January 31, 2006 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 451 can indeed bring success. I congratulate him 2005–2006 academic year. Mr. Jones was of impeachment for any reason that does not on being named the 2005 Florida Army Na- honored with this award for his studies in meet the standard set in the Constitution must tional Guard Soldier of the Year, and wish him Ethnomusicology at the University of North be avoided by the Congress. good luck in the upcoming first Army Southern Texas. Serious questions have been raised about Region National Guard Soldier of the Year The Fulbright Program is sponsored by the President Bush’s actions in approving competition. Department of State Bureau of Educational warrantless wiretaps by the NSA, as well as f and Cultural Affairs. The program was estab- questions about both the Vice President’s and lished in 1946 with the purpose of building the President’s information that was provided TRIBUTE TO TUX AND BOOTS mutual understanding between the people of to the Congress as the basis for the decision BALL the United States and the rest of the world by to initiate war in Iraq. These important ques- allowing recipients to study, lecture or conduct tions need to be answered, and Congress HON. HENRY CUELLAR research in an international exchange pro- should then consider the answers in a careful, OF TEXAS gram. deliberate and thoughtful manner. It is impor- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Eric was selected on the basis of academic tant that this process be done in a dis- achievement, as well as demonstrated leader- passionate way that avoids partisanship. This Tuesday, January 31, 2006 ship potential in his field. thorough analysis should, in my judgment, be Mr. CUELLAR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to I extend my sincere congratulations to Mr. undertaken before anything such as these res- honor the sesquicentennial of Atascosa Coun- Eric Jones on receiving this award and com- olutions are considered. ty, which is a county in the 28th district of mend his dedication and desire to help his f Texas and was founded in 1856. This year school, community and country. TRIBUTE TO FALLBROOK PEOPLE marks the 150th anniversary of Atascosa’s be- f ginnings and we will kick off a year long cele- TO PEOPLE SERVICES bration at the annual Tux and Boots Ball on ON REMOVAL OF NAME AS CO- Saturday, January 28th in Pleasanton, TX. SPONSOR OF HOUSE RESOLU- HON. DARRELL E. ISSA Mr. Speaker, Atascosa County is south of TIONS 635, 636, AND 637 OF CALIFORNIA San Antonio on the Rio Grande Plain region of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES south central Texas. The first census taken in HON. ZOE LOFGREN Tuesday, January 31, 2006 Atascosa County was in 1860 and counted OF CALIFORNIA Mr. ISSA. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to honor 1,578 people. Today, Atascosa County’s pop- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ulation is at more than 43,000 residents. Fallbrook People to People Services on the Tuesday, January 31, 2006 The earliest schools in Atascosa County occasion of 24 years of outstanding services were organized around the time of the Civil Ms. ZOE LOFGREN of California. Mr. to the North County San Diego community. War. By 1914, there were thirty-seven schools Speaker, during the December recess I was On January 29, 2006, Fallbrook People to in the county. By the 1940s the school districts surprised to read in a newspaper article that I People Services celebrated 24 years of pro- had begun to consolidate. The total number of was listed as a cosponsor of House Resolu- viding nonprofit, volunteer run, free employ- persons over the age of twenty-five who had tions 635, 636 and 637 since I had not co- ment and counseling resources to under completed four years of high school rose from sponsored any of these measures. I discov- served members of North San Diego County. 1,300 in 1950 to 2,083 in 1960. In addition, ered that due to administrative errors, my The volunteers have served the community by the number of residents with some college name was mistakenly added to these bills by matching citizens with needs with individuals rose from 395 in 1950 to 473 in 1960. By the the Judiciary Committee staff. I never was a whom can assist. As a result, over 11,300 year 2000, when the census counted 38,628 cosponsor of any of them but the only way to jobs have been identified and filled. Mr. Speaker, with the dedication of people living in Atascosa County, over 65 per- correct the committee’s error under the rules Fallbrook People to People Service volun- cent of residents age twenty-five and older of the House is to ask unanimous consent to teers, many elderly or incapacitated clients are had four years of high school. Agriculture, have my name removed as a cosponsor even able to find affordable home health care, government services, and some light manufac- though I never asked to be added to these housekeeping, and home maintenance assist- turing are key elements of the area’s econ- pieces of legislation. I could not correct these ance that they would otherwise be unable to omy. The largest communities in the County errors until the House reconvened, which is locate. Many local businesses also take ad- are Jourdanton, the county seat, and why I am taking this action today. vantage of this resource to staff sales, service, Pleasanton the county’s largest town. Other I have been involved in two impeachment office and maintenance positions. Young communities include Poteet, Lytle, Charlotte, proceedings against American Presidents. The mothers, first time workers, and middle-aged Christine, Leming, McCoy, and Peggy. Some first was in 1974, during the impeachment in- women are given assistance to support their of the County’s wonderful attractions include quiry related to President Nixon when I served families and find meaningful employment in the Poteet Strawberry Festival, the Jourdanton on the staff of a member of the House Judici- order to become self-sufficient citizens. Days Celebration, and the Cowboy Home- ary Committee, Congressman Don Edwards. On the occasion of Fallbrook People to Peo- coming and Rodeo in Pleasanton. As we look The second was in 1998, as a Member of the ple Service’s 24th anniversary, I would like to back on the last 150 years with pride, we also Judiciary Committee during the impeachment personally recognize the work of those who look forward to a promising future for of President Clinton. have served as volunteers, staff and board Atascosa. Impeachment of a President is provided for members of this exceptional, nonprofit organi- Mr. Speaker, I am proud to honor Atascosa in the Constitution only in cases of bribery, zation. County on their 150th anniversary and all of treason or ‘‘high crimes and misdemeanors.’’ their accomplishments. The latter phrase had a very specific meaning f f to the drafters of our Constitution and was TRIBUTE TO CHRIS JONES meant to include misbehavior by a President CONGRATULATING MR. ERIC R. that threatened the very nature of our govern- HON. HENRY CUELLAR JONES ment. President Nixon resigned before the OF TEXAS Congress could vote on his impeachment, but IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS the impeachment articles adopted by a bipar- Tuesday, January 31, 2006 OF TEXAS tisan majority of the Judiciary Committee in- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cluded behavior that was so lawless that it Mr. CUELLAR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to could threaten the very nature of the American honor the accomplishment of Chris Jones, a Tuesday, January 31, 2006 government. Texas State University senior who was re- Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to The partisan 1998 impeachment was based cently sworn in as the newest member of the congratulate Mr. Eric R. Jones of Denton, on personal misbehavior by the President and San Marcos, Texas City Council. Texas for receiving the prestigious Fulbright was, in my judgment, a misuse of the im- Mr. Speaker, Chris Jones is the first student award to study abroad in Bolivia during the peachment provisions in the Constitution. Use to be elected to the San Marcos City Council VerDate Sep 11 2014 13:20 Mar 08, 2017 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00107 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\FDSYS\BOUNDRECORD\BOOK1\BR31JA06.DAT BR31JA06 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE.
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