House District 2 T HE TWENTY-NINTH L EGISLATURE Log No: 2 APPLICATION FOR GRANTS Senate Dfslrict C HAPTER 42F, HAWAII REVISED STATUTES Type of Grant Request: KJ GRANT REQUEST - OPE::RAT!NG 0 GRANT R!iaues, - CAPITAL "Granl" means an award of stale funds by the legis!alure, by an approprialion to a specif:ed recipient. to support the activities of the recipient and permit the community to benefit from those activities. "Recipient" means any organization or person receiving a grant. ST!l"flc l'IHl<".tUM 1.0. '.liO, (1.. 1.::,\ n ; Hf,, \'.'ii( IF \ !'.liK'.lillW'.li): ------ I, Al'l' I.ICA,'l;"T l'.liFOllMATIO'.\': 2. C:O.'\ff,\Cl" 1'1'.llSO'.li H )ll MAl"l't'.llS l'.'iVOL\' l ~(;·n11s Al'PLIC \TIO:-<: Mana Legal Name of Requesting Organfza!:on or Individual: Mao Ii Name Keola Nakanishi _ _ Dba: Title . Ex~cutive_D irector·-­ Street Address: 1903 Palolo Ave, Honolulu, HI, 96816 Phone ~ .80&.295-6262 Mailing Address Mana Maoli Fax# ____ clo Jarrett Middle School E-mail [email protected] i 903 Palolo Ave Honolulu, HI 96816 3. 1'\'l'P. Of lltiS l:-<f.SS f::\"l"IT\': 6. ur.scntr'rl\'I( 'ITfU'. or Al'l'l,K A'.'.T'S IU:QL!F.~1': (3 NON PROFIT CORl>ORATION INCORPORATED IN HAWA!! 0 FOR PROFIT C ORPORATION INCORPORATED IN H AWAII The Mana Mele Project D liMiTEO LIABILITY COMPANY 0 SO!.£ PROFRIETORSHIP/ INOIV!OUAl.. OOTHER 7. Mlflli' ff or STAn: Fl!'illS IIEQl:t S"l"f.l): FISCAL YE.AR 2016 $ $151 ,855 I!. ~l",\Tl'S Of Sf. ll\'IC f. 0 1'.SOUIIW 1:-i 'f lllS ltf.QlitST: 0 NEW SERViCI': (PR!':SENTLY DOES NOT EX!ST) SPECIFY THE AMOUN1' BY SOURCES OF FUNDS AVAILABLE tii, EXISTING SERV!CE (PRESENTLY IN OPERATiON} AT THE TIME OF TH$ REQUEST; ~~~~,\L ~-ffi·""~""'~--- COUNTY $-----~-- PRIVATE/OTHER S_l15J)_:m[ Kecia Nakanishi, Exe.9~tive Di~ec,_t_or_ _ 1/19/2017 ~ Applicant _}',1,_11,1,;1_ :y1;1_o_!j ------ Application for Grants I/any item is not applicahle to the request, the applicant should enter "not applicah!e ". I. Background and Summary This section shall clearly and concisely summarize and highlight the contents of the request in such a way as to provide the State Legislature with a broad understanding of the request. Please include the following: 1. A brief description of the applicant's background; Since its inception in 1999, Mana Maoli (MM) has been at the forefront of community-based efforts to develop innovative educational programs for underscrvcd youth. Driven by a collective of educators, music and multimedia industry professionals, cultural practitioners, families, and youth, MM strives for empowerment of low-income and at-risk youth through engaging, hands-on, culture-based education, pooling and sharing of resources, and teaching/modeling practices toward environmental and economic sustainability. Mana Maoli began by holding monthly community events, then weekly classes in Papakolca, serving primarily low-income Hawaiian youth and their families. In 2000, MM founded and continues to serve Halau Ku Mana Public Charter School, the first Oahu sehoo' to receive its charter. By 2001, Mana Maoli received its 501c3 status and founded Kanehunamoku Voyaging Academy, a sailing canoe program which MM ran for 14 years before its growth warranted a separate autonomous non-profit by the end of 2015. 2001 also marked the beginning ofa volunteer-driven Maoli Music program at Halau Ku Mana, that grew to serve youth at 13 schools on Oahu, Kauai and Hawaii by 2009. A 3-year federal grant in 2013 allowed MM to add a multimedia component, strengthen its curriculum and partnerships with 1-lawai'i Community College's MELE program and 8 partner schools, and build a solar-powered mobile studio. At this point the program became the Mana Mcie Project (MMP). The MMP is now developing and piloting academically rigorous, hands-on, music, multimedia and culture-based curriculum at 12 public schools (DOE and I Rev 17.J'l! 16 Application for Cirants charter), and is poised to expand programs to 14 schools on Oahu and Kauai, each serving high numbers of low-income and at-risk youth. MMP has served thousands of youth through year-long classes teaching academics, business and culture (the program's "ABCs") through music/multimedia; artist school visits; n1usic, engineering. video and business 111cntorships; and engaging thc1n in planning, producing and promoting numerous concc11s, CDs and 'Knowledge Resource Products'. The goals and objectives related to the request; The MM!' goal is to improve educational and career outcomes for underserved youth, via high quality, eost-efTcctive programs, interdisciplinary, hands-on and 'real world' curriculum, and the mediums of music and multimedia. Specific objectives to achieve this goal during the 12 month project period starting in July 2017 arc as follows: • The Mana Mcie Project will connect at least 48 mentors from the music and multimedia industry with at least 1,935 students at 14 partner schools, through 4 inter-related services (outlined in detail in Section IL I). for a total of at least 22. 