Canadian Union MESSENGER Volume XXXVII, No. 7 Oshawa, Ontario ,!4 March 20, 1968 Andrews University Offers Advantages of . Association With Those of Rich, Varied Background M. E. ERICKSON, Secretary, Department of Education, Canadian Union One of the great advantages and privileges of a Seventh- emy principals; union and divisional educational secretaries; day Adventist is the opportunity to become acquainted with missionaries; pastors; evangelists; departmental secretaries; all parts of the world through travel, acquaintance with conference presidents and even college presidents. missionaries and other travellers, reports from other coun- Last year Andrews conferred 183 Master's degrees, of tries by means of our publications and Sabbath School which 127 were granted to candidates preparing to teach. mission reports, and by association with folk from other The majority of these are not teaching in Seventh-day parts of the world at our Colleges and Universities. Andrews Adventist schools. The University offers a programme for University has a greater percentage of students coming from the professional preparation of school administrators, super- abroad than any other university, with one exception, in visors of instruction, and school guidance counsellors. the United States. Sixty members of the faculty have foreign The entire world field looks to Andrews for denomina- background or experience. What a great advantage there is tional and secular leaders. A great many ministers and for students at Andrews to associate with these who come teachers as well as others now working in Canada have from such rich and varied backgrounds. received a part of their training at this University. In the classes at Andrews University have been found On Sabbath, April 13, the offering in our churches is for students coming directly from college; elementary and sec- the advancement of the work at Andrews University. Please ondary teachers and principals from public schools as well as give liberally so this institution will be better prepared to denominational schools; superintendents of education; acad- give the instruction our leaders need. Doorway to world mission training is the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary located at Andrews University. Missionaries from Andrews go out to all parts of the world. How Dean Murdoch Feels About . Andrews University W. G. C. MURDOCH, Dean, Theological Seminary, Andrews University Its Rich Endowment not alone with what he knows. For acute. A careful analysis of the present The motto of the Seminary is "From thirty-four years the Seventh-day Ad- demand reveals that at least 200 new all the world into all the world." This ventist Theological Seminary has been ministers will be needed this year in motto well describes the student body striving to impart such an education. North America alone. in 1968. A recent check indicates that There is an ever-increasing number of our ministers and ministerial students An Encouraging Feature students have come to the Seminary We have a great army of young from the ends of the earth. Twenty-four from our colleges taking advantage of the full theological Bachelor of Divinity people in our churches who are anxious countries outside the United States are to give their lives to God's service, but represented in the student group span- course. Last year sixty-five obtained this degree—the largest number ever to there is a great shortage of funds to ning the northern lands of Scandinavia develop educational facilities for ade- to the southern tip of Australia. The attain this distinction in one year. Many others completed shorter courses and quately training these young people for Seventh-day Adventist Church has a the positions that need to be filled. world mission. In the providence of have also entered the work. The needs, God the Seminary was established to however, are great and qualified la- Our Opportunity prepare workers to fulfil this mission. bourers are so few. To invest in the lives of potential It is our task to announce the good The Availability Gap ministers and missionaries brings large news of Christ's offer of salvation to dividends. Andrews University is not all the world. No generation has ever What is the availability gap? Last richly endowed like many of the great been entrusted with such an important year our overseas Divisions placed schools of the world, but it is supported calls with the General Conference for and able message. by the prayers and gifts of our loyal 217 different workers to various mis- church members. They are no small Men to Match the Message sionary positions. Although a number source of help. They are our rich en- While it is true that the Lord uses of the General Conference staff spent dowment! Many are not able to go to all who are fully consecrated to His days and months searching for mission the far ends of the earth as missionaries service, yet those who have disciplined recruits, only 143 appointments were nor to proclaim the message widely their minds by diligent and sustained made for these 217 positions. The here at home, but all have an oppor- study become much sharper tools in unavailability of persons with the prop- tunity on Sabbath, April 13, to invest His hands. We recognize that factual er training and experience left a gap in the training of young missionaries information by itself is not enough. of 74 positions unfilled. and ministers to sound the message There must be a corresponding devel- A similar situation prevails in North around the world and to finish the opment of a noble Christian character. America. Since many veteran ministers work which has been committed to us. True education is concerned with the are retiring and the work is rapidly ex- Remember April 13, and please give kind of a person the individual is and panding, the need for new recruits is generously. Trained to serve — the Seminary men do just that, serving Internships Pioneered by an Andrews Seminary student, Clarence Goertzen, a new as weekly pastors of the local churches in Michigan and Illinois. church has been organized in Ceylon. Official Organ of the CANADIAN UNION CONFERENCE of Seventh-day Adventists, Carl Klam, Editor; Pearl I. Browning, Associate Editor. President, J. W. Bothe; Secretary-treasurer, Carl Klam. Canadian L'iliou Departmental Secretaries: Publishing, 0. A. Botimer; Sabbath School and Lay Activities, W. E. Kuester; Missionary Volunteer, Educational and Temperance, M. E. Erickson; Public Affairs, D. L. Michael; Medical, E. A. Crawford, M.D. Issued biweekly. Subscription price $2.00 a year. Authorized as second MESSENGER class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa, and for payment of postage in cash. Printed by Maracle Press Limited, Oshawa, Ont. 110 CANADIAN UNION MESSENGER spiritual, educational, and social. Cana- dian memories are pleasant ones, and workers here wish to make students Zefte4 from Canada feel at home as they con- tinue working toward professional goals. These students desire to return to Canada, and we who are workers want to encourage them not to lose sight of this goal for we remain very much interested in the growth and progress of the work throughout the Canadian Union. One member had copies of a school paper, and several copies of the MESSENGER, which were shared. Do you have a question or observation regarding Christian Education? All letters giving both name and address will be answered either by mail or in this column as Canadian Union College, Kingsway space permits, although names will not be published. This is not a "sound-off" column College, Branson Hospital School of but one where earnest questions will be given serious answers. Address all correspon- Nursing are all represented here by dence to: Educator, 1148 King St. E. , Oshawa, Ontario alumni. Rest Haven Sanitarium is in- directly represented for the parents of Dear Educator, putting the sock on, you will remember one student live and work in Sidney. why you tied the knot. "Please teacher, I forgot my lunch." Remember the Canadians and form- Or if you are eating in a restaurant "I forgot my books at home." "I for- er Canadian workers in Lincoln, Ne- and are afraid of leaving your hat, fold got to bring my report card back to braska, in your prayers. We shall con- a bill sideways over the others in your school." "I forgot what the assignment tinue to remember the work in Canada wallet. When paying your check the was for today." "I forgot . I forgot and also the parents and relatives of folded bill will remind you of your hat. ." It seems as if that is all I hear the students who are in this vicinity. As you park your car in the school every day. Why do students forget so Officers elected to foster interest in much? Can't they remember anything? parking lot in the morning and notice Canada and promote association What can I do to help them? I hate to that the gas tank is empty, you know among the Canadians and former Ca- tie a string on their fingers but some- you must remember to buy some gas nadian workers are: President — Dr. times I'm tempted to do that very thing. before going home. How can you be Forgetful Me sure to remember? Put your car keys Percy Paul; Secretary — Karen Down- in your inside coat pocket or some ing; Pastor — R. C. Gibson. Dear Forgetful, place where you never put them. After MARILYN BROWN, Instructor Take heart. Everyone forgets at spending five minutes searching for the Secretarial Science some time or other — even you keys, you will remember why you put Union College, Lincoln, Nebraska and I. Psychiatrists have proven by them in such a stupid place. means of tests that the memory func- Teach those forgetful students to Did You Like tions best when you are relaxed.
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