THE KHUKRI IS THE FAMOUS NATIONAL WEAPON OF THE GORKHA SOLDIERS OF NEPAL. KHUKRI RUM IS THEIR FAMOUS NATIONAL DRINK ANYWHERE IN THE WOR-LD, IN A BATTLE OR IN .A BOTTLE, YOU CAN ALWAYS PUT YOUR TRUST IN A KHUKRI. THE NEPAL DISTILLERIES PVT. LTD. BALAJU,KATHMANDU PH.: 350988, 350725, FAX: 350971 CONTENTS Page Letters 3 News Notes 4 Briefs 6 Quote Unquote 7 COVER STORY: The Silent Boom IT-enabled services is the new mantra doing the rounds in the Nepalese IT sector Oll'The Record 8 Page 16 FREEDOM OF PRESS: Under Attack 12 KATHMANDU MUNICIPALITY: Optimizing Choice 13 PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY: Prescription Rx 14 URISM : Mission Destruction 15 JUDICIARY: lusti ce Delayed Is lustice Denied 25 CONGRESS CONVENTION: Unity At Last Prime Minister Koirala is once again elected the party president. BOOK REVIEW 26 He now has to bring the divided Congress together. Page 9 THE BOTTOMLINE 27 NEPALESE YOUTH: Political Pawns 28 PASTIME 29 INTERVIEW: BINOD CHAUDHARY LEISURE 30 Chairman of Chaudhary G Nepal talks about the business vironment in the country. FORUM: Sue Wardell 32 Page SPOTLIGHT/JANUARY 26. 2001 SPOTLIGHT EDITOR'S NOTE THE NATIONAL NEWSMAGAZINE V~. 20, No.2B, January 26, 2001 (Magh 13, 2OS7) he most vaunted tenth convention of Nepali Congress has con­ Chief Editor And Publisher cluded in Pokhara. There were no surprises and everything passed Madhav Kumar Rimal off as anticipated. Girija Prasad Koirala has won hi s party's presidentship with much ease. The new ruling that hence forth no Editor Sarita Rimal part yman can become President for more than two terms has been erinlroduced at th e initiative of the two septuagenarian leaders of the party. It needs Managing Editor Keshab Poudel no elaboration why th ey initiated this ruling which was approved by the conven­ ti on. That Koirala has secured majority in the central committee need not surprise Associate Editor Bhagirath Yogi any body. That Sher Bahadur Deuba has posed a tougher challenge and his achievemenl could in no way be minimized must be giving the Koirala camp Senior Reporter 4 1 Sanjaya Ohakal hiccups. That he secured more than one third of the total votes is a clear signal that Koirala's influence has started waning and if there is another Nepali Congress Reporter Akshay Sharma convention, Koirala's family may be totally obliterated from the scene. Be that as it may, ourexpectations that young, honest and dynamic Congressmen would come Design and Layout Jyoti Singh forward to lead the Nepali Congress have been dashed. There is not one new face in the elected eighteen. It is nothing more than old wine in new bottle. With another Photographer Nishchal Chapagain eighteen nominees of th e President, how will the Congress function no ghost from hell need come to tell us. As far Koirala's promises of seuin g off li ke one solid bloc Art M.S. Khokna arc concerned, we know what will happen. It is th e third convenlion after the restorali on of multi-party democracy. And every time we have had heard such Legal Advisor Advocate Lok Bhakta Rana promises and mallers have onl y wo rsened. Corruption is increasing all the time, non-performance has crossed the limits, people's mi series have become unbear­ Marketing/Advertisement able and security of life and property has tOlally van ished into thin air. What more Saril Rimal (USA) is left there for Koi rala to give to the poor nation? Koirala' s love forthe country and Marketing the poor people needs no more proof than the just concluded convention. How Madan Kaji Basnet Navin Kumar Maharjan could a poor country like Nepal afford such an ostenlatious show? Could not these Madan Raj Poudel mill ions be put to better use? When the country has millions of starving, sick a.· Editorial Office dying people, wasting millions to satisfy personal and partisan egoes can never GPO Box 7256, Baluwatar, Kathmandu, justified. If this is not a renection on their lack of concern for their country and Tel: (977-1) 423127, Fax: (977-1) 417845 Chief Edilo~s : 435594 countrymen what else could be. And one more important thing is where did the E-mail: [email protected] Nepali Congress get all this money from? If the party has guts and if the money is Internet Add: http://www.nepalnews.com/ spotlight not tainled, make it transparent. Koirala's standard of morality was bared once again when Ihe governmental machineries were grossly mi sused for party pur­ Cover Design Wordscape poses. Since morality is a word non-existenl in Nepali Congress lexicon. no body Kamal Pokhari, Ph : 410772, Fax: 432872 expresses any surprise on the use of money and muscle Ihat get prominence in all Distribution sorts of elections. And thi s fa ctor, many believe, played an importanl ro le in the Bazaar International defeat of Taranath Ranabhat, Ram Saran Mahat and Chakra Bastola. It is sad 228 Sanchaya Kosh Bldg. Kathmandu G.P.O Box 2480, Ph: 222983 Fax: 229437 comparati ve ly better persons got defeated. Even though G irija Prasad Koirala must a-mail: [email protected] be feeling mighty happy at the outcome of the Convention, he cannot stay Printers: Kishor offset Press (P.) Ltd. complacenl as it is on ly hi s mercenary followers who are happy al hi s success. Rest P.C. Box 4665, Galkopakha, Thamel, of the country still wants him to quit. So, he should quit when the quitting is good .