Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 1961-03-24 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (1961). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 2099. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/2099 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. )(av-ier University Library MAR 24 1961 XAVIER UNIVERSITY. NEWS CINCINNATI. OHIO. FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 1"1 No. 17 Philopedians Prep B. Marth Elected President For Annual Clash The annual Verkamp Debate Of Alpha Sigma Nu will be held Friday, March 24, at succ~ing Denny Doherty, 1960· 8 p.m. in the Albert D. Cash Me~ 1961 president. Marth, a member morial Room. The Ver~amp Debate of the Sodality and former presi· is one of the olrlest activities on dent of the· Sodality House, has campus. It has been held every gained better than a 'B' average year since 1902 with the excep­ during his first three years as a tion of four' years during World member of Xavier's Chicago dele· War II. This year's event will be gation. t~e climax of the .Poland Philo­ Ward Doering, NEWS editor-in~ J?edian Society's program of intra­ chief, me r-i. t e d vice-presidentiail mural ·debates. honors. A native Buckeye from Four of. the Society's outstand• Logan, Doering is vice-president of ingi debaters will discuss the topic, the Clef Club 'House. "Resolve~: that 'the United States I Bill Burke was named to the . s~ould adopt a program 'of com- post of secretary. HAB Burke is an . ,,;•· .... · pulsory health insurance for all ! active member of the Philopedian The Xavl~ Univ~ ~mil• I'.- CommlUee for 1961. (I.er& to citizens." This is the topic which j Debating Society and a feature . ~cht) Jim .Dall, Tim KeUelaer, Lee Belser,.-~- Sweeae,., Miuins: .has been used all year. Dave I writer on the NEWS staff. ' earl Beek and Peter Charla. Pltolo loy Joint Br•ning Schmid, winner of this ·year's · The freasurer's chair became the Washington orati:;rical contest, and 1 property of Bob Spitzer for the William Parente, runner-up in the coming year. Spitzer, whose grades ·Junior Prom Slated·For Washington oratorical contest, and Mr. Bolt Mar&la fall in close proximity to summa defend the affirmat~ve position. Xavier's cha,pter of Alpha Sigma cum laude, is president· of XU's Knights of Columbus. April 14 At Roof G~rden 1'pe negative .will be represented Nu, the national Jesuit ·honor fra- · The return from Easter vacation Candidates . for Q u e e n are: by Franklin Polk, last year's Ver­ ternity, inscribed some new names Tom Clark copped the position will be met by the biggest social Dottie Beck, Diane Coombs, Nancy kamp winner, a·nd Paul Konrath, on the gcroll of officers this week. of Sergeant at arms. Clark is a secretary of the society. member of the gridiron squad, see­ ~eek-end of the year. At 8:00 p.m., Hesselbrock, Carolyn Maher, and A secret baJlot election elevated ·ing plenty of action during the 1ast l'riday, April 14, the Juniors and Maureen· Stretch. The three final­ Each speaker will give an open­ Bob Marth to the presidential seat, two autumns. Seniors will board the crui~e ship ists will be announced in the next ing speech of ten minutes. After Chaperone for a four-hour, trip up issue of the NEWS, Apl"il H. a brief inte1•mission, the speakers the dancing waves of the beautiful will give a five minute rebuttal. · ~hio. I.A.G. Sets Social A· panel of judges, composed of Political Science Professor On Saturday at 9:00 p.m. danc· ' , - · · faculty members, will award a Ing. will ~egin at the Sheraton- .Dates For 1961-62 gold medal to the best speaker. Joins Campus Controversy Gib:;on. Roof Garden to the music · The medal will be presented at of .Bill Walters and his orchestra. The I~terorganizational Advls~ the Honors Convocation on May 81 Last week on· campus the recent these charges can be taken lightly. The darice. will be hig~l.ighted· by ors c;;ro~p- a~ ~~vier Univ:ersit_y contrnversy concerning the Com· Certainly there is a point of view . the annolinceme~t of the Queen of hel~ its ~1rst ~.ee~1~g ~f ~he secon~ munisf interiiion of certain pam- opposed. to that of the committee, .·the•·Junior··'.:Pr&ti~"'~.~.'~:;;~.: -...,.~~-'-"'·-·-,. "~~estl'~. ,.o.n.,,.~~·~!'~s,da.r!. ·~.~r,~~ ·Ra··d1·0.,.r:r!V· -'~las· 8 ... ,. ~. ·phlets' distributors reached a local and such a point of view does not · · -.- · · la,· iri' the Kelly Lectui·e Room in 1 ~.1.