Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. Presents ... .,. r=- - :r ( 11 ~ ') I • \ t t 1 ' l Starring Christopher Walken Burgess Meredith Karen Allen John Rhys-Davies Ossie Davis David Patrick Kelly Jimmie Walker Scott Cohen Visit Take 2's Web Page for Company and Product Information http://www.wcstol.com/-raketwo / LIMITED WARRANTY J\t11btr Iidt-Two lnttrDttrw Sojt'1¥11rr, l1u nor ""J ilrll'llT or Ju1nbw1,,, n1t1l:n •z -mrniy, rxp:tJJ or ""(,"'J witb mpcrt to 1&s nwuwa/. 1lr J1sk, or •11y rrl.iwl 11m1. dwir J::ltf\·. ptrfar- ';:":pin:::;,:!:~d:twr;:(.,.'":,;.,r:;,r!:n; 't:T3,,ibZ i~!~:!.:n 1 ~~;,~~";111 t s.. 1tabil.ty ef 1bt pnJJUU far any l"'rpo11$. Somt st.lln Jo"°'• · fim11.u1Ct11 A.J • ton.l1t1t111 prruMnt lo tlit w;oomnt\ tOWl'lll',prcr...Jd N£.,w ,.,,; lO trUllrt rJm1ij111UWfl Uxong1nirf pwrd.sn m11s1 l'Olflp/tu .rut,,.,,,/ IO L.lr-fwo ln1tNrtrw, lnL, ~75 ~. 6tb fl, Nrw tim, NY /()()11, wilhm 10 ~·1 lfftrr tlit ~rd.ut, 1bt Rtgattr11t1on/ll.immty tilJ rrr..llHlil m 1lm pnx/wtl To tlx ong1rw/ s::.irclwJn" only, T11~-Two lnrmutl\'t' Sef_ru.•ur, h1t. :y:,;.:~;:J:; fwmJ..'°!" tf'::'ll'~; ::;,~ 9~11':!9lJ!J~u~btJ;7:i,J:: t?::£'XJ,:!:'t':.rj:!,'t "':,.rw.l ,~ fil/2't "frr;z~'7.i"'• ":~ !:/J-; Jn no tibf will T11U 2 bt bt/J U f:s J1rrrt, 1n.firu1, or '"'"'""'/ *~ m11bmz frvm .irry i!ifm tw omUJ"'fl m 1bt rrw11....l, er 11rry otbtr rrlauJ 1tnru """ pnxmts, 1ntlw411ig. but no1 fim- ;;.~ i;t ';:~;j ! =~ ,.°£ !J;+":.1;,;::,r;j::;,:~;';!,::,toW.-fNl"tWI J.1~, IO tJ... .&iw l1m1WM1S or txtk1MS _,. 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SYSTEM R.EQUIREMENTS .. .... ......... .. .... ................................................ 4 B. INSTALLATION ..................................................................................... ,,,,, 4 l. DOS Installation & Setup ................................................. .................. 4 2. Windows 95 Installation & Set1tp.... .................... .4 ii. GE1"1"inc tEcHnicAL HELP ........................................................... 5 A. TROUBLESHOOTING ........................................................................ ...... 5 l . Audio Ma!f11nctio11 ........... ..................................................................... 5 2. Out of Memory Errors in DOS. ........................................................ 5 3. Cari11gfar yo11r CDs ............................................................................ 5 4. READ ME File........ ............................................... ................. 5 B. CONTACTING T AKE 2 FOR T ECHNICAL SUPPORT ...................... 6 iii. GE1"1"inc GAmE PLilY Hin"ts ..................................................... 7 iv. PLAYinc 1"HE GAmE .......................................................................... 7 A. YOUR OBJECTIVE ................................................................................... 9 l. The Plot .................................................................................................. 9 2. The Game ......... .................................... ................................................. 9 3. The Finale. ................................. .. ........................................................... 9 4. Playing the Game Again: A New Ripper. .......................... 9 B. THE GAME PLAY I CONS .................................................................... 10 l. World Map Icon ................................................................................... I 0 2. The b1ve11tory Ico11 ... .. ........................................................................ 11 3. The WAC Ico11 ........................................... .......................................... I 1 4. Save Game Icon................................... ........................... .. 11 5. Restore Game Icon..................... .. .. ................ ........................ 12 6. The Game Options Icon ..................................................................... 12 7. The Remote Co11trol lcorr ................................................................... 12 8. The Help Icon .... ................................................................................. 12 9. The Exit Icon ...................................................................................... 13 I 0. The H01irglass I.con ......... ......................... .......................... 