Summer 2012, Volume 8, Number 2 The Esoteric Quarterly A publication of the School for Esoteric Studies ______________________________________________________________________ Esoteric philosophy and its applications to individual and group service and the expansion of human consciousness. The School for Esoteric Studies 345 S. French Broad Avenue, Suite 300. Asheville, North Carolina 28801, USA. www.esotericstudies.net/quarterly; e-mail: [email protected]. The Esoteric Quarterly The Esoteric Quarterly is published by the School for Esoteric Studies. It is registered as an online journal with the National Serials Data Program of the Library of Congress. International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) 1551-3874. Further information about The Esoteric Quarterly, including guidelines for the submission of articles and review procedures, can be found at http://www.esotericstudies.net/quarterly. All corres- pondence should be addressed to [email protected]. Editorial Board Editor-in-Chief: Donna M. Brown (United States) Editor Emeritus: John F. Nash (United States) Alison Deadman (United States) Judy Jacka (Australia) Gail G. Jolley (United States) Katherine O'Brien (New Zealand) Webmaster: Dorothy I. Riddle (Canada) Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2012. All rights reserved. Copies of the complete journal or articles contained therein may be made for personal use on condition that copyright statements are included. Commercial use without the permission of The Esoteric Quarterly and the School for Esoteric Studies is strictly prohibited. Summer 2012 The Esoteric Quarterly Contents Volume 8, Number 2. Summer 2012 Page Page Features Stigmata and the Initiatory 49 Path Editorial 5 John F. Nash Publication Policies 6 Fundamentals of the Poem of the Quarter: “In the 7 Work End: The Beginning” by Jay Meditation with Seed Thought Ramsay 73 Picture of the Quarter: 8 Book Review “Seven Point Blue-Gold And if He Has not been Raised 75 Mandala” by Ron Gang and Secrets of the Stations of Quotes of the Quarter 9 the Cross and the Grail Blood. By Judith von Halle Advertisements 11 News of the School Articles Easter Festival: The Full Moon 78 Emerson’s Essays Compared 17 in Aries to Bailey’s Technique of Integration for the Fifth Ray Wesak Festival: The Dynamic 82 Zachary F. Lansdowne of Determination-Enlightened, Enthusiastic Will Reading the Heavens: 35 Astrological Perspectives Goodwill Festival: The Full 85 Towards an Astrosophy, 2012 Moon in Gemini June Solstice Istituto di Ricerche Urusvati The mission of the Esoteric Quarterly is to traditions. We also encourage feedback from provide a forum for the exploration of esoteric readers. Comments of general interest will be philosophy and its applications. Full-length published as Letters to the Editor. All articles and student papers are solicited communications should be sent to: pertaining to both eastern and western esoteric [email protected]. Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2012. 3 The Esoteric Quarterly ALICE BAILEY TALKS n the course of her many activities as an esoteric teacher and writer, Alice I Bailey presented a series of regular Friday evening talks to students of the Arcane School. Fortunately, about 100 of these talks were transcribed and archived at the School for Esoteric Studies, and they include the informal discussions that took place during these talks. Thus they offer a fascinating glimpse of the personality of the co-worker with whom Master DK chose to work for 30 years – during which time we can see history being made. The School for Esoteric Studies has published nearly 40 of these talks, covering 1943 and 1944, online at their website: School for Esoteric Studies 345 S. French Broad Ave. Asheville, NC 28801 4 Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2012. Summer 2012 Editorial Hidden Motifs and their Spiritual Significance soteric philosophy teaches us that there is yet rich spiritual sustenance of Emerson’s E a hidden motif behind all outer appear- work to give each a new and added weight. ance. Behind the world of external form lies an Our next offering, from the Istituto di Ricerche inner world of meaning that “is spread like an Urusvati, seeks to reintegrate astrology and intricate network over all activity and every astronomy into a synthetic whole in an effort aspect of the phenomenal world.” Our to create a” new science of the stars” for the responsibility, as esotericists and especially as Aquarian Age. Reading of the Heavens: Astro- educators in the New Age, is to seek out this logical Perspectives towards an Astrosophy world of veiled patterns and to glean explores four astrological perspectives for the something of their spiritual import for the 2012 June solstice and beyond. Using both group. Penetrating this world of subjective geocentric and heliocentric charts, the article forces with its manifold layers of veiled truth, focuses on four aspects of the One Heart, “the requires, among other things, an inquiring and altar and the very unity of Life,” which “like a flexible mind, the ability to accept the Sun can orient in all directions of Space to relativity