A1 log onto www.portsmouth-dailytimes.com for archive • games • features • e-edition • polls & more Serving the Ohio Valley since 1852. INSIDE STORY WEATHER SPORTS ONLINE catch up on local partly sunny OSU-michigan visit the portsmouth church news .... A3 today. high of 47. clash in the daily time online at low of 28. game .... B1 portsmouth-dailytimes.com Vol. 161, No. 164 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 2012 50 cents daily/$1.50 Sunday Tolliver to join Million Dollar Quartet Wayne Allen funny is that there is a different director to rehearse a few more which means it could run for PDT staffw riter casting company for the upcom- scenes. When I left they seemed years.” ing Vegas show. They have never thrilled, they called about five When asked about his reaction Jacob Tolliver, a Portsmouth seen or heard of me. They found days ago and told me I got the about all of this he said, “this West graduate, is known through- me on YouTube two weeks ago role as an understudy for Jerry is really an opportunity of a life out the community for his musi- and commented on three videos Lee Lewis,” Tolliver said. time. Can’t wait to start! I’ve cal abilities. After the first of the and even found where I have He said the reason he got the been trying to get this for a few year he will be moving to Las Ve- been in Portsmouth Little The- role as understudy is because years now and now that I have gas to perform in a show called atre and contacted them trying there really isn’t enough time to it, it’s a really satisfying feeling! ‘Million Dollar Quartet.’ to get ahold of me. I called them learn the role. Super excited! Vegas is also prac- “It (Million Dollar Quartet) back the next day and they said “There is only like three weeks tically the crooner capitol of the started out as a broadway show, ‘have you ever heard of the show of rehearsal. So they are flying world so hopefully after a while there is a Chicago, London and Million Dollar Quartet? We’d in people from the New York I can start up some crooner gigs New York City touring show as Jacob Tolliver like to fly you out to Vegas to City and Chicago touring com- on the side.” well. It’s about Elvis, Jerry Lee and was told he was to young at audition for the upcoming Vegas panies to start the show out For more information about Lewis, Johnny Cash and Carl the time. run.” while the understudies are get- the Million dollar Quartet visit, Perkins getting together unex- “When I turned 18 they called Tolliver flew out last weekend ting ‘groomed,” Tolliver said. www.milliondollarquartetlive. pectedly having an impromptu me. I went to NYC in March and and auditioned. “Rehearsal starts Jan. 7 and the com/. jam session at Sun Records,” auditioned again. Well nothing “The first day I played a few show starts Feb. 19. So I have to Tolliver said. has happened since then. Un- songs and read a scene from the move out there after the first of wayne allen may be reached at 740-353- Tolliver first auditioned for the til now,” Tolliver said. “What’s script. I went back the next day the year. It’s at the Harrah’s In 3101, ext. 228, or wallen@heartlandpubli- show when he was 16 years-old and had a one-on-one with the Vegas. It’s an open ended show cations.com. Partnership expected to boost Appalachian businesses Wayne Allen build on their past ex- PDT staff writer port achievements,” said Charles A. Ford, Deputy Recently the head of Director General of the the Appalachian Regional U.S. & Foreign Commer- Commission (ARC) and cial Service in a released Deputy Director Gen- statement. “We look for- eral of the U.S. and For- ward to leveraging our eign Commercial Service U.S. Commercial Service signed an export promo- network of offices to help tion partnership aimed boost exports that are at boosting exports from key to moving our econo- Appalachian-based busi- my forward and support- nesses. ing new jobs.” “Working with the Ap- The partnership ad- palachian Regional Com- vantages are expected to mission will strengthen include, “enhance ongo- our ability to reach out ing cooperation and co- and support small and ordination between the medium-size businesses two agencies (ARC and wayne allen | daily times across Appalachia as U.S, & Foreign Commer- Mike Bell (center) gathers with other veterans a supporters around a fire to keep warm while they are going homeless to they seek to launch new cial Services) to increase raise awareness. export initiatives and See BOOST | A3 Going homeless to raise awareness Wayne Allen When asked if people have been Etterling-Tony Applegate Home PDT staffw riter receptive to the group and their in- For Veterans Shelter to reality. tentions