THE RO SARY BY ETHELBERT ,NEVIN WORDS BY ROBERT CAMERON ROGERS VOCAL ED ITIONS INSTRUMENTAL ARRANGEMENTS Song with Pi ano Accompaniment (Six Keys) P iano Solo, in "Book of 7 Melodies" 1.2 5 High Sop.or Ten.~nF Piano Solo, arr, by B. Whelpley .50 Pi ano Solo, err. by Mar achal-Lcepke (sirn- ~~ ~ plified) .35 Piano Four-Hands, ar r. by Brower-Whelpley .60 Organ Solo, arr, by R. Goes-Custard .50 Ha rp (with organ ad lib.), ar r. by A. F .P into .60 Violin and Piano, arr. by Kreisler .60 Violin and P iano, arr. by G. Strube .50 Violin and P iano (simplified), arr . by P. T h. Miersch .50 Violoncello and Pi ano .50 ,AHa or Bass,fnBI. Violin, 'Cello and Pi ano, an. by H .Riesen­ feld, in HE. M. Co. T rio Album," Vol. l~"~ IV 2.00 Cornet and Pi ano, arr. by H. G. Blais dell 50 C Melody Saxophone and Piano. T rans. b y . ] . Gurewich 60 -Edition with English, French & German E!:> (Alto) Saxophone and Piano. T ran s. by . words (6 Keys) .50 J. Gurewich 60 Edit ion with Frenc h & E nglish words (F, Orchestra (Cornet Solo). arr. by G. Strube '80 D., C, B'j .50 Song Orchestr at ion (Eb, D [" or Bb) '80 E dit ion with German & English word s (EJ" 1\tIilitary Band (Corn et Solo) 1'00 D., C, B.j .50 Ukulele, arr, by C. S.De Lana '40 Ed ition wit h Italian & English word s (DJ,) .50 Ed ition with Spanish & English words Ste el G':iitar, arr: by C. S. De Lana :40 (6 Keys) .50 Man dolin and Piano 50 Ed itio n with D anish & English words (D!:» .50 2 Mandolins and Piano '60 Ed itio n with R ussian & En glish words (Db) .50 Ma ndolin and Guitar ' 35 2 Mandolins and Guitar .50 Ed ition with Esperant o & En g. word s (D lJ ) .50 Ma ndolin Orc hestr a, arr. by H . F. Odell: . Ed itio n with Violin obb ligato (Eb, C) .60 Song with Gui t ar Accomp animent .40 1st Mandolin .30 D uet for Sop. and Alt o, in E" .50 2nd Mandolin .20 Duet for Sop. and T en., in EJ, .50 3rd Mandolin .20 Duet for Me z, Sop. and Bar., in C .50 T enor-Mandala .20 Quartet for Mixed Voices .15 Mando-'Cello .20 Quartet for Men's Voices .15 Mando-Bass .20 Quartet for Wo men's Voices . 15 Banjo Obbligato .20 Guitar Accompaniment .20 THE HO LY HO UR-(E dition wit h Sacred Piano Accompaniment words for Church use) (E I1 , C, B") .45 .40 THE HO LY HO UR-Quar tet for Mixed Va••15 Flute .20 Violonc ello .20 THE HOLY HO UR-Quartet for Men's vs, . 15 T rombone and Piano, arr . by M. Alloo THE HOLY HO UR-Quartet for Women's .50 Voices .15 Guitar Solo .35 Flute and Piano .50 THE BOSTON MUSIC COMPANY: BOSTON:MASSACHUSETTS NEW YORK : G. SCHIRMER, IN C. London .. G. Scltirmer. W. B«lin : Ed. Bou f.!! G. Bock Paris : COJlalla, Ej' Cil. Sydnty : Paling f.!! Co., LId. D.np . U19yri,h! IP/I. by G. Schirma'. &loll Zo-•••13rr>XR'D THE ROSARY 3 LE ROSAIRE DER ROSENKRANZ ROBERT CAMERON ROGERS Fre,,,,!