APPENDIX-I (See Paragraph - 6) FORM 1 (I) Basic Information 1 Name of the Project/s : Mangrol-Valia Lignite Mine (Regularization of Environment Clearance) 2 Sr. No. in the Schedule 1(a) 3 Proposed capacity/ area/ length/ Proposed lignite production= 4.20 MTPA tonnage to be handled/ command Proposed Lease area= 2059.6829 Ha area/ lease area/ number of wells (same as present) to be drilled 4 Project Cost Rs. 275.61 Crore 5 New/ Expansion/ Modernization Mangrol-Valia Lignite Mine (Regularization of Environment Clearance) 6 MoEF File No.(Previous EC) J-11015/ 38/ 99-IA.ll(M), dated 21-07- 2003 7 Date of Previous EC 21/07/2003, Annexure I - Previous EC Letter is attached. 8 Existing capacity/ area etc Present Lignite Production= 4.2 MTPA Present Lease area= 2059.6829 Ha (based on mine lease agreements executed with Government of Gujarat) 9 Category of Project A 10 Does it attract general condition? If No, as there is no state boundary, yes, please specify sanctuary/ National Park/ Ecological Sensitive area/ critically polluted area in 10 km radius of the project. Nearest : • State Boundary- Maharashtra, 53 km, SE • Wildlife Sanctuary -Shoolpaneswar, 37 km, NE • Critically polluted area- GIDC Jhagadia, 13.8 km, N 11 Does it attract specific condition? If No yes, please specify 12 Location Refer Annexure II for Project Site ".kml file" is attached. Plot/ Surv.~y/_ Klll.isra no. Several, as shown on map in Annexure Ill f · vm~9e- =-....... ,~ Mosali, Mangrol, Shah, Charetha, /~(;. - . -·~~- ' Amandera, Harsani, Timberwa, Bhilwada, ::)-'1 /!. .. '· \ <~. Nani Pardi, Luna, Dansoli, Raiqarh and ' I 1· 10:· ·Ui'.' 11 \ -;7' ' ~ ! Ta i '1, 0 1. :~ Page 1of22 \1,_, _~ I ~ •.·- .:11 . " I • 1 ~ :.L 'i ,0 . - . ' ·- . _...-:."- . .._' / ,'-} ,I • (. # ;; .. ._. .... -- Kosmadi Tehsil (1) Mangrol and (2) Valia District (1) Surat and (2) Bharuch State Gujarat 13 Nearest railway station/ airport Nearest Rail Station - Kim (22.00 Kms) along with distance in kms Nearest Airport- Surat (50.00 Kms) 14 Nearest town, city, district head Town- Valia, 6.7 km , N quarters along with distance in kms District HQ - Bharuch - 29 km , NW Surat- 40 km, SW 15 Village Panchayat, Zilla Parishad, 1. Taluka Panchayat Bhavan Mosali- Municipal Corporation, Local Body 394421 Dist -Surat, State :Gujarat (complete postal addresses with 2. District Panchayat Bhavan, Darya telephone nos. to be given) Mahal, Surat-395001 , Ph No-(0261) 2425751 to 2425755, State :Gujarat 3. Taluka Panchayat Bhavan, Valia Dist -Bharuch, State :Gujarat 4. District Panchayat Bhavan, Bharuch- 392301 . Ph No - (02642) 240603, State :Gujarat 16 Name of the applicant M/s Gujarat Industries Power Company Ltd . 17 Registered Address P.O. Petrochemical, Dist. Vadodara, Gujarat-391 346 18 Address for correspondence : Name Sh. N. K. Purohit Designation (Owner/ Partner/ CEO) Chief General Manager, (Mines) Address Surat Lignite Power Plant (SLPP) Nani Naroli Taluka, Mangrol District, Surat - 394 110. Mail : nk~urohit@gi~cl.com Pin Code 394110 Telephone no. 02629-261087 19 Details if Alternative sites This is an 4.2 MTPA lignite, an operational examined, if any. Location of these project, hence, no alternatives have been sites should be shown in a considered. Toposheet 20 Interlinked Projects Surat Lignite Power Plant (Captive Power Plant) Station-1 of 2X125 MW and SLPP- 2 of 2X125 MW at Nani Naroli, Dist. Surat, Gujarat 21 Whether separate application of The interlinked project already has interlinked project has been environmental clearance. Refer Annexure submitted? /Vfor EC letter. 22 If ye~ate-0-f.s ubmissi~ EC granted vide MoEF Letter No. J- ' h' .) ........ -......., l,.,. 13011/18/93-IA-ll/dated 26/06/1996 for . o-\ -·--- •V .. ~· : / .._< .. · -........ ~ . , · Phase I of 250 MW and J- . ,'>( ,(1' \ , . ( I . • ( (J !I •\ -< '. Page 2 of 22 ...:: ; • ' . ,:: J. I °"'.," \1<!..\ Cw _ f \ :; ~ , *... ";I ·. ' ." 1,1.,, - ·C. f . ~ . - - . 13011/17/2000.IA-ll (T)/dated 10/11/2003 for Phase II of 250 MW 23 If no, reason Not applicable 24 Whether the proposal involves approval/ clearance under : if yes, details of the same and their status to be given: (a) The Forest (Conservation) Act, Yes. 4.48 ha Protected Forest Land 1980? (Social Forestry along SH-166). The Government of Gujarat vi de his Gazette Notification declares road side area to be into Protected Forest. Accordingly, FC under process. Joint inspection conducted. Query received from Dy. Conservator of Forests, reply to be submitted by GIPCL. (b) The Wildlife (Protection) Act, Not Applicable as mine is not within 10 km 1972? radius nor within ESZ of any wildlife sanctuary (c) The CRZ Notification, 1991? Not Applicable as mine is not near sea shore 25 Whether there is any Government Nil Order/ Policy relevant/ relating to the site? 26 Forest land involved (Hectares) 4.80 of Protected Forest land (4.80 ha social forestry along the existing SH 166) is present within ML Area. 27 Whether there is any litigation pending against the project and/or land in which the project is proposed to be set up? (a) Name of Court Hon'ble Supreme Court of India, Hon'ble High Court of Gujarat, District Court, Surat and Mangrol Court. (b) Case No. 1. SLP No. 33208/33212/2014 in the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India. 