1.3 Brotherly love? 1.3 (SBNNBS 1SFTFOU1FSGFDU4JNQMFBOE1BTU4JNQMF $BOEP SFUFMMBTJNQMFOBSSBUJWFJOZPVSPXOXPSET # Reading " 4 a :PVBSFHPJOHUPSFBEBUSVFTUPSZ BCPVUUXPCSPUIFST8PSLJOQBJSTBOE MPPLBUUIFQIPUPTPOQBHF)PXDPVME UIFJUFNTJOUIFCPYCFTJHOJGJDBOU BOBSHVNFOUBCVTJOFTT BOJDLOBNFBTIPFNBLFSBXJMEDBU $ UIF0MZNQJDHBNFT b /PXSFBEUIFBSUJDMFPOQBHFBOE DIFDLZPVSJEFBT 5 3FBEUIFBSUJDMFBHBJO8SJUFUSVF 5 PS GBMTF ' 5IF%BTTMFSTµGBUIFSXBTB TQPSUTNBO 5IFCSPUIFSTGJSTUNBEFTQPSUT TIPFTBUIPNF Listening and speaking 5IFZBSHVFEBCPVUUIFTIPFT 5IFZEFDJEFEUPTUBSUUIFJSPXO DPNQBOJFT 1 a -JTUFOUPUISFFQFPQMFUBMLJOHBCPVUTPNFPOF XIPUIFZGFMMPVUXJUI.BUDIUIFTQFBLFST ° XJUIUIF 1VNBTFMMTNPSFTIPFTUIBO"EJEBT Brotherly Love? QIPUPT "°$ 1FPQMFJOUIFUPXOIBWFOPX b GPSHPUUFOUIFBSHVNFOU -JTUFOBHBJOBOEDPNQMFUFUIFOPUFTJOUIFUBCMF Adidas® and Puma ® have been two of the biggest names in 4QFBLFS 4QFBLFS 4QFBLFS 6 3FBEUIF-JGFMPOHMFBSOJOHCPY5IFO sports shoe manufacturing for over half a century. 8IPEPUIFZUBML 3PNJOB° QSBDUJTFUIFTLJMMCZGJOEJOHXPSETJOUIF Since 1928 they have supplied shoes for Olympic athletes, World Cup-winning BCPVU CFTUGSJFOE TUPSZXIJDINFBOUIFGPMMPXJOH football heroes, Muhammad Ali, hip hop stars and rock musicians famous all over the world. But the story of these two companies begins in one house in the )PXMPOHIBWFUIFZ POFZFBS QSPWJEFEBQSPEVDU QBSBHSBQI town of Herzogenaurach, Germany. LOPXOEJEUIFZ DSFBUFE BOJOTUJUVUJPODPNQBOZ FUD LOPXFBDIPUIFS QBSBHSBQI Adolph and Rudolph Dassler were the sons of a shoemaker. They loved sport but complained that they could never find comfortable shoes to play in. Rudolph 8IZ8IFOEJE NPWFEQFSNBOFOUMZUPBEJGGFSFOUQMBDF always said, 'You cannot play sports wearing shoes that you’d walk around town UIFZGBMMPVU QBSBHSBQI with.' So they started making their own. In 1920 Adolph made the first pair of )PXJTUIFJS POFPSNPSFPGUIFNPTUTVDDFTTGVM athletics shoes with spikes, produced on the Dasslers’ kitchen table. SFMBUJPOTIJQOPX DPNQBOJFT QBSBHSBQI On 1st July 1924 they formed a shoe company, Dassler Brothers Ltd and they c 8PSLJOQBJSTBOEDIFDLZPVSBOTXFST worked together for many years. The company became successful and it provided the shoes for Germany’s athletes at the 1928 and 1932 Olympic Games. Guessing from context Lifelong learning But in 1948 the brothers argued. No one knows exactly what happened, but family Vocabulary | BSHVJOH 8IFOZPVBSFSFBEJOH JUJT members have suggested that the argument was about money or women. The PGUFOCFUUFSUPUSZUPHVFTT result was that Adolph left the company. His nickname was Adi, and using this and 2 -JTUFOUPUIFUISFFQFPQMFJOFYFSDJTFBBHBJOBOEDPNQMFUF the first three letters of the family name, Dassler, he founded Adidas. UIFUBCMFXJUIQISBTFTXIJDIIBWFBTJNJMBSNFBOJOH UIFNFBOJOHPGBOFXXPSE SBUIFSUIBOTUPQQJOHUPVTF Rudolph relocated across the River Aurach and founded his own company too. HFUBOHSZ IBWFBOBSHVNFOU BEJDUJPOBSZ*UXJMMIFMQZPV At first he wanted to call it Ruda, but eventually he called it Puma, after the wild cat. The famous Puma logo of the jumping cat has hardly changed