• Kalhmandu.Tel : 351044 (Off), 351172 (Res.), Fax: 977-1-3511 72, E-mail: [email protected] C.O.O. Regd. No 15 1/039-40 Postal Regd. No 42/057/58 V.S. Library of Congress Madhav Kuma. Rimal l Catalogue No. 9 1-905060 Chief Ed il or& Publi sher 2 c;:pnTT lra..JT / 1AN I IAPV"t;, ,)N"ll LETTERS ____________________________________________________________ on the streets were a mere reaction. Guide The K.S. Tamallg New Baneshwor Youth At a time the countl:V Sajha's Blues is facing multiple crises, Thanks 10 official indif­ there is nobody to guide ference. Sajha Yatayat seems our disoriented yoLtlhs ID be in limbo ('"Sajha Loses ("Young and Restless", Speed" January 12-19). In Ihe face of sliff challenges January 19-26). No wo/!­ posed by Ihe privale seclor, derso many YOllllgpeople Sajha has failed. BUI all is are engaged as foot sol­ not yel lost. People slill pre­ diers of political parlies. fer Sajha buses. The organi­ Those whu do Ilot lI'ant to zation can make up the dis­ incline themselves politi­ tance by cashing in on Ihis cally have gone overseas goodwill. What is needed is ill search of jobs. This some revamping. pitiful situatioll should Kama/ Sigde/ not be allowed to con­ KOleshwor tinue for long because it Kicking can lead to serious social The Football unrest. Ne Convention The row between the (WO Int'1 year of VlllunteefS Nirmala KC ANFAs has pUI Ihe fUlure of • EiHthquake tremors Balaju Nepalese football in serious doubt. ("'Ground In A Mess", January 12-19). It seems cer­ No Role Model ing Ihe unemployed youlh Iheir rural and not so well-IO­ lain Ihal Nepal will nOI be The youth need people inlo Iheir fold if the govern­ do counterparts arc adding 10 hosling Ihe World Cupquali­ look up 10. Alas. Ihere is ment fails 10 do ilsjob prop­ Ihe national unemployment fying round in March Ihis no role model among the erly. The coumry has accu­ rale. BOlh are trapped in un­ year. Worse. there is a slrong present 101 of our leaders. It mulated a deadly mix of un­ certainty. Worse, there i~ no possibililY of FIFA banning is frightening 10 seelhe young employmenl. poverty and savior in sight. Ihe country. While onc can­ generation having 10 witness fruslration Ihat could fuel Ihe Di"esl! Tamrakar nOI rule OUI Ihe arrogance of Ihe unethical behavior of insurgency if nOI nipped in Patan Ihese leaders. Cases of cor­ Ihe bud. Ganesh Thapa in complicat­ ruption, loot, irregularities. Prakash Sharma ing Ihis whole issue. why is Mere Reaction Geela Rana adamanl in slick­ lawlessness are multiplying. Sitapaila Has anybody given a Ihoughl Your cover slory "Op­ ing to Ihe chair Iha! does nOI 10 how all Ihis is affecling Trapped In eralion Inslabilily" (January belong to her? FOOlball-lov­ 5-11) clearly underscores the ers believe Thapa is mosl our youth? Uncertainty A 11 up Adhikary facI Ihat Ihe recent violence cOmpelenl and highly quali­ Jawalakhel Flanked by unemploy­ against unsubslantiated anti­ tied 10 head ANFA. He was mentand poverty on one side Nepal remarks by an Indian the national captain and suc­ Create More Jobs and lechnology and weSlern actor was an outburst against cessfully headed ANFA for a If policy-makers do nOl Iifeslyleon Iheolher, Nepa!"s the continuous domineering full five years. Whal creden­ start creating morc jobs, our youlh are a confused lot. auilUde shown by Indian lials does Rana have? Come counlry will fall inlO a un­ While urban and more afnu­ leaders and bureaucrats 10- on Ms Rana. give us a break. imaginable situation. Maoists em youlh are queuing up at wards Nepal and ils people. Shatrugl!all KC rebels could easily slar! lur- foreign embassies for visas, The aClions of Ihe sludents Bauisputali SPOTLIGHT/JANUARY 26. 2001 3 NEWSNOTES Security Personnel crossed Rs 6.2 billion, 28 percent higher led by NHRC member Prof. Kapil Shrestha than the amount collected over the same will visit Salyan and Rolpa districts in the Rescue CDO period last year.
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