2. SLP No. 33722/2014 in the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India. 3. SCA No. 18353 of 2014 at Hon'ble High Court of Gujarat. 4. SCA No. 3826 of 2015 at Hon'ble High Court of Gujarat. 5. SCA No. 10369 of 2015 at Hon'ble High Court of Gujarat. ·~,,.~~ ;.'"-f -1 ·. "If ~.. ,- - -~ r 6. Divani Mu.No. 31/2014 at District :· 4~- ~'J G;• ,/ ~,'. / .'\.·>··· -~~. , , Court, Surat. ' ( '·)....) /. ' I .. ., "'i . .\ (''' ·, Page 3 of 22 :-::::" ( T......:if r.1 ;: · ~1. ~ ' . ~- D' t (• I . ~' I S ~ 3~ 4.. ... 0' .•.. •' • · "~;i> , ) 'I•-1 . .,, . .l . .... ~ "' -... .... .. ... -- 7. Divani Mu.No. 30/2014 at District Court, Surat. (c) Orders/ directions of the Court, Still Pending. Above cases are related to if any and its relevance with land. the proposed project (II) Activity 1. Construction, operation or decommissioning of the Project involving actions, which will cause physical changes in the locality (topography, land use, chanQes in water bodies, etc.) SI. Information/Checklist Yes Details there of (with approximate No. confirmation I No quantities /rates, wherever possible) with source of information data 1.1 Permanent or Yes The area in general is more or less flat with temporary change in some minor undulations. The mine is already land use, land cover or operational and has been planned for three topography including mine pits i.e. South Pit, Central Pit and North increase in intensity of Pit, the location of which can be seen in land use (with respect Annexure VIII. Presently, South Pit and to local land use plan) North Pit are under operation. The total mine lease area is 2059.68.29 Ha, out of which 284.53 ha is excavated area. At the end of life of mine, 1453.00 ha of land shall be excavated by opencast mining. Rest of the area will be partly used for ancillary activity of mining and ecological development of the area. The disturbed area will comprise of excavated land, dump area, infrastructure, roads, etc. Pre-mining land use was as follows: Particulars Area in Hectares Protected Forest* 4.80 Aaricultural land 1953.3426 Waste land 23.5393 Nala I River 00.5000 Road 10.1192 Gaucher/ Others 67.3818 Total 2059.6829 * 4.80 ha social forestry along the existing SH- 166 Present Land Use of ML area as on 01-04- 2017 is as follows and Present Working Plan is shown in Annexure V: •"')'" ~~ .. r- ... SI. Particulars Area in Ha / -.-::-~··- '· 1 Minina Pit 284.53 ·. .. 1-:~ .... ~ - 2 Dumos includina too soil dumo* 277.14 / ._."'-' / ' <•\ t :'J'J_I ' ' 3 Infrastructure !Site office Contractor's Camo. First 3.90 "'-l -' .. .. ~ . ~·Oat :::';I ·'°'I V ··.'. c!.~ Page 4 of 22 n- 01 ·-· ·. « - ~- ,~, _;~4 o. ,:..:'. ~ ·, .. - - ---:-(_. - ..4 '1,, / SI. Information/Checklist Yes Details there of (with approximate No. confirmation I No quantities /rates, wherever possible) with source of information data Aid Centre, Shelters, Pumping Station, Lignite Crusher, Lignite Stack, Weighbridge, Electric Substation) 4 Green Belt {common for all pits) 129.97 5 Service Road, Lignite Transport Road (Common for 9.92 all pits)** 6 Settlinq Pond 3.45 Total Disturbed Area (sum of 1 to 6) 708.91 7 Undisturbed area {out of 2059.6829 ha) 1350.7729 Total MU Project area 2059.6829 *Top soil dump area near North Pit is 20 Ha (part of OB dump) and near South pit is 10 Ha (Part of OB dump). ••out of 9.92 Ha, 3.00 Ha belongs to North pit and 6.92 Ha belongs to South pit. The geological plan and section can be seen in Annexure VI and Annexure VII, respectively. Proposed land use at end of life of mine (30 years) will be as follows: SI. Particulars Area in Hectares 1 Excavation 1453.00 2 Surface Dump 144.80 3 Top Soil Dump 30.00 4 Settling pond 10.00 5 Feeder Breaker, Site office, 3.90 Attendance office, Driver rest room, parking, substation, workshop and store, Lignite stack yard 6 Magazine 0 7 Lignite-OB transport road 9.92 8 Green belt along ML 7.5 m and 151 .82 around the dump 10m Sub Total Disturbed area 1803.44 including Green Belt 9 Undisturbed area I Indirectly 256.2429 affected area/ area for exploration Total ML area 2059.6829 1 The land use at the end of 30 h year (when the mine ends) is shown in a map in Annexure VIII. The post mine closure plan (33rd year) is also enclosed in Annexure IX.
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