O R T RESUMES VT 000 081 AUDIO-VISUAL AIDS FOR AUTOMATION. BY- GIBSON, E. DANA AND OTHERS SAN DIEGO STATE COLL., CALIF. REPORT NUMBER BOOK-71 PUS DATE 65 EDRS PRICE MF -$D.18 HC -$3.64 92P. DESCRIPTORS*AUDIOVISUAL AIDS, INSTRUCTIONAL FILMS, FILMSTRIPS, *AUTOMATION, TRANSPARENCIES,*BIBLIOGRAPHIES, DATA PROCESSING, SAN DIEGO AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS ON DATA PROCESSING,COMPUTER SYSTEMS, NUMERICAL CONTROL, AND OTHERAREAS RELATED TO AUTOMATION AND COMPUTERIZATION ARE LISTEDIN ALPHABETICAL ORDER AND ANNOTATED IN MOST CASES.THE LISTING FROM 72 SOURCES IN THE UNITED STATES INCLUDES100 FILMS, 84 FILMSTRIPS, AND 31 SLIDE SETS. A SEPARATELIST OF 12 ASSORTED AIDS FROM FOREIGN SOURCES IS GIVEN. COMPLETEACCESS TO THE TITLES IS POSSIBLE BY USE OF AN ALPHABETICALLIST OF DISTRIBUTORS AND A TOPICAL INDEX. MOST ITEMSARE LESS THAN 5 YEARS OLD AND ALL ARE UNDER 10 YEARSOLD.(EM) a 1' Q S (E)1965 Bureau ofBusiness and Economic Research School of BusinessAdministration San Diego State College San Diego, California All rights reserved. No part of thisbook may be reproduced in any form,by mimeograph or any other means, withoutpermission in writing from thepublishers. "PERMISSION TO. REPRODUCE.THIS COPYRIGHTED MATERIALHAS BEEN GRANTED BY flan DiegoState College TO ERIC AND ORGANIZATIONS OPERATING UNDER AGREEMENTS WITH THE U.S. OFFICEOF EDUCATION. FURTHER REPRODUCTION OUTSIDE THE ERIC SYSTEM REQUIRES PERMISSION OF THE COPYRIGHTOWNER." Bureau of Business andEconomic Research School of BusinessAdministration San Diego StateCollege Foundation. San Diego StateCollege San Diego,California 92115 1965 remersootewnamOmmleVIMIPINt 11 e Bureau of Business and Economic Research School of Business Administration San Diego State College Foundation San Diego State College San Diego, California 92115 -m,137gmirnrriP^FT SAN DIEGO STATE COLLEGE Dr. Malcolm Love President Dr Ernest 01Byrne Vice President ti Dr. Charles Lamden Dean, School of Business Administration BUREAU STAFF Dr. Robert P. Hungate Director Dr. E. C. Jack Archer Associate Director and Editor Mrs. Anita Smith Secretary ...x.e.11151011101117.. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION & WELFARE OFF/CE OF EDUCATION VAS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGINATING IT.POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY. AUDIO-VISUAL AIDS FOR AUTOMATION By E. Dana Gibson, Ed.D. Professor of Business Education and the following graduate students Lewis Erber Lloyd Friedrichs Ease. G. Herb Bernice Hoyt Bureau of Business and Economic Research School of Business Administration San Diego State College Foundation San Diego State College San Diego, California 92115 =477'....7110.;OWIRDWOMMOMMIIII=MMAMM.Jr=10.m...... VP....vvr.4.. FOREWORD This bcok isdedicated to the thousands of businessteachers who are struggling to learnand to teach something about automation. For many of these teachers the struggle io unequalenough without havingade- quate audio-visualaids available. Few people,incidentally, haveany idea of the wealth of audio-visualaids now availablefor the asking. More are coming on the market all thetime, whilesome are being with- drawn as they becomeobsolete. The author has listed domestic aidsand internationalaids separately. Unfortunately, it has not yet been possibleto uncover many foreign audio-visualaids. Some of thisdifficulty stems froma sheer lack of aidsand from a different application forcomputers. Until recently,most foreigncomputers in use were scientific innature. Most United States computers, on theother hand,are of the business type and involvea wide variety of equipment and methods,thereby en- tailing a tremendous amount of knowledgefor instruction. The audio-visualaids in this book, most of them underfive years of age and all under ten years ofage, should make itpossible for the instructor toselect the proper slides, filmstrips,and motion pictures to presentthe best information about a topic,a piece of equip- ment, form design anduse, systems operations, and other facetsof auto- mation knowledge. Studies show that by couplingaudio-visual aids with assignments that provideactual contact with data processingsystems and machines, a teacher can provide for greaterlearning. .7Zgar2SW",ktrOtt. The graduate students who did much of theselection, annotation, and listing of these aids have madea significant contribution to the teaching profession. It is hoped other graduate students will assist in the continuing updating of this informationso that revised editions will be available when needed. E. Dana Gibson Pttr, n't TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page I. ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF TITLES 1 Part I - 1 Part II - Filmstrips 39 Part III - Slides 48 II. ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF DISTRIBUTORS 53 III. INTERNATIONAL 67 Films 67 Magnetic Tape and Pictures 68 Slides 68 TOPICAL INDEX 71 ,-, SECTION I ALPHABETICAL LISTINGOF TITLES ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF TITLES Part I- Films Accounting and Calculating 'Machines 16 mm., sound, B & W Teaching Aids, Inc. Rental $2 - Sale $50 Brief presentation of calculating and accounting machines, followedby an animated sequence comparing hand bookkeeping methods.Various types of modern accounting machines are presented to give the studentan understanding of the machines and their performance.The student does not became a skilled operator from viewing the film, but he obtainsa broader background of bookkeeping knowledge.Recommended for all book- keeping and accounting majors. All About Polymorphics 16 mm., 7-1/2 min. Thompson Ramo Woolridge, Inc., Serial No. MP-43 An animated film explaining the design conceptunderlying the RW-400 Polymorphic Data Processing System. America's Rising New Giant 16 mm., sound, colcm% 22 min. De Vry Technical Institute A vivid demonstration of how and why Electronicshas become one of America's most promising fields of opportunity. Interesting sequences demonstrate the increasing use of Electronics inindustry, and even in many phases of everyday life. Includes recent developments suchas the Electronic Brain and the much talked -aboutTransistor. A film with tremendous appeal to vocational guidancegroups, as well as to any audience interested in learning about the amazingelectronic age in which we live. AgatrallalitEll 16 mm., sound, color, 10 min. International Business Mchines A description of the IBM Owego facility and the partit plays in national defense through the production of airborneequipment. - 2 i Automatic Machines (The Search CBS TelevisionSeries) sound, B & W, 25min. Massachusetts Instituteof Technolo6y University ofCalifornia, Extension Under supervision of the AutomaticControl Research country tour of Center--a cross- laboratories pioneeringin the developmentof new robot machines designedto take oversome of the duties clusively by the once performed ex- human nervous system. Includes demonstrations standing examples of out- of latest developmentsin the field of For secondary automation. schools, colleges, andadult groups--social science, engineering. studies, Automatic RadialDraw Former and Tan ent Bendin(The CyrilBath Company) 16 mm., sound, B &W . Victor AnimatographCorporation Automatic Test Control& Data Reduction with RW-300 DigitalSystems 16mm., B & WI 8 min. DPMA Headquarters Military applicationsof the RW-300 computer; missilecheckout, test stand operation, windtunnel, data reduction. Automatic Xerography 16mm., sound, color, 9 min. Haloid Xerox, Inc. Features the advantages of Xerox Copyflocontinuous printers. Automation- From the "See it Now" TV Series 16 mm., sound,B & W, 8i min. (3 parts, each 28 min.),1957 Rental: $17.50- University of California $10.50- Syracuse University $12.90- City College of New York $17.25- Pennsylvania State University $12.00- University of Michigan Edward R. Murrowexplores the many problems connectedwith the revolu- tionary developmentof automation. Shows automation of industries, at work in dozens from aviation tobanking. Views presented and economic effects on the social of automationinclude those of Walter Thomas J. Watson, Reuther, Jr., and M.I.T.Professor Gordon Brown) on cybernetics. an authority 2.. - 3 - Automation in Air TrafficControl 16 mm., sound,color, 11 min., 1960 cleared forT.V. Univac- Division of Sperry Rand Corporation Shows the detailed dataprocessing procedures involved ina typical flight from Boston, Mass., toWashington, D. C., following theflight from the filing of the flightplan to arrival at destination. Demon- strates how the Univac FileComputer handles each phaseof the flight, compensating for and correctingsuch variables as late take-offand conflicting flight plans. Automation in Television sound, B & W or color, 10 min. free loan Admiral Corporation Automated assembly of T.V. Receivers. Automation is in the Home sound, B &W or color, 7 min. free loan. Editorial, 1955 The Automation of B. J. Blurch,Inc. 16 mm., sound, color, 16min., 1959 free loan DPMA International Headquarters Produced in connection with the NMAA1959 National Conference in St. Louis. Depicts some' of the problemsof management planning for the installation of dataprocessing equipment. Realistic in text, but also animated with humor.Demonstrates how planningmay be done by executive management but actualpreparation will be done by data processing personnel. .rousetic....eo1cLy_....,BuiMaumentProcessinSstem B-301 16 mm., sound, B & W, 9 min. Burroughs Corporation Introduces briefly the sectionsof the .B-301: the sorter, thecom- puter unit, the high speed lister. Explains how magnetic characters are read from
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