NET PRESS RUN' AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION for the month of August, 1028 Fair and cooler tonight; - Satnr*: day increasii^ clc|Qdinefis 'and" 5 , 1 2 5 su b tly warmcir.- .> Member of the Audit Bureau of tonn. State Library . CIrvnIntiona__________ _ PRICBJ THRE^ CENTS . VOL. XLU., NO. 296. (Classified Advertising on Page 16) MAI^CHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1928. (EIGHTEEN PAGES) “ ICE BOX BANDITS” The Hoovers Gr€0t the Returning Coolidges WERE SEEN BY MANY Green Death Car Traced G.O.P. LEADERS From Springfield to Place I ^ y e s TraO of Death, De* IN CONFERENCE Police vastation and Sitfering in Where It Was Found a Wake— Properly Loss Set Wrecked. ONNEWPLANS Albany to I t At Three Millions— Thou­ Willimantic, Sept. 14.— The trial Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Sept. 14.— Dr. Chester A. Roig, Pough- ^ of the “ Ice Box Bandits” as Spring- Hoover^ Curtis and . Work Denying cnarges that he is guilty of keepsie veterinarian, examined sands Homeless as Whole cruelty in allowing his German field calls Albert J. Raymond and “ LucKy” last night and issued a Talk About New England police dog “ Lucky” to essay a 153- statement that the canine was 1% Roland G. Lalone, the Worcester, mile swim from Albany to New normal physical condition after Villages are Wiped Out— Mass., youths charged with mur­ YorK, John Schweighart, of 3425 covering 59-nauticai miles from Al­ dering State Policeman Irving H. States— Roraback Named Bayebester avenue, New YorK, de­ bany to Poughkeepsie in the ex­ Coasts S tr ^ n W i t h clared this morning that he expect­ Nelson, of Now Haven, at Pomfret ceptionally fast time of 23 hours Chairman of Committee. ed to put the dog into the water to and 37 minutes, well ahead of the Wreckage — S t o r m s on April 5, last, continued before resume the Marathon today despite human records of George A. Cree- * ' '' » ■ Judge E. M. Yeomans, of Andover, threats of New YorK S. P. C. A. gan and Mrs. Lottie Schoamel. presiding over the Superior Court agents to arrest him. Sweep New England and "Washington, Sept. 14.— Herbert Several S. P. C. A., officials were "The S. P. C. A. charjes of Jury in the City Hall here today, Hoover, the Republican nominee, waiting at the PoughKeepsie Yacht i cuielty,” Schweighart indignantly with the defense counsel making today arranged to meet .Senator Club yesterday when the dog ar­ stated aboard' the mower cruiser the West, Also. every effort to lessen tKe certainty Here is President Calvin Coolidge’s back-to-'work picture. It was posed as the Coolidges arrived in rived. They are taking action fol­ “ Eleo” which hasybeen accom- Charles Curtis, his running mate, panyin.': his pet down the river, of state witnesses that they saAv and Dr. Hubert WorK, the Republi­ Washington from their vacation at Brule. At the right are the Herbert Hoovers; over the president’s lowing complaints alleged td have left shoulder you see Navy Secretary Wilbur. been entered by Albert Payson Ter- “ are not only surprising but are San Juan, P-orto Rico, Sept. 14. Raymond and Lalone in Connecti­ can national chairman, for a con­ not tounded on facts. Not one hune, dog fancier and author of — Sweeping in from the southeast, cut on the afternoon of the murder. ference on Republican campaign i many dog stories, and a number of representative of the organization the most violent hurricane In the A green car used by the Worces­ stra'tegy. women who object to what they has even seen the dog “ LucKy” in action since we left Albany last ter youths in Springfield, where The Republican “ Big Three’ Search for C. S. Carnes feel to be a cruel act on the part of history of Porto Rico swept this they are charged with stealing it, SM TH PLEASED Sunday. planned to consider new campaign t ___ _ Schweighart. island in the past 24 hours leavliig ill a garage they had hired, is be­ a trail of death, devastation and coming the principal exhibit on the plans and there was a possibility that other prominent party leaders Turns to New York City sutteiing ^ Its waKe. The property case. This is the car, the state in­ WITH REACTION sists, from which Trooper Nelsoi would be called into the conference. loss is piit abmore than $3,000,000. Curtis, just returned from a speak­ was shot to death. And the state ing tour of New England, was to McGraw and Hornsby Telephone and telegraph wires m continued today to present witness­ give Hoover and WorK his impres­ New YorK, Sept. 14.— Clinton S.