> version by Mme. C. EscRig ETHELBERT NEVIN German version by Carl Engel Lento ed intimo p VOICE • The hours I spent with thee, dear heart, Comme un 1'0 - sai - re son/ pour moi Oft denk' mit Weh _ mut ich zu - ruck ~ I . l '~~ I I .. ! ~q '~ ii · #!t' :f I PIANO < p~ "I . j : ~ ~ .. IIi Ij 'q~ - * ,­ It Are as a string of pearls to me; I co~ntt~m ~- v~r ev - 'ry Les hew - res qui nous u - nis ­ sai e-ntj Tou_ jours j e les ccnnp - te pen - Der hol-den Stun-den,reich an Gluck, Die, strah-lend in der jun- g..n ~ , -....... · l · ~ ~: ~ I\)i jIJ- < ~ ... J -> -I.~ • .~ :;:;:::::: I · · ~ ... * * oco ra . 1":1 . • - . one ~ - part, My ro - sa - ry, my ro - sa - r yl sant a toi, B eall" - - coup trop vite el - - les pas - saient/ . Lie - be Glanz, Den Per - len gleich am Ro - sen - kranz poco raIl. ~ --. L.U.I":I · :?: .-./- .:" ~ ---;::::-... 1 dolce · " ·- · ~ ~ · Cop y 1'1'gll t , 1898 , by G. Sc h-ir-mer, J1'. * Fa,. et l COIl TIt ,.iel B. M. Co. 2701 O~polttado ('olV61'me a 1(1ley d~ R ep" bli c4 Nt.I; i ~· afla e l~ el a ~o 11)12 PIJ " IA e Busi on X u,ic {'omp lfII Y Printed in U. S. A. 4 a te1lljJo ~ mp , . It. Eachhour a pearl,each pearl a pray'r To still a heart IU ab- sence U _ ne pri _ ,m a cha - que Iryain POUy cal - mer man coeur aux a _ Wie sle, so reiht der Stun - den Zahl, Ein lich - ter Kranz,sich je _ des - 0; te1llfJo I · I 4 ~ ,: ~~ ":1 "~-6r.; ! ~ :: : ~~1 mp .1 · . · .... IT ~j - ~ ... IT,;j ~ '~~ r- :6 'fro, motto largnmente • , .. .. .. t. " r r wrung: I t:ll each bead rn - to the end, And there a bois, Jar - rive at"u - si Jus ~ qu.Ja la fil1, Mais la pel1d mal Zur Ket - te von Ge - be - ten fromm- Bis ich zum _______mIotto largamente .>: I"" 0 , i t. ~~ ':6 17 pj" U 11 dolce < .I b~ i- ,, ~ . .: · ---- . ~ '~l =4 = qr 'Xro.~ ~: : 'fro. *-..' (";\ a f!1/I)JO .1';:;- :> (";\ p t. cross IS hung! 0 mem - 0 - ries that bless and It - fI e croix! 0 doux mo - ments si plei"s d'e - Kreu - ze komm'l 1m Geist ent - schwund'- ner Se - lig - a t elll)Jo :> r-. rr. ~ ---.......~_ F- ~ .. ~~ i P quasi arpeggio f ciltrato < ..--:: • ~:;;- -..."., b.. ---::! f · , .. ~ i ' ',dolcissimo' * B. M. Co. 21iJl 5 f\ . -t burnl, ' 0 bar-ren gain and bit - ter loss! mm, A eous tou.jours, ie dais pen - setj . keit Kiiss' ich sie a1l', In stum - mem Leid, ~ ~ ....., ~ r;:;.. ~ ------~ f\ F- .. .. ... '--'" ....-----.. .---... ---- < - patetico - ~ ~ .. ~ i~ .. .. I .. ---:!! t · :l ~ ~=. ~ f ' r ~r , .."•'.,. 