TAKING OVER: CANADA’S NEW GOVERNMENT Introduction On May 16, 2006, Prime Minister in Quebec, in order to win a clear major- Focus Stephen Harper’s minority Conserva- ity the next time voters cast their ballots. This CBC News in tive government was 100 days old, But Harper’s first 100 days were not Review story exam- having been sworn in on February 6. trouble-free. His new government had ines the new minority federal Two weeks before, on January 23, already come in for a considerable Conservative Harper’s party had eked out a narrow amount of serious criticism for some of government of win over Paul Martin’s Liberals, form- its policy initiatives. On the very first Prime Minister ing a minority government. The Con- day of the new Conservative adminis- Stephen Harper servatives won the election partly tration, a former Liberal cabinet minis- after its first 100 because of widespread voter disillusion- ter, David Emerson, was sworn in as a days in office. ment with the Liberals over the federal member of Harper’s cabinet, along with sponsorship scandal and other allega- Michael Fortier, a Quebec businessman tions of corruption. But they also gained and Conservative party worker who had YV Sections marked with this support from many voters who believed not even been elected as a member of symbol indicate that their five main priorities, which Parliament. These two appointments content suitable for Harper tirelessly reiterated throughout raised questions about just how com- younger viewers. the campaign, were objectives worth mitted Harper and the Conservatives pursuing. Harper promised that, if were to openness and democracy in elected, the Conservatives would act government, especially after the attacks immediately to reduce the Goods and they had levelled at the Liberals for Services Tax (GST) from seven to five their high-handed approach to running per cent, deliver child-care rebates of the country. As casualties mounted $100 per month per child under six to among Canadian troops in Afghanistan, eligible families, crack down on violent Harper was also criticized for his deci- crime, introduce an accountability act sion to ban media coverage of the that would hold elected officials respon- funerals of returning war dead and to sible for their behaviour, and reduce not lower the flag on the Parliament wait times for medical procedures. Buildings to half-staff. The new The new government’s first Speech government’s apparent lack of enthusi- from the Throne, delivered by Governor asm for keeping Canada’s commitments General Michaëlle Jean at the opening to the Kyoto Protocol on Climate of the new session of Parliament com- Change angered many environmental- mitted the government to achieving ists. In addition, aboriginal groups were these objectives. And the first Conser- displeased by the failure of the budget vative budget, delivered by Finance to meet the financial targets that the Minister Jim Flaherty on May 2, out- Martin government had agreed to at the lined how the new government would Kelowna First Ministers Conference on pay for them. Opinion polls taken Aboriginal Issues. In mid May, a parlia- during the first 100 days of the Harper mentary committee rejected Harper’s administration indicated that Canadians nomination for the head of the new had a generally favourable opinion of public appointments commission, their new government. The Conservatives former energy executive Gwyn Morgan, hoped they could build on the support over allegations that he had made racist they had won in the election, particularly remarks about ethnic minorities in CBC News in Review • June 2006 • Page 6 Canada and their relationship to crimi- election. It liked the Conservatives’ Quote nal activity. commitments to eliminating the “fiscal University of Al- But along with the criticisms and imbalance” that deprives Quebec of berta political scientist David setbacks, Harper’s government could much-needed federal revenues, and to Taras, who has point to some major policy successes granting major new powers to that studied Harper’s during its first 100 days in office. On province. The New Democratic Party, political career for April 27, it reached an important agree- while critical of some of Harper’s many years, ob- ment with the United States to settle the policies, such as the war in Afghanistan serves that, “I don’t long-running softwood lumber dispute, and its backpedalling on Kyoto, found think Canadians love Stephen a pact that had eluded the Liberals for enough common ground with the Harper, and Cana- many years while they were in power. Conservatives in the budget to hold its dians may never Harper had also succeeded in raising his fire for the time being. All the opposi- love Stephen international profile by attending the tion parties recognized the fact that Harper. The ques- North American leaders’ summit in Canadians did not want an early