<^the Carnes search after a conductor were swept away, crippling com­ es who declared they saw Lalone TOTHHXPOSE sions on the situation “ Down East” Carnes, ex-convict and missing told detectives he is certain th munication with the interior. and Raymond in the car. and to suggest the steps necessary treasurer of the Southern Baptist treasurer was a passenger on a This city was badly damaged {m3 The trail of the car from Spring- to ■win those normally Republican Home Mission Board, whose ac­ Manhattan-bound train soon after Implicated in Probe thousands are homeless. „ . field to Pomfret has been sworn to states in November. counts are said to be short $1,000,- his disappearance August 15. It is feared that the sugar, coffee by the state’s witnesses. Ten told ShreAvd Ijeader 000, was hunted here today. With this information, police of He 1$ Now Finished With and fruit crops were, virtually de­ of it in 'Springfield, a dozen related The Republican vice presidential The felon-turned-churchman has Atlanta and this city agreed that SEEK BURGLAR, stroyed. Iheir memories of it in Connecticut, nominee long has been considered attained nation-wide notoriety. New YorK might well be the desti­ Defensive Phase of Cam­ Chicago Jockey is Said to Stragglers from the storm zone and one told of its appearance in one of the shrewdest political lead­ After vanishing from Atlanta, nation of the fugitive— they know FIND LIQUOR say that villages were wiped out. Worcester for a-single night. ers in Washington. His advice con­ Ga., he is alleged to have become how easy it is for a man to lose It is believed that a. call will have 84 Witnesses Called. » stantly has been sought in previous the angel for two girls seeking ca­ himself in the human whirlpool that paign— Prepared to Start Have Sent Them Tips on to be made upon the Red Cross. is Gotham. Factory Owner is Arrested as Thirty-four witnesses had been presidential campaigns and his reers in the movies at Hollywood— •Had Warning examined at noon today when views as to the requirements for Mamie Lois Griffin and Sonie Nord- Los Angeles police have been Races hy Long Distance He Answers a Tip Over Tele­ Warning had been given In ad­ Judge Yeomans ordered a recess. A winning New England undoubtedl.y, lie, both arresting in their beauty. asKed to detain Mrs. Louise Pope, His Offensive. phone. New YorK became the center of guardian of Miss Nordlie. » vance when the, storm passed over group of Pomfret residents told of will be followed. Virgin Islands but the people were seeing Policeman . Nelson either One step already taKen to speed Telephone. ■ BrocKton, Mass., Sept. 14— Albany, N. Y.„ Sept. L4— Gover­ taKen by surprise by the fury of just before or just after he had up Republican organization work Acting on a telephonic “ tip” the gale. been shot. They included James along the Atlantic seaboard was the nor Smith has about completed the that-his factory was being bur­ The wind blew more than 100 Byrnes, a gas station proprietor, promotion of Senator George H. IS BADLY BURNED NON STOP FLIGHT first phase of his campaign for the Chicago, Sepb. 14.— A double glarized, Gaorge F. Scott, well miles an hour. • and his wife. Marguerite, Henry M. Moses, of New Hampshire, to a new presidency— the defensive— and is known leather merchant, hur- Shipping off .the-coast wps dam­ Graves, James Scott, Patrick J. post, where he becomes advisory headed investigation was started ried. to his fiuiittess manager of the campaign in the ready to begin the second phase— today as a result of a telephone bill aged. Donlon, and Thaddeus Laport. BYAVAPORUMP WITHOUT A WINNER ment today only to be placfed The coasts are strewn ■with east. Moses will pass upon all new under arrest on a oharige of A. G. Nolan, a state policeman, the offensive. sent to JocKey C. E. Allen, veteran wreckage. told of seeing Nelson leave the bar­ political maneuvers in the east and He is immensely pleased at the Keeping and exposing liquor his promotion was made by Hoover I rider at the Chicago ra.ee tracks, Military relief is being organiz­ racKs. at ■ Stafford Springs on the reaction to his expose of the whlSf for sale. ■' »'• ed to give food and shelter to the afternoon of the shooting and of personally, it was said, in order.to for $559.07, by ‘ha Illinois Tele­ The information that ‘ he get a practical politiclan'Tn clfargo Harvey Alcock Tries>^^^£oebeI the Only One to Fin­ pering campaign as evidenced by phone, Company for local and long Scott factory, was being robbed homeless in the center of the storm seeing _his body _brought back zone. Nolan~told of being given the troop­ of the eastern campaign. the commendatory telegrams and distance calls during June and July was also telephoned to police, Court of Last Resort messages which continued to pile from a fashionable Chicago apart­ who rushed in to answer the The gale raged for four hours er's clothes, and a bullet which he Carry Flaming Object ish But Hi$ Plane Was and some districts report that the turned over to Coroner Arthur G.
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