since. MPTFZPVS@@@@@@@ IBWFB@@@@@@@ UPSFBENPSFGMVFOUMZ TFF@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@PWFSTPNFUIJOH After the big split of 1948 Adolph and Rudolph never spoke to each other again and their companies have now been in competition for over sixty years. Both companies were for many years the market leaders, though Adidas has 3 8PSLJOQBJSTBOEEJTDVTTUIFRVFTUJPOT always been more successful than Puma. A hip hop group, Run DMC, has even written a song called My Adidas and in 2005 Adidas bought Reebok ®, another %PZPVFWFSIBWFBSHVNFOUTXJUIZPVSGSJFOET big sports shoe company. )BWFZPVFWFSGBMMFOPVUXJUIBDMPTFGSJFOE 8IBUIBQQFOFE 7 8PSLJOQBJST5BLFJUJOUVSOTUPSFUFMM The terrible family argument should really be forgotten, but ever since it 8IBUEPGSJFOETGBNJMZVTVBMMZBSHVFBCPVU UIFTUPSZVTJOHUIFXPSETQISBTFTGSPN happened, over sixty years ago, the town has been split into two. Even now, FYFSDJTFBOEUIFWFSCTGSPNFYFSDJTF some Adidas employees and Puma employees don’t talk to each other. 14 15 1.2 1.2 7 3FBE UIFDPNNFOUTCFMPXGSPNBXFCTJUF5IFOXPSLJOQBJST 10 1VUUIFWFSCTJOCSBDLFUTJOUPUIF BOEEJTDVTTXIJDIPQJOJPOTZPVBHSFFPSEJTBHSFFXJUIPQJ ZPV BHS BHS DPSSFDUGPSNPGUIF1SFTFOU4JNQMF How many friends should you have? PS1SFTFOU$POUJOVPVT I would never accept an online ‘friend’ who I didn’t already know. @@@@@ ZPVSFBE UIBUCPPL $BO How can you be friends with someone you’ve never met? *TFFJU Sylwia, UK 4BTIB@@@@@ OPUXPSL PO 5VFTEBZT TPTIFµTBUIPNFOPX I’m reading this at work – it’s my lunchbreak – and I wanted to comment about the fact that most companies won’t let you go on nk *µNTPUJSFE*@@@@@ OFFE B Facebook while you’re at work, even in your own time. I don’t thiends. IPMJEBZ it’s fair because this is the main way I communicate with my fri 5IBUMPPLTIBSE@@@@@@ ZPV Jon, UK XBOU BOZIFMQ I think people who have hundreds of friends online must just be *µNBGSBJEXF@@@@@@ OPUIBWF really self-obsessed and looking for attention. BOZUFBCFDBVTF*BMXBZTESJOL Rui, Portugal DPGGFF 8IFSF@@@@@@ ZPVMJWF BUUIF NPNFOU 8 8PSLJOQBJST)PXNBOZGSJFOETEPZPVUIJOLJTUIF´SJHIUµ @@@@@@ ZPVVOEFSTUBOE UIJT OVNCFSUPIBWF 8IZ DPNQVUFSNBOVBM :PVMPPLWFSZIBQQZ8IP@@@@@@ Grammar | 1SFTFOU4JNQMFBOE1SFTFOU$POUJOVPVT ZPVUIJOL BCPVU a *@@@@@@ OPUXBOU UPMFBWF 9 -PPLBUUIF"DUJWFHSBNNBSCPY.BUDIUIFFYBNQMF UPPMBUFCFDBVTF*@@@@@@ IBUF eople often say that while money may bring wealth, Have social networking websites changed this? TFOUFODFT ° XJUIUIFSVMFT "°& ESJWJOHJOUIFEBSL friends bring riches. New research, however, shows that Facebook™, one of the most popular social P b $PNQMFUFUIFUBCMFJOUIF"DUJWFHSBNNBSCPYXJUIUIFWFSCT 8IBUIPSSJCMFXFBUIFS*@@@@@ friends may bring both kinds of riches. An American study networking sites, has more than 300 million active JOUIFCPY TUBZ JOTJEFVOUJMUIFSBJOTUPQT asked eighteen-year-olds to list their three best friends. Years users worldwide, all making new friends online. later, it was discovered that those named most often tended The average number of Facebook friends is 130, .BLFRVFTUJPOTGSPNUIFQSPNQUT to be earning the