176 Student Contact II ours (SCI I). SCI-I arc defined as !he length or a session in hours multiplied by !he number of students attending, • At least 75%, of students participating in Mana Mcle's year-long afterschoolielcctive classes will demonstrate a gain of 30 percentage points or higher between pre- and post- test scores that measure gains in acadc111ic achicvcn1cnt. collcgc/carccr readiness, and 1nusic, culture and life skills. • Students and mentors will use Mana Mcle's lessons plans and mobile studio to research and produce at least 15 Knowledge Resource Products (KRP) - educational audio and video recordings that can be shared with tiiture student cohorts, sibling schools, and online. • Students and mentors will use the research, performance, creative and technical skills gained from MMP services to produce a professional quality, multi-school, multi-artist collaborative music video (CMV) for wide release, that provides an invaluable learning experience. educates 1 Rev 12(2/!6 ,'\pplication for Grants and inspires Hawaii's community and beyond, and serves as an effective outreach tool for all schools, fonders and partners involved. • Students at each school will also organize and participate in authentic 'real-world' performances at showcase events, where they display their skills and achievement to peers, families and communities and receive feedback and evaluations from them. 3. The public purpose and need to be served; The public purpose and need to be served is threefold: • Provide enhanced educational opportunities to underscrvcd youth. • Support youth college and career readiness and build vocational, business, and life skills. • Document and preserve valuable community based knowledge that can be shared through recorded audio/video "Knowledge Resource Products". Youth in the schools and communities served by the Mana Mele Project arc at risk tor low academic achievement and face other barriers to future success. Economic challenges and other factors limit their access to programs that have been proven to improve academic and other outcomes. High poverty rates, many parents working multiple jobs, geographic isolation, and limited local resources leave low-income students especially at risk for missing out on the benefits of participating in programs that boost academic achievement. All of MM's partner schools serve a disproportionately high number of low income youth. The percentage of students who qualify for free/reduced lunch at 3 of our partner schools is 94%, or higher, with an average of 70'X, across all partner schools, compared to the statewide average of 50%. 12. 7% of students at our partner schools arc labeled as Special Education (SPED), compared to a statewide average of I 0%. (Note - Some of our smaller partner schools do not participate in the federal lunch program, leaving little incentive for families to submit paperwork to determine that they qualify for free/reduced lunch, and SPED data for 2 of 14 schools was not available at time of submission. For this and other reasons that can be provided on request, it is likely that an even higher percentage of our youth qualify for free/reduced lunch or would be labeled as SPED). 3 Rev I 2:1i ! 6 I\pplication l\)r Cirants App!itant _'.1.,1,ari_a 0'1_aoli ________ The factors leading to low academic performance also manifest in a need among the community's youth for programs supporting the growth of vocational (music, engineering, video) and business skills, college/career readiness, cultural grounding, sclJ~estcem and life aspirations, while providing positive role models and engaging, productive activities - in and out of school hours. The creative entertainment and multimedia economy in Hm,aii had a gross domestic product of$3.3 billion in 2014, and is rapidly growing. Business consulting, music and cultural activities have the highest annual average job growth rates, resulting in a need and opportunity to provide related educational opportunities to reach more youth, develop relevant skill sets, and utilize innovative technologies to build the foundation for career success in the creative economy. The Mana Mcie Project draws on a pool of over 200 Mana Mcie Collective (MMC) artists - musicians, engineers, vidcographcrs and other music/multimedia industry professionals - to serve as mentors and provide real life experience in the industry. The Mana Mcie Project recognizes a need to document and preserve community based knowledge that can provide a sense of wellness, purpose, and a foundation for lifelong learning in our co111n1unitics. Con11nunity n1cn1bcrs possess a \Vcalth of information that can be shared in frmns ranging from video PSA 's on test taking strategics and anti-bullying, to audio recordings of traditional cultural practices such as oli (chant), melc (song), and moolelo (stories/ oral histories).
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