INDEX Abbot, Ezra, 62 American Ships of the Colonial & Revolu- Abingdon, Lord, 287, 300 tionary Periods, by Millar, rev., 532-534 Abolition, Horace Greeley's views on, 209 American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Abolitionists, in Phila., 370-371 449, 460 Academy of Music, Fenian lecture at, 217 American Theatre Company, 150 Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, American Unitarian Association, 53, 57 Amusements: fancy dress parties, 223, 224; Actors: favor Lecture on Heads, 166-176; in Phila. in 1839, 500; in 1840, 523-524 public repute of, 361 Andalusia, Biddle estate, 4, 28, 29 Adams, Donald R., Jr., Finance and Enter- Anderson, Richard Clough, 95 prise in Early America, rev., 129-131 Anderson, Maj. Robert, 185, 186, 187, 190 Adams, Henry, on Gilded Age, 334 Animal magnatism, 501 Adams, John (1735-1826), 358; death of, 99; Anthracite coal. See Coal trials of John Fries, 435-443 Arch Street Theatre, 524 Adams, John Quincy, 373; poem of in Anna Architecture: Nicholas Biddle's views on, 29; Breck's album, 107-108 in Phila., 380 Addison, Alexander, 436 Archives, of Pa., Dr. Shenk's missing series, Agriculture: Nicholas Biddle's observations 4I5-43I on, 17-18, 28; in Boston area, 520 Albion, loss of packet ship, 244 Archives Search Room, Harrisburg, 417 Albion, N. Y. newspaper, 503 Armstrong, Gen. John, Jr. (1758-1843), 3, Algiers, Dey of, 41, 42 4, 6 Allston, Washington, 15, 21 Arson, of Pa. Hall, 370-371 Almanacs, printed by Wm. Dunlap, 148 Ashton, Mr., actor, 175 Ambivalent Americans: The Know-Nothing Asparagus, m Party in America, by Baker, rev., 133-135 Aspinwall, Anna Lloyd Breck (Mrs. Wm. American Academy of Fine Arts, 16, 99 Aspinwall), 235, 238, 240 The American 4lmanac, 148 Aspinwall, John, 518 American Company of Comedians, 169, 170, Aspinwall, William H., 238, 240, 518 Assembly, Pa. (bicameral, 1790- ), in i7i? 174 American Daily Advertiser, 522 late 1870s, 334-355. See House of Repre- American Essay Serials from Franklin to sentatives, Pa. Irving, by Granger, rev., 395-396 Assembly Room, Lodge Alley, 168, 169, 172 American Furniture and Its Makers: Astral lamps, 508 Winterthur Portfolio 13, Quimby, ed., rev., Athenaeum of Philadelphia, 232, 250, 497 ^ 539-541 Autographs and Manuscripts, Berkely, Klin- American Philosophical Society, 361, 366, gelhofer, and Rendell eds., rev., 547-549 379, 499, 5O4, S*3~5*S', P^ns for an Ayers, Leonard, 468 observatory, 525 American Revolution: Battle of Long Island, Bachman, Frank P., 47in by Manders, rev., 392; diary of Jeremiah Baer, John W., the Buckeye Blacksmith, Greenman, 121; papers of at Pa. State 514, 515 Archives, 428-431; Pennsylvania Line, Bahn, Adam, 487 122; prisoners of war in, 279-301; A Season Bahn, Catherine, 487-488 of Youth, by Kammen, rev., 393-394; use Bahn, John Adam, 484 of rifles in, 302-324; A Village at War: Bahn, Morgan, 487 Chatham, New Jersey, by White, 534-535; Bahn, Rachel, "Walking with the Lord," by want of ammunition in, 85-86; With the Lockyer, 484-496 British Army in Philadelphia, by Jackson, Bainbridge, Joseph, fights duel, 41 535-536; writings of Continental officers, Bainbridge, Susan Heyliger (Mrs. Wm. 536-537 Bainbridge), 52 553 554 INDEX October Bainbridge, Commodore William: blamed by Beecher, Henry Ward, biog. of by Clark' Mrs. Decatur for husband's death, 49, 50, 546-547 $on, 51; role of in Barron-Decatur duel, Beekman Street Wharf, N.Y. City, 518 34-52 Beer, 356 Baker, Jean H., Ambivalent Americans, rev., Belmont, Peters country seat, Lafayette at, 88. 