AGENDA ITEM 8 COMMITTEE: DEVELOPMENT CONTROL DATE: 21 JUNE 2017 SUBJECT: FULL PLANNING PERMISSION FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF APPROXIMATELY 2.2KM TWIN GUIDEWAYS MASS PASSENGER TRANSIT (MPT) SYSTEM COMPRISING TRACK BED BETWEEN LUTON AIRPORT PARKWAY STATION AND LUTON AIRPORT CENTRAL TERMINAL TOGETHER WITH RELATED STRUCTURES/ ENGINEERING OPERATIONS INCLUDING NEW SERVICE ROADS, STORM RETENTION TANKS, A VIADUCT ALONG THE RAILWAY, A BRIDGE OVER THE A1081 (AIRPORT WAY) ROAD, SLAB IN A CUT OR ON EMBANKMENT, A TROUGH AND A TUNNEL; A NEW TWO STOREY MPT STATION ADJACENT TO LUTON AIRPORT PARKWAY STATION TO INCLUDE ANCILLARY RETAIL (A1) OUTLETS AND A NEW CENTRAL TERMINAL MPT STATION; FIVE TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION COMPOUNDS; AND OUTLINE PLANNING PERMISSION FOR AN OVER-BRIDGE LINK AND EXTENDED STATION CONCOURSE FROM THE EXISTING LUTON AIRPORT PARKWAY STATION TO THE NEW TWO STOREY MPT LUTON PARKWAY STATION (ALL MATTERS RESERVED). (APPLICANT: London Luton Airport Limited (LLAL)) (APPLICATION NO: 17/00283/FUL) 31 REPORT BY: DEVELOPMENT CONTROL MANAGER CONTACT OFFICER: DAVID GURTLER 546319 IMPLICATIONS: LEGAL COMMUNITY SAFETY EQUALITIES ENVIRONMENT FINANCIAL CONSULTATIONS STAFFING OTHER WARDS AFFECTED: CRAWLEY and WIGMORE PURPOSE 1. To advise Members of a current application for planning permission and to seek their decision. RECOMMENDATION(S) 2. It is recommended that planning permission is granted subject to the following conditions: (01) In respect of the matters to be considered where full details have been submitted, the development hereby permitted shall be begun not later than the expiration of three years beginning with the date of this permission. Reason: To limit the duration of the permission in accordance with the provisions of Sections 91-96 of the Town and Country Planning Act, 1990. (02) In the case of any matter hereinafter reserved for the subsequent approval of the Local Planning Authority relating to the pedestrian overbridge and the link concourse, application for this approval shall be made not later than the expiration of (2) years beginning with the date of this permission and the development hereby permitted shall be 32 begun not later than whichever is the later of the following dates: (a) The expiration of (3) years from the date of this permission; or (b) The expiration of (1) year from final approval of the matters hereinafter for the subsequent approval of the Local Planning Authority or in the case of approval on different dates, the final approval of the last such matter to be approved. Reason: To limit the duration of the permission in accordance with the provisions of Sections 91-96 of the Town and Country Planning Act, 1990. (03) Full details and particulars of the pedestrian overbridge and link concourse hereby permitted in respect of the access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of the development, shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority before any development is commenced. Reason: To enable the Local Planning Authority to exercise proper control over the details of development in the case of an outline planning permission granted under Part 2, paragraph 4(1) of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) Order, 2010. (04) The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out other than in complete accordance with the approved plans and documents listed below: Plans: LAMPT-ARP-XX-XX-DR-PL-10100 LAMPT-ARP-XX-XX-DR-PL-10102 LAMPT-ARP-XX-XX-DR-PL-11000 LAMPT-ARP-XX-XX-DR-PL-11001 LAMPT-ARP-PS-02-DR-PL-10030 LAMPT-ARP-PS-XX-DR-PL-10510 LAMPT-ARP-PS-XX-DR-PL-91030 LAMPT-ARP-PS-GR-DR-PL-30010 LAMPT-ARP-PS-01-DR-PL-30020 LAMPT-ARP-PS-02-DR-PL-30030 LAMPT-ARP-PS-XX-DR-PL-30510 LAMPT-ARP-PS-XX-DR-PL-30511 LAMPT-ARP-PS-XX-DR-PL-30610 33 LAMPT-ARP-PS-GR-DR-PL-30011 LAMPT-ARP-PS-01-DR-PL-30021 LAMPT-ARP-PS-02-DR-PL-30031 LAMPT-ARP-PS-XX-DR-PL-30512 LAMPT-ARP-PS-XX-DR-PL-30513 LAMPT-ARP-PS-XX-DR-PL-30611 LAMPT-ARP-PS-01-SK-PL-00004 LAMPT-ARP-PS-XX-SK-PL-00005 LAMPT-ARP-CT-GR-DR-PL-10010 LAMPT-ARP-CT-XX-DR-PL-10510 LAMPT-ARP-CT-XX-DR-PL-10511 LAMPT-ARP-CT-XX-DR-PL-91030 LAMPT-ARP-CT-B1-DR-PL-30010 LAMPT-ARP-CT-MZ-DR-PL-30020 LAMPT-ARP-CT-GR-DR-PL-30030 LAMPT-ARP-CT-01-DR-PL-30040 LAMPT-ARP-CT-02-DR-PL-30050 LAMPT-ARP-CT-XX-DR-PL-30510 LAMPT-ARP-CT-XX-DR-PL-30511 LAMPT-ARP-CT-XX-DR-PL-30610 LAMPT-KNA-XX-XX-DR-AR-13101 LAMPT-KNA-XX-XX-DR-AR-13102 LAMPT-KNA-XX-XX-DR-AR-13201 LAMPT-KNA-XX-XX-DR-AR-13301 LAMPT-KNA-XX-XX-DR-AR-13401 LAMPT-KNA-XX-XX-DR-AR-13501 LAMPT-ARP-XX-GR-DR-PL-15100 LAMPT-ARP-XX-GR-DR-PL-15101 LAMPT-ARP-XX-GR-DR-PL-15102 LAMPT-ARP-XX-XX-DR-PL-15300 LAMPT-ARP-XX-XX-DR-PL-15301 LAMPT-ARP-XX-XX-DR-PL-15302 LAMPT-ARP-XX-XX-DR-PL-15303 LAMPT-ARP-XX-XX-DR-PL-15304 LAMPT-ARP-XX-XX-DR-PL-18100 LAMPT-ARP-XX-XX-DR-PL-18300 LAMPT-ARP-XX-XX-DR-PL-18301 Documents: Supporting Planning Statement; Cumulative Impacts Appraisal Report; Transport