of truth, and the fortitude to find the recognize its collective destiny.” The inner meaning in oneself and in terms of the hierarchical points of view considered in this larger whole. With these thoughts in mind, we reading of the Heavens are: the solar system in offer several articles in this issue of the the cosmos, the solar system in the zodiac, the Quarterly that provide a unique and planetary system in the zodiac and the illuminating look behind the world of planetary system in the cosmos; in other generally accepted interpretations and widely- words, the interpenetrating solar, planetary and held beliefs to reveal new levels of meaning galactic “heart centers” receiving particular and significance. emphasis at this time. Our first offering is the final article in a seven- The last full-length feature in this issue part series by Zachary Lansdowne comparing explores the seemingly inexplicable Alice Bailey’s Techniques of Integration for phenomena of religious stigmatism, its the Seven Rays with ancient texts and other authenticity and spiritual significance. The inspired writings depicting archetypal methods article, written by John Nash, examines the of integration. Previous articles explored the lives and accomplishments of six notable parallels between the Bhagavad Gita and First stigmatics—Francis of Assisi, Anne Catherine Ray Technique, the Second Epistle of Peter Emerich, Therese Neumann, Padre Pio and the Second Ray Technique, the Revelation (Francesco Forgione), Dorothy Kerin, and one of St. John (chapter 10) and the Third Ray living esotericist, Judith von Halle—all of Technique, the Tao Te Ching and the Fourth whom experienced the appearance of bodily Ray Technique, Ecclesiastes and the Sixth Ray lesions or wounds like those suffered by Jesus Technique, and the Book of Habakkuk and the during his crucifixion. Also discussed are the Seventh Ray Technique. This article compares various theories that have been put forward to Alice Bailey’s Technique of Integration for the explain stigmata, including those suggesting Fifth Ray with the writings of Ralph Waldo that the phenomena may be “an outer Emerson, the famed American Transcend- manifestation of an inner transformation.” entalist, essayist, poet and philosopher. Nash concludes by placing the physical, Lansdowne’s analysis clarifies Bailey’s etheric, emotional and mental changes symbolic formula and illuminates the subtle Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2012. 5 The Esoteric Quarterly associated with stigmata, i.e., its exoteric and scholarly excellence are sincerely appreciated. esoteric aspects within the framework of the We miss Joann and wish her the very best in initiatory process up to and including the Great her future endeavors. Renunciation. As such, he demands that we Donna M. Brown abandon previously held notions regarding stigmata’s emergence. Publication Policies In this issue we offer a short paper on Articles are selected for publication in the “Meditation with Seed Thought,” by Gail Esoteric Quarterly because we believe they Jolley, as well as a book review of two works represent a sincere search for truth, support the written by Judith Von Halle, one of the service mission to which we aspire, and/or stigmatic’s touched upon in the featured article contribute to the expansion of human mentioned above. Also included are three consciousness. Festival Talks on the Full Moons of Aries, Taurus and Gemini. Publication of an article does not necessarily imply that the Editorial Board or the School We also draw your attention to our “Quotes of for Esoteric Studies agrees with the views the Quarter,” many of which are related to the expressed. Nor do we have the means to verify featured articles in this issue, and to a new all facts stated in published articles. poem: In the End: The Beginning, by Jay Ramsey, who has been described as one of We encourage critical thinking and analysis England’s foremost transformational poets. from a wide range of perspectives and Ramsay, a healer and psychospiritual psycho- traditions. We discourage dogmatism or any therapist, has created a rare synthesis between view that characterizes any tradition as having poetry and personal development. For further greater truth than a competing system. information on his poetry and other work visit: Neither will we allow our journal to be used as http://www.jayramsay.co.uk/. a platform for attacks on individuals, groups, institutions, or nations. This policy applies to The transcendent painting featured in the articles and features as well as to letters to the “Picture of the Quarter” is from the “Mandala editor. In turn, we understand that the author of Series” by the Israeli artist, Ron Gang. Gang’s an article may not necessarily agree with the Seven Point Blue-Gold Mandala is built up views, attitudes, or values expressed by a mainly from Arabic Calligraphy, specifically referenced source. Indeed, serious scholarship the well-known sentence from the Hadith or sometimes requires reference to work that an authenticated aphorisms of Muhammad: “He author finds abhorrent.
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