Virtuoso Dr. Arthur C. Brooks ‘94 INSIDE: ̈ Alumni Profile: Col. Dennis Devery: Prepared To Lead ̈ NJ State Nurses Honor College President ̈ Honor Roll of Donors 2008 2 6 Honor ROLL of Donors 4 10 ContenStPs RING 2009 1 Message from the President College News: 2 ̈ Dr. Pruitt Earns New Jersey State Nurses Association President’s Award ̈ College and UPS Honored Invention is published by 3 ̈ College Dean Named to Foundation for Child Development Board Thomas Edison State College ̈ Business Dean Earns 2009 Emerald Award DR. GEORGE A. PRUITT 4 Alumni Profile: President ̈ Col. Dennis Devery: Prepared To Lead JOE GUZZARDO Editor 6 Feature: ̈ Dr. Arthur C. Brooks: Virtuoso CHRIS MILLER Art Director Page 12 10 Foundation: KELLY SACCOMANNO ̈ Honor Roll of Donors 2008 LINDA SOLTIS Contributors Inside Back Cover Applause, Applause : ̈ Alumni News Cover Story: 6 Dr. Arthur C. Brooks of the American Enterprise Institute MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Dear Alumni, Students and Friends, Barbara Bush said, “Giving frees us from the familiar territory of our own needs by opening our mind to the unexplained worlds occupied by the needs of others.” This issue of Invention is dedicated to the people and organizations who, through their support of Thomas Edison State College, illustrate what the former first lady is talking about. We are very fortunate to receive the financial support of many individuals, businesses, corporations and employees of the College, especially in today’s challenging economic climate. The annual support we receive helps the College continue to increase enrollment, expand educational programs and maintain our commitment to academic excellence. I am honored to tell you about two extraordinary graduates who embody the spirit of Thomas Edison State College. One is Dr. Arthur Brooks ’94, president of the American Enterprise Institute. This husband and father of three recalls how the College helped him make a profound career change - from a professional orchestra musician to one of the country’s leading social scientists focusing on the relationship between culture, economics and politics. The other is Col. Dennis Devery ’05, who was recently appointed chief of staff of the New Jersey Army National Guard. Col. Devery tells us how the College helped prepare him for positions of greater responsibility at work and sparked his desire to earn a doctoral degree. These graduates’ stories underscore the importance of Thomas Edison State College’s mission and the financial support we receive every year from loyal donors, including the Thomas Edison State College Foundation. On behalf of the entire College family, I would like to extend our sincere thanks to the Foundation for its support of our institution and for its work on behalf of the Annual Fund, our special events and other development initiatives. The Foundation is at the heart of these efforts and we are grateful for its support, just as we are grateful for the generous gifts made by all of our donors. Sincerely, Dr. George A. Pruitt President INVENTION | SPRING 2009 1 COLLEGE NEWS Dr. Pruitt Earns New Jersey State Nurses Association President’s Award Dr. George A. Pruitt, president of At Thomas Edison State College, Thomas Edison State College, has Dr. Pruitt has provided strong been selected by the New Jersey State support for more than 25 years for Nurses Association to receive the the ongoing development and association’s 2009 President’s Award. expansion of the nursing program. During that time, the program has The award is given each year by the grown to its current enrollment of president of the New Jersey State more than 1,000 RNs from more Nurses Association to an individual than 30 states across the country, who is not a nurse but who has and has expanded from an been a champion for the nursing RN-BSN degree program to an profession. The association elects a RN-BSN/MSN degree program. new president every two years. “Dr. Pruitt has provided the School of “Dr. Pruitt’s unwavering support Nursing with both the consistent and for nursing’s right to determine its solid support needed to accomplish future is very important to us at Dr. Susan O’Brien, dean of the School of its goals,” said Dr. Susan O’Brien, this time,” said Dr. Barbara Nursing, and Dr. George A. Pruitt. dean of the School of Nursing. Chamberlain, current president of Dr. Pruitt received the award at the the New Jersey State Nurses variety of emerging roles for nurses New Jersey State Nurses Association Association. “This is an interesting that are enabling us to break new reception and awards dinner on time for nurses. As we face national boundaries in healthcare. Dr. Pruitt March 25 in Atlantic City, N.J. nurse shortages and national nurse has known that all along and has educator shortages, there are a supported nursing tremendously.” College and UPS Honored Thomas Edison State College’s partnership with UPS received a Corporate University Xchange Award for Excellence and Innovation in Corporate Learning on Feb. 25 in Philadelphia. The partnership earned the Award for Exemplary Practice in the Corporate/College Partnership category. Pictured at the Corporate University’s gala event are (back row, from left) Anne Schwartz, vice president of Corporate Learning and Development at UPS; Dr. David Grossman, dean of the School of Professional and Continuing Studies, Sylvia Hamilton, vice provost for Strategic Partnerships; and (front row, from left) Pat Myers, corporate compensation manager at UPS; and Executive Vice Provost Dr. Mary Ellen Caro. Corporate University awards recognize corporate and government learning organizations that create programs that demonstrate measurable improvements in employee and business performance. 