7ht_ DELTASIG VoL. XX IssuE 3 1928 Grand Chapter Congress to Be Held at Champaign, IDinois The University of Georgia's New School of Commerce Building Our 46th Chapter Established at Chicago TheDELTASIG Publlshed by the IntePnational FPatePnity of Delta Sisma Pi H. G. Wri~ht, Edito7' VoL. XX MAY, 1928 IssuE 3 Contents PAGE THE COMING G&AND CHAPTER CONGRESS 153 THE UNIVJ>RSITY OF GEORGIA'S NEW SOHOOL OF COMMEROE BUILDINU by HAnOLD M. HEOKKAN, Pi 168 DELTA SIGMA PI ENTlilRS THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 178 COMMANDING VOICES AND COMPELLING FORCES • • by STEPHEN W. GILMAN, P•> 182 THE PROPOSED PROFESSIONAL INTERFRATERNITY CONFERENCE 185 DELTASIG IS EXECUTIVE HEAD OJ' FORD'S AUTOMOBILE FINANCE COMPANY 191 EDITORIAL COMMENT • 193 P&OMINENT DEL1'ASIOS: STEPHEN W. GILMAN, PB'i; EUGENll D. MLLl!:NER, Oni; OHARLES F. B£NZELJ A.lpha-Pi.; HoRAOE M. J.JAVIS, Kappa.; AND DlllWITT LAIRD AND ROBK&T SELBY, Jl.lpluvPh\ 195 WITH THE ALUMNI 200 AMONG THE CHAPTERS 206 REOlllNT INITIATIONS 224 I~OSTE& OF GRAND AND PROVINCIAL OFFICERS OF THE FRATE&· NITY 228 CHAP~' && ROLL AND LIST OJ' PRINCIPAL CIIAPTER 0FJ'!OERS 229 ALUMNI CLUB ROLL AND SOHli.DULE OF LUNCHEONS AND DINNERS 232 TH.ll D.&r.T.UI~, qfficial magaZI.De or t.he International Fratornity of Delta Sigma Pi, a proteaa~on'al Commerce fraternity, is published four timed a Jear, in Ule months of Novembel', February, lby and Augu•t. Article• olfered for publi· cation a.hould be prea•nted at least <wo montlta previou» to Ule dale ot "ubli· cation. Chapler letlera, alumn.t newa and •imilar in!orlllAtlon ahould be aent in in accordance with apecial inatt·uctiona prio.1· to each issue. This in1ormalion ia usually required on Ule llrat day of Ule month in which we magazine ia 1ssued. NeiUlor the Editor nor the Board of Dlrecwra ia necessarily in aym"aiJl.Y with any of the opiwona expreoaed in THB D.£LTA8IG. We feel that one of Ule most imponanc; misaiona of a fraternu.y mueazwe ia to cause the w~mbera to think about them.selvea; thought being tile cb..let deaideration, auLhons are sometimu solicited for expreaaiona of opwona in the feeling that \heir opuuona are wronjl, b11t likely to atim11late argument. Membera of Ule fraternity are requeoted to contribute apecial articlea oa b11aineaa aubjecta and news it..,.. concerning alumni. PUBLICATION OFFICE-111 N. Walnut St., Champaign, Ill. EDITORIAL OFl!'ICE-222 W. Adams Street, Ohicago, Ill. Entered aa aecond·claas matter at the poatolllce al Champ~•gn, llJJnoia, under the Acl of ..6.ugual 24, 11112. ~.. The Coming Grand Chapter Congress By action of th Board of Directors for the coming meeting and conld be of Delta Sigma Pi the 1928 Grand offici a 1ly opened and dedicated by a Chapter Congress will be held at Grand Chapter Congress played an Champaign, Illinois, on September important part in the selection. 'rhird­ 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th, 1928, at the seat ly, Upsilon chapter is very centrally of our Upsilon chapter at the Univer­ situated, considering all the chapters sity of Illinois. These dates are as a whole, and is easily reached by Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sun­ either train or automobile, and the day of the first week in September, University of Illinois campus is one and from the plans in process of prep­ of the largest and most attractive in aration those members who will be un­ the country and is well worth making able to attend this, the ninth Grand the trip to visit. In the fourth place, Chapter Congress, will miss a most it would make possible the visiting of enjoyable time. The Central Office of Delta Sigma Pi ' in Chicago, by the brothers so dis­ Several factors were given consider­ posed, our national headquarters hav­ ation in the awarding of the 1928 ing been opened since the last Grand meeting to our Illinois chapter. Sev­ Chapter Congress. eral invitations were extended to the fraternity but after clue deliberation A definite announcement in connec­ it was the unanimous decision of the tion with the awarding of the 1928 Board of Directors that Champaign Grand Chapter Congress to Illinois was the logical place. In the first could not have been made before this place, and particularly in view of the time a the Board of Directors pre­ success of our 1926 meeting, which ferrPd to wait until definite action had was held at Madison, \Visconsin, it been taken in regard to the construc­ was deemed achisable to again hold tion of the new Upsilon chapter house, our national convention in a smaller and as soon as the contracts ·were city where