133-135 Bemis Heights, Saratoga, 317 Baker, Ray Stannard, 466 Ball, Sir Alexander, 41 Benezet, Anthony, 148 Balloon ascensions, by J. Mills, 362-363 Benjamin West: A Biography, by Alberts, Ballotting, patterns in Pa. legislature, rev., 383-384 339-34O Berens, John F., Providence £s? Patriotism in Balls. See Philadelphia Assemblies Early America, 1640-1815, rev., 386-387 Baltimore, 1840 pop. of, 527 Berkeley, Edmund, Jr., ed., Autographs and Bank of Kentucky, 509, 510 Manuscripts, rev., 547-549 Bank of Pennsylvania (1793-1857), 11, 22 Betelle, James, 471 Bank of the United States, 2nd, 233; archi- Bethlehem Iron Company. See Bethlehem tecture of, 29; attacked by Gov. Wolf, 358; Steel Company N. Biddle resigns from, 504; public deposits Bethlehem Steel Company, 45077, 457-458 removed from, 247 Biddle, Charles (1745-1821), 3, 7 Banking: abuses of (1839), 506, 509; Girard's Biddle, Col. Clement, 10 Biddle, Clement C, 366, 381 bank, 1812-1831, 129-131; Phila. banks I J J resume specie payments, 1838, 375; specie Biddle, Judge James (i73 - 797)> 49 stoppage of 1839, 508 Biddle, Marks John, 97 Barba, Preston, 486 Biddle, Nicholas (1786-1844), in, 504, 505; agricultural address of (1840), 526; dines Barbadoes Island, Norristown, 102 r Barbados, printing establishments at, 151, with Lafayette, 88-89 , elected pres. Bank U. S., 85; European diaries of, 3-33; 154 Pottsville speech of (1840), 510-5n The Barbados Gazette, 154 Biddle, Thomas (1776-1857), 88, 237 The Barbados Mercury, 154, 155 Biddle, William S., 6, 10, 20 Barbary states, wars with, 43-45 Biderman, Antome, 244W Barber of Seville, opera, 104 Binder, Frederick M., rev. of Powell's Barbour, James, 381 Philadelphia's First Fuel Crisis, 402-404 Barnard, Henry, 68 Bingham, William, Jr., 376, 376^ Barnes, John S., 52 Binney, Horace, Sr. (1780-1875), 515; Barron, Commodore James: court martial of, describes Sam. Chase, 443 34, 37; duel with Decatur, 34-52; views of Birch, Thomas, 244 on dueling, 40 Bispham, J. M., City Tavern of, Trenton, Barry, Alyce, rev. of Wilson & Ricketson's 104, 107 Thomas Paine, 396-397 Black Horse Cavalry, 334 Barton, Dr. Benjamin, 10 Bladensburg, Md., dueling ground at, 47, 49 Bary, Robert C, ed. Diary of a Common Blagrove, Benjamin, 163 Soldier, rev., 121-122 Blankenburg, Rudolph, 461 Bath rooms, in Phila. (1839), 503, 507; early Bleeding, 327 bathrooms, 226 Bloom, Robert L., rev. of Stephenson's Baths, public, at Norristown, 102, 103 Indiana County: 175th Anniversary History>9 Battery, N.Y. City, 518 407-408 The Battle of Long Island, by Manders, rev., Blue laws, in Boston, 520 39^-393 Board of Navy Commissioners, 46 Baumann, Roland M.: "Dr. Shenk's Missing Boardman, Rev. Henry A., 381 Series of the Published Pennsylvania Bolmann, Misses, 109 Archives," 415-431; rev. of Jensen, ed., Bonaparte, Charles Louis Napoleon. See The Documentary History of the Ratification Napoleon III of the Constitution, vol. 3, 126-127; rev. of Bonaparte, Mrs. Jerome, 8 Smith, ed., Letters of Delegates to Congress, Bonaparte, Joseph, 378, 379, 380, 523; vols. 1-2, 124-126 Bordentown property of, 237 Bay Psalm Book, 488 Booker