Weather • * Fair todtjr n« tmij* V«rf. Miam mum with (b u n d e nbowen developing. High both dayi, 7W5. Low to- night, «0. See page 2. Kank Kegister An Independenit NewspapeNewspaper Under Same Ownership %r Since 1878 BY CARRIER Ijjued Duly. Mcm<l»y tnrougn Friday, entered as Second class Matter RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1960 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE VOLUME 82, NO. 209 at th» Post OIEco at Red Bank. N. J., under thB Act j[ March 3. 1873. 351 PER WEEK Festival of Arts Starts Tomorrow RED BANK — A completed erchants Trust Company will ist of awards and judges for the ward $100 third prize. restival of Arts has been an Other prize donations to be Senate lounced by Mrs. John Parmly, varded in other categories are tumson, chairman of the giant lonmouth County National Bank, mtdoor show being staged on 00; Seacoast Finance Company, iroad St., Red Bank, tomorrow 15; Steinbach Company, $50; md Saturday. air Haven Art Workshop, $25; In the professional category, Yanko, $25; Molly Pitcher Ho- Question Alert Order :he Borough of Red Bank will 1, $10, and Red Bank Woman's ward $300 first and $200 second lub, $5. irize. In this same category, 2 Silver Bowls Investigation In addition, two silver bowls all be awarded by the Junior Traffic Flow ervice League and the Red Bank Scheduled Roman's Club. The awards will e presented Saturday at 4 p.m. Is Changed Judges for the professional cat- To End pry will be Edward John Ste For Festival WASHINGTON (AP)—A Motorists here will find a dif- Senate inquiry into events ferent traffic pattern on Broad Schedule that preceded the collapse St. today through Saturday. of the summit conference The change is necessitated by Of Evenls tbe Festival of Arts which concludes today with a look opens on Broad St. tomorrow. Page Three into the sudden order for a In preparation for the festi- world-wide U.S. defense alert. val, Broad St. has been blocked Secretary of Defense Thomas 'ens, Jr., director of the Newark off from Harding Rd. to Lin- Gates, Jr.—the man who or- den PI. ichool of Fine and Industria >rt; William H. Gerdts, Jr., cur dered the alert from Paris the NO INCREASE - NO WORK — The Architectural Tiling Co., Keyport, was closed Deputy Police Chief Leroy night before the scheduled sum- McKmght said buses and other itor of paintings and sculpture yesterday as employees went on strike at the termination of a one-year contract Newark Museum, and Dr. Lillian mit opening—fills in the back- vehicles moving north on Broad ginund for the Senate Foreign which was signed last year, after a 2'A day strike. The 83-year-old firm manufac- St. will turn light at Harding "alcia, professor and chairman if fine arts department, Mont- Relations Committee. tures ceramic wall tile. Workers are seeking a five-cent-an-hour pay hike. Rd.; then to Hudson Ave,; left Gates' testimony behind closed to Linden PI., and on to Broad :lair State College. doors was to be made available St. No parking will be allowed Others who will serve as judg- on the north side of Linden PI. is in the seven other categories to newsmen as rapidly as it from Hudson Ave. to Broad St. ire Barry Martin, Inger Friis could be censored for security. 230 ATCO Workers Strike for the week-end. and Mildred Rice, high school; Previous testimony has been Peters PI. will be blocked Gertrude Simpson, Florence Irv- concerned mainly with the shoot- off to traffic at Broad St., ex- ing and Geza DeVegh, elemen- ing down of a U2 spy plane over KEYPORT — Some 230 em-, five cents an hour more for "We are limited," he noted, tary school; Douglas Mcllvain, Russia, the incident which So- by ever increasing competitio cept for those persons who live ployees of the Architectural Til- employees, plus a ninth paid on Broad St., Deputy Chief Mc- :rafts; A. Eldridge Brower, Mir- DR. HUGH L. DRYDEN, right, deputy administrator for viet Premier Nikita S. Khrush- holiday. rom foreign manufacturers." ing Co., Inc., went on strike Knight said. am Brown and Robert Zerlin, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, chev gave as his excuse for The firm's last offer, he re- The last strike at the plant wa yesterday for higher pay. Vehicles traveling east on iculpture; Ida Libby Dengrove, torpedoinR the conference. year ago, when hikes of foui talks with Chairman William Fulbright (D-Ark) before Robert K. Multer, company ported, was three cents an hour. Monmouth St. will have to turn >ara Provan and Herman Vestal, The alert order, issued from president, told The Register that It has been rejected by the union. lo nine cents an hour wen left at Broad St. to continue ierious Sunday painters; Ruth testifying at a closed session of the Senate Foreign Re- Paris May 15, was described as Mr. Multer said the pay for negotiations are going on