PLUS FREE MAGAZINE INSIDE ISSUE 1271 ● 18 JANUARY 2021 ● £2.40 WEEKLY EXCLUSIVE LUCY MECKLENBURGH ON BEING A FIRST-TIME MUM IN LOCKDOWN ‘I’VE DEFINITELY HAD TO FOCUS ON MY MENTAL HEALTH’ ‘I COULDN’T HAVE t Export £2.60/€3.29 t Esp/Por €3.30 t Italy €4.80 t Auz $8.40 inc GST t CDN $7.99 t ROI €3.29 t NL €4.75 t FR €3.80 t Aus DONE IT WITHOUT €6.10 t Malta €4.25 t Ger €5.30 RYAN BY MY SIDE’ EXCLUSIVE LAURA WHITMORE BIG BROTHER STAR AND IAIN STIRLING’S BRIDGERTON ACTRESS CRAIG PHILLIPS SECRET DUBLIN WEDDING PHOEBE DYNEVOR INTRODUCES SON LENNON ‘WE HAD THE MOST MAGICAL ‘PLAYING DAPHNE WAS ‘HAVING TWO KIDS UNDER CEREMONY’ A LOT OF FUN’ TWO IS TOUGH!’ JANUARY CONTENTS ISSUE Our cover stars NEWS & INTERVIEWS LUCYMECKLENBURGH HOLLYWILLOUGHBY PHILLIPSCHOFIELD DANCINGONICESTARS PRINCESSEUGENIE KYMMARSH EMILIAFOX LOVEMATTERS CRAIGPHILLIPS GALGADOT EMILYANDRÉ LAURAWHITMORE BARBARAWINDSOR BEVERLEYCRAVEN CAROLDECKER JAYASTON PHOEBEDYNEVOR GETMOREOK!TIME FASHIONISTA Our fabulous daily newsletter brings you the best celebrity SPORTSWEAR house tours and biggest STYLEEDIT exclusive interviews. OK !LOVES It’s the easiest way to stay in the loop with all things FASHIONSPY lifestyle, fashion and beauty. BEAUTYEDIT Sign up now at BEAUTYBUZZ ok.co.uk/newsletter LIFESTYLE & CHAT OK!REVIEWS OK!ICONS OK!HEALTH OK!RECIPES OK!TRAVEL OK!HOTSPOT OK!STARS OK!LIFELESSONS ,ÝÝăFý|Ĥ with If your free Slimming World mag is missing from this magazine, please call 01420 525 538 between 10am and 3pm on Tuesday Jan 12 and Wednesday Jan 13, 2021. Slimming World Alternatively, if you need to get in contact once the phone lines have closed you can email reach@webfulfilment.com with the subject header: OK! Slimming World magazine COVER: VINCENT DOLMAN/CAMERAPRESS, DAVID LONGSTAFFE, GETTY THIS PAGE: CHRIS FLOYD/CAMERA PRESS GETTY THIS PAGE: LONGSTAFFE, COVER: VINCENT DOLMAN/CAMERAPRESS, DAVID [email protected] www.ok.co.uk /OKMAGAZINEUK @OK_MAGAZINE @OK_MAG Family favourites 4 SPEAKINGCANDIDLY ‘I’VEDEFINITELY HADTOFOCUS ONMYMENTAL HEALTH’ LUCYMECKLENBURGHTALKSHONESTLY ABOUTTHEDIFFICULTIESSHE’SFACEDBEING AFIRST-TIMEMUMINLOCKDOWN ucy Mecklenburgh’s life couldn’t be mum. “I’m struggling to stay motivated,” further away from her TOWIE days. she admitted. “I haven’t prioritised While it’s just as glam, it comes keeping active and eating well myself. I’m with a side of nappies, as last March surviving off coffee and biscuits lately!” Lshe welcomed beautiful son Roman with And this approach is taking its toll on fiancé Ryan Thomas. her mental health. The star, who is also But the first-time mum hasn’t had an the owner of fitness brand Results With easy ride. Just a couple of days after Lucy, said, “I feel yuk! Not bothering with the birth, Covid sent the country into workouts or doing my make-up, hair or a national lockdown, so she’s navigated wearing nice outfits – even just nice this huge life change loungewear!” without the support But Lucy of family and friends ‘I’MSTRUGGLING knows to give – something Lucy herself a break. admits she’s TOSTAY “Maybe I need struggled with. to not be When asked if MOTIVATED’ too hard on she suffered from myself,” she postnatal depression said. “I don’t on Instagram recently, she replied, really sit still. I have a 10 month old, it’s “Maybe. It’s hard to tell with lockdown lockdown number three of his life, and on top of being a first-time mum. my life as a first-time mum.” I love Roman more than anything in Here, Lucy, 29, opens up to OK! the world, but I found being a new about coping strategies, getting to grips mum really tough.” with motherhood and why she and Ryan She went on to say, “Sleep deprivation are in no rush to set a wedding date… is torture! Then add onto that a global pandemic, a baby with allergies and Lucy, tell us more about how you tongue tie. Lockdown parents deserve coped with your mental health a medal!” last year… We couldn’t agree more, Lucy! So this The whole world went into this lockdown third lockdown must be tough for the and I had a 10-day-old baby. It was very WWW.OK.CO.UK 5 surreal. Thank God Ryan and I make a really good I can fit in a walk and that’s all I can do, I’m like, “That’s team and we look out for each other. I definitely cool.” Even getting the car seat in and out of the car wouldn’t have been able to do it without him. is a workout! Not putting pressure on myself has helped. It’s also about being realistic. I know during Even though you’ve found motivation difficult the day it’s