there are fe"·er distracting placed and construction commenced, matters to engage the attention of the the announcement wa s made immedi­ delegates and " ·here more time can ately. The contractors assure the chap­ be devoted to strictly fraternity busi­ ter that the house will be ready by Au­ ness affairs and to fraternizing. Sec­ gust 15th, in ample time for our re­ ondly, our Illinois chapter has just quirements. commenced the erection of a very Th e success of any fraternity con­ wonderful chapter house and the fact Yention rests largely on the facilities that this house " ·oulcl be ready in time provided for the visiting delegates, 153 154 THE DELTASIG OJ!' DELTA SIGMA PI officers and members to eat, sleep, charge of a General Committee com­ work and play together. If the mem­ pnsmg Grand S ecretat·y-Treasurer bers are scattered all over a city or H. G. Wright, B eta, Milton J . Rose, throughout several hotels, it is much H ead Master of Upsilon, Cecil Car­ more difficult for them to get to­ penter, Eta, and I. W. Davis and gether, so at this Grand Chapter Con­ Frank L. Petru, Jr., both of Up­ gress, as the one held in Madison in silon. The general committee will 1926, detailed plans have been care­ have complete charge of all de­ fully prepared which will maximize tails in connection with this meeting, the opportunity for a most instructive and will appoint the necessary sub­ as well a pleasant meeting. A at committees on transportation, recep­ Madison the plans provide for the tion, athletics, commissary, lodging, housing of all brothers in three fra­ entertainment, etc. A special bulletin ternity hou es, within a block or . o "·ill be issued about August 1st by of each other. One house will be r e­ " ·hich time all details and social pro­ served for marri ~ d couples and the gram will be definitely arranged and young lady friends of the brothers ; all delegates and grand officers will the other houses for the bachelors. naturally be sent copies of this bul­ l\1 eals will be served at on e of these letin immediately, and all others who hou es, with continuous breakfast in are planning on attending this meet­ the morning from about eight to ten, ing should let 'fhe Central Office in luncheon from twelve to two, and Chicago kno"· of their intentions and dinner at six-thirty in the evening. copies will be ·ent to them. Copies 'fher e will be a flat charge of from $16 cannot be sent to the entire member­ to $20 for the coupon book which will ship throughout the country; the ex­ include everything during the meet­ pense would be too great. ing, lodging, three meals daily f or TRANSPORTATION four days, parties, dances, etc., etc.­ Since we must all make the trip to everything, of course, except snch Champaign before we can participate personal expenses as green f ees, and in this meeting, the first matter to con­ so on. Tho e who plan on attending sid er is transportation. From the ac­ the entire meeting will save con.-ider­ companying list of fares from the able money by buying one of these principal citie · in the country to coupon books, for while individual Champaign, and r eturn, you will be meal will be sold, and individual able to ascertain ju t what it will cost night's lod"ing, and tickets to inch­ to make the trip via train. Some of vidual events, they will all be higher these rates are special summer tour­ than the eo.t when a coupon book i · ist rates to Chicago, these rates being purcha eel. 'l'he price of the. e books lo"·er than to hampaign direct and will be kept as low as po. sibl e. no the tariffs provide that you can go profit beinrr made on the convention, one way via Champaign. For in­ and the price will depend entirely on stance, the rates from the western the various charge made at Cham­ citie. i · a special summer tourist paign for lodgin"', commi ary ex­ roun l trip rate on hicago, with the pen e, etc. which i being worked out goin" trip or the return trip via by the committee now. Champaign. The e rates hould all 'fhe arran"ements for the 192 be verified at your local ticket office, Grand hapter ongre s will be in for while they have been aiven to us THE ARCHITECT 'S DRAWING OP THE NEW DPSILON CHAPTER HOUSE NOW UNDER CONSTRUCTION AT 1109 S. PIRST ST ., CHAMPAIGN, ILL. > z~ I "'0 7. ::5 ..J 0"' THE COiVliNG GHAND CHAPTER CONGR 888 157 by the railroad · there may be some St. Louis, Indianapoli and other cen­ minor discrepancies. M:o t of the rates ters to Champaign are perfect, con­ from eastern points are via Indianap­ crete all the way.
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