Page 1 of 26 KENDAL TOWN COUNCIL Notice of Meeting MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Monday 23rd January 2017 at 7.30 p.m. in The Mayor’s Parlour, Kendal Town Hall Committee Membership (11 Members) Tom Clare (Chair) Austen Robinson (Vice Chair) Andy Blackman (Deputy Mayor) Stephen Coleman (Mayor) Clare Feeney-Johnson Lynne Oldham Jon Robinson John Veevers Jonathan Brook Geoff Cook Sylvia Emmott AGENDA 1. APOLOGIES 2. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Any member of the public who wishes to ask a question, make representations or present a deputation or petition at this meeting should apply to do so before the commencement of the meeting. Information on how to make the application is available on the Council’s Website - www/kendaltowncouncil.gov.uk/Statutory Information/General/ Guidance on Public Participation at Kendal Town Council Meetings or by contacting the Town Clerk on 01539 793490. 3. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST To receive declarations by Members and/or co-optees of interests in respect of items on this Agenda [In accordance with the revised Code of Conduct, Members are required to declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests (DPIs) or Other Registrable interests (ORIs) which have not already been declared in the Council’s Register of Interests. Members are reminded that it is a criminal offence not to declare a DPI, either in the Register or at the meeting. In the interests of clarity and transparency, Members may wish to declare any DPI which they have already declared in the Register, as well as any ORI.] 4. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING AND MATTERS ARISING (not otherwise on the agenda). Minutes of meeting held on 19th December 2016 (see attached) 5. URGENT ITEMS OF BUSINESS (CONTACT THE CHAIR PRIOR) 6. REPORT ON WORK PROGRAMME (see attached – to follow) 7. ANNUAL REPORT 2016 AND ANNUAL TOWN ASSEMBLY 8. KENDAL TOURIST INFORMATION CENTRE (see attached) 9. FLOODING DECEMBER 2015 – ISSUES RELATING TO RESPONSE TO THE FLOODING – CLLR A ROBINSON (see attached x2) 10. COMMUNITY EMERGENCY PLAN – ARRANGEMENTS FOR MANAGEMENT 11. CUMBRIA TOURISM COMMUNITY MEMBERSHIP 2016/17 (see attached x2) 12. ITEMS FOR THE NEWSLETTER Page 2 of 26 KENDAL TOWN COUNCIL 13. REVIEW OF SPEND AGAINST BUDGET 2016/17 (see attached) 14. EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC To consider whether members of the press and public should be excluded from the next item, which contains exempt information as described in Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 Part II (Excluded Items) In accordance with Section 100(B)(2) of the Local Government Act 1972, the following report is excluded from inspection by members of the press and public as it contains exempt information as described in Schedule 12A of the Act, as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) Order 2006, as follows: - Information relating to any individual [Paragraph 1] 15. PART II STAFFING • Council manpower and associated risks (Ref November meeting Minute 657/16/17) 16. READMISSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC 17. ANY OTHER BUSINESS Liz Richardson Town Clerk By e-mail/post to: Members of the Committee All other Councillors (agenda only, for information) Please note that only Committee Members will receive the minutes and attachments, but that other Councillors may request a copy of any agenda papers. Any Councillor who is not a Committee Member may still attend the meeting, as an observer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Members of the Press and Public are welcome to attend the meeting. Page 3 of 26 KENDAL TOWN COUNCIL Management Committee Monday 19th December 2016 at 7.00 pm in The Mayor’s Parlour, Town Hall, Kendal PRESENT Councillors Tom Clare (Chair), Andy Blackman, Stephen Coleman, Clare Feeney-Johnson, Lynne Oldham, Jon Robinson, Jonathan Brook and Geoff Cook. APOLOGIES Councillors Austen Robinson (Vice Chair), John Veevers and Sylvia Emmott. OFFICERS Liz Richardson (Town Clerk), Rose Tideswell (Temporary Council Secretary) 704/16/17 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION None. 705/16/17 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST None. 706/16/17 MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 28th NOVEMBER 2016 The Chairman presented the minutes of the meeting held on 28th November 2016, which had not yet been approved by full Council. The minutes were accepted as a correct record. RESOLVED That the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 28th November 2016 be accepted as a correct record. 707/16/17 MATTERS ARISING (Not on Agenda) None. URGENT ITEMS OF BUSINESS 708/16/17 Repairs to the front facade of KTC rented garage on Dowker Lane. The Town Clerk asked for approval to pay for urgent repairs to the wood panelling frontage of the rented garage on Dowker Lane. The lower sections were rotten and could present a security issue. It had been checked that the Council were responsible for the repairs needed. Councillor Coleman proposed approval to spend up to £500 for repairs. This was seconded by Councillor Feeney-Johnson and carried unanimously. RESOLVED That the Town Clerk be authorised to proceed with the repairs to the KTC garage on Dowker Lane up to an amount of £500. 