- U ·peak: Mr:·· .John:T; Grupenhoff of ''Make 'the viewer a Communist. Tickets will be on sate in South Alter Han: The. purpose of the H. .; w' E. c·T· E' the :Political Science ·. departme.nt · "F.uriher, I personally fear the Hall at $4 for each event. Leo mee.ting was io discuss plans and ears . XeC. stated that the pamphlet "In indiscriminate attacks upon per· Deiger, ·chairman of the .Junior activities for the coming "school . Mr. ~harles. W: Va.ughan, pro- · · · sons who do not share certain Prom . committee, announced that year.. .. gram director. and as~istant gen- views, for indiscriminate attacks ..Junior Jests" ·will again be in;. · always seem to pro;!uce indis­ eluded in the· program for 25 cents A~ the meeting the IAG, com- Ieral manager of local «:ducational a· line. posed of leade1·s of all ~lub~ about television station WCET, headed criminate defense. Our job is to campus under the direction of . · . differeniate systems of political assistant social chairman Carl a d1scuss1on on the subJect of edu- thought, to differentiate exactly · Ph · • G ·Beck, the group. succeeded in cational - television .fasi night in what is Communism and what is IN • ew ys1cs . .rant adopting several activity proposals 'Room 110 of Alter Hall. not." Totals $16,500 and also set dates for a number The discussion was sponsored by In conclusion Mr. Grupenhoff of .school functions. recommended that "this pamphlet Scaler counters, co.s.mic ray co- Included in the agenda for next the Radio-TV Administration and be allowed. That it not be dis,­ lnc~clence cou~ters, ~he best avail- year, wil( be the holding· of a'n Management class of the Xavier I . tributed by the administration ·able Tektronix. osc11loscopes,· ·and- IAG' Ac t"1v1 't' 1es D ay on 0 c t ob er 9 Commu~ication ·Arts Department itself, but that it be permittl;\d." beta-gamma survey mete1·s-these or :it in orde~ to gi~e' students an and was the first of four to be · are the names of some of the new . / . · . - t" f • t be" . d.d d ms1glit_ mto a r:mmber of Xavier presented by the class. ar 1c 1es o equ1pmen mg a e · · . · · · Student Com1nittee · " t' th Ph · D t t orgamzations. On that day the . o e .x av1er· ys1cs epar men b . b ·t d b t bl · · b. - · · t $lO h t c1 u s w1 11 e i:epresen e y a es I y means o a ,500 cas gran t · u · · · •t D · Favors Feel. Loan~ ·· from the Atomic Energy Commis- se ·up a 1_on~ . mversi Y • ~ive. Last Wednesday evening senior · · w h · · t D C . Here th~ md1v1dual orgamz"bons Bill Parente met with a small sion m . as mg on, • . will display their outstanding fea- group of Xavier students. TheiT The. equipment, being purchased tui·es and furnish the. students purpose was to formulate a com­ now, will be installed during the with informative· pamphlets re.:. ·~~olo by Jolin B•NNiNJI · Mr. lolm Gru..enholf mittee to study the. problem of .laming summer and .will· )le ready garding the funcOons and activi· the controversial Federal Aid to ior use by September. Room 205 ties of the' clubs. · · Search of Truth" distributed by Education Bill and to decide what ~f Albers Hall will be completely Another scheduled IAG activity the Bay ·Area group protesting actions the students at . Xavier renovat-:d ..for. the. ult.ra-modern ..will be ·a" Leadership Training against the House un:.American could take to further their posi­ ~uclear ph~sics ·tab whic~ will 1Conference to be held 'Friday, Sat-. Activities Committee should be tion. and that of the Catholic ~ompare with th~ best m the urday, and Sun~ay of registration. allowed on the University bulletin Church on this matter. ~untry. · week quring the ·first ·semester. boards. · As a 'result of the meetintr, the "Seniors taking theoretical nu-' In addition to discussing plans In response to a question from committee decided to eompose a· ·eleal' physics," stated Mr. John for Armory .dances next year, the Rev. Patrick H. Ratterman, S.J., testimonia'I as to their beliefs and B. Hart, chairman of· the Depart- IAG also agreed on dates for a Dean of Men, as to whether the purpose. By Friday the statemr.nt Jnent of Physics, '~will pecome fa- ·number of X~vier' social activities. palJllPhlets' distributors were Com­ of the committee appeared on one iniliar with the nuclear ,physics' The · annual Homeciming Dance munists, Mr. ,Grupenhoff stated of the bulletin boa1•ds. The notice particle detection equipment iii will b~ held on Octobe~ 28 at Mu­ that he had contacted the FBI on prompts tile indh•idnal students order to study the interaction of sic Hall, the Military Ball on De..; the matter and found that the Bay first to write io theil' individual radiation with matter, the .1iroper- cember 2, the.
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