Review Article International Ayurvedic Medical Journal ISSN:2320 5091 GENETICS IN AYURVEDA: VIEW OF ANCIENT SCHOLARS Dr Priyanka Triwedi Lecturer, Deptt. Of Kaumarbhritya, S.A.C. Pilani, Rajasthan, India ABSTRACT Science of Genetics in Ayurveda may appear a new topic but ancient Ayurvedic scholars like Charaka and Sushruta understood very well the Principles of heredity and nature of traits or characters. They knew the fundamentals of Genetics i.e. the factors determining the sex of a child, genetic defect in a childlike lameness. They said it was not due to any defect in the mother or, the father but in the ovum or sperm of the parents (an accepted fact today). Acarya Charaka has described the whole genetics in three genetic units in the form of Beej (Germinal cell), Bee- jbhag (Chromosome) and Beejbhagavyava (Gene). He has explained that due to vikriti of bija, bijabhaga and bijabhagavayava of the couple, there will be vikriti or vyapada in the child de- pending on gender. Hence Ayurveda advised cleansing of the male and female body before planning to have a child and to take rejuvenation therapy to restore health which prevents the appearance of genetic disorder. Keywords: Beej, Beejbhaga, Beejbhagavyava, vyapada INTRODUCTION In our classical texts genetics is best de- (almost all acaryas supported this view), ge- scribed by Acharya Susruta and Acharya netic defect in a childlike lameness or, Caraka in Sharira Sthana. Ayurveda identi- blindness; he said it was not due to any de- fied three genetic units in the form of Beej fect in the mother or, the father but in the (Germinal cell), Beejbhag (Chromosome) ovum or sperm of the parents4 (an accepted and Beejbhagavyava (Gene). Acarya Carak1 fact today). In Atulyagotriya adhyaya of has described first about the component of Sharira Sthana, Caraka has described that Beej whether of male or female and desig- how there will be a specific sex in the uterus nated them as Beejbhag and Beejbhaga- or in a twin or multiple pregnancy3. The vayav. Adibalapravritta2 diseases, groups of birth of male or female child in a twin or illnesses which are attributed defects inher- multiple pregnancy depends on the manner ent in either the Shukra (the male reproduc- in which vayu divides the Bija (zygote), if tive element) or Shonita (female reproduc- Vayu divides the bija in such a way that one tive element) which form the primary factors part has predominance of shukra and the of being. Acharya Caraka knew the funda- other of artava then from former part a male mentals of Genetics. For instance, he knew child will be born and from later the fe- the factors determining the sex of a child3 male3. Acarya Caraka has explained further How to cite this URL: Dr Priyanka Triwedi : Genetics In Ayurveda: View Of Ancient Scholars. International Ayurvedic medical Journal {online} 2016 {cited 2016 July} Available from: http://www.iamj.in/posts/images/upload/2623_2627.pdf Dr Priyanka Triwedi : Genetics In Ayurveda: View Of Ancient Scholars that the teratologic abnormalities depend shonita he has also explained the treatment upon the condition of bija, not on the physi- of all the curable problems. cal status of the couple4. All the ancient Bija, Bijabhaga and Bijabhagavayava & scholars have explained the six factors, its vikriti: which are taking part in the formation of Ayurveda considered three genetic embryo and various body parts5. units in the form of Beeja (Germinal cell), Shukra & Shonita (Artava or, Rajah) and Beejbhaga (Chromosome) and Beejbhaga- its Vikriti: vyava (Gene). Acarya Charaka speaks first According to Ayurveda the human body about the component of Beeja whether of is made up of seven dhatus and seventh male or female and designated them as Bee- dhatu is shukra which takes part in the for- jbhaga and Beejbhagavayav1. Commenting mation of garbha6 (helps in conception) on these terms, Acarya Chakrapani has from male partner side. Although Imagina- clearly stated that the smallest unit founding tion of Stri Shukra has done by Acarya in Shukra (Sperm) & Shonita (Ovum) can be Susruta, Ashtang Sangrah, Bhavprakash, considerd as Beeja11 of male and female re- Harita and Arundatta but this shukra is not spectively, which may compare with the participating in the formation of garbha (in male and female gametes i.e. sperm and process of conception). As per Susruta the ovum. The Beejbhaga11 is the component blood collected for whole by both the lying inside the Beeja and holding responsi- dhamanis (uterine vessels and their endome- bility of development of different body or- trial capillaries) assuming slight black col- gans and tissues of the body and it may our & specific odour is brought downwards compare with the Chromosomes which are to vaginal orifice by vayu is called shonita passed on as units from one generation to or artava7. According to another scholar other generation one from each of the par- Vagbhata, the