Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly TUESDAY, 14 OCTOBER 1975 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy Industrial Conciliation, &c., Bill [14 OCTOBER 1975] Ministerial Statements 1085 TUESDAY, 14 OCTOBER 1975 Mr. SPEAKER (Hon. J. E. H. Houghton, Redcliffe) read prayers and took the chair at 11 a.m. ASSENT TO BILLS Assent to the following Bil.ls reported by Mr. Speaker:­ Grammar Schools Bill; New Farm Library Validation Bill; Industrial Development Act Amend- ment Bill; Factories and Shops Act Amendment Bill; Brands Act Amendment Bill; Police Superannuation Acts Amend­ ment Bill; Diseases in Timber Bill; Queensland Marine Act Amendment Bill. PAPERS The following paper was laid on the table, and ordered to be printed:- Report of the Commissioner of Main Roads for the year 1974-75. The following papers were laid on the table:- Orders in Council under- River Improvement Trust Act 1940- 1971. Harbours Act 1955-1972. By-law under the Harbotu"s Act 1955-1972. Reports- Totalisator Administration Board of Queensland, for the year 1974-75. Audit inspector's report on the books and acounts of the Queensland Coal Board, for the period 3 August 1974 to 7 August 1975. MINISTERIAL STATEMfu"l"TS OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND FLAMMABILITY OF CIDLDREN'S NIGHTWEAR; CoMMON­ WEALTII-STATE RELATIONS Hon. F. A. CAMPBELL (Aspley-Mini­ ster for Industrial Development, Labour Relations and Consumer Affairs) (11.6 a.m.): I have taken this opportunity to inform the House of a very serious breach in rapport between the State and Federal Governments in two most important areas. One cannot conceive of anything more horrible than fatalities--factual and possible -caused through apparent unconcern. I refer to two areas specifically-apparel and construction. 1086 Ministerial Statements [14 OCTOBER 1975] Ministerial Statements The first deals with the fact that it has are employed. I mention, in passing, that taken two years to convince the Common­ my depaDtment has already trained three v,ealth that the degree of flammability of project safety officers for the Federal Dep­ imported children's nightwear should be artment of Housing and Construction. I marked similarly to that required of Aust­ express my deepest sympathy to relatives ralian manufacturers. I have never been of the person who lost his life at Amberley able to understand this, except that some and to the injured. At the same time, signatories to the now infamous "It's time" I do have the feeling that had the stringent Labor catchcry of December 1972 could requirements of the State Construction Safety be still massive importers of all types of Act been applied, it could well be that the apparel. tragedy might not have occurred. I do not The second has to do with construction­ know how long it will be before the Prime and, in this case, destruction-safety. I Minister puts into effect his promise of give two examples-construction of the co-operation in the field of occupational Woolloongabba Telephone Exchange and safety. In fact, it appears that he wants death and injury during the demolition of to take it over. a wartime building at Amberley R.A.A.F. In June I commented on the proposed base on Saturday. I stress the point first establishment of a national safety office that State authorities have no automatic concerning itself with three of my responsi­ right of entry to Commonwealth property, bilities-consumer affairs, standards and nor do they have any control over regula­ occupational safety. I stressed that the tions covering imports. Since construction initial allocation of $2,000,000 to set up such of the telephone exchange got under way, an office at the headquarters of the greatest there have been several "near misses" of all socialist pipe dreams-Albury-Wodonga because the Commonwealth refused to con­ -would be mere duplication at taxpayers' struct, all round, platforms to catch falling expense. I was at pains to point out that materials as required under the Queensland all States already had efficient and successful Construction Safety Act. As it became structures operating in those fields and that, more and more apparent that the Federal while I had no objection to and, indeed, Government had no intention of accepting welcomed small, expert, central authorities responsibility for the safety of workers or concentrating on collating and disseminating of complying with the State Act, the Premier information and conducting research, I could made representations to the Prime Minister see absolutely no need for huge bureaucracies in June, J 974. The Prime Minister, last superimposed purely in the name of socialism. October-12 months ago-advised that ,the I have heard nothing of substance on this Australian Government, and I quote, pipe dream, either. '·strongly supports State legislation related Then, in July, State Ministers for Labour to the safety of persons and