be- ranted, plus fringe benefits, in through the borough. Campbell, Ronald Wing and Roy lations Committee in Washington. Dryden was called a move to test the readiness of tween management and Local most employees now ranges luding a new retirement insu Ungerer, novice, and Tana Ho- far-Hung American forces. The weatherman is forecast- by the Senators for questioning about NASA's role in 20581 of the Federal Labor from $1.75 to $2.60 an hour, ince program. Ing temperatures from 75-85 ban of Philadelphia, photography. On May 22. Gates told news- which, he added, is the highest the U2 spy plane flights over Russia. (AP Wirephoto) Union. Long Record for the two-day show, but thun- Judging will take place tomor- men on his return that "it was He said the union is asking pay scale in the industry. ow afternoon. All entries in the an order of my own" although Prior to that, there had no derstorms may develop some- time tomorrow. The outlook Festival of Arts are due at the he informed the President he >een a strike at the plant sinci for Saturday is fair. Broad St. reservation desks be was going lo issue it. 939. tween 7:30 and 10 a.m. tomorrow. 'Prudent Thing' Code WouldProhihit The company, which is Part of the main thoroughfare See Stalemate On 1 considered it a prudent ears old—one of the oldest an Loses Thumb 'eaturing innumerable exhibits thing to check out our communi- largest of its type in the coum HAZLET—Barbara Ann Getch- will have tables and umbrellas cations readiness," he said at 'Look-Alike' Housesry—manufactures ceramic wa ius, 11 months, 567 South Laure furnished by Monmouth Race East-West Issues the time. "It was a good test on tile, made from clay fired Ave., lost the first joint of the Track for the comfort of visitors. a no-warning, no-notice basis. I RARITAN TOWNSHIP — An J. Blanda, Jr., will offer the ordi- 10 degrees fahrenheit, in gia thumb on her left hand yeste WASHINGTON (AP) - West- lead in trying (o work out closer am mystified why any one would ordinance which will discourage ance. It will be co-sponsored kilns. day when she caught her hand ii ern loaders now look for a stale- tics between Britain and intcrna- question the wisdom of it." the continuation of mass housing by Committeeman James G Once shut down, it takes aboi a well pump. She was treated ii Busy Day mate on major issues between(tinnal economic organizations on Chairman J. William Fulbright construction here by prohibiting Brady. ,, a week to get the kilns back in Riverview Hospital, Red Bank Russia and the Western powers')the continent. These include the (D-Ark) said Gates would be "look-alike" structures, will be Questioned by a reporter on full production. and released. for the next six to 12 months. IKuropean common market, the I asked again about the alert and offered for introduction at tomor- the proposal, Mr. Blanda con In Court During this time there may be;European atomic community and]the coincidence of its coming the row night's meeting of the Town- ceded that the ordinance would NEW YORK (AP)-Leonard periodic crises brought on by the coal ami steel community. day before the summit meeting. ship Committee. have an affect not only on the G. Forbes, Manasquan, N. J., Soviet or Red Chinese efforts to (See GATES, PR. 2) uncompleted sections of Wood- Resulting Blow Township Committeeman Philip Abandoned Baby Is went through two courts, 37 probo for weakness among the! Macmillan reportedly feels that land Park—now slated to be the traffic violation charges, $625 nwnship's largest project—but on Allies and throw them off baI-|||iP failure of the Paris summit in fines and $2,500 bail in two ance. 'meeting last month, and the re- II other projects which have hours yesterday. Authority Rockefeller een approved (for construction) Put in Foster Home Berlin and Southeast Asia arc suiting blow lo his hopes for Forbes, 33, faced charges in considered danger points, but the,|,roati improvement in relations jut not finished, as well as pos- RED BANK - "Pat," the ible future developments. come to know his mother re Vehicle Accident Court stem- chance of a major Soviet chal-'wit|, RUssja> makcs it necessary OKs Raise blue eyed, brown haired baby Seen Head "Mr. Brady and I were elected mains to be seen. ming from a May 10 accident lenge to the West at Berlin is fl)r Britain (0 rc.eX;imine its pol- m the platform that we would boy, abandoned on the rear Police said yesterday that al when his car crashed into a presently believed to be remote jcy of standing largely apart For Smock Of Delegation do everything possible to stabilize porch of the Lincroft Presby- leads have been exhausted in dividing wall on the Triborough -pending a proposal by Soviet frnm t|ie COntincii(al Allies in the Raritan Township," Mr.
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