H A LA SO U r AS COACH D II K Last Issue— This Term 0 Sides and Angles of Drexel News Vol. XVIII Z-042 PA., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1942 No. 16 Fir9»huffH- Tau Beta Pi Close Loiiniie Extends Bids -Misuse of the Men’s Lounge l)y the student body caused the closing To Seven M en of the room this week. On three separate occasions in the eaily part of the week fires have One Senior and Six started because of the careless meth­ od of disposing of matches and Juniors to Be Initiated lighted cigarettes. These fires have jeopardized the furniture in the Over Next Weekend lounge and were potential dangers Seven of Drexel's outstanding en­ to the entire Kandall Hall. gineering students have been bid liV alteP IlSlljljii 'fx' ■'fideHnrs during one of last fa irs Dean Stratton in taking such to membership in the lociilZeta chap­ lindiron ronlesls. 'this pasi season, his tif- action said that the lounge Avcmld ter of Tau liet'i Pi, national hon­ leentli here.., innds up his coaching' career at Tech. be reojpened on Monday in the ho])e orary society for engineers. The that students would coo))erate in jire- selections were made on the basis venting a repetition of such con­ of scholastic rating, character and flagration. participation in school activities. Me Mains, Repscha Also One man from the senior class, Morton lierman, is to be initiated Dropped in Grid Shakeuj); 'vitli the following men from the junior class: Willijini Rice, Clifford liurdick, Allan Cowell, Charles An- Heffner Diamond Mentor D rexel O pens drrman, Josejih Vill, and Basil Ster- giopoulos. Final decision for initia­ Walter llalas. allilctic (lircclor atid head cnarli of I'oolball and C o lo n e l to a colonel as Lieutenant Colonel Barf hoi f presents tion of these men is deptmdent upon i»as(‘liall, was aulomalically rcm(»\»'d I'nim these ofiicc;. hy action of the scroll to Honorary Colonel Roberta Wilson at Military F u n d D r i v e their achievement in ;i technical Athletic (.ouncii and the Hoard of Trustees, which (icciared those posts Ball last Friday night. e.xamination given during an in­ vacant. 'I his step in ihe reorganization of Drexel alhlelics also alfecls formal initiation at the Drexel Steinberg Heads Re<! Lodge funight, I'Vhruiiry L’7. The Maury McMains and Al Hepscha since the posts of assislatil coach of Cross Emergency Call examination lasts fron'i midnight loolball \\eri‘ aNo dcclarcd \acanl when the Board appro\ed the A. A. until six a. ni, and covers all Coimcil’s decision late last week, llalas' status as associate |)rofessor Drexel’s AVar Fund Drive was |ihases of engineering. ol physical education is not altered, liowever. b\ the shakeu|). Wilson I\amed launched at a court mass meeting 'I’he formal initiation will be held __________ this re t iiiiii a t i I III comes as ji re­ 'I'uesil.-iy, February 24, in coopera­ iit f):.'!!) ]). m. Saturday, March 7, sult ol’ two ye:irs of agitation by tho tion with the national Eed Cross in the Women’s l.ounge. Following student liody mid alumni for a drive. Featured speaker at the as- the initiation will be ii formal din­ Coeds Model Gowns ‘‘house-cleaning” of Drexel’s entire seinlily was -Mr. David Sliotel of the ner at an unaniuuinced location. At .■ithlctic setup. To (ljit,‘ the exact Coed Colonel I’hihidelphia l!ar Association, who the formal induction the local chap- For Fashion Show extent :ind details of the reorganiza­ tdld of the increased need for coii- tion are not a\jiilalile for pulilica- trihutions this year. Charming Senior Commissioned as TAU BETA PI tion but they will appi'ar in the 'I’lie Drexel drive is under the (Ccntiiuied on Page 3, Col. 5) At Downtoivn Store Triangle as soon as tliev are com- snper\ision of the school Ked Cross The (juestion is not how many |il‘ted. Large Turnout Makes Seventeenth ch.'ipter and its chairman, Polly stitches on ji Singer Sewing M.achine Efforts t(> fill the open coaching Steinberg. Contributions to the fund does it take to mak(> .an evening jobs are being extc'uded but only one Annual Military Ball Huge Success will not constitute memljcrshi]) in gown? The ipiestion is “will John decision has been reached so fiir. the Red Cross, but will go toward Drexel Engineers Powers or Hrexel Institute come out I’ill lleffner, form ‘r big leaguer who Before a crowd of some six hundred and fifty couples, Miss the 000,000 national fund, .