SPORTS: Mud Dogs win division championship, page 10 The Union Daily Times Your hometown newspaper in Union, South Carolina, since 1850 LOG ONTO WWW.UNIONDAILYTIMES.COM FOR ARCHIVES l FEATURES l E-EDITION l ADVERTISING l & MORE VOL. 162, NO. 114 FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 2013 50¢ Council authorizes mayor to negotiate utility rates Charles Warner vide the industrial pros- Editor pect locating outside its municipal limits with the UNION — The mayor utility rates offered cus- of the City of Union now tomers within the city. has the authority to nego- The ordinance autho- tiate lower utility rates to rizes the mayor to nego- help attract new industry tiate such an agreement and promote the expan- for a certain period of sion of existing industry. time for an industry that In a special meeting invests $2.5 million in a Tuesday morning, Union new facility or the expan- City Council voted unani- sion of an existing one. Whitehead and her fellow students also visited Tloma Primary School in rural Tanzania where they talked with the students and posed mously to approve and The agreement would for some pictures. second and final reading only remain in effect for of an ordinance authoriz- the agreed upon period of ing the mayor to nego- time if the industry makes tiate utility rate agree- the required investment ments as an incentive to and creates the agreed attract new industries to The trip that changed her life upon number of jobs. If Union County and/or to it does not, the agree- facilitate the expansion of ment is null and void and Whitehead changed career existing ones. the industry must pay the Both Union County and higher rates charged cus- plans after visiting Tanzania the S.C. Department of tomers located outside and Danny Whitehead. Commerce have in the Charles Warner the city. She attended Buffalo past asked the city to Editor While the city benefits Elementary and assist them in developing indirectly from the invest- WEST SPRINGS — Excelsior Middle schools incentive packages with ment and job creation out- In less than a decade, before transferring to which to offer industries side its municipal bound- Shelley Whitehead has Dawkins Middle School considering locating or aries, it benefits directly visited six countries on in Spartanburg County expanding in the county. from getting a new high- two continents, but it where her father was a The city’s contribution volume utility customer. was her last trip overseas school counselor. After to these incentives pack- that changed the direc- graduating from Dorman ages usually take the form Editor Charles Warner can be reached tion of her life. High School in 2007, of an agreement to pro- at 864-427-1234, ext. 14, or by email at [email protected]. On May 18, Whitehead Whitehead attended was among the thousands Presbyterian College of students to graduate where she majored in Photos courtesy of Shelley Whitehead from Tulane University Biology and English with During her trip to Tanzania in 2010, Shelley Whitehead and her in New Orleans, La. The a minor in Film Studies. fellow students of Presbyterian College’s Biology Department Seven offered jobs main ceremony was held As part of her studies visited a Maasai village. Whenever they have visitors, the Maasai in the Mercedes-Benz offer their guests a traditional drink of warm milk and fresh cow’s blood. As a good guest, Whitehead accepted the hospitality of at recruitment event Superdome where the See WHITEHEAD | 9 commencement address her hosts and had a drink which she described as “pretty good.” Charles Warner The job offers are contin- was delivered by the Dalai Editor gent upon the applicants Lama of Tibet. Following passing an exam, a SLED the main ceremony, the UNION — Seven background check, and a various schools that com- people were interviewed drug test. pose Tulane held their during Thursday’s Mojica said he was own ceremonies includ- recruitment event at the pleased with the results ing the School of Public SCWorks Union office and of the recruitment event, Health and Tropical all seven were offered jobs but said there are still Medicine from which by the company recruit- more positions to be filled Whitehead graduated ing security guards for a including the position of with a Master of Public Jonesville area employer. account supervisor which Health with a major in The interviews were was not offered to any of Global Health Systems conducted by C.J. Mojica, Thursday’s applicants. and Development and Operations Manager and “We are still looking for a concentration in SLED Level III Instructor, The summer before her junior year at Presbyterian College, Shelley Whitehead traveled with some more individuals, espe- Program Design and