WEDNESDAY/ SEPTEaWBER 20, 1967 Avarage Daily Net Pm m ftoi * The Weather For The Week Ended PAm PORTY^UR Showers, spreading tonight, - Manrlifatpr lEwning September 16, 1967 low In 60s; cloudy tomorrow, clearing and breezy, high about Ohniatine Miller and Jaaot I 1 . V'. '■ '■ Paul Brame, aon of Mr, and' Cadet Girl Scout Troop 10 of CampbeU Council, Knights of presented by the Windsor Jes­ ’Ilie Onat reunion of aH UB. Popile^l, Manchester memtoem 70. Mrs. Charles Brame of 118 Hol- St. Mary’s Episcopal Church 1S,059 Oolumtms yrlU have its annual ters tonight at 8 at a meeting Marine Ompa vetmiBiiB In Oon- o f the Hwitford BoEet Co., ’vUl U I ' " I ' About Town Uater St., recenUy left Kennedy will have its first meeting of Manchester— A City of Village Charm Italian Night Monday, Oct. 9, of the Little Theater of Man­ nedUcut will be held Friday alt perform as solo baUet dancers : I I ' • ■ International Airport for a tour the season tomorrow at 6:45 at the KofC Home. It was er­ chester (LTM) in the LTM 7 psn. at the M)aiine Home, 717 tonilght at 8 at .the Olneranm (Classified Advertising on Page 21) PRICE SEVEN CENTS H m F«Uowcrmtt degnse will of Europe. A -aenior at Drew p.m. in the Parish Hall of the VOL. LXXXVI, NO. 299 MANCHESTER, CONN., -THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1967 roneously reported in last rooms on the second floor of Pariter St ’Ittase wishhig fur­ Theater, Hartford, before the (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES— ’TWO SECTION^) te ooofemd at a meetliic Umverslty, Madison, N.J., he church. night’s Herald that the event 22 'Oak St. Refreshments will ther infonmatioa may call Hoiw- Comiectllcut premiere of "Rua- raandahtp Lodge of IbuMna to- will attend school starting to­ would be held Monday. be served aftbr the program. erd "Duloe” Laf^pen, chnitfenan, aten Adventure." Proceeds from motrctar night in the ICasonic morrow in London. The meeting is open to all per­ of S3 Mieadoiw Rd., Wapping, 'Two Manchester area stu­ the event will beneftt the build­ Itanple at 7:S0. Senior Warden "2.9B Infant Jesus of Prague Moth­ sona interested in little theater. or the Marine Home. Lappen ing fund o f Newington Hoapibai Harold Hubhard wUI preside, dents will participate In the Tolls Hiked ers Circle will meet tonight at plans to make this an annual for Crippled Children. |{(' I '! 1 I ' ' ^ In New Mexico with all other officers moving ’The Perennial Ptanters Gar­ Initial pep rally of the football the home of Mrs. Ralph Rooke, event. iq» a station. Officer dress is ^ A club chamidoiuiiip dupli­ den Club will have a workshop season at American Internation­ w r.i iHi.\ m;' BOSTON (AIP) — An In- 40 Hartland Rd., after a Com­ al College, Springfield, Mass. summer formals. cate biMge game for men and meeiting tonight at 8 eit the The executive board of the , ,, , \1 \ ! N - I creiaise 'in Itollis on th e M as- bined Mothers Circle meeting They are Donald E. Lehan of women’s pairs will be played James Norton Leber II, son home o f Mrs. R. F. Klppax, 45 Manchester Republican Wom­ aachuaetobs Tuiniipflke, e ffe c ­ 9 at St. Bartholomew Church. 23 Washington St., Vernon, gen­ tonight at 7:30 alt the Italian of Mr. and Mrs. James N. Kelly Rd., South Windsor, to tive, Odt. 1, was announced Hie execultive committee of eral manager; and Miss Linda ens’ Club will meet tonight at -----------___ ----------------------—— Americaa d u b , 135 SSdiidge Leber of 84 High St.,.is a mem­ maloe d r i e d arrangements. today toy Chlaliiriman John T. the Manchester Scholarship Hillstown Grange will sponsor Lee Arruda of 19 Meadow Lane, 8 at the home of Mrs. J. I^r- - A s t f i Flash Fire Kills Memibers are remindeid to bring BVmndatlon, Inc. will meet to­ St. The event is sponsored by ber of the freshman class at the belt Finlay, 44 Greenwood Dr. ^ 0 ^ ( 1 r X C r a i Q i l . Q 8 Ditocoll of itlhe 'turnpike a Fair Friday from 2 to 8 p.m. dried maiteniala and containers. cheerleader. morrow at 8:30 p.m. at the the Manchester Bridge dUb. Citadel, Charlestmi, S.C. aulthorSIty. and Saturday from 10 a.m. to Tho' new sdhedule da®s home of Mrs. Fliilip Bayer, 81 8 p.m. at the Orange Hall, 617 fo r a 25 cemltS toooiat In the ‘T Oerard St. Hills St., East Hartford. A tur­ to ll fo r motoriiislta travelin g key dinner will be served Satur­ \ 6 M ental Patients the 123 miles from Route DAV Auxiliary will meet to­ . • —. day from 6 to 7 p.m. LAS VEGAS, N.M. (AP)—Six - 128 'to 'the New York State night at 7:80 