t flails VOL.9 NELSON a C. WEDNESDAY MORNING. JUNE I, m<\ NO. 36 FIRST ARRESTS GOAT PROPOSITION SHEEPGREEK UNDER NEW ACT PICTURESQUE _ IS NOW MATURING 600D RESULT ^IS iPROCLAIME D REGULATIONS Heavy Penalty Provided for Undesir­ Ranchers Desiring to Take Animals United South Africa Proclaimed Where able Immigrants Who Enter Can* Are Requested to Make Deposit- Treaty of Peace Was Signed Dr. Wlllson and J. G. Dev­ ada Without Permission. Roosevelt Springs Sensa­ Pedigrees Certified. Juvenile Courts Work Well Eight Years Ago. Conference (Special to The Dally News.) While not much has been heard lately PRETORIA, May 31—The royal lin Sell Clyde-Belt VANCOUVER, May 31—Persons once tion at Guildhall of the suggested Importation of purebred in Winnipeg nadian Ryles milch goats from England, effective work proclamation constituting tbe legisla­ rejected by an immigration officer and has been going on behind the scene a, and tive union of the British colonies of who later enter Canada without offi­ the stage has at last been reached' where Oape Colony, Orange Free State, Natal cial permission, are subject to arrest the ante Is required. Henry Hincks, the well known Howser rancher, who Imported and the Transvaal was read here where and on conviction, to two years' im­ some pedigreed goats for his own ranch just eight years ago today the leaders Price is Hundred Thous­ prisonment, and -to be deported at the Says Great Britain Has last year, and' who made arrangements, Crime Due to Improper Kind of Immigrants Want­ expiration of that term. For the alleged when ln England in the winter, for the of the Boers signed the British terms collection of the goats for the present Im­ of peace, which brought to an end the and Dollars violation of this clause In the new trred Toward Egypt portation, by thfe secretary of the British Surroundings ed by Colonies Canadian Immigration act, whioh came Goat society, is now in Nelson, and since war in South Africa. The occasion Into force May 4th, Minnie Raskins conferring with W. R. Haldane, general was made a holiday and celebrations freight agent of the C'.P.It., has prepared were general. Following the reading and Rose Parks, alias Mrs, Ewing of a circular, which will be mailed today to Seattle, are here under arrest after a all those who" have corresponded with him of the proclamation, Viscount Gladstone Golden Fawn Bonded for lively chase from Seattle to Prince Now Menace to Empire and signified a desire to take one or more was sworn in as governor general of The Imperial Government Rupert and back to Vancouver. The goats. Only Five Per Cent Are the union and General Louis Botha, One of the points that need cause no the premier, and tbe other members of Sixty Thousand magistrate today granted a remand to one any loss of sleep ts that of billy goats, enable the prosecution to secure neces­ and Civilization and there will be no need for individual Backsliders the new ministry took the oath of Lodges Formal Protest sary witnesses. ranchers considering making an invest­ office. ment In this direction. One or two billies New Cabinet. On May 26th the women attempted in the entire shipment Will serve the purpose, for It is estimated1 that about The official announcement of Premier Fresh evidence that the Sheep creek to board tbe steamer at Seattle for LONDON, May 31—Quite unexpected­ three will be the requirement on the lake WINNIPEG, May 31—F. C. Wade, LONDON, May 31—At today's ses- gold camp is beginning to attract the Vancouver, hut were rejected by the ly Theodore Roosevelt today delivered for the next year or two, and there Is K,C. of Vancouver, left for tbe east Botha's cabinet follows: Prime minister sion of the emigration conference con­ attention of large operators on the out- Canadian immigration Inspector there. what is considered by Englishmen a already one very fine animal here. The and minister of agriculture, Botha; in­ shipment, consequently, will practically last night en route to Europe. While vened under the auspices of the Royal aide is afforded by a deal concluded The next day they succeeded in cross­ severe arraignment of the nation in its ,ln Winnipeg he paid a good deal of at­ ternal affairs, defence and railways, Colonial Institute, Col. Lamb of the by which Robert H. Leach, managing all be of milch goats. Sauer; education, Malan; finance and ing the border by some other route and attitude toward Egypt, Something As stated more than once previously, tention to the workings of the juvenile Salvation army, said that the require­ director of the Britannia mine and the arriving in Vancouver took the steamer picturesque wa looked for from the mines, Hull; native affairs, Burton; 8 the care of a goat tn summer is pretty court and also secured the assistance lands and irrigation, Fisher; public ments of the colonies were well known. Crofton