04 Wednesday, July 22, 2020 Nation QFFD and UNDP event Qatar Armed Forces give briefing discusses accelerating on successful ‘Nasr 2020’ exercise progress towards SDGs QNA addressing the developmental QNA DOHA challenges wreaking havoc in DOHA fragile states and least devel- QATAR Fund for Develop- oped countries (LDCs) and THE Qatar Armed Forces on Tuesday ment (QFFD) and United hampering progress towards presented a briefing on the ‘Nasr 2020’ Nations Development Pro- Agenda 2030”. exercise, in which units of all armed gramme (UNDP) Accelerator The event was attended by forces participate. Labs hosted a virtual event Hamad Al Qahtani, SME In- The briefing was attended by Dep- on the sidelines of the 2020 cubation & Acceleration man- uty Chief of Staff for Education and High-level Political Forum ager and general manager of Training at the Qatari Armed Forces on Sustainable Development Qatar Incubation Center; Nouf Major-General Hamad Ahmed Al Nu- (HLPF). Al Kaabi, development analyst aimi and a number of officers of the The theme of the conver- at QFFD, and a number of units participating in the exercise. sation was ‘The Fast and the experts and specialists in the The exercise aims to enhance joint Curious. Local innovations to field of development and in- work, unify concepts and test the capa- accelerate progress towards novation. bilities and readiness of all units in the the Sustainable Development The participants dis- armed forces. Goals in times of COVID-19’. cussed the importance of “QFFD is very proud to be speed and diversity, as well a core investor in the Accelera- as taking advantage of solu- tor Labs network. We strongly tions and employing them believe that more can be done to move beyond recovery to Ashghal to divert traffic and our commitment to more achieve the 2030 develop- collaborative action is strong- ment goals. They also dis- er than ever,” said Ali Al Dab- cussed how local innovations on parts of Bani Hajer bagh, deputy director general can contribute to accelerat- for Planning at QFFD, in his ing progress towards sus- opening remarks. tainable development goals Interchange from Friday Dabbagh also called upon (SDGs), especially amid the “young innovators to continue current global crisis. QNA enue Project. DOHA During this change of traffic, road users on Al Shahama Street THE Public Works Authority (Ashghal) heading towards Al Rayyan, Doha has announced temporary closure on and Dukhan will be directed to Joint panel reviews parts of Bani Hajer Interchange from internal roads to reach their des- Friday, July 24, until Sunday, July 26, tinations, as shown on the map 2020. attached. medical equipment The closure is in coordination with The Public Works Authority will the General Directorate for Traffic. The install road signs advising motorists of production at QSC change will be implemented to allow the closure and requests all road users asphalt work as part of the Khalifa Av- to abide by the existing speed TRIBUNE NEWS NETWORK pandemic. DOHA They also listened to a Partial traffic closure on comprehensive explanation of THE Joint Committee for In- the important products that novative Projects, consisting the QSC manufactured and Omar Al Mokhtar Street of representatives of the Qatar viewed the products. The com- Scientific Club (QSC) Engineer mittee members also learned Rashid Al Rahimi, Engineer about the stages of their devel- and Al Bidda Street Abdul Rahman Khamis, Dr opment and method of manu- Harib Al Jabri Muhammad Zi- facturing them in the QSC’s TRIBUNE NEWS NETWORK works and installation of new traffic yad; representatives of Hamad laboratories and workshops. DOHA signal, as part of the upgrading works Medical Corporation (HMC) Dr Rahimi said, “We are on some streets in West Bay Area. Nasser Ali Al Ansari, Hamad proud of the accomplishments THE Public Works Authority (Ash- During the period, three lanes will Al Khalifa and Omar Hassanat the team working in the QSC, ghal) will close one lane of Omar Al remain open to traffic on Omar Al reviewed the progress of the in cooperation with the HMC Mokhtar Street and Al Bidda Street Mokhtar and Al Bidda Street as well implementation of projects re- team, was able to record.” known as Majlis Al Taawon Street as right turns towards intersecting lated to the coronavirus (COV- He praised cooperation for 1.5 km starting from Al Taameen streets. ID-19) pandemic by QSC. between of the Qatari Scien- Street towards Towers Intersection. The Public Works Authority will The committee members tific Club and Hamad Medical In coordination with the General instal road signs to guide motorists witnessed the work process Corporation. Directorate of Traffic, the closure will about the temporary closure. Ashghal adopted by the Qatari Scien- He also lauded the QSC be implemented from Thursday, July requests all road users to abide by the tific Club to produce a num- for its efforts to provide the re- 23, 2020 for a period of two months to speed limit and follow the road signs ber of medical equipment and quired quantities of equipment