of her fellow students to Ireland to study literature. Their trip took them to Northern Ireland which and Administrative cially account supervisor,” Implementation. Assistant Beth Allman of Whitehead describes as the scariest part of her trip with she and fellow students hearing bombs Mojica said. “Nobody that Whitehead is a West going off one night. During the day, however, she was able take pictures of the murals that adorn U.S. Security Associates, came in today met the Springs native and the many of the walls. This wall in Belfast features the image of American abolitionist Frederick Inc. They were conduct- criteria for that position.” daughter of Ginger Douglass and a reproduction of Pablo Picasso’s “Guernica.” ing the interviews to fill The employer U.S. security positions and by Security Associates was the end of the event they’d recruiting for Thursday offered jobs to the seven people they interviewed. See JOBS | 3 More than 200 to participate in ‘The Jerusalem Project’ Derik Vanderford mately 40 projects. The you; and you will be my country. There is a need Staff Writer Jerusalem Project began witnesses in Jerusalem, right here.” in Union County in 2011, and in all Judea and The Jerusalem Project UNION — For the and similar projects have Samaria, and to the ends will take place Monday- third year in a row, local also begun in Chesnee. of the earth.” Friday. In the mornings, churches will bring youth Locally, the project Jerusalem was their participants will work together to work as part continues to grow each hometown. One of the on at least 22 homes, of a week-long project to year, as there will be projects local organiz- building wheelchair serve others within their more than 200 partici- ers — Allison Coker — ramps, making repairs, hometown. pants for this year’s proj- pointed out that there is painting and doing “The Jerusalem ect in Union. also a need in Union. yard work. In the after- Project” originated in The name — “The “We are called to go out noons, they will work 2004 in Cherokee County Jerusalem Project” — in our own Jerusalem,” at various project sites Charles Warner|Daily Times with 30-40 people and 4-5 comes from Acts 1:8, in Coker said. “Youth can such as Union County projects. The Cherokee C.J. Mojica, Operations Manager and SLED Level III Instructor, and which Jesus said to his see that there is a need Pregnancy Center, County project now has Administrative Assistant Beth Allman of U.S. Security Associates, disciples, “But you will for missions here in Ellen Sagar Nursing more than 700 volunteers Inc. interview an applicant during Thursday’s recruitment event at receive power when the Union. They don’t have the SCWorks Union office. and takes on approxi- Holy Spirit comes on to go out of state or the See PROJECT | 3 Find us Today’s The Union Daily Times wants your Father’s Day letters TOMORROW’s Obituaries WEATHER onlinewww.uniondailytimes.com UNION — Father’s Day is June 16 and The Union Daily Times would like to • William “Billy” Brown, Sr. 100% recycled Union 6/05/2013 publish our readers’ fondest childhood memories of their fathers in our June newsprint 15 edition. Submissions should be 200 words or less. Each submission can be Read them on Page 2 accompanied by a photo of the writer’s father, which will also be published. To have a memory of your father published for Father’s Day, email it to [email protected], drop it by our office at 100 Times Boulevard in Union or mail it to us at P.O. Drawer 749, Union, S.C. 29379. All emailed photos should be high-resolution JPEGs. Photos of poor quality will not be used. Illegible submissions will not be accepted. The deadline for submissions Showers To subscribe, is June 12. HIGH LOW call 427-1234 80s 60s Annie’s mAilbox 5 Crossword 6 obituAries 2 todAy in History 2 Find additional weather Inside ClAssified 8 HorosCope 6 sports 10 viewpoint 4 information in today’s ComiCs 6 lifestyles 5 television 9 weAtHer 2 Today edition on Page 2 Have a news tip for us? Call 427-1234 or e-mail us at [email protected] RECORDFriday, June 7, 2013, Union, S.C. — Page 2 Hospice Care OBITUARIES of South Carolina WILLIAM “BILLY” Brown’s Roofing Co. and Betty, Dean Brown and be Jamie Johnson, Chad “Choose compassion. Choose dignity.” BROWN SR. was of the Baptist faith. Jerry Brown and wife Lipsey, Jamie Brown, UNION — Mr. William Surviving in addition to Sherry, all of Union. Jason Cameron, Chad Penny Adamo “Billy” Brown Sr., 51, hus- his wife are two daugh- Mr. Brown was pre- Cameron and Dennis ters, Jessica Scott and deceased by a brother, Davis. Community Relations Liaison band of Becky B. Brown, 112 Hunter’s Run Road, husband Kevin of Union Freddie Brown.
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