1 Page 4 of 26 19.12.2016 Management Committee 709/16/17 Kendal Food Festival. The Town Clerk reported that the Kendal Food Festival may not go ahead due to a shortfall in funding. Councillor Feeney-Johnson advised members that the organisers of the festival have been talking to the Wool Gathering festival committee to perhaps combine with them to run a local food festival in 2017. Councillor Blackman was saddened by the situation and wanted to thank them for their contribution to Kendal. He would encourage the Kendal Food Festival committee to make plans for 2018. He proposed that emergency funding not be given for 2017 but that KTC is supportive of a Food Festival in 2018. An application for funding should be completed for submission to the Christmas Lights and Festivals Committee. This was seconded by Councillor Feeney- Johnson and carried unanimously. RESOLVED The Town Clerk writes to the Kendal Food Festival committee thanking them for their contribution to Kendal and advising them to complete a submission for a grant in 2018. 710/16/17 ACTION PLAN FOR KENDAL PROGRESS UPDATE As Councillor Emmott was unable to be present, the Town Clerk updated on the lighting element of the scheme. Councillor Brook suggested that some written information on the progress should have been available as it was an agenda item. It was proposed that the Town Clerk asks Councillor Emmott to email a briefing note with details of the scheme and the timetable to members. Councillor Feeney-Johnson reported that two traders from Market Place had approached her about the lack of information on the public consultation for Market Place. It was agreed that this lay with SLDC and the Town Clerk would pass this on to them and Councillor Emmott. It was suggested that a letter should be issued to Market Place traders to keep them abreast of progress. RESOLVED That Councillor Emmott provides members with a briefing note. 711/16/17 REPORT ON WORK PROGRAMME The Town Clerk presented her report on project progress for December 2016. Councillor Cook enquired if the KTC chairs and desks had been sold. The Town Clerk confirmed that they were still in storage until the new lease had been agreed with SLDC for the Council Chamber. The Town Clerk commented that there were still issues with the projector for the external Christmas Town Hall light display. Councillor J Robinson asked if the mapping project for allotments 2 Page 5 of 26 19.12.2016 Management Committee was progressing and the Town Clerk confirmed that it was moving ahead. The Town Clerk advised members that phase 2 of the Kendal Castle Project work was possibly to be brought forward as CCC had identified some potential underspend. RESOLVED That the report be noted. 712/16/17 COMMUNITY EMERGENCY PLAN – ARRANGEMENTS FOR MANAGEMENT Councillor J Robinson advised the meeting that the community emergency plan was still a work in progress, with Councillor Clare stating that arrangements for the Kendal emergency plan would be based on the Keswick model. The plan would address not just flooding but any emergency such as motorway accidents and train incidents like the Grayrigg derailment. The Emergency Plan group would be managing the warning and informing stages and co- ordinating other groups. Councillor J Robinson proposed that KTC act as the accountable body and this was seconded by Councillor Cook. Councillor Feeney-Johnson proposed an amendment that KTC would only do this provided there was a proper constitution. This was seconded by Councillor Backman and carried unanimously. RECOMMENDATION That KTC will be the accountable body for the Community Emergency Plan group when it is formally constituted. 713/16/17 NHS – INTEGRATED CARE AND KENTMERE WARD UPDATES The Town Clerk advised that she has asked for a presentation on Integrated Care Communities (ICC) from Dr. Russell the Kendal ICC lead GP and Mr. Conefrey an officer from CCC to Council in February. Councillor Feeney-Johnson asked that KTC engage with this work as the requirements of Kendal communities needs to be discussed and identified. The Town Clerk advised members that the Kentmere Ward would be remaining open following the news that the NHS Cumbria Clinical Commissioning Group public consultation had been delayed until after April 2017. Councillor Clare stated that this is also something KTC will want to be engaged in and they will continue to watch the progress. RESOLVED That the Town Clerk endeavours to get Dr. Russell and Mr Conefrey to make a presentation on Integrated Care to Council in February. 3 Page 6 of 26 19.12.2016 Management Committee 714/16/17 KENDAL TOURIST INFORMATION CENTRE – CORRESPONDENCE FROM MR SWINDLE The Town Clerk advised members that she had received an email from Mr.
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