13 C. GAME PLAY IN THE REAL WORL0 ............................................... 13 l. The Main Game Scrun ............................... ............. .......................... 13 2. Moving in the Riper Game Environmerrt.. ....................................... 13 3. Exploring in the Environmtnl ........................................................... 14 4. brteracting with Characters ............................................................... 15 5. Movillgfrom Locatio11 to Locatiorr ... .................................................. 15 6. Solvi11g Prizzles ............................................................. ....................... 16 0 . GAME PLAY IN CYBERSPACE............................ ............... 16 l. Decking into Cyberspace .................................... .. ..................... ......... 16 2. Selecting Active WELLS ............................................................ ... ...... 16 3. Passwords ................ ............................................................................. 17 4. Cyberspace Combat .............. ... ............. .. .. ........................................... 17 v. GLOSSARY OF USEFVL CYBER.PVIlK._ tEivns ...................... 18 Vi. S1"EP BY S1"EP WALK._ tHR._OVGH OF 1"HE PR.._OLOGVE.19 vii. tHE CAs"t........................................................ ... .. .................................. 22 Viii. CR.Eoi"ts ................................................................................................. 23 3 + . GETTinG I STARTED A. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS RIPPER requires a minimum of a 486 DX50 processor with at least 6.5Mbs of free RAM in the form of XMS (Extended) memory. lr also requires a sound card, a mouse, a double speed CD-ROM drive, a VESA compatible 5I2K video card, and IOMbs of free hard disk space for installation. The recommended system for running the game would be 486 DXIOO or Pentium 60 wich a four speed CD-ROM drive and a PCI or VLB video card, though it will play jusc fme on a 486 DX2 66 with rwo speed CD-ROM drive and Local Bus video. RIPPER will run in either MS DOS (Ver. 5.0 or higher) or Windows '95 (via a DOS box using Plug and Play). le will noc run in Windows 3.1. B. INSTALLATION l. DOS Installation & Sm1p To mscall RIPPER on your computer, insert RIPPER CD Number 1 into your CD-ROM drive; then, from the DOS prompt, change to your D-ROM drive letter by typing that drive's letter, such as "D" or "E", followed by a colon (:), then press <Enter>. Ar the next prompt, type "Install", press <Enter> and follow the instructions displayed on your screen. This will install RIPPER on your system and configure the game ro run with your hardware. If you later change your system hardware and wish to update your RIPPER configuration, you may do so by going to the game directory ( R1PPER by defaulc), typing "Setup" and then pressing <Enter>. This will access the game's setup utility and allow you to change your configuration. Once the game is installed, you may start it by typing "Ripper" from the game direcrory prompt. By default, this directory name will be "Ripper\:>", though this may be changed during the installation process. 2. Windows 9 5 Installation & Sttup Foe most systems running Win '95, all thac you will need ro do is insert RIPPER Disk Number I tnto your CD-ROM drive and let the operating system's "Auto Rw1" function do the rest. Your screen will soon display a RIPPER program menu chac will provide you with an option for installing the game. If your hardware does noc support "Auto Run", double click on the "My Computer" icon on your desk top. This will allow you select from all available drives and folders. Now double click on the icon representing your CD-ROM Drive where the RIPPER CD has been placed and select the "Install" option. 4 Likewise, when you wish to play the game on a Win '95 system that does not support "Auto Run", double click on the "My Computer" icon and then on the icon representing your CD-ROM Drive. Now click on the "Play" option. + •1GETTinG I TECHlll CA.L HELP A. TROUBLESHOOTING I. A11dio Malfunction If your audio breaks up and you arc running a multi-tasking operating system like Windows 95, you may need to restart your computer in MS-DOS mode and run from there. Your system hardware may be too
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