Oldest Catholic "Nothing ii moct Papet than that Catholic ■ United States. should have a large circula¬ Established tion, so that everyone may THE CATHOLIC have October 22, 1831. good reading.” TELEGRAPH —Pope Benedict XV. /n Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in All Things, Charity. A' Vol. LXXXXVI. Nof * CINCINNATI, MAY 5, 1927 TWELVE PAGES PRICE SEVEN CENTS. & «..a..s..«..»..s..s..e..i LITERARY AWARDS EXILED PRELATES SIXTEEN BISHOPS FRENC MILY RABBI, PRIEST f GREAT CHARITY IN EXILE ALL IN RELIGION AND MINISTER FOUNDATION PLAN BEQUEST IS MADE GIVE LIE TO CALLES NOW TO CARDINAL HAYES (N. C. VV. C. News Service) Address To Be From Mexico. Another Arch¬ Cologne, Apr. 28.—Professor the Annual Convention Proposed at Convention of (N. C. W. C. News Service) Expose His Mendacity Regarding Bernard Barth, well known in of the Religious Education Catholic Press Association New York, Apr. 26.—Approxi¬ Their Deportation From bishop and Two Bishops the world of letters, has just en¬ mately $400,000 of the $1,464,300 in Mexico. Are Deported. tered the novitiate of the Capu- Association. Savannah, Ga. estate of the late Alfonso de chines of Hemersbach (Baden). Navarro, financier and philan¬ His wife took the veil among SOCRATIC IDEAL LACKING BY PRESIDENT S. A. BALDUS thropist of this city, is destined FULL TEXT OF STATEMENT REVOLUTION GAINS the Franciscan Sisters of Aix-la- to go to Catholic institutions, Chapelle. Their three children according to the appraisal filed had already entered religion. For Encouragement of Catholic today at the office of the State Banishment Dozen States Seething. List of Says Dr. Hough. Views of Father Illegal. Comforted by Bernard is with the Benedic¬ Ill Tax Commissioner. Banished Prelates. Ryan. Dr. Mann’s Opinion. lyjcammrni Literary Talent. Sympathy Here. tines of Maria-Laach; the elder & T^ Of this sum, $97,000 is immedi¬ daughter belongs to the Congre¬ (N. C. W. C. News Service) (N. C. W. C. News Service) ately available, $50,000 of the (N. C. W. C. News Service) (N. C. W. C. News Service) gation of Sisters of the Christian amount to be distributed under Doctrine of Strasbourg, and the OFFICIAL APPEAL FOR the direction of His Eminence, NEW SEMINARY BUILDINGS president of the Catholic Press umnies of the Calles Government archbishop and two bishops younger is at the monastery adequate idea of God and the in¬ CHICAGO, Apr. 29.—Simon Baldus, Patrick Cardinal Hayes. Upon of CHICAGO, Apr. 27.—Omission of an Association, announced today SANconcerningANTONIO,theirTex.,deportationMay 1.—Cal¬from MEXICOhave beenCITY, Apr. 28.—Another of clusion of the death of a summarily deported the Benedictines Ruedesheim. improper theories fas¬ brother, one-quar¬ Reverend dear Father, that, at the seventeenth annual con¬ Mexico were refuted by the exiled from Mexico by President Calles. This ten upon the public schools of the ter of a $1,197,898 life estate and Beloved Faithful: vention of the Association, which will prelates of that country in a state¬ brings the total in the last week to country grave limitations which lay goes also to the Archbishop. be held at Savanah, Ga., May 19, 20, ment, issued by them here yesterday eleven— four archbishops and seven them open to criticism and should be May 4, 1927. TWENTY YEARS IN and 21, he will present a concrete afternoon. Archbishop Ruiz y Florez, bishops. examined closely by educators, Rev. It is consoling to have evidence of plan for the creation of a Catholic of Michoacan, gave out the statement BRITISH Dr. James H. Ryan, executive secre¬ Tuesday Most Rev. Martin Tritsch- HONDURAS greater interest in St. Gregory Sem¬ Literary Awards Foundation. in the name of the entire group. tary CONSECRATION OF lery Cordova, Archbishop of Yucatan, of the Edupation Department of inary, both on the part of the priests Mr. Baldus has arranged a tenta¬ Exact circumstances of the depor¬ the N. C. W. C., and Rev. Dr. Lynn and was seized on orders from Mexico laity. It is to be hoped that sus¬ BISHOP GERKEN tation are Kentucky Hills Look Good to Father Harold tive schedule, showing how the an¬ given; and the Mexican City and placed aboard a ship bound Hough, Methodist minister of tained interest will quicken the spirit Bernard Abeling, S. J. nual awards will be made by the Constitution is cited to show that the Detroit, told 500 delegates to the of generous for Havana and New York. No ex¬ generosity, and that giv¬ Foundation. Head of New Diocese of Amarillo act was illegal. The bishops also twenty-fourth annual convention of planation was vouchsafed by the ing will win for many those special of See. take occasion once more to Back from missionary duty in “A Catholic Takes Possession deny that authorities. the Religious Education Association blessings, which are bestowed by the Literary Awards Foun¬ they at any time have desired or British Honduras, where he has been here dation”, said Mr. Baldus, “means a today. Infinite Giver of all things for sacri¬ (N. C. W. Service) Shortly before this deed, Rt. Rev. for C. News sought foreign armed intervention in twenty years without a glimpse Rabbi Louis Mann, of Chicago, fices made in behalf of His priest¬ permanent fund of fifty thousand dol¬ Augustin Aguirre y Ramos, Bishop of his native 30.