^ A 'C h 7 T 7 o ^ ^ 1. Iiili n M i m n i r « « ^ » M |» |> || ,i«IHii i » ^«»g 3 » . m C - I !«■ — I I— U'W IIII. • W ' ’ -Ti. '•i ■\, r ip r - ’ v i J . I \J' .. Jlnlr r{ rt* ’ • i n , 1^ *n V m.V. I I .*/ >j 0 j ^ LwiJsTj JL ■*»»i>fii'’’ ^Ou 1^' ^ - o ] U T , ^ 0 ir r ,- ^ fl t.(\ . , i! }3 *“2iUiuwtM3^ S'7^'783 N/^7- F ) Ih ^ til J* J' V ALL INDIA EDUCATIONAL SURVEY ::sj CHITTOOR DISTRICT ' ** ■" ' '■'” ,... ■ . ' ' ' ' H r * INDEX PAGE NO, -** 1, HISTORY OF CHITTOOR DISTRICT AT A GLANCE ......... * * ,2. PHYSICAL ASPECTS.................................. ....................................................... ** 3. IMPORTANT STATISTICS (COMPARATIVE FIGURES ** OF STATE & DISTRICT). .............................. * * 4. INTRODUCTION TO V ALL INDIA EDUCATIONAL SURVEY ...... *★ 5. PRII>5ARY EDUCATION (CHAPTER-II) ....... .......................... * * 6. UPPER PRIMARY EDUCATION(CHAPTER-III). .......... 7. SECONDARY *ND HIGHER SECONDARY EDUCATION(CHAPTER-IV)....... ** 6. OTHER•EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES ................ .... * * 9. APPENDICES I tO 31 . .■ . ..... i. ^ia^^itiKif'kieikiki€isiisitif'ieiti(i<'k'kicici('kieieieicieii'k*^'k-k4(i<ici('kifi<ieisie^ is'kif-Kidfik'kiC'kicicitick'k-kisiitic'kicDciC'kmkw^ m * SRI K.LINGA RSDDY SRI B.SREENIVASUHJ DISTRICT SUi%VEY OFFICER , DISTRICT EDUCATIONAL OFFICER ** * CHITTOOR _ . CHITTOOR. ** * . ‘ K* K ************************ **■«»***»** StXX**K**** **#)<**»( jirjitxxiifw XX*wx*3ir*jr * X X x x x x xxxxxxx w xxw xxxxx«xxx#’‘ NIEPA DC D0S922 JM 2 ^ 5 3 7 0 . 7 0 OUo. i I 1 V-> Narional Iiiscirure of Educatioiii;' Planning and A ministration 17-B,SriAuit: jndo Marg.Nev/Delhi-llOCl? DOC. N o .,U.T..53.Z:M . .......... ........... .. HISTORY OF CHITTOOR DISTRICT ; AT A GLANCE CHITTOOR DISTRICT that foxms part of ancient WtAVINDANAEU has a long history enjoying or suffering of the VICISSITUDAS that cast the sunshine or shadows on the region righ^ from the tiines earlier to PALLAVA DYKASTY. Places like Marayanavanam# Karvetinagar,Chandragirl,Karakarobadi«Venkatagiri kota and Tirupathi were .in prominence either as capitals of kingdoms or forts in the territories of PALLAVAS«CKOLAS«SALLAL DYI€ASTY,VIJAYANAGAR KINGS, BAHmANI CHISFS AND the ZAMINDARS or POLIGARS* as kingdoms rose and fell with the marching of times. When the Vijayanagar kingdom was routed as a sequal of war of TALIKOTA and tom apart into fragments# th^e arose the ZAMINDARS and POLIGARS who ruled over tiny bits of Iw d and <me of the nearest relative of the deceased RAJAH removed himself from PQiUKC»7DiA(^anthapt2r District) to Chandragiri. Here at the court of chmdragiri. the East. India company was granted a small strip of land on the coast — the first ever possessed by the British in India. Port.St.George came on thibs piece of land and made the begining of the founding of the mighty B£itish Rule over the vast KiARAT. 