22752 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS October 7, 2005 front steps in Philadelphia. At 15, he won the You Now,’’ ‘‘Dungaree Doll,’’ ‘‘I’m Walking Be- launching a series of assaults directly Silver Award as ‘‘The Most Promising Male hind You,’’ ‘‘Heart,’’ ‘‘Games That Lovers against the small defensive perimeter the Vocalist of 1958.’’ By the time he was 18, he Play’’ and ‘‘Somebody Like You.’’ Marines had formed around their howitzers. had recorded dozens of hit singles, eight al- Although seriously depleted by heavy cas- f ualties, including the detachment com- bums and earned gold records for ‘‘Turn Me IN HONOR OF 7TH LANCE mander and the platoon sergeant, the gallant Loose’’ and ‘‘Tiger’’ and a gold album for ‘‘The men of the detachment steadfastly met and Fabulous Fabian.’’ In 1959, Fabian made his CORPORAL JAMES R. SARGENT contained each assault with withering fire screen debut in ‘‘Hound Dog Man’’ opposite from automatic weapons, grenades, and Carol Lynley. His role as a homicidal maniac HON. NICK J. RAHALL II point-blank individual weapons. On separate in a TV production entitled ‘‘A Lion Walks OF WEST VIRGINIA occasions, Marines braved the hail of gre- nade fragments and automatic weapons fire Among Us’’ directed by Robert Altman solidly IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES established his credentials as a versatile and to man a 4.2–inch mortar, an 81mm mortar, Friday, October 7, 2005 and a 30–caliber machine gun belonging to powerful actor. His impressive acting credits the Special Forces Detachment. Although include featured roles with John Wayne, Mr. RAHALL. Mr. Speaker, today, 7th Lance continually exposed, they brought the fires James Stewart, Jack Palance, Tuesday Weld, Corporal James R. Sargent USMC, was laid to of these weapons to bear on the attacking George Segal and Karen Black. rest at Arlington Cemetery after being listed as enemy and inflicted heavy casualties. Chubby Checker was born in South Caro- missing in action for more than 37 years. When the survivors of the detachment were lina, but grew up in South Philadelphia. By the Lance Corporal Sargent, a native of ordered to abandon their position, mute evi- time he entered high school, he had learned Anawalt, WV, was a true American hero and dence of their ferocity as fighting men lay to play the piano at Settlement Music School. today marks the end of a long journey for his about them in the form of 31 confirmed family and friends. enemy dead. The successful evacuation of In June of 1959, Chubby recorded ‘‘The the position was completed under the direct Twist.’’ Fourteen months later, in the summer Lance Corporal Sargent, like so many West observation and fire of the remaining enemy of 1960, ‘‘The Twist’’ was not only the No. 1 Virginians, answered our Nation’s call to arms. force. Accompanied by the surviving Civilian song but it introduced the concept of ‘‘dancing He wore the uniform and gave his life for free- Irregular Defense Group forces, the men of apart to the beat.’’ Mr. Speaker, Chubby dom’s cause. the detachment marched for six hours Checker accomplished many ‘‘firsts’’ in the Lance Corporal Sargent was part of an artil- through dense enemy-infested jungle until record industry. He is the only artist to have 5 lery platoon airlifted to provide support to the successfully extracted by helicopter. Of the albums in the top 12 all at once; the only artist 11th Mobile Strike Force, which was under original detachment, 13 Marines were killed in action and 20 were wounded in action. By to have a song to be No. 1 twice—‘‘The Twist’’ threat of attack from North Vietnamese forces near Kham Duc in South Vietnam. On May 9, their effective teamwork, aggressive fighting and the only artist to have nine double-sided spirit, and individual acts of heroism and hits. 1968, the Strike Force had been directed to daring, the artillerymen of this detachment Bobby Rydell, unlike many of the other reconnoiter an area known as Little Ngok achieved an illustrious record of courage and Teen Idols, was a genuine musician. At the Tavak Hill near the Laos-Vietnam border, in skill in keeping with the highest traditions age of 4 or 5, Bobby used to sit in front of the the Kham Duc Province. Their base came of the Marine Corps and the United States TV set trying to impersonate performers like under heavy attack by North Vietnamese Army Naval Service. Louis Prima, Milton Berle, and Johnny Ray. troops, but after a 10-hour battle, all of the All personnel attached to and serving with His father recognized Bobby’s talent and en- survivors were able to withdraw from the area. Detachment, Battery D, Second Battalion, Thirteenth Marines, First Marine Division couraged him to pursue a show business ca- LCpl, Sargent, one of 13 Marines killed in (Reinforced), during the cited action, are reer. At 5 he began taking lessons on the this battle, was awarded the Meritorious Unit hereby authorized to wear the Meritorious drums. Three years later he was an accom- Commendation for his heroism at Ngok Tavak. Unit Commendation Ribbon. plished cabaret performer, playing drums and The Bible says in the book of John, Chapter For the Secretary of the Navy, L. F. CHAP- doing imitations. At 9, he was a regular on 15, Verse 13, ‘‘Greater love has no one than MAN, JR., Commandant of the Marine Corps. Paul Whiteman’s television show that was this, than to lay down one’s life for his f broadcast from Philadelphia and performed on friends.’’ Today we honor not only Lance Cor- it for 3 years. By the time he was a teen, he poral Sargent, but all of the soldiers, airmen CELEBRATING THE LIFE OF CAR- was playing drums in a dance band Rocco and Marines who, through commitment and MEN N. CIQUEIROS TAFOYA PER- and the Saints. Rydell’s million seller, ‘‘Wild courage, have answered the call to protect the KINS MULLALY One’’ was released in early in 1960. ‘‘Swingin’ ones they love. This is truly the greatest gift School’’ b/w ‘‘Ding-A-Ling’’ was a springtime one can give. HON. LUCILLE ROYBAL-ALLARD hit and third million seller. That summer I would also like to submit for the RECORD OF CALIFORNIA ‘‘Volare’’ was released. The song had been The Secretary of the Navy Citation for the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES pulled from a previous unsuccessful session of Meritorious Unit Commendation—a detailed songs in a big band style to introduce Rydell account of Lance Corporal Sargent’s heroism: Friday, October 7, 2005 to an older audience. The Secretary of the Navy takes pleasure Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD. Mr. Speaker, I rise Mr. Speaker, Eddie Fisher received his first in presenting the Meritorious Unit Com- today to take a few moments to honor my wide exposure as frequent guest performer on mendation to: Detachment, Battery D, Sec- cousin, Carmen N. Ciqueiros Tafoya Perkins Eddie Cantor’s early-fifties TV broadcasts. ond Battalion, and Thirteenth Marines, First Mullaly, from Long Beach, California, whose Later responsible for million-selling records Marine Division (Reinforced) life was cut short on September 11, 2005. during the fifties, including ‘‘Any Time,’’ his CITATION Carmen was born in Los Angeles, California signature song, ‘‘O My Papa,’’ and many oth- For heroic achievement in action against on September 17, 1926 and was always a ers. In 1953 Eddie Fisher was given his own enemy Viet Cong and North Vietnamese proud Angeleno. She attended Hammel Ele- 15-minute TV show called ‘‘Coke Time,’’ spon- forces during the defense of the Civilian Ir- mentary School and Belvedere Junior High, regular Defense Group camp known as Ngok sored by the Coca-Cola company. This show Tavak on 10 May 1968. The detachment, con- and graduated from Roosevelt High School in proved to be so popular that Coke then of- sisting of one officer and 43 enlisted men, Los Angeles. fered Eddie a $1 million contract to be their was tasked with the mission of providing ar- Early on in life, Carmen developed a belief national spokesperson. A deal of that mag- tillery support to the camp. In the early in the principles of the Democratic Party. An nitude was almost unheard of at this time and morning, while providing this support to a active member of the League of Women Vot- helped push Fisher towards being one of the mixed force of U.S Army Special Forces and ers, Carmen never missed voting in a single most popular singers by 1954. At the height of Vietnamese irregulars, the detachment’s de- election. My cousin’s enthusiasm for Election his popularity, during the 1950s, Fisher was, fensive position came under attack by a de- Day was an inspiration to all those around her, termined and well equipped enemy force of along with Perry Como and Elvis Presley, estimated battalion size. Employing an in- as she often opened her own home to serve RCA Victor’s top-selling pop vocalist. His tense mortar barrage, grenades and heavy as a polling precinct for primary and general many hits during this period, all well remem- small-arms fire, the enemy breached the elections. bered, include: ‘‘Anytime,’’ his first big hit, ‘‘Oh, outer defensive wire in two places and surged In addition to her allegiance to the Demo- My Papa,’’ ‘‘Wish You Were Here,’’ ‘‘I Need through the wire in superior numbers, cratic Party, Carmen loved being an Anaheim VerDate Sep 11 2014 13:16 Mar 29, 2017 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00204 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\FDSYS\BOUNDRECORD\BR07OC05.DAT BR07OC05 ejoyner on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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