CENSUS OF INDIA, 1951 RAJASTHAN AND AJMER VOLUME X DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK PART II PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT BHIL'VARA By R. N. Hawa, I. A". S., Suptri"t",tltnt '.! Cmsus Optr,t;g1ts. 1SB. FOREWORD This booklet is a part of the District Censns Ha.ndbook of this District and has been bound separately for the nse of those who are specia.lIy interested in the population of villages (and towns in the district) and do not atta.ch much importance to other statistical deta.ils. JAIPUR, Dated the, 10th December, 1956. CONTENTS P.6.fjES S No. PABl'IqvLUi 1. Explanatory Note ... ... 0) 2. Definition & Ke, to S,mbola (ii-iii ) 3. Part I-Urban (i) District Urban Non-City ... 2- 5 4. Part II-Rural 9 (i) Tehsil Badnor ••• ••• B- 10- 17 (ii) Tehsil Asind ••• ••• (iii) Tehail Burda" ... ... IS- 2~ 24- 35 (iv) Tehsil Jahazpur ./ ••• ... 36- 39 (v) Tehsil Sbahpura • ••• ... (Yi) Tehsil Phulia ... ... 40- 43 (vii) Tehsil Arwar ... ... 44- 47 48- 53 (1'iii) Tehsil Banem ••• ... (ix) Tehsil MandaI ... ... ... 54- 59 (x) Tehsil Bhilwara . ... ... 60- 69 (:Ii) Tehsil Sahadan ... ••• '70- '75 76- 81 (:Iii) Tehsil Baipnr ••• ••• ... 82- 87 (xiii) Tehsil Rareda ••• ••• ... (xiv) Tehsil Mandalgarh· •.• ... ... 88-105 (xv) Tehsil Kotri , ... 106-113 5. List of Un-populated Villages ... ••• 114 115-121 6. Lid of Bamlets ... • •• ... PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT EXPLANATORY NOTE These abstracts show figures of population accordmg to eight livehhoon clfltsses for every town and each of its ward and each village. They also show tf)e arefl of each village or town and, for each villa.ge or iownward, the Dumber of occupied houses, house-holds and literates, males and females separately. These abstracts are in essence a village directory, with the data exhibited according to livelihood claAses, .instead of communities as in 1941. Theee abstracts have been prepared in two parts: Part I~for towns in which all towns of the district are shown together arranged alphabetically, a.nd Pad II for villages in which the villages have been arra.nged a.lphabetica.lly for each tehsil and tehsils are arranged by locatIOn code numbers in each district. The information regarding the displaced persons, has been given as Head Note on each abstrac~, for the whole tehsil in th~ Rural and for the whole djstrict in Urban abstracts. 2. In column No.2 the code number .of each village' only is given, that of tlllhsil and dis­ trict has been given in the Head Note. The area figurea given in Col. No.3 have been obtained from the ( Charge Superintendents) Tehsildars etc. 3. The figures in Cols. Nos. 6, 7, 27 and 28 hilve been obtained fcom the abstracts of the Nl\tion~1 Registers of Citizens prepared by the Enumet'atorR. 'J.1hese registers consist of a trans­ cription of the replies to the more important census qUBs,ions in respeet of every person enu­ merated. Figures of lite.catp.s according to the Trn.cts, derived from the Cdnsus slips shown in Table D. VII are generally more reliable than the village figures obtained from National Regis. tars of Citizens. rrbe census slIp, on which the replies to the census questions were recorded, was the m':l.ln document; the National Registers of Citizens wa.s merely a copy. MorP.Ovtlr errors seem to b.we been com nit'ed by thtl en Ilmerators while preparing the abstracts of National Registers of Oitizens. 4. U n-popula.ted VillagAs and Hamlets have not been given a .pla.ce in the_ ~bstracts, their lists are given at the end. 5. Repea.ted attempts were made to verify the names of villages through the local officers and corrections sugges.ed have been embodied 80 far as it was practicable. At the time of this verification certa.in other discrepancies also came to notice namely, U) confusion in th(~ treat­ ment of hamlets was observed in some ca.ses, (2) certa.in vilhges belonging to one tehsil were entered in another one, anu vice versa, (3) the population figures of villa.ges having similar or oommon names were wrongly entered, (4) in some cases figures of hamlets were found totalled with the village figures twice. This resulted in a. slight change in total figures. This explains the difference, if any, between the totals of the Primary Census Abstracts and those of tables prepared from it before such (ii) DEFINITIONS AND KEY TO SYMBOLS Tract:-In pa.st cenSURes the census figure'J were tabulated by administra.tive units i.e., districts, tehsils etc. This time in almost all tables the figures ha.ve been repusented by units' which have been technica.lly called "TRACTS". Tracts are of three kinds, (1) all villages of Q bub-division taken together form one rural tract; (2) all towns (which are not cities) of" district