4 * ■ Around 1760 '^irupathi had been the scene of several struggles for the possessi<» of income derived from the offerings made at its celebrated shrine. In 1757« the brother of NAWa b OF CARNATIC by name NAZEEBULLAH set his eyes on the sacred tonple, but was already stoutly rebuffed by a detachment from MADRAS. Abdul wahdB allied himeelf with the French with fond esqpeK^tations of. TIRUPATHI revenues but was sorely dis^pointed. Again in 1759, the MAHARATTAS bid to possess the sacred Tlrc^athl shjSLne,on the hills was initially thwarted, with the assistance of POLIGAR OP KARAKAHBADI there was a second attempt by the k M iaRATTAS under Narayana sastry. The POLIGAR was kil^f^;v an*d Marayana sastry retreated. The natioaa‘1 movement was spear headed by notable personalities of the District. PMAIAKKAM JttliUl3HARAYIIOl7 politics as secretary of the Hadreus Native Assoeiation in 1880. He founded the Madras Advocates ^ssociatiooL. in 1889. In 1891 at the NA<^R he was selected as the president of the C<mgress. He was the FIRST JWIXiRA fnd SOOTH IKDIAN to, receive such high honour. PANUGANTI RAMARayANAM known as RAJA OF PANAGAL evinced interest in politics even in his student d ^s. In 1912 was elected to the &nperial legislative cotmcil at the mge of 26. Five years later he Joined the justice party. In the composite MADRAS STATE he served as Minister and later the Chief Minister the justice party fozmed the Ministry in 1920. He was knighted in 1926. MOLLINI kUNASW^.Y ilAIOU was another man of eminaice. He rose from the seat of <^aicman of the CHITTOOR mi^iicipality end the president of the District Board to the post of chief Minister of MADRAS fron 1930 to 1934. KATTM^iANCHI RMHALINGA REDDY had his early educatioi in chittoor and Madras and moved to Cambridge for higher Education. In different csqpacities like v^ice principal of 3ar<^4a, Assistant Inspector General of £ducaticsi«Proffessor, principal and Inspector General of Education he served in MTSORE. He becane the first VICE-CHANCELLOR of Andhra University in 1936 and shaped its destinies till his death in 1951. Dr. SARVEPALU RADHAKRI3HNAN hailed from Tirutrani which was part of CHITTOOR DlSTRI<gT till 1961. In him we have a world reputed philosopher who by virtue of his wisdon» and knowledge acquitted himself creditably as the 1st VICE PRESIDENT -nd 2nd PRESIDENT 01' INDIA. The list of aninent personalities of the district is incomplete without the menticxi of Late s i r hs.ANANTHASAYANAM AYYANGAR and late S ri ii.3.AH^ AKRI3HNAM RAJU. *he fo m e d worked as Deputy speakcer aad speaker of Loksabha and also GOVERNOR OP BIHAR. The latter was the charirman of the MADRAS LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. KADANAPALLE >rtiich is a seat of Tehosophical Institutions is proud of its association with world renowned personalities like ANNIE BKSANT*, JAMES COUSINS and philosopher late JIDCU XRIBHNAKOORTHY, PHYSICAL ASPECTS The district derives its name from chittoor, the District Head Quarters town. The £>istrict lies between 12®-37"" to 14^-08** Mozrth Latitude and 78°-03* to 79®-55" ^ast longitude. On its ^ast and ^>outh« there is ^amilnadu, on the west KamataXa State and on the Horthem boundaries ie., Nellore,Cuddupah and '\»antha.\ir districts of Andhra Pradesh. The District covers m an area of 15,152 and a population of 737#316 according'to the 1981 co^sus. HILLS t The District is a sweet blend of hills with uplands and plains to present a picture-squaxe, that is unique. The gesaeral elevation o£ #ie district is 2500Ft. The Eastern ghats that enter the south west part of the district run westward, Sout^ and North# in set order leaving vdlley lilce plains fertile and graceful* The prominent cliff known as Nagarl nose is conspicous for long Biles aroimd. 