Assessment; Preliminary Ecological Appraisal; Heritage Statement; Landscape & Visual Impact Appraisal Land Contamination Preliminary Risk Assessment; 34 Flood Risk Assessment; Draft Construction Environmental Management Plan; Lighting Strategy; Fire Strategy Report; Public Safety Assessment; and Design & Access Statement; Reason: To ensure a satisfactory standard of development and to safeguard the amenities of the surrounding area. To accord with the objectives of Policies LP1, ENV8, ENV9 and ENV10 of the Luton Local Plan. (05) Before the commencement of development between the Gateway bridge over the A1081 and the mid-stay car park, details of a landscaping scheme to include all hard surfaces, grassed areas, tree and shrub planting and the proposed times of planting, shall have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. All grassed areas shall be laid out and all tree and shrub planting shall be carried out in accordance with those details. If within a period of five years from the initial date of planting of any tree or shrub, any such plant is removed, uprooted or destroyed or dies, or becomes in the opinion of the Local Planning Authority, seriously damaged, diseased or defective, another tree or shrub of the same species and size as that originally planted shall be planted at the same place, unless the Local Planning Authority gives its written consent to any variation. Reason: To enhance the appearance of the proposed development. To accord with the objectives of Policy ENV10 of the Luton Local Plan. (06) Before the commencement of development between the MPT Parkway station and the Gateway bridge over the A1081, full details shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority for the safeguarding of the trees, shrubs and/or hedges within that part of the site. The safeguarding measures thereby approved shall be implemented prior to the commencement of any demolition works, removal of topsoil or commencement of building operations and retained in a position until development is completed. The land so enclosed shall be kept clear of plant, building materials, 35 machinery and other objects and the existing soil levels not altered. Reason: To safeguard the existing trees, shrubs and/or hedges on the site. To accord with the objectives of Policy ENV10 of the Luton Local Plan. (07) Before the commencement of development within the mid- term car park, a decked car park to replace the parking spaces lost due to the construction of the MPT through that part of the site, shall have been constructed and shall be operational. The temporary car park shall be similar to that considered under the Class F, Part 8 GPDO consultation dated 8 June 2017 (ref: 17/00001/GPDOPD) or such other consultation as the Local Planning Authority may have confirmed is permitted development. Reason: To avoid the creation of traffic congestion on the highway in the interests of safety and convenience of pedestrians and other road users. To accord with the objectives of Policy T3 of the Luton Local Plan. (08) Before the commencement of development on the MPT Terminal station, a temporary drop-off zone shall have been constructed and shall be operational to replace the existing drop-off zone that will be lost by the construction of the new station. The temporary drop-off zone shall reflect that considered under the Class F, Part 8 GPDO consultation dated 8 June 2017 (ref: 17/00001/GPDOPD) or such other consultation as the Local Planning Authority may have confirmed is permitted development. Reason: To avoid the creation of traffic congestion on the highway in the interests of safety and convenience of pedestrians and other road users. To accord with the objectives of Policy T3 of the Luton Local Plan. (09) Before the commencement of development a final Construction and Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority. The approved CEMP shall be adhered to throughout the construction period. The CEMP shall provide for: (i) Operating hours No demolition, construction or contaminated land remediation activities, movement of traffic, or deliveries to and from the premises, shall occur other than within the hours agreed with the Local Planning Authority. 36 Any proposed extension to these agreed hours, other than for emergency works, shall be agreed with the Local Planning Authority before work commences; (ii) the parking of vehicles of site operatives and visitors;(iii) loading and unloading of plant and materials; (iv) storage of plant and materials used in constructing the development; (v) the erection and maintenance of security hoarding including decorative displays and facilities for public viewing, where appropriate; (vi) wheel washing facilities; (vii) measures to control the emission of dust and dirt during construction; (viii) a scheme for recycling/disposing of waste resulting from demolition and construction works.
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