at the VFW Home. Una; 10 cents additional be­ MMW or SICtUIMg men died early today as they li&s. Laiwnedoe Decker Jr. c f D ram atic! apparontly attempted to escape tween Route 128 and Stur- The Ladles Auxiliary of the 189 Laurel S t, "Wlapiitag, wiU a sudden tire at the New Mexico biUdge. ^tend a meeting of NOw Eng­ Italian American Society will State Hospital for the mentally Tolls on 'the Boston Ex- meet tonight at 7 :30 at the club­ land winners to the 1066 edition Ul. Another 152 men and women tenisllon, D riscoll SaJd, w ill of Outstanding Young Women Distinctive! \ patients walked to safety. be increased flive cents at house at 135 Eldridge St. cf America Saturday at the Asst. Director Thomas Bar­ the Aiaston Inlbefchange for 9t. 'BUxabeth Mothers Circle Old Governor’s House (Skner- nett said the men, all from Al- ! through tralfifie. He said will meet toiUght at the home s(m OoUege), Boston, Mass. buquerque, s^parently were theiTe w ould toe n o dnicreiise cf IMrs. Bruno Ladyga of 39 Daringly new! trying to flee the building but fo r B oston tr a ffic enlbetling Horton Rd., after a Combined “ The Ballad of the Old Saw,’’ were overcome by smoke. He or leaving AllStnn. Mothers Circle meeting at St. an original one-act play by War­ said one man mistakenly locked Bartholomew Church. ren Giffen of Windsor, will be himself In a room. Barnett said the men may have “ become confused.’’ The fire broke out shortly be­ Allies Aim fore 1 a.m. MDT, in a first-floor day room in the north unit of Palm trees bend with the winds as Hurricane Beu- leaving a wide path of death and destruction in its the hospital complex. ’The dead Big Guns lah sends waves washing over a Corpus Christi wake. (AP Photofax ) were on the second floor of the unit. beach. The monster storm has turned inland after HOU Two' hospital attendants and two firemen were overcome by A t North ChevyllNova smoke. SAIGON (AP) — ConUnued Hospital officials identified North Vietnamese shellings the dead as Peter Babic, 78; across South Vietnam’s north­ Guy Gibson, 79; Cecil Bauld- ern border klUed six more Ma­ Beulah Goes Inland; rldge, 28, Wes Clark, 70, and' rines and wounded 41, and U.S. David Abercrombie. 67. IdenUli- forces went after the Red gun­ catlon of the 32-year-old sixth ners with B62s, Marine fighters H A l i ! 'Victim was withheld pending no­ and big Navy guns today. ^ While the battle of artillery, since tification of next of kin. Hospital Director James W. mortars and bombs raged f 4 53 / / Wegner said the hospital unit al­ around the U.S. Marine outpost Damage $500 Million Losing His Head Over Nothing at (3on Thien, just below the de­ Downtown Main 8t„ Mandieater most was filled to capacity. He said the unit housed severely This fellow, who might be an apprentice, has lost militarized zone, men of the Queen’s Cobra Regiment of OPEN 6 DAYS disturbed patients but none had his head— ^temporarily — at the Jack and Jill Corvette Sting Ray physical disorders. Thailand began arriving to fight THURS. tm 9 P.M. “ When I got there,” Barnett Amusement Park in Fort Wasme, Ind. There was around the Saigon area. Camaro-“The Hugger” said, “ you couldn’t see down^the no dental work needed anyway— it’s just a drink­ The U.S. Command also an­ Will Bombing Halt Help? Issue Skirted Tornadoes, halls, the smoke was so thick.’’ ing foun'tain. (AP Photofax) nounced last week’s casualties—■ 238 Americans killed, mosUy In He said the lower hall was ' (3HK3AGO (AP) — Fe­ "filled with a very acid smelling the war of attrition along the Floods H it DMZ. Communist losses were male employeis — armed smoke,’’ but he couldn’t see any Goldberg Asks North wiiUi siigns shying "w orry flames. ^Police Only Ones Ouf put at 1,774 killed. ’The South Vietnamese said they lost 216 about minlsltiaftfs, n ot m ln- W ide Area STYLES 672 Wegner said damage to the Iskdrts”'—mancihed in Uronlt dead. structure itself is probably mi­ For Specific Answer o f C ook Oounlty Depiartt- a n d L P - 8 nor with most of the damage Eight-engine B62 bombers CORPUS CHRISTI, Tex. went back for two predawn menit of Public Aid office coming from smoke. The build- Hartford Is Quiet; ceive that the cessation of (AP) — Faltering Hurri­ raids near (3on Thien today aft­ UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. yedterday. bombing would or should lead to cane Beulah crawled far­ (8ee Page Fourteen) er they and Jungle-skimming (AP) — Ambassador Arthur J.
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