T. Washington School, Dover, Del., Bayonets, tactical use of, 304-324 passim 475 Beach, Nathan, 374 Booksellers, of col. Phila., 149-150 Beard, Charles, 336 Boom bill, 341, 345 Beck, John, 347, 348 Boom Company, 346, 348 Beck, Paul, Jr., 249 I979 INDEX SS5 Boorstin, Daniel J., 321 Brown, William, printer, 151, 152, 154 Border State Plan, 181-182 Browne, James, 233 Bone, John Joseph, 228, 230 Brownson, Orestes A., 204, 207, 208, 212 Boritt, G. S., Lincoln and the Economics of Brownson's Quarterly Review, 207 the American Dream, rev., 269-270 Bryant, William Cullen, 493 Borland, John, 520 Bryce, James, 335 Boston, Mass., visited by Sam. Breck (1840), Buchanan, James, 179, 198 520 Buck Shot War, 382 Boston Guards, visit Phila., 240 Buckskin breeches, 308 Boston News Letter, first Am. newspaper, 522 Buehler, Henry, Harrisburg hotel of, 251 Boudinot, Elias (1740-1821), 297, 298, 300 Buist, Robert, 512 Bowen, Francis, 62 Bulkeley, Charles, 292 Boxly, Chestnut Hill estate, 462 Bunker, William J., Mansion House hotel, Boyd, William, 87, 250 N. Y. City, 518 Boyer, Paul, Urban Masses and Moral Order Bunker Hill, monument dedicated at, 88 in America, 1820-1920, rev., 404-406 Burd-Shippen-Yeates Papers, 427 Boyer town Area Cookery, rev., 408-409 Burgoyne, Gen. John, at Saratoga, 317 Brackenridge, Hugh Henry, 502 Burke, Mrs. Charles, actress, 92 Braddock, Gen. Edward, 306 Burke, Edmund, 300 Bradford, William, III, 144, 151 Burke, Helen Newbury, Foods from the Brady, Gen. Hugh, 378 Founding Fathers, rev., 267 Brandeis, Louis, 465, 466 Burr, Aaron, 9 Brandy, 356 Bushnell, David, 322 Brandywine, frigate, 100 Bushnell, Paul E., ed., Diary of a Common Brandy wine Springs, 241 Soldier, rev., 121-122 Breck, Anna Lloyd, 105; album of, 107. See Butler, Jon, rev. of Berens' Providence & Aspinwall, Anna Lloyd Breck Patriotism in Early America, 1640-1815, Breck, Rev. Charles, 522 386-387 Breck, Daniel, 243 Butler, Pierce (1744-1822), 362 Breck, George, 104, 241, 251 Butler, Pierce (d. 1867), 224, 226, 362, 36$ Breck, Lucy: health of, 99, 106; death of, Butterfield, Lyman H., 416 229-230 Breck, Mary, 104 Breck, Samuel: 1823-1827 diary of, 85-113; 1827-1833 diary of, 222-251; diary of, Cabs, first in Phila., 504 1834-1835, 1838, 356-382; diary of, 1839- Cadwalader, Caroline, rev. of Burke's Foods 1840, 497-527; entertains Lafayette, 89; from the Founding Fathers, 267 silhouette of, 497r; visits Boston, 104-105 Cadwalader, Gen. George, 224, 502 Breck, Samuel, of Alabama, 242 Cadwalader, Judge John (1805-1879), 5177* Breck, Samuel, textile manufacturer, 228, 241, Cadwalader, John (fl. 1979), rev. of Hagan's In Peace and War, 272-273 Breck, Mrs. Samuel, Sr., journey of to Cadwalader, Gen. Thomas, 90, 240, 250; Boston, 104-105 gives a ball, 223; and proposed college, Breck, William, 244 95-96; snubs Richard Rush, 249; visited Brewster, Francis E., 376 by Webster, 110 Bribery, in Pa. legislature, 335-355 Caesar Rodney School, Dover, Del., 472 Bridges, Upper Ferry (Fairmount), burned, Callender, James T., 445 378 Camac, Mr. 224, 226 Bridgetown, Barbados, burned, 156 Camac, William M., 502 British Queen, steamship, 518 Cameron, James Donald, 342, 351 Broad St., Phila., improvements to, 501-502 Cameron, Simon, in secession crisis, 186, 191, Broderick, Francis L., rev.
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