JAN 23 m?) FEBRUARY, 1922 \ > ~ FRQM THE ^ Wa« I -MR^.MAX HE1NDEL/' EDITOR-- H> CONTENTS -f| THE LOCK OF UPLIFTMENT IN RE IMAGINATION THE EVOLUTION OF MUSIC AND ITS ETHICAL SIGNIFICANCE THE PHILOSOPHY OF WORK .SOME PERSONAL EXPERIENCES .-TWENTY CENTS A COPY - TWO DOLLAR^ A YEAR--* This magazine and also our other publications may be obtained AGENCIES: -at the following places. If your dealer is unable to supply you with our literature, kindly communicate with us. NOTE — We will supply news dealers direct Seattle, Wash — S. T. Shorey Book Store 701 32nd. from Oceanside if they are unable to secure this Avenue. magazine from their wholesale dealers. Selma, Ate.— Walter S. Butler, 207 Broad St. — Write for our list of discounts to dealers. Selma, Ala. Lloyd Printing & Sta. 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(Vocational) 389 The Evolution of Music and Its Pioneers. Lizzie Graham 389 Ethical Significance. STUDIES IN THE ROSICRUCIAN F. Adelbert Redfield 363 COSMO-CONCEPTION— The Lock of Upliftment The Rosicrucian Catechism Max Heindel 367 Alfred Adams 390 Some Personal Experiences CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT— , Mary Christina Tamblyn 369 The Foot of the Rainbow. Gertrude Hewes In Re Imagination 392 Meredith Beyers 371 NUTRITION AND HEALTH— The Philosophy of Work. An Appeal for Less Surgery. Eli G. W.J. Darrow 373 Jones, M. D. 395 A Protest from the Stomach. The Vision of the Path (Part III) From "Good Health" 396 375 F. J. Haarhoff Menus from Mt. Ecclesia. 397 Recipes 397 QUESTION DEPARTMENT— The Rosy Cross Healing Circle: Defective Vision and Hearing 380 Testimonials 398 The Divine Healing Force 381 Healing Dates 398 Elementals 381 ECHOES FROM MT. ECCLESIA— THE ASTRAL RAY— The Christmas Celebration at Headquarters. Cyril Ayllier: Uranian Mystic. G. Hamilton Ilammon 399 Frances Ilanford Delanoy 382 Impressions of Mt. Ecclesia. Children of Aquarius, 1922. 386 Bessie Campbell 400 Subscription in the United States and Canada, ?2,00 a year. Single copies 20c. Back numbers 25c. England, 10s a year. Entered at the Post Office at Oceanaide, California, as Second Class matter under the Act of August 24th, 1912. Accepted for mailing at special rate postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of Con gress of October 3rd, 1917, authorized on July 8th, 1918. ROSICRUCIAN FELLOWSHIP Oceanside, Calif. Printed by the Fellowship Press SJD ^^^^^^^^^m^^^SiSSiSiSSma^^^^^^^ Recent Rosicrucian Publications A ROSICRUCIAN AND ASTROLOGICAL of feat Mgsteries tt\t (%<■ras CALENDAR By Max Heindel An inexpensive and useful gift for the Rosicru RING OF THE FAUST, PARSIFAL, THE cian Student and the Astrologer. NIEBELUNG, TANNIIAVSER, LOHENGRIN Giving healing dates, the daily positions of The Secret Teachings concealed in the Great Sun and Moon, the positions of Venus, Mars, and Myths as embodied in the major operas are here Mercury every third day, and the places of interpreted. The Evolutionary Plan and Methods Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus for the of Spiritual Unfoldment are shown to lie hidden month. in the imagery of Folk Tales. The treatment of this subject adapts the book to the use of the It Includes a Fine Photograph of the Musician and Student of Folklore as well as to Healing Temple. the Occultist. This Calendar is valuable to anyone because of the usual three colored Bound in Cloth with its artistic and practical arrangement. gold covers used on all Rosicrucian 9x12 Inches. Price 50 Fellowship Books. Size Cent*. $2.00 Postfree The Web of Destiny -THE- HOW MADE AND UNMADE Mystical Interpretation By Max Heindel of Christmas Including By Max Heindel The Occult Effect of Our Emotion* .Prayer— A Magic Invocation FIVE LESSONS PUBLISHED IN BOOK Practical Methods of Achieving Success FORM ON THE SUBJECT OF CHRISTMAS A Series of Lessons Upon the Hidden Side of Life, Showing the Occult Forces Which Shape Including : Our Destiny. The Cosmic Significance of Christmas. Some of the Subjects included are the following: Spiritual Light— The New Element and The Soul Body the New Substance. The Sin Body The Annual Sacrifice of Christ. The Christ Within The Mission of Christ. The DweUer on the Threshold The Mystic Midnight Sun. Obsession of Men and of Animals The Genesis of Mental and Physical Disa All interpreted from the viewpoint of the mystic, bilities showing the occult'significance of these Occult Effects of Lasciviousness Important Subjects. Etheric Sight Color Effects of Emotion Printed on heavy eggshell paper. Effects of War Upon the Desire Body cover. Attractively bound in heavy paper The Effects of Remorse $1.00 $1 00 Postfree The Nature of Prayer TniS MAKES AN APPROPRIATE GIFT Practical Methods of Achieving Success, Based Upon Conservation of Sex Force 1922 Ephemeris Students of Occult Philosophy will find this indispensable. Our Ephemeris for 1922 is now ready for de book Attractively Bound in Cloth livery. A superior ephemeris at the low price IW Page. ***** 25 cents. JAN 23 1922^ 36H ©I** Upttr £tgljt <<° Esther Swaetzbero If all the greater things in life, And so if we would guard our thoughts Did have as deep a meaning And find less fault with others, For us, as all the petty ones I think we soon would criticize That take our time in thinking Ourselves and not our brothers.
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