Bell said, “Scioto County “There have been six veterans Mike Bell and about 25 others has come out in droves to help us and four major supports that have including area veterans have gone do this, any and all support we have been with us the entire time and homeless since Thursday night. received and will receive from this two kids. That’s the awesome part, They will continue to go homeless community is greatly appreciated.” we can set the example for these until 6 p.m. tonight. He said money raised during the kids. They (kids) have been staying Their intention is to gather food event will be going to help start a and getting things out of people’s donations for the Veterans Helping veterans homeless shelter in New cars. We had a young lady yester- Veterans Food Pantry and the Sal- Boston. day (Friday) use her birthday mon- submitted photo | daily times vation Army Food Pantry, funds for Veterans Helping Veterans and ey doughnuts for us,” Bell said. “ Current and past members of the Young Spirits Dance Group. a proposed veterans homeless shel- Others is looking to establish the For more information about the ter and homelessness awareness. homeless veterans shelter in New veterans homeless shelter http:// “We are going homeless for vets Boston. The shelter would eventu- veteranshelping.org. For more Young Spirits Dance (veterans), raising awareness of ally be equipped to house up to 60 information about the Salvation homelessness amongst veterans of the communities homeless veter- Army of Portsmouth visit them on and also gathering canned food for ans. Facebook. two pantries,” Bell said. “Yesterday Bell, First Vice Commander for Group celebrates (Friday) were able to send 1,800 American Legion Post 471 is work- wayne allen may be reached at 740-353-3101, cans of food to the Salvation Army ing with Veterans Helping Veterans ext. 228, or wallen@heartlandpublications. Food Pantry.” and Others to bring the Jonathan com. 10th anniversary Wayne Allen been blessed with great Girl Scouts redesign cookie box PDT staffw riter community support includ- ing Beulah Baptist Church, Wayne Allen newly designed boxes. On Nov. 18 the Young our surrounding churches, PDT staffw riter “Our council, along with Girl Spirits Dance Group held a community businesses Scout councils across the country, is celebration at Beulah Bap- and organizations. We are It’s been 13 years since the Girl thrilled to feature the newly designed tist Church in Portsmouth often reminded it takes a Scout cookie boxes have been rede- cookie boxes for our cookie program to mark their 10th anniver- village to raise a child, and signed. According to the Girl Scouts, next year,” said Tammy H. Wharton, sary. the boxes not only have a new look CEO of Girl Scouts of Ohio’s Heart- the Portsmouth community “The Young Spirits members have supported but a new purpose. The purpose land Council in a released statement. Dance Group focuses on in- of the new boxes are to elevate the “The new boxes feature information this group and are the rea- submitted photo | daily times dividual and group develop- son Young Spirits are still significance of the $790-million pro- that’s important to share with people ment reminding the youth Images of the newly redesigned Girl performing today.” gram. who support Girl Scouting by buying of their skills and abilities. Scout cookie boxes. The Young Spirits origi- “We refreshed our brand in 2010, cookies, and they convey the new However, as a team, the we updated our logo, we changed our Girl Scouts as the leadership pro- focus is to give back to the nal dance members were: font that all goes along with updat- gage in common Girl Scout activi- gram that it is.” community reminding our Wayne Johnson, Dasia Ken- ing the whole Girl Scout experience. ties: helping at a community garden According to West in Scioto Coun- community members of our nedy, Andrea White, Jas- The Girl Scouts have had to reinvent and food pantry, painting murals, ty there are 526 Girl Scouts and in respect for their wisdom, mine Johnson, Kyla Parker, themselves over the last five years or learning karate, kayaking, dancing, 2011 they sold a collective 81,974 value, and place in our com- Paige Parker, Landi John- so, to be relevant and to be appealing public speaking on issues affecting boxes of cookies. munity and families,” said son, Aija Johnson, Donika to girls today,” said Sara West, Pub- girls, and the Girl Scout Cookie Pro- For more information and to Marcia Harris, Young Spir- Lee, and Faythe Lee. lic Relations Director, Girl Scouts of gram.’ find out when Girl Scout Cookies its Program Director.
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