property". discussed the allocation of industrial relations Nothing further at all has happened. functions between State and Commonwealth I mentioned before that it took two years Labour Departments. The agenda included to get any action as regards the labelling, papers on occupational safety on the national in degree of flammability, of imported scene-and I stress this-uniform safety children's nightwear. Indeed, instead of standards and safety, health and welfare co-operation, the Commonwealth is intent on under federal awards. Nothing has been duplication of services through its proposed heard from the Commonwealth on this, Australian Consumer Protection Authority. either. Now, I turn to safety in building demoli­ I have brought to the attention of this tion. Honourable members will acknowledge House the obvious dereliction of duty and that I cannot go into detail on the manner responsibility of the Federal Government in of demolition of the structure at Amberley the fields of children's and occupational R .A.A.F. base, which is Commonwealth safety because it deserves to be condemned. property. What I can say is that it is It affords me no great pleasure, I assure you, a requirement under State law that <the Mr. Speaker. Chief Safety Engineer of my Division of Occupational Safety be advised of intent ALLEGED REPORT ON DOWNGRADING OF to demolish. Unless he is assured that CERTAIN QuEENSLAND PoRTS demolition shall be done by experienced Hon. T. G. NEWBERY (Mirani-Minister people, my department may detail a project for Tourism and Marine Services) (11.12 safety off.cer to ensure that proper practices a.m.): I refer to a statement made by the Ministerial Statements [14 OCTOBER 1975) Questions Upon Notice 1087 honourable member for Mackay in this House reports suggesting downgrading of any of our on 9 October, which received a good deal ports prepared for or considered by my of unwarranted Press coverage throughout Government. the State, to the effect that the Government is considering a secret report which is QUESTIONS UPON NOTICE designed to downgrade certain ports in 1. MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS RESEARCH Queensland. Mr. Burns, pursuant to notice, asked the I do not know of any occasion where the Minister for Health- Government has considered downgrading any ( 1) Has he seen the report of two of the ports of our State. In the past three Brisbane medical researchers, Dr. W. years trade through our ports has risen from Layton, Chairman of the State Committee 42,000,000 tonnes to 53,000,000 tonnes and of the Australian Neurological Foundation, in that time of rapid trading growth the and Dr. John Sutherland, a neurologist, Government has been too deeply concerned Royal Brisbane Hospital, in which they in upgrading our ports to have time to give state that they believe there could be a any thought to the downgrading fantasy sug­ link between the incidence of multiple gested by the honourable member for sclerosis and the intake of certain soil Mackay. trace elements? I am aware that during those three years (2) As their studies are reported to the Government has considered reports for show that, in areas such as the so-called upgrading the ports of Weipa, Thursday "Tingalpa formation" in Brisbane, multiple Island, Cairns, Townsville, Lucinda, sclerosis risks can be as high as in the Mourilyan, Hay Point, GJadstone, Bundaberg cool temperature countries, and as the and Brisbane and none have been rejected. newspaper report of this study has caused some concern to parents, will he clarify the Regarding the development projects at situation in relation to this research? Lucinda and Bundaberg, I would stress for the information of all honourable members Answers:­ that these are to be funded with sugar (1) Yes. industry money and that the projects were (2) The medical author of the paper has agreed to by growers and millers at their advised that the cause of multiple sclerosis respective conferences. is as yet unknown. It will probably be The fact that no money is to be spent at proved to be an infection with some con­ Mackay at this time clearly indicates that tributing factor. The link between the that port has already reached a very high disease and the intake of certain trace standard in sugar-storage facilities, which are elements at this stage is purely a considered to be among the best in the world. hypothesis. It is statistically unconfirmed and the Brisbane figures are far too small The honourable member for Mackay has on which to base any conclusion. For the obviously set out to gain notoriety by hypothesis to be correct it would be neces­ advancing a suggestion that has no basis in sary for the trace elements to be taken fact. I find this regrettable because of the in either by eating vegetables grown in deep concern it has caused to responsible particular soils or through the water supply.
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