smelter at the coast, and those for Prince Rupert. But a telegram to former president, but in view of his nearly confined to tethering it with a steel They wanted people physically and mor­ associated with him in those enter­ chain In the morning, and-changing the of the Canadian club in forwarding the works, posts and telegraphs, Graaff; Dr. Reddle the feleral officer at that utterances In Egypt in which he gave tether once during the day, putting the project of 'building a Canadian monu­ ally without blemiBh. Those who did prises secure possession of the Clyde- point, prevented them from landing, animal in the shelter at night. It browses trade and commerce, Moore; justice, praise in full measure to the British ment to mark the grave of Gen. Wolfe Hertzog; minister without portfolio not drink, did not tell lies, nor Intend Belt group from Dr. W. H. Willson and their arrest following on their return government for the development that on the grass and willow brush. J. G. Devlin, the consideration, it Is un­ Mr. Haldane's circular is as follows: at Greenwich. The executive of the Gubblnes. to tell lies, did not covet their neigh­ here. These are the first arrests un­ followed British rule, it was not anti­ Canadian club has recommended a con­ bor's land, and who had some agricul­ derstood, being In the neighborhood of der the new act. Text of Circular. Premier's Message, $100,000. The new owners will at cipated that he would revert again to "From replies I have received to pre­ tribution of $500 for the purpose. tural knowledge and capital. He did once undertake a vigorous policy of Act is Wide. that suhject,'especially for the purpose vious communications, there could be dis­ Wade Pleased General Botha has sent the following not blame the colonies when he remem­ The present act, officers say, is a of taking England to task. posed of tn this country some 30 to 40 Natal Day message to the Cape Times; bered that this country was fool enough development and for this purpose L. H. goats, It may not be possible to assemble Mr. Wade was particularly pleased VanWyck of New York, engineer for great advance on the old legislation. England Haa Erred quite as many as this for fairly prompt "We rejoice that the union has become to part with everything after they had with the juvenile court and detention an accomplished fact. May we bo a the purchasers, will leave Nelson for Its chief feature being the two years' But with a frankness that caused a shipment. building. The latter Is a plain home­ fought for these victories at tremendous Sheep creek tomorrow morning with a penalty and then deportation In all "Some considerable expense Is Involved, united people with hearts united as well cost of blood and treasure without keep­ cases In which undesirables secretly stir among those who had gathered in not only for the purchase of the goats in like structure surrounded by other resi­ as lands, a peaceful, progressive por­ gang of men to commence work. This the ancient Guildhall to witness the England, but for assembling, feeding, In­ dences. It has been found quite unob­ ing any tag on them. He did not blame deal, coming as it does, so soon after enter Canadian territory after having surance and transportation charges. The tion of the Empire." the colonies IE they took advantage of been refused admission. The definition ceremony of conferring upon him the price at Nelson will be the first cost of jectionable in every respect and no the bonding of the Echo-Sunrise group freedom of the city of London, Mr. the goat, plus all charges to Nelson, plus neighbor would think of protesting Duke Will Open Parliament, fools as all the world did, but he would in the Bayonne camp from William of undesirables is extremely broad 10 per cent for Mr. Hlncks for the labor, like to see the uearned Increment value Including even ones who come in the Roosevelt declared that while England trouble and cost of getting the goats. against it. On the contrary everyone The Duke of Connaught will open Maher hy Vancouver parties, shows had given Egypt the (best government In is so enthusiastic over the working of the Union parliament. A Johannesburg of land eet aside for immigration pur­ that what has all along been known by assisted Immigrant class while any "Each goat wH 1 be accompanied by n poses. ,_ \ Canadian port or ports can be com­ two thousand years( yet recent events certlllcate of pedigree from the British the juvenile court here that there ls dispatch states that great preparations iat those familiar with it to be one of the Goat society, , Defends Regulations greatest gold bearing sections to be pletely closed to any race of people following the assassination of Premier every disposition to help it rather than are being made to celebrate Union day.
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