tf\ken together form an "urban non-city tract" and (3) every city is an " urban city tract" or in short" eity tract". A list of tracts comprised in each dl8trlc~ I has been given in th*, handbook of the district. Town:-A "Town" has been defined 8S every Municipality, every Cantonment or every village which had a popUlation of 5000, or over in 1941 or a.ny other village which was trea.ted as a town for special reasons by the State Oensus Superintendent. City:- A"City" is normally defined 8S a town with a population of one lac or over, but this definition has been relaxed in Rajasthan, and towns with a population of 50,000 or over have also been treated as citi8s, tp bri,ng ,the definition in uniformity with the one adopted in the Munici[)al Act. Village:-A "Village" means a Revenue Mauza whose revenue is realized under a separate name. It includes all hamlets attached to it. Hous~:-A "House" has bJen defined as every structure made of any material which is actually used as huma.n habita,ti'on or if not so used ia capable of bein_; so used, which has a. separate m!ltln entranes from the street, lane, by-bne, etc, It includes structures of all kinds such as relli,iential houses, temples, m6sgues, offices etc. The minimnm which was neeee.ary for gu_lif_} ing a structure to be classed as a house 'having atIeast two walls and a roof made of any ma.terial: Occupied IIultle:-"Occupied houses" were those whioh were ueed actually fOI the resi­ denee (If human beings. Ho ..sehold:-A "Household" has been defined to mean anci include all persona living in one a.nd the same house and dining M' a. common mess irrespective of their blood relationship e.g., servants residing with &h9ir ma'lters and taking meals in their kitcheng were treated as members of the mInter's households. On ~he contra.ry even nea.rest reJa.iil'es as husband or wife were treated a8 separate families if, for any reason they happened to live in separate buildings and dine at separate kitchens. Household Populaiion:-"Household Population" means persons Jiving in numbered houslOs as members of a commensal family including Guests and Serva.nts. H does not include (a) bouseless persons or (b) inmates of institutions like Jails, Hospitals, Hostels, Dak Bungalows, boarding Houses, Orphanage iii, Sarais, Dbarmashalas, Police lines, Military lines, Asylums etc. Displaced person:-"A Displaced person" was defined "as a persoll ~ho migrated from Western Pakistan after 1st Much, 1947, or from Eastern Pakistan after 15th October, 1946 due to communal disturbances or fear of disturba.nces or due to partition of India. and Pakistan. Childreu born to Bach persons after their migration to India were not to be trea.ted as displaced perrnus." Ward:-A "Ward" was defined as mnnicipa.l w:nd in case of Municipal Towns. In Non­ Municipal Towns wa.rds h:}ve been made arbitrarily by the Census Department. Meanl of Livelihood:-In former cenSHses it was customary to represent the basic popula­ tion data by community or religion. This time an innovation has been made Qnd in mosi of 'he tables the figu-res are published by means of livelihood groups. All occupations have· been class:fied under eight broad classes Qud given code numbers which are as follows:- I Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned and their dependa.nts; II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly unowned and thei. dependants; III Cultivating labourers and their dependanLs; (iii) IV Non-cultivating owners of l:md, agricultural reut receivers Bnd their dependants; V Production other than cultiva~ion; VI Commerce; VII Transport; VIII Miseel1aneous and other services N. B:-Jn l1wst of the Tables, the mil class number is only givell iWltuU}' oj the deserib1ing the clast. Codt: No.:-In the eD1nuP"~tion stag!" a set of locntion C0.16 Dumbers was prescribAd to identify each inhabited spot whereby the districts were numbered Seria.lly within the State. tehsHs within a district and cities, towns and villages within a tehsil. t:limllarly bouses were numbered withiu a village and hous9holds within each bouse. Hamlets were given sub-number under the number of parent village. Key to Symbols mil :Means of livelihood T Total R Rural U U£ban p Persons M Males F Females Letter "M" when used wIth 'he name of 8 eity indicates "Municipa.lity" letterS! "T. E." Town Board "N. A.," Notified A[ell~ PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT THE PRIMARY P~RT I BHILWARA 1. No. & Name of Distdct-22 BHILWARA 2. Name of Sub-Division-BHILWARA 3. No. of Tract-l0l (Urban Non·City ) 4. NO'. of Towns-7 ,------ I-Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned & their Name of Town Number of Total No.
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