blood reaching uterus and ents. Beejbhagavayava11 should be taken as coming out for three days in every month is further more subtle stage of Beejbhaga car- called Artava8 i.e. artava can be taken as rying hereditary characters and it may com- menstrual cycle in today scenario. They pare with the gene which is the functional have also mentioned age of menarche and unit of heredity and mainly responsible for menopause 12 yrs and 50 yrs of age respec- expression of a particular trait in an individ- tively7,8. ual. Acarya Susruta has described 8 shukra The birth of male or female child in and 8 shonita doshas in Sharira Sthan, a twin or multiple pregnancy depends on the Shukra-Shonita-Shuddhi adhyaya9. Acarya manner in which vayu divides the Bija (zy- Susruta, just after describing eight disorders gote), if vayu divides the beeja in such a of shukra, has enumerated eight disorders of way that one part has predominance of artava10 i.e. One from each dosha, and rakta shukra and the other of artava then from (total four), three from combination of two former part a male child will be born and doshas and one from combination of all the from later the female12. High lightening the three doshas. After describing the clinical factor responsible for hereditary diseases, features of all abnormalities of shukra and Charaka has said that it is due to vitiated or defected Beeja (Ovum or sperm) and Bee- 2624 www.iamj.in IAMJ: Volume 4; Issue 08; August- 2016 Dr Priyanka Triwedi : Genetics In Ayurveda: View Of Ancient Scholars jbhaga (chromosome), which is responsible is not completely female but only having for formation of defective or vitiated par- feminine characteristic in abundance, known ticular body part or, organ13. If parents have as Varta15 and similarly when the Beejbha- certain diseases like kushtha, then it is re- gavayav which is responsible for the produc- flected in the bijabhagavayava and hence tion of sperm and also portion of beejbhaga can cause same illness of the offspring14. which are responsible for the production of Acarya Caraka has explained further the organs that characterize a male, are ex- that teratologic abnormalities depend upon cessively vitiated, then this gives birth to a the condition of bija, not on the physical sta- child who is not complete male but only tus of the couple. In other words, what so having masculine characteristics in abun- ever part of Bija is defective, the body part dance, known as Trinputrika16. developing from that portion of bija will be Bhavas involved in the formation of em- abnormal 13. E.g. If the portion of a bija of a bryo: Kushthi man responsible for formation of There are six factors which are tak- skin is defective then the only born child ing part in the formation of embryo and var- will have kushtha14. However, if that part is ious body parts. All the soft structures i.e. not abnormal then the child will be healthy. heart, spleen, intestine, rectum, muscles, He has described that due to vikriti of bija blood, lipid, bone marrow, umbilicus etc. Of (gametes), bijabhaga (chromosome) and the fetus are derived from the mother, called bijabhagavayava (gene) of the couple, there Matrija bhava17. Likewise all stable or hard will be vikriti or vyapada in the child de- parts i.e. hairs, vein, arteries, nails, bones, pending on gender1. When the Beejbhag in beard, sperm etc. Of fetus are derived from ovum is responsible for the development of the father, called Pitrija bhava18. Just like Garbhashaya is excessively vitiated, then above Atmaja, Satmayaja, Satvaja & Rasaja woman gives birth to a Bandhya15 (sterile) bhavas5 are also taking part in the formation female child and similarly when the part of of a fetus in the uterus. the Beej which is responsible for the produc- CONCLUSION tion of the sperm in the foetus is excessively Ayurveda Science had basic or fun- vitiated, then this gives birth to a male ster- damental knowledge on genetics since very ile child16. When the Beejbhagavayav (a early time period when there was no exist- fraction of the part of the Beej i.e. ovum) of ence of concept like Chromosomes, genes, the mother is excessively vitiated she gives DNA, genome etc. Our classical Scholars birth to a Putipraja 15 (who delivers dead have explained the facts that genetic disor- fetus15) and in case of same condition in ders are not due to any defect in the mother sperm, it gives birth to a Putipraj16. The or, the father but in the ovum or sperm of term Puti also implies a child having de- the parents (an accepted fact today), So they formed limbs and organs15. When Beejbha- advised some ritualistic therapy and cleans- gavayava which is responsible for the pro- ing (Shodhana) of the male and female body duction of uterus and also the portion of or- before planning to have a child and to take gan that characterize a female e.g.
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