trip back tion is do Canadi- Cancun, Mexico, along with U.S. to the polls and would probably punish ans respect Stephen Harper and will he President George W. Bush and Mexican any party rash enough to trigger such an deliver? He has a President Vicente Fox. During a per- eventuality. As for the journalists and good ride, at least sonal trip to Afghanistan, Harper media covering Harper and his new for another year. praised the work Canadian troops were government, there was considerable And as soon as the doing and strongly committed his frustration at what they viewed as an Liberals have a government to pursuing the objectives attempt to “manage” the news by restrict- leader and the numbers are there, of the multinational force deployed there. ing the questions they were able to ask the I think he’s going Most incoming governments usually Prime Minister at press conferences. to pull the plug enjoy what is known as a “honeymoon Harper and the Conservatives view and go for a major- period,” when their approval ratings their minority government as just a ity” (Toronto Sun, among voters remain high and their first stepping-stone to achieving a majority, May 14, 2006). policy decisions win widespread ap- which would enable them to pursue proval. Whether Harper’s Conservative their agenda without having to worry minority government has experienced about the parliamentary opposition. But such a honeymoon is a matter open to barring any unforeseen surprises, it is some question. As the Official Opposi- unlikely that Canadians will be given tion, the Liberals were unable to mount the opportunity to pass judgment on a concerted challenge to the new gov- their new government before the Liber- ernment, since the party was preoccu- als choose their next leader, in Decem- pied with choosing its next leader from ber 2006. In the meantime, Stephen a crowded field of candidates. The Bloc Harper can be expected to do his best to Québécois, which holds enough seats to raise his profile among Canadians and put Harper’s minority government in create for his party the image of a jeopardy, was unlikely to force an early competent and honest government. To Consider 1. What are the five priorities that the Conservatives promised to act on during the federal election campaign? 2. Why are the Speech from the Throne and the budget so important for an incoming government? 3. What policies and decisions of the Harper government have been criti- cized? What are some of its main achievements during its first 100 days? 4. How would you rate the Harper government’s first days in office? Explain. CBC News in Review • June 2006 • Page 7 TAKING OVER: CANADA’S NEW GOVERNMENT YV Video Review 1. List the top five priorities of the new Harper government. Answer the ques- tions in the spaces provided. Be sure to ask for assistance if you have any blanks after view- ing the video. 2. What was the result of the parliamentary vote on the extension of Canada’s mission to Afghanistan? 3. What major Canadian-American relations issue did the Harper govern- ment resolve in its first 100 days in office? 4. How would you describe Harper’s relations with the media? 5. What are the colours associated with the Conservatives and the Liberals? ________________________________ and ________________________________ 6. What is a purely political priority for the Harper government? 7. In your opinion, how is the Stephen Harper government doing? Explain your views carefully. CBC News in Review • June 2006 • Page 8 TAKING OVER: CANADA’S NEW GOVERNMENT The First 100 Days Here is a timeline of the main events a provincial premier and are viewed as Further Research occurring during the first 100 days of a noticeable slight to Ontario Liberal To learn more the Conservative administration of Premier Dalton McGuinty. Harper and about the work of UNESCO visit http:// Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Charest discuss ways of addressing the portal.unesco.org. “fiscal imbalance” between Ottawa and February 6, 2006 Stephen Harper is the provinces and measures to grant sworn in as Canada’s 22nd prime greater powers to Quebec, including a minister, two weeks after his Conserva- separate seat for the province at tives won a narrow victory over the UNESCO, the United Nations body Liberals in the federal election. Harper responsible for promoting cultural affairs. heads the first federal Conservative February 22 Defence Minister government since Kim Campbell, who Gordon O’Connor announces that the lost office in 1993. Harper names 27 government will increase spending and ministers to cabinet positions, a reduc- enlarge the Canadian Forces. It will also tion from the 39 members of the previ- purchase new airplanes and icebreakers ous Paul Martin cabinet. But two ap- for patrolling Canada’s Arctic waters. pointments cause major surprises.
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