2 INVENTION | SPRING 2009 COLLEGE NEWS College Dean Named to Foundation for Child Development Board Dr. Joseph Youngblood II, dean of the Edison State College, has been well-being. The Foundation believes that John S. Watson School of Public Service, appointed to the Board of Directors of families, schools, nonprofit organiza - and director of The John S. Watson the Foundation for Child Development. tions, businesses and government at all Institute for Public Policy, at Thomas “We are pleased to have Dr. Youngblood levels share complementary responsibil - join the board of the Foundation for ities in the critical task of raising new Child Development. His commitment to generations. the education of New Jersey’s children, “I am honored by my selection to the especially during their pre-kindergarten Board of the Foundation of Child through third grade years, will be of Development and excited to serve an great benefit to the children that the organization with its history, mission Foundation seeks to support,” said and values,” said Youngblood. “I am Foundation President Ruby Takanishi. equally excited to work with the The Foundation for Child Development Foundation’s extraordinarily talented is a national, private philanthropy and committed group of leaders and established in 1899 that seeks to board members to promote the understand children, particularly the well-being and positive development disadvantaged, and to promote their of our children.” Dr. Joseph Youngblood II Business Dean Earns 2009 Emerald Award A published paper on organization Every year, Emerald invites each leadership co-authored by Dr. Joseph journal’s editorial team to nominate C. Santora, dean of the School of what they believe has been that title’s Business and Management at outstanding paper and up to three Thomas Edison State College, has highly commended papers from the been selected as an Outstanding previous 12 months. The award- Paper Award winner at the 2009 winning papers are chosen following Emerald Literati Network Awards consultation among the journal’s for Excellence. editorial team, many of whom are eminent academics or managers. Santora wrote the article, “Founders leaders and organizational life “It is an honor to be recognized by cycles: the choice is easy - learn or Emerald and the editorial team fai l! ” with James Sarros, professor of from this prestigious journal,” Management at Monash University Santora said. “There were many in Australia. The paper was published outstanding papers considered, and Dr. Joseph C. Santora in Development and Learning in Or - to be recognized by one’s peers is ganizations: An International Journal. very rewarding.” INVENTION | SPRING 2009 3 PREPARED TO LEAD 4 INVENTION | SPRING 2009 HOW THOMAS EDISON STATE COLLEGE PREPARED COL. DENNIS DEVERY TO LEAD THE NEW JERSEY ARMY NATIONAL GUARD ol. Dennis Devery is responsible for thousands of U.S. commander, state public affairs officer, aviation facility soldiers, dozens of military facilities through the state commander, supervisory instructor pilot, cavalry squadron Cand a budget of more than $150 million, but he never executive officer, aviation company commander and thought he would go to college. infantry company commander. Today, Devery ’05, serves as chief of staff of the New Jersey “Earning my MSM degree from Thomas Edison State College Army National Guard and may be the perfect role model for provided me with the knowledge and self-confidence to the men and women in his command. seek positions of greater responsibility at work and the desire to attain a doctoral degree,” explained Devery, who “I am excited about taking on the responsibilities of the earned his master’s degree from the College in 2005. “My chief of staff for the New Jersey Army National Guard,” said desire to pursue my degree at Thomas Edison State College Devery, who was appointed to his new post in November by was based on three factors: a passion for learning leadership Maj. Gen. Glenn K. Rieth, The Adjutant General of New and management practices that the MSM program Jersey. “The New Jersey Army National Guard provides provided; a realization that as a senior officer in the military critical life-saving services to the citizens of New Jersey and I needed the knowledge and credentials that such a degree our nation during periods of crisis, and I am excited about offered; and an awareness that my demanding work leading those efforts.” schedule required participation in a flexible program.
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