33ie Seshachalan Hills over %«hich ^ e fanous piligrin centre of TIRUPATHl is located and Horsely Hills %dii<^ has been dieveloped into a hill station stand as unique spots of beaal^ for tiie ardent lovers of Nature. RIvSRSt There are not any perennial rivers in the District. Same minor rivers like SWamamukhi#Kal]»ni»iQji8asthali,,B^uda« Arani«Ponne«Palar« Koundinya, Papa^iri and pincha have the flow it rains in their catchment area and r«main dry for most of the year. The irrigation is mostly.by wells m d tankfed idiereas t|t|f :hill sieves are rainfed. Visitation of famine is not umramm^ as in the case of OKther Re^alaseema Districts. ^ CLDfATE AND RAIfifFALLs The annual rainfall according to the statistical su|^lem«it a^art II of ^dhra Pradesh Gazette, Hyderabad Dated 15>1«1981 is 82.74 Qns spread through three spells (1) between «J\me and S^tenter (2) May and (3> Post Mcmsoon seasc»a. SOILS t ^ e soils of the district are broadly divided into red, black and miked. On ;the cla^ and loamy black soil fields are raised padify,sugarcane and other irrigated crops. Groundnut is also grown on the mixiid soils. Mango is the Chief fruit that is exported from the District. CHANGES IN THE ADhlNISTRATlVE SET UP s Chittoor was once a part of North Arco^ District and was constituted as a seperate District on 1st April, 1911 with Headquarters at Chittoor. Consequent on the implanentation of pataskar Award Chittoor District lost to Tamilnadu, a major chunk of Timttani Taluk, getting in rettim a few insignificant villages of chengalpat ‘'istrict giving rise to a new taluk with Head quarters at Satyavedu. In a bid to make the Taluqs co-teiminues with Assembly ccnstituencies 14 villages of Srikalahasthi Taluk were transferred to Nellore District. Subsequent to the adv«it ot Telugu Desam Government in the state in 1983, the 15 Talutks were further bifurcated into 66 Revenue Mandals with avowed promise and pledge to take the Governnient to the door-step of the coniiton man under the three Rev^ue divisicsis of Chittboxni,Madanapal'le and Tirupathi. If-iPORTAMT STATISTICS: COhPARATIVS FIGURSS OF THE STATE AND THE DISTRICT. Andhsa Pradesh Qiittoor district Andhra pradesh Cnittoor State ;U State POPULATION(1981) TOTAL Persons 5 3 ,5 4 9 ,6 7 3 2 ,7 3 7 ,3 1 6 BREAK-UP OF MAIN WOPJCERS Hales 2 7 ,1 0 8 ,9 2 2 3 9 2 ,6 0 6 PERCENTAGE AMC»IG MAIN WORKERS: Far. ales 2 6 ,4 4 0 ,7 5 1 1 ,3 4 4 ,7 1 0 I (I) CULTIVATORS t Peifsons 3 2 .7 4 '43.e9 W3RAL Bersons 4 1 ,0 6 2 ,0 9 7 2 ,2 7 5 ,1 7 4 OoQizxxssai Males 3 6 .8 6 4 6 .7 8 XXBBKIQCRS Males •20,697,627 1 ,1 5 4 ,6 0 8 Females 2 3 .7 9 36.19 /Teniales 2 0 ,3 6 4 ,4 7 0 1 ,1 2 0 ,5 6 6 <II) AGRICULTURAL ' LABOURERS Persons 3 6 .7 9 31 .95 URBAN Persons 1 2 ,4 6 7 ,5 7 6 4 6 2 ,1 4 2 Males 2 6 .5 1 24.17 Males 6 ,4 1 1 ,2 9 5 23 7,9 98 Females 5 9 .07 50.77 Females 6 ,0 7 6 ,2 8 1 224,144 (III) HOUSE HOLD i3>ECENNTAL POPULATION INDUSTRY Persons 4 .7 0 3.5 1 GROWTH RATE 1971-81.
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