11If C1YJSC. f\ sempre , f • I > ~ > , I kfss el ch be"ad, ahd strive at last to learn To kiss the ] 'em - bras - se cha - que grain .J If,S - qt"a la croi x} Tn - chant d'ap - Bis end - lich mir der Schmerz der letz - ten Stund' Drangt, 0 Ge- > > > > . l .. ~ .. q'"iI . --6 m/ ::pre>cresc; > ::>- < f------: t ~ .,J .IIi .;-:::: I 1 -:e r · = ~." =i -- '.to. f poco aceel. ~ • -' ff> 1":'\ Larg o pp 1":'\ , , cross, sweet - heart! to kiss the cross. p relldre en - f in Ii rem - bras - ser. lieb - - - - tern, das Krenz zum Mund. p oco acceJ: - u ~ ~ 1":'\ -- --0 ~ : ~ -ii ~ . ,~ :f 1 ff ""*" < .f pp - ;po 1":'\ ~ . I .,s ~. - ~ i - ;~ ~ ... - '.to. ~ ',' t * H.M.Co. 270t OTHER NOTABLE COMPOSITIONS By ETHELBERT NEVIN "Nevin's songs h ave lyrical contour, lyrical im pulses; they come forward in graceful cu rves lik e waves, and when they reach their desrlnatlon, they rise to their climax and make a beautiful end. • • • If you {eel in a man's work a quality. which you can only define by making an adjective of h is name, th en his wor k h as that individuality without which no genius-however infinite h is paim-could hold his own through the rus h cf tlme, Yes. I think we may call Ethelbert N evin a great composer of great songs." --RUPERT HUQHES-- ----- J'{evin Songs- - - -- --- - J'{evin Piano Pieces--- - SKETCH BOOK (Songe and Piano Piecea) Complete, 1.25 1. Gavotte .50 Deep in a Rose's Glowing Heart 2. Love Song .50 with ace. of piano, violin and 'cello 3. Berceuse .50 High, A; :Medium, G . 60 4. Se renat a .60 with piano acc., same keys .50 S. Valse RhaplO die .60 WATERS CENES Complete , 1.25 1. D ragon Fl y .60 One Spring Morning (Friihlingsmorgen) 2. Ophelia .60 with ace. of Piano, violin and 'cello 3. W ater N ym ph .60 High, Em.; M edium, Dm. (e. & g.) .75 4. Narcissus .60 with piano ace., same keys .75 S. Barcar olle .75 IN ARCAD Y Complete, 1.25 1. A Sh epherd', Tale .60 Doris 2. Shepherds All an d M ai dem Fair .75 with ccc, of pWno, violin and 'cello 3. Lullaby e .60 High, F; M edium, Elt .90 4. T ournament .15 with piano lUC. High, F; M edium D (e. & g.) . 60 MAY I N TUSCANY (Mallia in T ouano) Complete, 1.25 1. Arlecchi no .60 2. Nottur no (in Bccceecto'e Villa) .75 Little Boy Blue 3. Barchetta .60 H igh, Blt,' ,Medium , Alt . 60 4. M isericordia .60 5. II Ru signuolo (I n M y Nelgbbcr'a Gard en) .75 6. La Pastcrena (Montepiano) . 60 At Twilight MELODIES (Tran script ions) Complete , 1.25 High, G; Medium, F .60 1. One SDrin ll Morning 2. At T wUlght J . Tell Me (Diles-moi) 4. The R osa ry 5. Time Enough (R edIe Zeit) 6. T he M erry Lark Time Enough (Rechte Zeit) 1. Ob , That We T wo Wer e },fayingl H igh, B,; Medium, A ,; Luw, G, (e. & g.) .50 EGYPTIAN LOVE SONG .60 A Life Lesson (v'There, little girl, don't cry") --- -Violin and Piano- -- - Blti G H igh, M edium, . 60 Lov e Song .00 Autumn .00 Melody .00 o T hat W e Two Were Maying Habanera .75 with piano ace.
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