See Music on See Tennis on page 21 page 29 VOLUME LI, ISSUE 2 OCTOBER 1, 2013 Welcome to Eat St. Giorgio Berbatiotis LIGHTS, CAMERA...BBQ!: 0LFKHOLQD'L3DVTXDOHZKRZRUNVDW'XUKDP&ROOHJHHQMR\VVRPHRI8UEDQ6PRNH·VIRRGZKLOHWDONLQJWR WKHFUHZRIWKH)RRG1HWZRUNV(DW6W See Eat St. on page 9 DC/UOIT withhold SA funds Bistro Giorgio Berbatiotis couple of issues.” Asked if these issues will and policies” that would require members 67 set The Chronicle ever be made public, Doyle said: “We have to take action at the next annual general to wait and see what happens in the com- meeting or AGM. This means it could be C and UOIT are refusing to hand ing weeks.” some time before the SA gets control of its over millions of dollars in collected Doyle did say that DC/UOIT are asking ¿QDQFHVEDFN to make Dstudent fees that would normally the SA to provide the completed audits of “The SA will submit bills to us to be paid be given to and distributed by the Student WKH¿QDQFHVIRUWKH\HDUDQGWR and we will make payments,” said Doyle. Association for the 2013-2014 academic provide a governance plan that “addresses So for now the SA will still operate as nor- historic year. good governance practices, policies and mal, but they will have to work out the un- An email sent to students on behalf of procedures, including equal representation VSHFL¿HG LVVXHV DQG FRQFHUQV '&82,7 DC/UOIT presidents Don Lovisa and Tim and voice for students of both schools.” leadership have with their governance and McTiernan referred to “a responsibility to He also said there has been a series of ¿QDQFHVEHIRUHWKH\ZLOOEHDOORZHGWRGLV- debut the students from whom the fees are col- meetings over the last several weeks be- perse funds themselves again. Reshanthy OHFWHG´ DQG ³VLJQL¿FDQW FKDOOHQJHV´ IDFHG tween the SA and the leadership teams at “We don’t have any set timeline. We Vijayarajah by the SA to explain why the action was the college and university to discuss these hope the SA addresses the issues we’ve The Chronicle taken. LVVXHVDQGWRUHTXHVWWKH¿QDQFLDODQGJRY- brought forward,” said Doyle. “We have ³*RYHUQDQFH DQG ¿QDQFLDO FRQFHUQV ernance documentations. to have the pieces in place that we’ve re- Get ready for smoked were raised,” said Tony Doyle, assistant to The SA had expressed to DC/UOIT lead- quested.” BLT, steaks, chicken DC president Don Lovisa. “At a meeting ership, over a series of meetings, that the “The institutions have concerns... which and freshly made sal- about a week before the [email] was issued requested documents “would be forthcom- we are currently addressing,” said SA pres- ads right in front of you. there was a discussion that there would be ing” according to Doyle. DC/UOIT have ident Peter Chinweuba. “The SA is, how- Bistro 67 will be opening steps taken.” not yet received those documents, so the ever, an autonomous organization and as its doors soon, the very This comes after a series of resignations decision to take this next step of withhold- such the institutions do not have the right ¿UVW JUHHQFHUWL¿HG WHDFK- and terminations that have plagued the SA ing funds was then agreed upon by both to withhold our fees.” He did not answer ing restaurant in Canada. in the last year, culminating in the dismiss- DC and UOIT. any other questions, instead pointing to A state-of-the- art res- al of former executive director Kelly Mor- “There are no immediate effects, and responses provided by Skvirsky via email. taurant located in the rison on Sept. 9. the SA will operate as usual,” said Dina Sk- “We are not issuing a press release since $20-million Centre For Doyle would not elaborate on what spe- virsky, the new interim executive director we are still in the process of clarifying Food at Durham College’s FL¿FDOO\DUHWKHFRQFHUQVEHLQJUDLVHGZLWK of the SA. “In the longer term, any service processes with the institutions. We want Whitby campus, the Bistro the SA, saying: “This is a process you have disruptions will impact students, as our to communicate complete and accurate will be in full cycle of food to go through, you have to investigate con- advocacy, services and events would be information to students,” said the email, production to both the col- cerns, and see what is out there, and from jeopardized.” Skvirsky expects the audit H[SODLQLQJ ZK\ WKHUH KDV EHHQ QR RI¿FLDO lege and the general public. there you can determine if further action is to be completed in October, but says that announcement from the SA regarding the See Bistro on page 2 needed... we’ve asked the SA to address a DC/UOIT wants to see “changes in bylaws matter. 