Annual meeting mLOCAL AND STATE looks back at 2002 Empty Cioset unveils Chuck Bowen gives GAGV's vision for She future online edition website The Empty Ooset will go online just Chuck Bowen sketched his vision By Susan Jordan in time for Pride. The online ver­ for the future of the Alliance, de~ Approximateiy 100 people were sion of the paper can be found at scribing the areas to be covered by present at the Gay Alliance's an­ [email protected]. th« structural reo*-ganization: opera­ nual meeting at the Clarion River­ Advertising will eventually be sold tions/management, development, side Hotel on June 8 — coinci­ forthe online EC, and news articles community relations (programming) dentaliy, just about the same num^ can now l>e up<teted on a weekly or and communications. He noted that ber tfiat were present at the very daily basis. The GAGV website has the passage of SONDA will gjve the first meeting in 1973 of the group also been completely re-designed: that was to become the GAGV. Gay Alliance the task of educating visit www.gayalUance.org. Board member Evelyn Baiiey, k>cal businesses about how to be in Ribv* Ron HelvTts leaves who hmnds the 30th anniversary compliance with the state's new anti­ Ofsen Ai-ms ^fCC discrimination protections for Igbt celebration commit£e«, gave a On June 22, Rev. Ron Helms ended brief history ofthe Alliance, start­ people. SPECIAL PRIOE/HISTOilY ISSUE: Above: Our first cotor photo his seven-year ministry at Open ing with the events of Oct 3. Bowen quoted Ellen Degeneres's includes UR*$ Cooper Union, site of first Gay Uberation meeting In 1973; Arms Metropolitan Community 1970, when Bob Osborn and Larry saying that we must both "stand out Church. and fit in". He said that gays should the si^ for the former GAGV Center «>n Honroe Ave,; the rainbow flag, Fine, founders of the Gay Libera­ ';::~f ,'W'^ • "•'•'•::':'!^=5 Op«n Arms issued a statement not be "queer-centric", drawing a tion Front at the University of *ay»ng. "Our Church community is line and requiring heterosexuals to Rochester, worricsd that no one saddened that Rev. Ron has been step over it, but rather we should would turn up for their first meet­ yy 'v^>----;- • • ••• •^.•••.•\r-'-'-X';v-^-'-.-'.v•.;->-.•:• -j^• • '••••••• • ..•.•.-..;.. _-,-;, '-'-^v. ..•^ -i.:^y'3TT-y7>(;,i-;:'/^.:, ;•:^:..• -sy .^^-^ff-*. called to move on. Through hts gifts move out into the world and claim ing tPiat night. Around i 00 people of leadership and passion for sociai our pbce in society. came to that meeting, and in July justice, our church lias become a Donna Red Wing ofthe Gill Foun­ 1973, the Gay Liberation Front stronger faith-centered body. Our dation, who was in Rochester to became the GAGV. church has reached out to and develop diversity training for the Al­ On June 8, 2003, almost 33 welcomed the transgendered com- liance, presented a workshop on lob- years after that first meeting en munity mainly due to Rev. Ron*£ bying-by non-profits before the meet­ the U.R. campus. Gay Alliance ^fN^of^ii^^:Wa jt^-r»port^ • ^^^l^i^^'Psaftafe-'y^^ the;L«gislature*s;bud- personal outreach. Reminding us ing. At the meeting itself, she spoke members, board and staff met to to live up to our church's name. about community centers across the announce new board officers, Rev. Ron has challenged Ope^ Arms country, how they have grown over present the annual report, give MCC to become more acUve in the the years, and how they reflect evolv­ awards. w[\6 hear a vision for the Rochester community by advocat­ ing Igbt identity. future g}ven by Executive Direc­ ing for social justice issues through tor Chuck Bowen. A multi^media Deputy ED Paul Berezney went the Rochester City Council and presentation by newly hired Com- over the information in the financial the City School Board and by serv­ munications Manager Don section of the annual report. One Ibf the ing as Vice Preskient of Organiza­ Albrecht added special fiavor to point emphasized throughout the tions for the Greater Rochester the evening. evening v^as that the loss of most of Community of Churches. He has Board President BiU Kelly gave the state funding for tiie TASS youth called us to be visible In the GLBT the welcome, and Board Secre­ programming wil! create major chal­ miiaief*:'Mth*:^ Aii^ n«<^e)^.lMt:: year; will. community, Of^^izing an auvnual lenges for the GAGV in the coming tary Ann G. T. Young announced lAsiSin Healtii a^ worship service during Pride week the eiection results: President, Alty year. and encoura^i^ng us and other sup­ Howell: Vice President/President Thanks were extended to former <?XJ«p» iwhich hat shared *ett« «han «h«y jjpt v^^^^f^^ was porting congregations to nnarch Ei«^ Ann G. T. Young; Secretary, board presidents Bill Keily and Shirley Heinrts condnuail cm |>. 