most. In fact, every extra friend added two but many people have hundreds or even thousands 11 Active grammar VTJOHUIF1SFTFOU4JNQMFPS percent to their salary. The researchers believed that this of online friends. Paulo, a graphic designer, thinks 1SFTFOU$POUJOVPVT is because people with better social skills do better in the he is fairly typical of his generation: 'I have more 1FPQMFXJUICFUUFSTPDJBMTLJMMT EP CFUUFSJOUIFXPSLQMBDF workplace. So, the more friends the better? than 700 Facebook friends, many of them from * IBWFNPSFUIBO'BDFCPPLGSJFOET 8IBUZPVEP KPCPDDVQBUJPO other countries. It is as easy nowadays to have a 8IBUZPVEPBUXPSL PS One theory states that we all have about 150 friends. *µNTUVEZJOHBTXFMMBTXPSLJOH friend on the other side of the world as one round TDIPPM BUUIFNPNFOU This may sound like a lot, but only about five of those * TFFUIFNPODFBXFFL the corner.' However, research indicates that while )PXPGUFOZPVHPPVUXJUI are really close friends, the kind you can ring at 4:00 a.m. *µNSFBEJOH UIJTBUXPSL some people may have more than 150 friends, the GSJFOET About another ten are part of an inner group, and these number of close friends remains exactly the same 8FVTFUIF1SFTFOU4JNQMFGPS© 8IBUZPVMJLFEP can include family members. Then there are about thirty- – about five. 8IBUGJMNTZPVMJLFXBUDI five not so close friends, and the other 100 are really just " IBCJUTSPVUJOFT FHTFOUFODF@@@@@ 8IBUZPVVTVBMMZEPBUUIF acquaintances. Susie, a market researcher, agrees: 'I have It appears that whatever technology may make # UIJOHTUIBUBSFBMXBZTUSVFQFSNBOFOU FHTFOUFODF XFFLFOET loads of friends, but I’m studying as well as working at the possible, human beings can only manage a small @@@@@ :PVSFBEBHPPECPPLBUUIF moment, so I only see a few friends once a week or so.' number of ‘true’ friends. $ EFTDSJCJOHBTUBUF FHTFOUFODF@@@@@ NPNFOU 8FVTFUIF1SFTFOU$POUJOVPVTGPS© :PVQMBZ PSXBUDI BOZTQPSUT % UIJOHTUIBUBSFIBQQFOJOHOPXBUUIJTQSFDJTFNPNFOU UIFTFEBZT Reading FHTFOUFODF@@@@@ 8IZZPVTUVEZ&OHMJTIUIJT & UFNQPSBSZTJUVBUJPOTUIBUBSFIBQQFOJOHBSPVOEOPX ZFBS 5 a 8PSLJOQBJST%PZPVUIJOLUIBUUIFGPMMPXJOH 6 3FBEUIFBSUJDMFBHBJOBOEBOTXFSUIFRVFTUJPOT FHTFOUFODF@@@@@ :PVEPBOZPUIFSDPVSTFTBUUIF TUBUFNFOUTBSFUSVF 5 PSGBMTF ' NPNFOU "DDPSEJOHUPUIF"NFSJDBOTUVEZ IPXNVDIXBT CFMJFWF EPFBUHP IBWFMJLFMJWF OFFE 1FPQMFXIPIBWFNPSFGSJFOETVTVBMMZFBSONPSF FBDIGSJFOE´XPSUIµ QMBZUIJOLVOEFSTUBOEXBOU NPOFZ 8IZEJEUIFSFTFBSDIFSTCFMJFWFUIBUNPSF 12 8PSLJOQBJST"TLZPVSQBSUOFS .PTUQFPQMFIBWFBCPVUGSJFOET QPQVMBSDIJMESFOFBSOFENPSFBTBEVMUT "DUJPOWFSCT 4UBUFWFSCT #PUI UIFRVFTUJPOTJOFYFSDJTF5FMM )PXNBOZPGUIFGSJFOETNFOUJPOFEBSFSFBMMZ UIFDMBTTBOZUIJOHJOUFSFTUJOHZPV 5IFBWFSBHFOVNCFSPGPOMJOFGSJFOETPO HP © CFMJFWF © MJWF © 'BDFCPPLJT BDRVBJOUBODFT MFBSOFE .PTUQFPQMFPOMZIBWFPOFPSUXPDMPTFGSJFOET )PXNBOZQFPQMFVTF'BDFCPPLXPSMEXJEF b 3FBEUIFBSUJDMFBCPWFBOEDIFDLZPVS 8IBUJTUIFXSJUFSµTPQJOJPOBCPVUUIFFGGFDUPG 8FEPOPUVTVBMMZVTFTUBUFWFSCTJODPOUJOVPVTUFOTFT BOTXFST UFDIOPMPHZPOIPXNBOZDMPTFGSJFOETXFIBWF TFF3FGFSFODFQBHF 12 13.
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