2 The Chronicle October 1, 2013 Campus Boosting the focus on mental health 7KLVLVWKHÀUVWLQDWKUHHSDUW Organizations like The Jack VHULHVH[DPLQLQJWKHPHQWDO Project, which was founded KHDOWKRISRVWVHFRQGDU\VWX by Eric Windeler after his son GHQWV Jack committed suicide while attending Queen’s University Ryan Verrydt in 2010, are working to create 7KH&KURQLFOH awareness of mental illness and starting conversations about Brianne Wraight was, on the impacts it can have on the outside, a happy, success- young people. ful student. A valedictorian in While Windeler took one ap- public school, her good marks proach after the loss of his son, transitioned into high school everyone copes with loss dif- and she went on to study his- IHUHQWO\ 2Q KLV ¿UVW GD\ EDFN tory at Trent University. after the death of his daughter, On Mother’s Day in 2010, Wraight explained to the class shortly after completing her exactly what happened. “I’m ¿UVW\HDURIXQLYHUVLW\%ULDQQH glad I did because I consider unexpectedly committed sui- myself a safe guy, someone to cide. Like her grandmother and come to and someone to talk her father Paul, who teaches at 3KRWRVXSSOLHGE\3DXO:UDLJKW to,” he said. Durham College, she suffered :UDLJKW¶VRI¿FHKDVEHFRPH from depression. HAPPY TIMES: %ULDQQH:UDLJKW OHIW SRVHVZLWKKHUIDWKHU3DXODWKHUKLJK a safe zone, he welcomes stu- Their situation is not un- VFKRROJUDGXDWLRQFHUHPRQ\LQ2FWREHU6HYHQPRQWKVODWHU%ULDQQHZRXOG dents in who are struggling or common. FRPPLWVXLFLGHEHFDXVHRIGHSUHVVLRQ just need someone to talk to. A 2013 survey of almost He’s happy to listen, share his 35,000 post-secondary stu- story, and use his experiences dents from across Canada con- students. employ one permanently in Not everyone needs to see to help students. ducted by the American College “The students we are serving student residence to compli- a counsellor though. There “First and foremost I think Health Association showed just are in the category where most ment the one stationed in the are organizations, such as the kids just want someone to under 13,000 students felt so PHQWDO LOOQHVVHV ¿UVW EHFRPH Campus Recreation and Well- Kids Help Phone and Durham talk to. I’ve kind of taken it on depressed in the past 12 months diagnosed,” said Wendy Stan- ness Centre with the mental Mental Health Services, that to be a mentor, a guide, to help WKDWLWZDVGLI¿FXOWWRIXQFWLRQ yon, an associate professor at health nurse and master coun- provide free places for people young people through.” With worries over getting the UOIT who specializes in mental sellor. to talk. There are also organi- Despite the awareness men- best grades, managing debt and health. “People are certainly at “We often are the front line zations dedicated to speaking tal health gets today, a stigma competing for a job after grad- a transition in their life. They’re ¿UVW UHVSRQGHU´ VDLG +HDWKHU out and spreading knowledge persists. Wraight has lived uation, students are frequently young. They’ve got multiple Bickle, the outreach counsellor about mental illness. through three generations of stressed, anxious and worried. competing priorities. That’s posted in the CRWC. “A stu- “I think we’ve come to a mental illness and seen the These conditions, combined sometimes why someone might dent comes in not necessarily point to realize that mental changes in how society has with the fact people in the 15- succumb to an illness they’re in crisis but is starting to feel health impacts everything we viewed it. In his mother’s gen- 24 age group are more likely to predisposed to.” overwhelmed, not really sure do,” said Stanyon. “So if you’re eration mental illness was succumb to mental illnesses, Counselling services at DC where to go. We sit down with in the business of being alive nonexistent. In his generation are pushing post-secondary in- and UOIT has recognized this them and really start allowing and interacting with people, there were “pockets of sympa- stitutions to put a bigger focus need and hired a second out- them the space and time to peel mental health has to become thetic ears”. Today, he says, it’s on the mental health of their reach counsellor. They now apart some of those layers.” your business.” far better than what it was. Students to gain experience, skills at Bistro 67 Continued from Page 1 be able to understand both con- sible with local ingredients and food, different meats, and veg- ers like to eat, how to write a cepts of hospitality and culinary. hands-on experience in the in- etarian and vegan meals. menu,” said Hawey. The 70-seat, full-service, According to the co-ordinator dustry. Bistro 67 will have several Bistro 67 will have the latest teaching and learning restau- of the Culinary Programs Dave “We’ll have special nights different items of food on the in culinary technology with 40 rant will be operated and man- Hawey, this will be a way to where salads will be prepared menu with changes to the menu ovens, and a boardroom sur- aged by students from the Cu- showcase the students’ talent.
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