3 AJida Kibitlewskit and Treasurer, Bowen, and to Interim Executive Michael Oswald. Meeting contimmd on p. 3 HPA hosts Tea Daace, other events HeipingPtople with AIDS (HPA)» recent years by the Hollywood and on Lidce Ontuio for At^. 30 at 7 which has raised over a mittlon Vine winetasting event), the group p.m. The Horter fieffs will cniise doUars In the past 20 years, will now plans a series of low<<ost the take while party-goers enjoy h<»st a Tea Dance on Sunday July fundraisers throughout the year. drinks, hors d*ouevres and danc- 20. at 2570 East Ave. The Tea Dance onjuly 20 will start Ingi and Watch the sunset. Cost Is HPA, ait all-voUmtwir orgMi^ at 4 pJiv and run until 8 pjn^ (eatur- $IOa "Ackniral"; $75 "Ciptaki", zadonwhidt sends 100 percent k^the Wet A Wild Fashion Show by and $S5/*P»sser^^^. of Hs fiinds dSnwtly «c» Hry/AIDS TiiHo Das^pts, showcasing the latest Ill' Sepcamhcrar-^^FA • anavaoi'at by C>|Htfccor,iiiid a parfor* Af^ten Wofiot: 0ni Sapt 27^ tha Its board ind finidrslsjng activi­ nwuwpa fay Aiiwroala Salad* Adniif^ ^f^ktify^-^ oyaiq^rtiad Imo a. • ties to >• }K^i)mit^^4^ti^fmft tancalsfSS in advance atid$40 St iha vantie'-far grsat fM md:yina,^.as. faneraitoit «nd IMMIT mfamiiim* door; Tickets wia be limiM. CaM \K)i^.n$mai(u^':P^. ^Jf^ 'taktt' Instead or rttlylr^ soMr ^^^ 27i^W|5H or see dse wabsita at prasant' u«s.fdodai>dw4lMiiv«lbacompli jHP^'s Tea Danca wOt be hatd July Ooitart ^wm^mfit^ tn HPAptansalibiiiousSuniatCfftiisa HPA «>iHiHMa< »np. > 20 at 2S70 East Ave. , /^ M » E R ft,^s;i:. "'^' < ^A^ nor Annual meeting continued from p. I fall and other expenses mean that the GAGV LETTEitS TO TME EDITOR: putet^ Director Pamela Barres. Chuck Bowen pre­ is In need of greatly increased support from The opinions of eoluiratitts. ndltort*! writ­ thei community donors In the coming year, if it is ers and oth«r contributing writers »r» wHI. :*:^.*i; sented awards to staff members Patty Hayes their own and do not necessarit/ refl«« arKt'^lion* number are provided to and Susan Jordan. Hayes, who has been Youth to keep meeting the needs of the people who the coflective attitude of the G«y AHlanee Editor, conftdentiaHty wUI be Program Coordinator for four years, left the depend on its programs and services. ofthe Genesee Vitley or the BmpKf Ooset. Submissions are due by the 15th of u.^ agency at the end of June to take up a position *M know that our supporters will not allow We will print letters at the editor's discre­ month aCThsEmiityCloiMt, l79AttanJ tion and on a space available basls.We wiH at Syracuse University. us to shut down after 30 years," Bowen said. tic Ave. RodMStarNY 14«Q7-125S: viewpoints that matter not print personal attacks on Individuals, emp<ydos«t|S|ay«ttanc*.orz In an emotional speech, Hayes said that she *K^ \ . ^''•'-^ hopes she had half as great an effect on the HPA continued fronn p. I youth as they have had on her. She said that mentary with ticket purchase, and a cash bar •x\. she and her partner (who is Jewish) pray for will be available. The cost is only $55 in the youth at synagogue services on Friday advarK:e or $60 at the door. • LOCAL AND STATE NEWS nights, at the point when time is set aside to A special Pride The devil made pray for "your older children and children Heinns continued fronn p. i who are not here". She said that we should with him In the Pride parade. His love for God Week me do it see youth as the leaders, not of tomorrow, and others has been a model for us all. but of today. "We will miss Rev. Ron and his partner Bowen announced the creation ofthe "Su­ Daniel Fisher- We wish them the very best san Jordan Award" for Emptf Ooset volun­ wherever God's call takes them. We will keep 1973 By Chuck Bowen, Executive Director An Empty Closet EditoriaJ by Susan Jordan teers — a plaque bearing the old doorknob them often in our prayers and remind them from the closet In the EC office, painted gold. that the dcor is always open. God bless!" During the Community Connection open ride Week this year is special, because 2003 is the year when SONDA became law, a any readers of this column might persecution and oppression. floor time at the end ofthe meeting, about half mere 31 years after the first gay rights legislation was introduced in the N.Y.S.
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