VOL. XLTV., NO. 290. Oluatlled AdTeittolng on Page o MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1926. PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS «- ANT) HE CUSSED THE MASONIC PLANS TIRE CONCERN, SURE. ROXIE S m N On Trial for Bribe Taking New York, Sept. 9.— A rub­ ber company has just received a letter mailed 18 years ago CONNECnCDT ca TO ABANDON FOR CENTENNIAL containing a check for $25.20 TO BE WITNESS in payment for two inner tubes. The letter was caught in the OCT. 2-3 FORMED mall chute of the Mills build­ IN CASE ing and remained there until wreckers discovered it. The LOCAL OFHCE AND CAR-BARNS Corner Stone of New Temple same tubes today would cost not more than $10. Star Evidence Giver in Con­ <!>- HENRY FORD GOING IN to Be Laid at Same Tune; gress Probe Will Be Used FOR OLD STEEL OVENS Manchester Headquarters tc P M ) SLEUTHS Marlboro, Mass., Sept. 9.— Grand Officers and Neigh­ Henry Ford, a-itomobile mag­ POLA NEGRI NOT IN by Government in the nate and landlord-emeritus of Be Combined with Hart­ the Wayside Inn, South Sud­ boring Lodges Invited. PRY INTO PAST bury, is going in for old ovens. Daugherty Trial. At the house of A. J. Blais, ford Offices; Change to VALENTINO’ S WILL while demolishing an old chim­ ney. workmen came upon an old . The Centennial committee of OFTIUOMAN’ Become Effective Nov. 1; New York. Sept. 9.— Both sides steel oven within the chimney Manchester Lodge of Masons met walls. The owner of the house last night to round out plans for were drawing battle plans today for was not aware of its existence. But Aunt of Second Wife Re­ the Nearly 80 Families Here the obsers-nnce of the 100th anni­ resumption tomorrow of the Man Who May Have Been That Mr. Ford maintains a versary of the local lodge, and for trial of former attorney general force of “ antique scouts” was ceives Third of Actor’s very evident when Mr. Blais re­ Affected; Bams in Need the laying of the cornerstone of Harry M. Daugherty and Colonel Thomas V . Miller, alien property Mrs. Gibsons Husband ceived a letter from Detroit, the new Masonic Temple at the $500,000 Estate. asking the selling price of the same time. The celebration will be custodian under President Harding. oven. The house Is over 150 of Repairs. held here on Saturday and Sunday Daugherty and Miller, who are on Says He Was Offered years old and the oven had been trial before Federal Judge Mack built in England prior to that October 2 and 3. Los Angeles, Sept. 9.— The will are charged with fraudulent con­ time. The Connecticut Company will The program calls for meetings of the late Rudolph Valentino, al­ Money— New Witnesses. Mr. Blais will sell the oven. at High school hall, the working spiracy in connection with the re­ abandon Its Manchester office and of the Master Mason’s degree on though not yet filed for probate, turn of $7,000,000 assets of the car-barns on or about November 1. a large class of candidates, and leaves one-third of his estate to American Metals Company to the it was learned today. The business former German owners. Somerville, Sept. 9.— Two more for a banquet at the State Armory. Mrs. Teresa Werner of Salt L.".ke office, dispatcher’s room, trolley re­ There will be a meeting of the There was no session of court to­ alleged eye-witnesses to the Hall- members of the lodge on Sunday City, aunt of Nantacha Rambova, day because of the Jewish holiday. Mills murder were occupyin,g the AL SMITH’ S HEALTH pair sheds and other equipment a$ and thoy will hear a sermon by his second wife, according to an The resumption tomorrow of the attention of the prosecution today. the Center will all be combined with Rev. Joseph Cooper at the South admission by Attorney Gilbert, the testimony of Richard Merton. Ger­ A New Brunswick man Is said the headquarters at State street, man metal baron and star witness Methodist church in the afternoon. actor's lawyer, today. WORRY TO FRIENDS Hartford; The Committee. for the prosecution, is expected to that he admitted he was in De Rus- The Centennial committee Is Announcement of a third bene­ reveal, several bits of sensational j sey’s Lane the night of the slaying Every Manchester resident em­ made up as follows: F. A. Ver- ficiary, to share equally In the es­ evidence. ’ of the Rev. Edward W. Hall and ployed on-> the Manchester division tate with Alberto Guglielmi and .............. planck, chairman; W. G. Glenney, To Tell of Wine Party. Mrs. Eleanor Mills and heard shots of the Connecticut Company will be N. B. Richards, R. LaMotte Rus­ Maria, brother and sister of Valen­ Recurring Illnesses Bring It is expected Merton will tell the r screams. offered