Received by NSD/FARA Registration Ur1it '04/24/2017 4:48:35 PM Request for Meeti_ng in S(ate Depa_rtment What: 30 minute meeting for leader of the leading Albllllian opposition party to discuss upcoming elections in Albania with State Department Political Appointee. When: Th1,1rsd_ay, Apri_l 27 or Friday, April 2_8, Why: Seeking statement of concern that Albanian elections be conducted only in a free arid fair manner. The opposition coalition is concerned about ele:Ction fraud. Who: Lulzim Basha, leader of the Democratic Party of Albania and Fatmir Mediu, leader of the Republican Party ofAlbariia. The Democratic Party of Albania (DPA) is Albania's leading conservative party and leader of the opposi_tion. The OPA i_s l_ed by L_ul_zi_111 Basha, a former mayor of Albania's capital city, Tirana. Mr. Basha also served as Interior Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Minister of Pubiic Works, Transport, and Teleconiniunicatioris. The DPA stands for free and a fair election, open marlcets, -zero tolerance for corruption,. and views the United St:ates as Albapi_a's 11u_111ber one friend apd s1:rategic ally. If th.e DPA i_s victorious, they will seek to develop strong ties with the Trump Administration. Mr. Basha prais:ed President Trump;s victory as an "act oflove for the champions of freedom," attend_ed his inauguration, and led an effort to name a street after President Trump in a suburb ofthe capital city. The DPA seeks to defeat the current Socialist Party-led governnient, run by Prime Minister Edi. Rama, in June 18 elections. Ui:i_d_er the leadership of the Socialist Party, the DPA says Albania'.s government and institutions have been degraded by corrupt officials and negative influence from far left entit\es allied with George Soros and his Open Society Foundations. Upcoming Elections and Concerns about Electoral Integrity. Elections iii Albania are currently scheduled forJune 18. Mr. Basha has called fora care_taker government to oversee the elections, out of concern that money arid influence from Soros-allied entities that .support the Prime Minister and his Socia_l_ist p(lTT)'-led goven:i_111ent will compromis_e the integrity of t_h_e el_ections. Furthermore, Albania has long served as a base from which criminal entities smuggle illicit substances to the rest of Europe. Ac:Cording to the DPA, the Rama govern_111ent has brought drug lords and crime bosses into the Parliament and ministries to rig elections. The DPA and opposition coalition may choose to boycott the June 18 elections, resulting in the election being delayed. Rama's supporters·are pressing for elections to be held regardless of the concerns. State Was Visited by Rama's Foreign Minister on 4/2. Under Secretary Tom Sha,nnon effectively assisted the Rama's re-election effort by stating the elections should go forward as scheduled wi_thout me_ntioning el_ection fraud dilficu)ties: "A_rnbass~or Thomas _A_._ Shann~n, Under Secretary for Political Affairs, met today with Albanian Foreign Minister Ditmir Bushati to address common interes_ts in our bilateral relationship and the region. The Under Secretary reaffirmed the close partnership between the United States and Albania, our strong support for Albania's judicial reform efforts, and our shared commitment to democratic values, the rule of !_aw, and respect for human rights. A,111_bassa_d_or Shannon also ernphiisized the irnporta_7Jce of all political parties in Albania participating in the upcoming parliamentary elections [emphasis supplied]. This unqualified endorsement of the current election process by Shannon does not tl1,ke into account election frimd difficulties which will be detailed by the visitors. This material is distributed by Barnes & Thornburg LLP on behalf of the Democratic Party ofAlbania. A!lditional info.riftatjon is available at the Depa·rtril.erjt ofJustice, Washington, DC. Received by NSD/F ARA Registration Unit 04/24/20 ri 4:48:35 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 04/24/2017 4:48:35 PM Request foi' Meeting iii State Departriieiit What: 30 minute meeting for leader of the leading Albanian opposition party to discuss upco111ing elections in A_lbania with St.ate Department Political Appointee. When: Thursday, April 27 or Friday, April 28. Why: Seeking statement of concern thatAlbani_an elect.ions be cond_uct~d on_ly in a free and fair manner. The opposition coalition is concerned about election fraud. Who: Lillzim Basha, ieader of the Democratic Party of Aibanfa and Fatmir Mediu, leader of the Republican Party of Albania. Th_e Democratic Party of Albania (DPA) is Albania's leading conservaiive party and h:~der of the opposition. The DPA is led by Lulzim Basha, a former mayor of Albania's capital city, Tirana. Mr. Basha also served a:s Interior Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Minister of Public Works, Transport, and Te_lecommunications. The DPA stands for free and a fair ele_ction, open marl!:ets, zero toleran_ce for corruption, and views the United States as Albania's number one friend and strategic ally. If the DPA is victorious, they will seek to develop strong ties with the Trump Administration. Mr. Basha praised President T111111p's victory as an ''act oflove for the champions of freedom," attended his inauguration, and led an effort to name a.street after President Trump in a silbiirb of the capital city. The Di>A seeks to defeaI the current Soci_a_l_ist Party-led governi;nent, run by Pri111e M_inister Edi Rama, in June 18 elections. Under the leadership of the Socialist Party, the DPA says Albania's government and institutions have been degraded by corrupt officials and negative in_fl11ence from far left entities all_ied with George Soros and his Open Society Foundations. Upcoming Eiections arJd Concerns about Electoral Integrity. E_l_ections in Al_bania are currently scheduled for June 18. Mr. Basha has called for a caretaker government to oversee the elections, out of concern that iiiciney and influence from Sciros-ailied entities that support the Prime M.i.ni_ster and his Soci111ist party-led government will compromise the integrity of the elections. Furthermore, Albania has long served as a base from which cririiinal entities sinuggle illicit substances to the rest of Europe. Ac:cording to the DPA, the R3111_a government has brought d_rug lords and criine bosses into the Parliament and ministries to rig elections. The DPA and opposition coalition iiiay choose to boycott the June 18 eiections, resulting in the ele_cticin being delayed. Rama's supporters are pressing for elections to be held regardless of the concerns. State Was Visited by Rama ·s Foreign Minister on 412. Under Secretary Tom Shannon effectively assisted the Rama's re-election effort by stating the elections should go forward as sched11_l_ed without 111_ent_ion_i_ng election fraud difficulties: "Ambassador Thomas A. Shannon, Under Secretary for Political Affairs, met today with Albanian Foreign Minister Ditmir Bilshati to address C:mn111on interests i_n our bi_l_ateral rel_atjonship 3lld the region_. The Under Secretary reaffirmed the close partnership between the United States and Albania, our strong support for Albania's judicial reform efforts, and ciiir shared commitment to democratic values, tlie rule of law, and respect for hum.an rights. Ambassador Shannon also emphasized the importance ofa/1 political parties in Albania participating in the upcoming parliamentary elections [emphasis supplied].. This ilnqWalified endorsement of tlie current election process by Shannon does not take imo a!)collflt election fraud difficulties which will be detailed by the visitors. This_ material _is distributed by Barnes & Thornburg LLP on behalf of the Democrati,c Party ofA_lbania. Additionaliitfonnation is avai/a_b/e at tije Department ofJustice, Washington, DC. Received byNSD/FARA Registration Unit 04/24/2017 4:48:35 PM .
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