facilitate completion of infrastructure to ensure their safety. services that contribute to the to the Hamad Medical Corpo- protection of medical person- ration and other medical and nel working to combat the educational authorities. threat of COVID-19. On their part, members HMC representatives of the committee from HMC praised the efforts of the Qatar praised the quality and excel- Grand Hamad Intersection to become R/A from July 23 Scientific Club for its national lence of the devices manu- motivation aimed at providing factured by QSC, which have TRIBUNE NEWS NETWORK part of the A Ring Road Devel- safety means for medical per- contributed to protecting the DOHA opment Project. sonnel working in the front- medical staff working during During the period, road line to curb the danger of this the crisis. THE Public Works Authority users of Al Mahar Street (Ashghal) will convert Grand wishing to turn left towards Hamad Intersection on A Grand Hamad Street will be Ring Road into a temporary required to turn right and roundabout while keeping two reach Ali Bin Abdulla Inter- lanes open in all directions, in section where they will make addition to partially closing a U-turn to get back on Grand the intersection known as Bin Hamad Street and reach Abbass. their destinations. Those us- In coordination with the ing Grand Hamad Street and General Directorate of Traf- wishing to turn left towards fic, this change will be imple- Al Mahar Street will have mented from Thursday July to continue straight for 100 23, 2020 for a period of two metres where they will make months to facilitate the com- a U-turn then turn right to- pletion of upgrading works as wards Al Mahar Street. Three NU-Q students win creative arts awards at research event her own experience from an The two-day event is a platform for incident 10 years ago. “This film gave me an av- NU-Q students to present projects enue to raise awareness about to live audience and win awards the consequences of reckless driving and express how the TRIBUNE NEWS NETWORK panel discussions and a crea- accident still affects me men- DOHA tive and visual arts festival. tally and physically,” she said. All three NU-Q winners, Other NU-Q projects se- NORTHWESTERN Univer- Khraisheh, Alshaibi, and Nu- lected for the expo included sity Qatar’s students Kayan aimi, were awarded in the additional entries in the crea- Khraisheh, Shaikha Alshaibi creative arts category. tive arts category: Ameera Al and Leila Al Nuaimi picked Khraisheh’s diaspora- Said, sculpture/photography up awards for their films at focused documentary ‘All entry ‘Bloom’; Lujain Assaf, Northwestern University’s Roads Lead to Palestine’ was creative writing entry ‘The annual Undergraduate Re- awarded second place. It fol- Lucky One’ and Nur Munawa- search & Arts Exposition, a lows three displaced Pales- rah and Marielle Cortel, docu- forum for original research tinian families in Qatar as A screenshot from Kayan Khraisheh’s film ‘All Roads Lead to Palestine’ A scene from Shaikha Alshaibi’s film ‘I Am More’ mentary ‘Tea with Mama’. and creative work by the uni- they recall stories about the NU-Q students have versity’s undergraduates. hardships they endured when Palestinian history is being documentary and short film, Zawadi from Kenya and Glo- they have found happiness by participated in the expo for The two-day symposium leaving their country and the rewritten and eroded, and respectively. ria Cortez from the Philip- integrating their passion for several years, winning mul- celebrates student work by bond they still have with it it’s critical that we hold on Nuaimi also presented a pines – who left their lives, cooking, gardening, dancing tiple awards for their work giving them a platform to despite the time and distance to sources of truth and the poster, ‘Inequality in America families and countries to earn and hairdressing into their on topics that range from present their projects to a live they’ve been away. voices of people who are still and The Incarceration Sys- a better living. everyday life. the consequences of bonded audience and win awards, se- Documenting the families’ directly affected by displace- tem: Race Crime and Crimi- The film, Alshaibi said, Nuaimi’s short film ‘Frac- labour in Pakistan to mental lected by a professional jury. experiences and the impact ment.” nal Justice’. “empowers domestic workers tured’ tells the story of a wom- health issues in Singapore, Submissions are divided into of the conflict on Palestinians Tied for third place in the Alshaibi’s documentary by encouraging them to get an who struggles with memo- and the exploration of sci- three categories: poster pres- was important to Khraisheh, same category, Alshaibi and ‘I Am More’ tells the story of in touch with their creative ry loss following a tragic car ence literacy among the pub- entations, curated student who said, “So much of the Nuaimi were recognised for a two domestic workers – Hawa sides,” and demonstrates how accident and is inspired by lic in Qatar..
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