going to be hard, so usually I’ll do a small this time round, do you usually find working out workout after 7pm when Roman has gone to bed. helps you mentally? For me, that’s the most importantrtant partpart HowHow ooftenften dod you try to exercise? of it. Especially over the last fewfew NotNoN t moremore than twice a week. months and being a new mum.m. I SometimesSoS met once a week and that’s think mental health is definitelyely beingbeing really honest. It just isn’t something I had to focus on, reallyrea my priority right now. I saw and working out just makes myselfmy getting straight back in me feel better and more to working out all the time like positive. I can notice a I used to four to five times a difference if I don’t go for a week,w but that’s not realistic. walk or do a little workout. DoD you and Ryan ever work And you’ve lost the four outo together? stone you gained in Sometimes.S We have done pregnancy – you look a few little fun workouts where amazing! How do you stick we’vewe used Roman as a weight. to your workout regime? RyanRyan can do more squats while It’s hard. But I think for me, it’s’s justjust holdingholdin him than me because not putting pressure on myself.elf. IfIf he’s so heavy!he 6 WWW.OK.CO.UK 7 ‘IFEEL ROMAN’S DEVELOPMENT HASBEEN AFFECTEDBY CORONAVIRUS’ 8 What’s your diet like? hasn’t got any taste buds, because I try to make sure I have at least one he just eats anything! really good healthy meal a day, full of vegetables. Then the others Bless him! How is Roman doing? might be grabbing a piece of toast He’s got such a personality. He’s or a sandwich. My diet is definitely trying to talk and he makes the more beige than it used to be. One oddest noises. They’re a bit of the biggest changes I’ve made scary sometimes [laughs]. recently is I’ve cut down my meat intake. I like to eat more fish and Who does he take after? plant-based. I still have meat, but I would say Ryan for sure. He looks most of my meals are vegetarian the spitting image of him and he’s now. Ryan and I wanted to make very loud. He likes to be the centre a conscious effort. I’m weaning of attention, like Ryan! Roman mainly vegetarian as well. What are your dreams for 2021? Is he a good eater? I want to spend more time with Oh God, he’ll eat anything! I’m sure my friends and family. I feel like Working out if I put something in front of him I missed out a lot with the baby helps her that wasn’t actually edible, he’d still doing nice things together, so stay positive eat it. I do worry sometimes he that would be really good. WWW.OK.CO.UK 9 How are your wedding plans going? Lucy and It’s definitely on the back burner. It’s been a little Roman tough year, and with us having a baby, it’s not a focus. We just don’t know how long it’s going to be until the world feels a bit more normal. We’re going to wait until everything calms down. It’s something exciting to look forward to. Would you like to have more children? Ask me when Roman’s a bit older! He’s teething at the moment, so it’s not a good time to ask! Tell us about the new Pampers Active Fit range… It’s designed for wriggly babies, just like mine! I love the research they carried out, because I could relate to it so much. It found 49% of parents thought their baby’s development might have been affected by coronavirus and I felt that at times. But now I think he’s absolutely fine. I think all babies develop at their own rate. OK! LUCY IS WORKING WITH PAMPERS TO SUPPORT THE LAUNCH OF ITS NEW ACTIVE FIT NAPPIES RANGE. THE RANGE IS AVAILABLE IN SIZES 3-6 AND WILL BE STOCKED IN ALL MAJOR RETAILERS NATIONWIDE WORDS: GEORGIA TREVITT PHOTOS: CATHERINE HACK/OK!, VINCENT DOLMAN/CAMERA PRESS 10 WWW.OK.CO.UK 11 THELIGHTFANTASTIC ‘ITWILLEXPLODE ONTOYOURSCREENS WITHGLITTER ANDGLAMOUR’ THENEWSERIESOFDANCINGONICEWILL PROVIDEALLTHETHEATREWENEEDTHIS WINTERSAYSHOSTHOLLYWILLOUGHBY olly Willoughby is bubbling with so she’ll understand where the beat excitement to be back co-hosting is and the timing. I think that when Dancing On Ice with her This it comes to learning a routine, Morning pal Phillip Schofield. This musicality really helps. Hwill be the 13th series of the popular reality TV show, and former world champions It’s been a challenging year for Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean are also live theatre – what role do you back to cast their expert eye over the think TV can play in these times? contestants.
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