$2,- on top after March 14?” toi' years has co:iched the Drexel Roberta Wilson was presented as the Honorary Colonel at the seven­ 000,000 of which is to come from We Drexel coeds already know batteries, will tjiki* over rc'sponsi- the greater Philadelphia area. Attend Banquet teenth annual Military Ball given in the Bellevue-Slratford Hotel last that Drexel coeds are model girls, so bilities ;is he,ad liasebjill co;ich this A booth will bo put up in the spring. Friday night. I. p until that time her identity had been kept a closely T wenty-Five Techmen we're not at all surprised to hear court ^Xlarch 2 to 6, where all stu­ that we’re to be girl nuxlels as guarded secret. dents may leave their contributions At Downtown Meeting well. At midnight Roberta was led onto the platform of the crowded of nickels, dimes, and quarters. The And that’s just a very round ballrocmi by Scabbard and Blade committee in charge of tho booth Twenty-five members of Drexel’s about w;iy of giving you a clue Point System Captain, Stew Xichols, to receive her will be Clarion Barron, ]Slary Eliz­ American Society of Mechanical to wlijit’s going on in tho pattern lionorary coiinnission from Lieuten­ abeth Heagv, l?on Yeakle, and Jack Kngineers attended a student ban­ study and the dra])ing classes. To ant Colonel Bartliolf. Tlioii eseortcd D i f f e n s e - Teal. quet at tho [Engineers’ Club last be really revealing, Str.awbridge and To Be C hanged Tuesday evening. l{o|)resentatives by Gil Alorritt, cartot commander of Dollars Mount All wonu:‘ii’s organizations in the Clothier has furnished patterns and tlie rej^iment, the Colonel passed school will bo contacted for their of the chapters of the A. S. ,\[. E. inatiu'ials for the girls in those Men’s Council Works tlirou}>h the sabre arch and stood in donations by Peg -McFall. Jack of various local colleges, including cliisses. Fnder the guidance ol? review during the Grand March. Schuster will be in charge of con­ Penn, Temple, and Drexel attended Miss Turner and -Miss Chapman they Eoheita, a lionie economics senior, I’p to last Friday Drexel students tacting all the men’s organizations. this “Student’s Night” at the club. On Activities Ratings had done their part for national de­ are making dresses, suits and coats, is promint'ut this year as editor of Elaine Clayton will take charge of “Oil for Industry and War” w.as which they will model in a fashion Ki'vision of the i>resent j)oint sys­ the lA'xerd, a position not often held fense by purchasing defense stamps discussed at tho meeting following tem for extra-curriculitr activities and bonds totaling 230 dollars. show at the Strawbridge and Cloth­ by a \voman student. She is a mem­ DRIVE the dinner by John D. Gill, well ier store. is being undertaken by the .Men’s ber of Alpha Sigma Al])ha sorority S:iU‘s were materially boosted known economist and board mem­ (Continued on Page 4, Col. 5) Busy? Prior to being discovered Student Council. Tho present sys­ when a patriotic student purchased ber of the Atlantic Refining Com­ tem has proven to be out of date and was ])icked by the l)rexerd last by the Powers agency on that day December as the outstanding coed of a hundred dollar bond early in the pany. Dr. .r, Bennett llill, chief before the Ides of M.arch, the girls because of tho strict limit of points student drive. Art McGraw, chair­ and the change in the past few the month. are iiroving that defense isn’t the Her selection as Honorary Colonel, man for the drive has stated that BANQUET years in orgjinizations and activities. sales Avill be continued in the Court only industry on a twenty-four hour by the members of Drexel’s Scab­ Chem Lab Hermits (Continued on Page 4, Col. 3) basis. The proiiosed revision will allow bard and Bliide was based on scho­ each -Monday, Wednesday, and I’ri- more ' flexibility in allotment of lastic achievement, as well as per- tlay from to 1:30. l)oints for the smaller offices. The sonalily and participation in activ­ As oi'iginally planned, sales would Have Their Fun at committee working on tho change ities at school. Eoljerta is the third lia\'e ln'cn made in the comptroller’s is composed of lOrvin Bickley, Jack home economics s^'nior to receive office after the first week but due Gala Affair Tonight ^Arabian Nightmare^ Simons and Lewis DeC.eorg'o havo this commission, having been pre- to excellent response, the Court sales already dr;iwn np a preliminary t-eded the previous years by Win­ will continue. Out of their labs in the basement, draft for the points to bo distrib­ ifred Degen and Jeanne Cramblott.
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