employment by the company sell. William Walsh. William S. tino, was a surprise to friends .ind inside story of goings on at an al­ Hyde, Millard Park, Raymond associates here. It was known how­ leged champagne party, given in his Another man, "witness No. 3,” Belief Strength Is Not elsewhere so that no'loss of work Goslee, A. F. Howes, George M. ever, that Valentino held a sincere rooms at a hotel here, during the Harry M. Daugherty, e.x-Attorney General, first of America’s cabinet in reported to have bragged to a will result from the change. It Barber, William C. Cheney, Char­ affection for Mrs. Werner and the course of which Miller is alleged to officers to face a criminal trial, sees “ what the papers say.” friend in Brooklyn, N. Y. that he will be practically impossible for les M. Murphy, Herman Montle, estrangement and divorce of t e have presented the check for nearly had been at the murder scene and Equal to Public Life. Manchester trolley conductors and James McCaw, Harry Trotter, actor and Miss Rambova had not seven million dollars, the money ’ “ had seen everything.” Authorities motormen to maintain residence Harold Alvord, Albert F. Dewey affected his friendship for the aunt held in trust for the Suisse Societe plan to confront “ witness No. 3” here and work from the Hartford and Rev. Joseph Cooper. Albany, 8«pt. 9.— Governor A1 of his second wife. by Miller as alien property custo­ with his friend, “ witness No 2.”, headquarters since there will be no * This committee was appointed Probably Half Million dian. THUMBS DOWN ON STILLMAN IS SUED Mn'' Out of Past Smith is not physically as well as means of going to and from work in last May. Considerable work has S. George Ullman, secretary and Roxle Stinson, former wife of Somerville, N. J., Sept. 9.— A his many friends and admirers the morning and at night. been done in preparation for the manager for Valentino, estimated No Definite Orders. Jess Smith, personal friend and con­ man out of the past life of Mrs. would like to see him, but they are anniversary. Historical data has today that the will disposed of an .Tnne Gibson, the “ pig woman,'^’ The change has been discussed been obtained, and a history of the federate of Daugherty’s who com­ BONE DRY UPSHAW BY INDIAN GUIDE confident that if he takes a good estate valued at approximately mitted suicide shortly after his in­ around whose testimony the prose­ by the board of directors of the lodge will be published in pamph­ $500,000, after meeting al^ debts cution is building its case, figured rest before entering the fall cam­ Connecticut Company for some time, let form and issued at the ban­ dictment, is in New York, and is paign he will be all right. and obligations. prepared to take the stand in be­ today in the new Hall-Mills mur­ and Nathaniel J. Scott, superintend­ quet. The committee is anxious to IncluJsu in Valentino’s property der inven*'-'‘-’on. The Governor’s illness at Syra­ ent of the Hartford division, al­ obtain a picture of the old Aca­ half of the prosecution. It was listed by Ullman are a collection of Georgia Democrats Deny Re- Co-respondent in Famous Di­ The new character is Frederick cuse, where he went to speak at the though admitting the change would demy building which stood at the Miss Stinson, who in the investiga­ armory and antiques valued at Kesserlin,g. 67, silk worker, who New York State Fair, brought be made some time soon, said he Center on the Hunnlford property. tion by the Senate committee, told home to his advisers at the Capital If anyone knows where there Is a $250,000; a bouse in Beverly Hills of secret meetings between Daugh­ nomination to Extreme claims to have known Mrs. Gibson had not yet received definite orders. appraised at $175,000; $50,000; vorce Suit Charges Defa­ ' ■’ years ago. He will be question­ the fact that the Governor had Charles Cheney, president of Cheney . photograph available the commit­ erty, Smith, senators and other dig­ been working too hard this summer tee will be thankful if it is sent to insurance; jewelry, $50,000; aud nitaries in “ a little green house on ed today by Special Prosecutor Al­ Brothers, and a director of the Con­ other valuable possessions, includ­ ProhibitionisL exander Simpson concerning infor­ without a good rest. necticut Company, was not present Chairman F. A. Verplanek. K street.” Washington. What her mation, Attempted Bribery In the last two years' '.he Gover­ Original Charter. ing a yacht and a fleet of foreign testimony in the present trial will mation received that Kesserllng at the last meeting of the board, motor cars.
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