide by the program set by South Mindanao. Majority of these mented across the country through the AFP and NTF are put into a tight are situated in areas that are being targeted as sites for mining opera- ANG Contents tions and destructive infrastructure projects. In Southern Mindanao, Editorial: End martial law and plunder in 64% or 137 CAFGU detachments are operating in 43 towns and cities with Vol L No. 22 | November 21, 2019 Mindanao and the entire country 1 mining companies currently or plan- NPA ambushes 14th IB 1 Ang Ang Bayan is published ning to expand their operations. Anomalous SEA Games spendings 3 in Pilipino, Bisaya, Iloko, The imposition of de facto mar- Hiligaynon, Waray and English. CSP in Masbate 4 tial law in the face of EO 70 across Ang Bayan welcomes Maranaos oppose new military camp 5 the country, and especially the contributions in the form Yolanda's 6th year 5 outright implementation of martial of articles and news items. AFP kills barangay captain 6 law in Mindanao, are closely linked Readers are encouraged PNP harassment vs. Ibon Foundation, to advancing the economic inter- to send feedback and ests of big multinational corpora- Altermidya 6 recommendations tions and the local bourgeois com- Regent strike dispersal 6 for improving our newspaper. prador and landlord counterparts. Delta Serra 7 Fascism is needed to suppress Ampatuan massacre 7 all forms of dissent against the en- instagram.com/prwcnewsroom Tribute to judge in Cordillera 7 try of destructive mining, expansion US-orchestrated coup in Bolivia 8 of palm oil, rubber, pinapple and @prwc_info other plantations, tourism projects, [email protected] and energy and other infrastruc- tures that are funded by foreigners. Since 2017, the suppression and Ang Bayan is published fortnightly by the Central Committee military operations escalated in ar- of the Communist Party of the Philippines "End...," continued on page 3 2 November 2 1 , 2 01 9 ANG BAYAN "End...," from page 2 "NPA...," from page 1 eas targeted for mining operations Assiduously expose and oppose held by 14th IB troopers. in Andap Valley, as well as palm oil multinational companies that ex- The two were also pho- plantations in the Pantaron moun- tract huge amounts of money by tographed and subjected to tain range along the border of plundering our country and de- interrogation. The victims Davao del Norte and Bukidnon, and stroying the environment. Unite and were traumatized due to the the plan to expand plantation and militantly fight these companies incident. The soldiers also logging operations in the Daguma that grab the ancestral lands of na- stole their farming tools. mountain range. Big military opera- tional minorities and the farmlands In 2006, a young man tions are also part of the plan for of peasants. Expose Duterte's bogus and two minors were illegally the construction of the Chico River land reform program, which he is arrested by the same battal- Pump Irrigation Project in Kalinga, vaunting of, as a scheme to fast ion and were presented as the Kaliwa Dam in Rizal and Laguna, track the use-conversion and grab- NPA fighters. the Pulangi 5 Hydro Power Project in bing of peasant lands. The 14th IB also mas- Bukidnon, amd also various eco- The New People's Army (NPA) is terminded a corruption tourism projects in Masbate. tasked to defend the social and eco- scheme through the anoma- Under de facto martial law, cor- nomic interests of the Filipino people lous mass surrender of civil- ruption is worst and concentrated against foreign capitalist plunderers. ians in Eastern Samar. On under Duterte and his AFP and mili- The NPA must strictly implement the November 18, it coerced 16 tary officials in form of bribes from policies of the revolutionary move- farmers to attend a meeting big companies, kickbacks from infra- ment to defend the environment and at the provincial capitol in structure projects, and pocketing of the livelihood of the masses, and Borongan City who were funds allocated for the military op- hold destructive mining companies later presented as "NPA erations of soldiers and paramili- and big local capitalists accountable. surrenderees." The batallion taries. The revolutionary movement must also employed this scheme in In plain words, the US-Duterte tirelessly rouse and mobilize the December 2018 against 27 regime's martial law and fascism is broad peasant masses to advance peasants from Barangay correlated with foreign plunder of the struggles for their right to land Concepcion, Paranas. Philippine patrimony and environ- and the revolutionary program for In Panay, the NPA re- ment, corruption, exploitation of the genuine land reform. ported that 13 troopers of toiling masses, and the worsening Strengthen the clamor to end the 61st IB and CAFGU were poverty of the people. martial law, EO 70, MO 32 and killed while four others were The Filipino people must con- crush the foundation of Duterte's wounded in successive mili- tinue to strengthen their struggle fascist rule. Forge the broadest tary offensives mounted by for democracy and defend their pat- unity among the Filipino people to Red fighters. rimony from foreign plunder. They advance the struggle for democracy, The NPA mounted a ha- have to wage this along their fight the fight against military rule, and rassment operation against against the US-Duterte regime's end Duterte's tyranny and terror- the 61st IB on September 20 tyranny and fascism.
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