—Rt. Rev. Mexico, or that they or the Catholic Kentucky hills in all voiced the opinion that religious hood. lars from life membership fees, in¬ Dallas, Texas, Apr. Church were that or responsible for the re¬ time, nor even a visit to the teaching was a fine Priests will be vested in interest dividend-bearing Rudolph Aloysius Gerken, first Bish¬ y Palomar, Bishop Tepic, thing, but that it generous because cent train attack in the State of jzpeitia of United States op of Amarillo, was solemnly conse¬ shores, but four-days should be done outside of public Saint means securities, which will place from Gregory Seminary to Jalisco. The statement in full is as jere as ruthlessly seized and put on away, $3,000 a year our crated at the Cathedral of the Sacred journey Rev. Bernard F. Abel¬ school rooms and in the home. them the agency of the Church $2,500 to at dis¬ fains bound for Nogales, Texas. Heart here Tuesday. follows: ing, native son of St. Joseph Parish, Succeeding these three speakers, through which the selection and test posal to distribute as awards among In addition, the Government has Catholic writers and STATEMENT IN FULL. Iof Sinaloa, and Rt. Rev. Manuel Covington, is now visiting relatives came a public school man, M. G. of candidates for the priesthood will literary and Rt. Rev. Joseph Patrick Lynch, ordered the deportation of Most Rev. on both sides of the Ohio, and says Clark, superintendent of school at be made. Priests are without any journalistic workers generally. Bishop of Dallas, was consecrator, “During these first days of our ex¬ Juan Herrera y Pina, Archbishop of its like a bit o’ heaven. Coming home and Rt. Rev. Sioux City, Iowa, who contended that question the most generous class of List of Christopher, E. Byrne, ile, we have been deeply grieved to Monterery. Archbishop Herrera, how¬ from Louisville to Proposed Awards. Covington he religion had no business in the fabric men in the whole world. They have Bishop of Galveston, and Rt. Rev. read of the atrocious calumnies lev¬ ever, apparently had anticipated the “An idea as to how these awards traveled as slow as possible, he says, of State education. given themselves unreservedly to Francis C. Kelley, Bishop of Okla¬ eled against us by the Mexican Gov? order and gone into hiding, for Gov¬ to better will be made can be obtained from enjoy every bit of the Blue God in a life-long service of their homa, assistants. Most Rev. Arthur ernment. We now speak only under ernment agents have thus far been Grass hills. Dr. Ryan’s Views. the following tentative schedule: Jerome fellow men. In Drossaerts, Archbishop of the necessity of answering a govern¬ unable to find every emergency, him. The neutral attitude, made neces¬ poem. San British Honduras is no less beau¬ priests are to be found serving heroic¬ “$25 for the best Antonio, preached the sermon. ment which believes it necessary “$75 for the best essay or article. Revolution Gains Headway. tiful than Kentucky, says Father sary by law in State-supported ally those to whom they have dedi¬ Bishop Gerken, who is 39 years old, thus to bolster up its outrageous cam¬ schools, amounts practically to a “$100 for the best short story. came to Texas from Iowa nearly 20 While Calles thus strikes repeated¬ Abeling, and could the two be joined cated their lives. This surprises no paign against religion. public denial of Christianity, accord¬ “$150' for the best book of poems. years ago as a school teacher. His “Before all we declare that we and ly at religion, the conflagration of there would be no necessity of going one, who is familiar with the nature “$150 for the best juvenile story mother came here from Iowa to see revolution about him rises. Pew in¬ elsewhere in the world to find scenes ing to Dr. Ryan. His paper, read by of the Sacrament of Holy Orders all our priests and many laymen are a representative, contained the fol¬ (book). her son elevated to the Episcopacy. victims of the cruelest formed persons here doubt he is los¬ of beauty. Although in a tropical and with the history of the priest¬ religious per¬ lowing four fundamental criticisms “$250 for the best novel.
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